SOCIAL CONTRACTING: Getting down to business: Contract Lifecycle Management Basics
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Getting down to business: Contract Lifecycle Management Basics Written by Marina Khan
Many prospects call me before they fully understand what contract lifecycle management (CLM) is or what it can do for their company. What they do know is that they need "something" to manage their current contracting processes. As a BDR (business development representative), my role is to help them understand what our contract management solution can do, what sort of pain points the software can minimize, and provide a basic understanding of the solution features. I answer a lot of specific questions and usually will describe the nine stages of CLM. However, for those who are in an early research phase and have not identified their business requirements or fully understand the optimal benefits of CLM, I like to introduce them to my favorite "go to" resource: The Ultimate Contract Management Starter Kit. The CLM starter kit is an easy download from our website (, and a great tool for those who have just started their CLM due diligence process, and are looking to submit an RFP or pitch a business case for CLM to their stakeholders. The kit delivers a comprehensive overview of CLM, including analysis from Forrester Research experts.
SOCIAL CONTRACTING: Getting down to business: Contract Lifecycle Management Basics
Page 2 Our CLM starter kit includes:
What Is Contract Management Software: A Beginner’s Guide
10 Common Pitfalls of CLM Implementation
Cloud Contract Myths
Selectica Contract Management Datasheet
This easy read gives our prospects the tools they need to evaluate CLM solutions and is a key stepping-stone in their CLM due diligence process. Not only does the kit highlight Selectica’s SmartContracts® features, but it also provides insight into how effective contract management paves the way to great visibility, profitability, and ensuring operational and regulatory compliance. Once the basics are covered, it’s time to dig in deeper to define pain points and requirements ranging from simple out-of-the-box software to custom enterprise CLM solutions. To learn more about Selectica SmartContracts, please download our Ultimate Contract Management Starter Kit today! *You can also learn more about Enterprise Contract Lifecycle Management (ECLM) as instruments of opportunity from Selectica CEO Patrick Stakenas and Gartner Research Analyst Nigel Montgomery by viewing their discussion.