2018 Winter Selections

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winter 2018 Genetics for Modern Dairies 7 Recent Changes to the Total Performance Index®


DCRC Winners


s elections Our Passion. YOUR SUCCESS



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N Calf #5 born

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Levi Gassaway (pictured left), Cow Palace, Granger, Wash., incorporated StrataGEN into his breeding program. Turn to page 6 to read more.

Cow #1 bred


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Calf #2 bred

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Calf #3 bred

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Calf #4 born


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Calf #4 bred



n December, 7HO11314 Mountfield SSI Dcy MOGUL-ET (EX-93-GM) exceeded 1 million units in sales at just seven years of age. This milestone marks the tenth sire in Select Sires’ history to reach this accomplishment following 7HO9222 SHOT, 7HO8081 PLANET, 7HO8165 MILLION, 7HO7466 MOSCOW, 7HO6417 O MAN, 7HO5708 BLITZ, 7HO4213 INTEGRITY, 7HO3707 MATHIE* CV and 7HO1236 MANDINGO. Bred by Mountfield Farms, Roger and Phil Marshfield, Marcellus, N.Y., MOGUL was purchased by Select Sires Inc., as an embryo and went through the Aggressive Reproductive Technologies TM (ART TM) program. (Continues on Page 9)



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Auditing Tools Can Help You Prepare for the Next Economic Storm by David C. Thorbahn, president and C.E.O. It appears there are storm clouds of lower milk price projections looming on the horizon. Preparation is a critical component to navigating these tough, turbulent conditions. Two tools that can provide immediate assistance to safeguard your business include reproductive and genetic audits. These audits identify opportunities to optimize your herd’s operational performance while maintaining long-term profitability. Coupled with Select Sires’ elite genetic offerings,


reproductive and genetic audits will ensure long-term profitability for your business. Recent reports from the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) show that Select Sires’ lineups offer the highest average Sire Conception Rate

(SCR) and nearly half of the industry’s most elite proven and genomic sires. Reproductive Audits Select Sires has the largest and most highly trained sales force in the industry. Our Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®) specialists can analyze reports from your dairy and prepare a comprehensive reproductive audit. These audits provide points to improve whole-herd pregnancy rates and monitor and manage appropriate numbers of replacements. Cash flow is strongly tied to whole-herd pregnancy rates. Regularly monitoring reproductive rates is an effective means of herd

management that can improve cash flow for the next 10 to 24 months and beyond. Improved pregnancy rates provide an opportunity for you to use high value semen and/or sexed semen on your herd’s highest genetic merit animals. Once your heifer replacements’ target is achieved, many dairymen choose to breed their lower genetic merit females to high-quality beef bulls. This precision breeding strategy maximizes the economic value of excess calves. During difficult economic times, many business managers move to lower cost of inputs. A genetic audit will prove that semen (Continues on page 11)

Forgotten Cows by Julie Ainsworth, coordinator dairy records analysis PAS, NorthStar Cooperative

Chart A

Chart B

You know you have them, you just don’t always know who they are. Cows that never get sick, produce well and breed right back. They may not set the world on fire in any one particular area, but they are overall profitable cows. In contrast are the cows we really remember: the high producers, with chronically high SCC, routine mastitis, sore feet and/or trouble calving. As herd size grows and labor is increasingly difficult to find, it’s critical that we identify who our “forgotten cows” are and devise a plan to make more of them. So the question is: Can we breed for those types of cows, and can we quantify it? The answer is YES! There are many different ways we can now measure genetic impact for health, production and fertility by combining your dairy herd management data (PCDART, DairyCOMP) or genomic test results with a program developed by Select Sires. Let’s look at ways genetics impact herd health and your bottom line. Productive Life (PL) Productive Life (PL) is the measurement of the number of months a cow is expected to stay in the milking herd. The higher the number, the longer the productive life. Using DairyCOMP 305 data and the sire pedigree, Chart A


shows a lot of differences in the life of the animal in the herd, as well as health events. Let’s break it down. The high PL cows stay in the herd on average 3.7 more months than the low PL group. As illustrated in chart A, that means more milk produced and shipped. But, take a look at the difference in health events by group and consider the costs. Considering the average costs of these incidences per lactation: mastitis/$75 and metritis/$125, as well as other health incidences: DA/$178, ketosis/$28 and retained placenta/$68. The opportunity to select genetics that minimize these costs can definitely impact the bottom line. There are significantly more instances of mastitis, metritis and abortions in the low PL group. Somatic Cell Score (SCS) In an extremely well-run dairy where somatic cell count is not an issue, would SCS make a difference? Remember SCS is an indicator of mastitis in a bull’s daughters based on the direct measure of somatic cells in milk samples. The lower the number, the less indication of mastitis or infection. Chart B uses genomic data. With a similar number of cows in each group, it’s easy to see that the lowest quartile for SCS has significantly fewer cases of mastitis and a much lower average linear score. Considering what it costs to treat mastitis, paying attention to SCS can make a difference to your dairy.

Chart C

Livability (LIV) Livability is a fairly new measurement and is best defined as an evaluation of the percent of a bull’s daughters that remain alive in the milking herd until they are culled. Higher values indicates longer livabilities. Using farm data, we can see genetic influence at work. Chart C shows the difference of 2.7 months between the low and high LIV groups. Comparing similar group sizes, you can also see that 15 more animals died in the low LIV group compared to the high LIV group. Longer-lasting cows mean more milk to ship and an improved bottom line. Daughter Still Birth (DSB) Are you having any issues with calves being born alive, especially in first-lactation heifers? Daughter Still Birth measures the ability of a bull’s daughter to deliver a live calf. Expressed as a percent of stillborn calves, the lower the value, the reduced risk of stillborn calves. Using sire pedigree index and first lactation data only, chart D shows a 10 percent improvement

in live calves from the cows in the first quartile. Even at a low estimated value of $150-$200 for a live calf, the difference to the bottom line adds up, as does keeping the pipeline full of replacements for the future. Pedigree Index Milk Production Although herds can almost always measure milk production on individual cows it is more difficult to quantify by sire pedigree. Using data from PCDART, graph E breaks cows into four quartiles based on different sire PTA Milk (PTAM) levels. The bottom quartile represents cows sired by bulls that were less than 120.25 PTAM, while the top quartile represents cows sired by bulls that were greater than 760.75 PTAM. The bars show actual production for cows in that quartile. Graph E clearly shows the difference in production when PTAM is considered. In this example the difference between the top and bottom quartiles represents 1,500 plus more pounds of milk per cow on a mature equivalent basis. Milk production is an important selection tool,

so even when selecting “cleanup sires” don’t overlook the importance of PTAM and how it contributes to your bottom line. Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) Can you breed for fertility? Even though it is generally considered a lowly heritable trait, I have seen it make a difference many times in pregnancy rate. DPR indicates the pregnancy rate difference expected in lactating daughters of a bull, and a higher value is better. By using data from DairyCOMP (also available in PCDART), let’s take a look at the difference in Pregnancy Rate and Average Days Open when a herd is segmented into quartiles for DPR. As you can see from Chart F, the more positive the DPR Average of the group, the higher the Pregnancy Rate and the lower Days Open. There is a difference of 16 Days Open between the low DPR group and the high group. Applying information from research done by Victor Cabrera, the economic difference between the top and bottom pregnancy rates in this example would be $63 per cow per year. Cow Conception Rate (CCR) Cow Conception Rate evaluates a lactating daughter’s ability to conceive when bred. Expressed in conception rate percentage points, the higher the value, the better. I have seen CCR influence fertility on farms. Chart G uses sire pedigree information that can be obtained from DairyCOMP and shows the differences in Conception Rate, Services Per Conception and Average Days Open for the groups defined. Like DPR, this example shows that the group with the lowest CCR has the least desirable performance. The highest CCR

Chart D

quartile has the Lowest Services Per Conception and fewer Days Open. Not only is the cost of extra Days Open a consideration, but consider the need for additional semen and synchronization therapy with a lower Conception Rate. In this herd the 394 cows with 2.7 services per conception will require 197 more units of semen to get pregnant than if they were in the top quartile at 2.2 services per conception. When you use $20/unit semen, it adds up quickly, but the cost is even greater when factoring in labor and extra days open. Bottom Line An investment in better genetics can create more “forgotten cows” – cows that are pregnant, healthier, live longer and add dollars to your bottom line. Your Select Sires team can show you how genetics are working in your herd, and can help design a plan to create trouble-free, profitable cows for the future. If you have questions or would like to see this information for your herd, please talk to your Select Sires representative. Remember, it’s important not to skimp on genetics. Invest in the best, your herd’s future depends on it. 

Chart F

Chart G

Graph E


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Calf #5 born

Calf #2 born

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Calf #2 bred

Calf #4 born

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Calf #3 bred



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they do best, finding eligible cows and making pregnancies.” Kevin Bousquet, the director of training for World Wide Sires, oversees the breeding team at Cow Palace and also likes the simplicity of StrataGEN. Bousquet commented, “StrataGEN allows us to protect for inbreeding while improving efficiency.” Gassaway utilizes only the extensive Select Sires Holstein lineup to choose high-ranking genomic sires for his genetic improvement program. He believes that, “StrataGEN can be a valuable tool for any dairy’s genetic-improvement strategy and, when properly used, is capable of inbreeding protection and substantial genetic gains, simultaneously.” These comments are confirmed through the Dairy Comp 305 data for Cow Palace as the genetic levels at Cow Palace have seen a significant improvement each year in TPI® and NM$. This is as a result of Gassaway’s aggressive genetic planning with sires of heifers born in 2017 averaging +2567 TPI and +756 NM$. Gassaway endeavors to create long-living, healthy and fertile cows specifically suited for an intensive commercial environment. Gassaway’s current sire selection includes an emphasis on Fat and Protein percent, Productive Life, Daughter Pregnancy Rate and functional type, with an eye to maintaining moderate stature. In 2016, to further improve



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The above graph illustrates NM$ genetic gains in the Cow Palace herd.

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cattle experience, along with a bachelor’s degree in genetics from UC Davis and master’s degree with a thesis focused on applied genomics from Cal Poly, Gassaway brought an intense genetic focus to the dairy. Within months of starting his new role, Gassaway recognized the need for simplicity as well as inbreeding protection when developing and employing an aggressive genetic improvement program for a large dairy operation. After consulting with Jeff Ziegler, the genomic program manager for Select Sires at the time, Gassaway incorporated StrataGEN into his breeding plan. The simplicity of the StrataGEN program was immediately apparent to Gassaway and the breeding specialists at Cow Palace. Gassaway commented, “StrataGEN provided our reproduction teams with the opportunity to focus on what

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Select Sires has solutions to help dairy owners manage inbreeding. Select Mating Service® (SMS®) provides a system for individual matings designed to maximize genetic improvement and manage inbreeding levels and is the most relied upon mating system in the world. In 2010, to compliment SMS, Select Sires introduced StrataGEN®. StrataGEN offers dairy operations a simple solution to inbreeding management as well as accelerating genetic progress without the need to follow individual matings. Currently, there are many progressive dairy operations in the U.S. and Canada that are utilizing StrataGEN. Cow Palace LLC, located in Granger, Wash., milks 7,000 cows three times daily. In 2011, Levi Gassaway became the operations manager and director of genetic programs for Cow Palace. Armed with years of practical



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Inbreeding levels for Holstein cows in the U.S. have risen at an alarming rate in the last ten years. Based on current estimates from the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding, the inbreeding level for calves born in 2017 average 7.14 percent, which is an inbreeding level that can lead to a regression in production, health and reproduction.


CowPalace Makes Inbreeding and Genetic Gains with StrataGEN

effectiveness of the overall genetic improvement strategy, Cow Palace began investing in genomic testing through Zoetis’ CLARIFIDE® program. After evaluating several thousand individuals, Gassaway is impressed with the ability of StrataGEN to provide sire options that manage inbreeding as well as improve genetic quality. “Since we began genomic testing, we have seen a steady increase in genetic potential and a near flat-line of inbreeding percent. As a commercial dairy, we are producing heifers at over +800 NM$, and maintaining a median genomic inbreeding level of under 5.5 percent.” The StrataGEN program consists of four color-coded lines of sires, which, based on genomic insights, are closely related to sires in their line but are very distant from sires in other lines. This allows dairies like Cow Palace to manage inbreeding by choosing to use sires from one line at a time and to simplify their breeding system by only using a few sires from each line at a time. Like most operations that utilize StrataGEN, Cow Palace changes line colors every 21 months to assure that offspring from a specific line are not bred back to sires within that line. 

Clear-Echo Kingboy 3319-ET — Genetics for Modern Dairies Clear-Echo Kingboy 3319-ET (VG-86-DOM) has made her mark at Select Sires, and at just three years of age, she is making her name known globally by producing genetics for modern-day dairy farms. 3319’s impressive pedigree is backed by several generations of Very Good or Excellent dams. It traces back to the Cookiecutter prefix and the notable Snow-N Denises Dellia (EX-95-2E-EX-MSGMD-DOM). A 7HO12198 KINGBOY out of an Excellent 90 7HO11351 Supersire, 3319 has an actual 365-day record of 26,590 pounds of milk with 4.7% Fat and 3.1% Protein tests. Located in Schuylerville, New York, Clear Echo Farm is owned by Kevin and Carrie Peck and has a long-standing relationship with Select Sires. The Pecks, along with Rick VerBeek, Holstein sire analyst with Select Sires, collaborated on the mating of 3319 with 7HO13250 JEDI semen, which produced 7HO13907 JARED. “Select Sires and Clear-Echo have worked closely together for many years and it is very gratifying that a breed-leading bull like JARED has resulted,” says VerBeek. Ranking in the top ten of the December 2017 Holstein Association USA’s Genomic Young Sire list, at +2887 GTPI®, JARED is the highest ranking JEDI son with semen available for purchase. Illustrating he is a no-holes bull, JARED’s traits are impressive at +1,739 Milk, +1,011 CM$, +4.9 Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), 5.7% Calving Ease (CE), +9.6 Productive Life (PL), and +6.8 Cow Conception Rate (CCR). JARED was used heavily as a sire of sons and has many pregnancies coming from numerous herds. “JARED has a complete pedigree and is backed by a deep cow

family that stands the test of time,” says VerBeek. Combining the strengths of 3319 with JEDI has resulted in JARED being one of JEDI’s most complete sons. “You can see the influence of 3319 and her cow family impacting JARED’s genetic qualities with his low SCE, outstanding Fertility Index and solid type pattern,” says VerBeek. Along with JARED, 3319 has two other high-ranking GTPI and NM$ sons, 14HO7887 MENTHOL, with +2776 GTPI and +909 NM$. “MENTHOL is a high Fat, high Milk, low calving difficulty bull and is expected to put on moderate frames and good udders with a +2.46 Udder Composite (UDC),” says VerBeek. “He is a wellbalanced and easy-to-use bull.” Accelerated Genetics introduced MENTHOL with great success last June. “MENTHOL delivers all the traits that a modern-day dairy producer is looking for. He combines solid production (+1,786. Milk and +94 Fat) with balanced wellness traits (+993 DWP$TM),” says Michael Gehin, dairy sire product and progeny specialist at Select Sires. “What really makes MENTHOL special is that he is over two points on Type (+2.46 PTAT) and under one point on stature. MENTHOL should sire daughters that all dairy producers love to manage; medium-sized cattle with really nice udders that stay healthy, while producing large milk records. When looking for a balanced bull that checks all the boxes, MENTHOL should be at the top of every dairy producer’s list.” A full brother to MENTHOL,

14HO7872 MODIFY is +2717 GTPI and +845 NM$. He transmits very low SCE at 5.6%, is A2A2 for breeders looking to increase the gene frequency of A2 beta Casein in their herds, and according to VerBeek, “provides a balance of production, type, and fitness that spells customer satisfaction.” With all of 3319’s sons below breed average for SCE, high DPR and exceptional udders and Type, it is clear she is making her mark in

the Holstein breed. A springboard to produce genetics for modern dairies, 3319 is improving the genetic success of dairy farms. 

CDCB/HA 12/17 Rel %: JARED Yield 76, DPR 71, CE 62, PL 72, CCR 70; MENTHOL NM 73, Type 75, Yield 76; MODIFY NM 73, CE 61.

Clear-Echo Kingboy 3319-ET (VG-86-DOM)

7HO13907 Clear-Echo Jed JARED 745-ET Highest ranking JEDI son with semen available to purchase.

14HO7887 Clear-Echo MENTHOL-ET Available through the Accelerated product line.


December 2017 Sire Summary Highlights With Select Sires and Accelerated Genetics combining forces, Select Sires clearly offers the most dominant lineup of dairy sires in the industry. Check out the highlights on the next two pages!

PROVEN HOLSTEIN LINEUP December delivered another terrific sire summary for Select Sires and we expanded our dominance in elite proven Holstein sires. Seven new Holstein graduates, sired by seven different sires were added to the new lineup. Some of the new graduate highlights: • Three of the new sires are over +2500 GTPI®, 14HO7426 EQUINOX (+2537), 250HO1131 SALT (+2518) and 7HO12236 BAYONET (+2516). • With a NM$ of +820, EQUINOX enters the lineup ranked in the breed’s top 20 sires for NM$. • Two of the new sires are over +100 for Combined Fat and Protein (CFP), led by EQUINOX (+137) and 7HO12344 RAGER-RED (+109). • Three of the new sires are over +1,000 PTA Milk, RAGER-RED (+1,400), BAYONET (+1,327) and 7HO12357 PENLEY (+1,167). • Three new graduates are over +2.00 PTA Type. 7HO12395 SATURN enters the lineup ranked fourth among Select Sires’ proven sires for Type at +3.26. 14HO7461 CRANK IT (+2.37) and 250HO1131 SALT (+2.29) are new graduates that also rank in the top 20 of Select Sires’ proven sire lineup for Type.


250HO1131 SALT

Bryceholme Salt Dash (VG-85-VG-MS) Brian Weber, Allenford, ON

Ocooch Equinox 5809 Ocooch Dairy, Hillsboro, Wis. 7HO12344 RAGER-RED

Plain-Knoll Rager 961-Red Buschur Dairy Farms, Inc., New Weston, Ohio


Midas-Touch Precious-ET VG-85 Rock Hill Dairy LLC, Dexter, N.M.


Holstein Young Sires Select Sires again dominates the industry with availability of elite GTPI active Holstein young sires with 12 the top 25 young sires, 25 of the top 50 and 50 of the top 100! Twelve of the industry’s 19 total sires exceeding +850 NM$ and +2.0 SCR are available at Select Sires. There are only 20 Holstein young sires in active A.I. that meet or exceed +2700 GTPI and +2.0 for SCR, and 15 of these are at Select Sires! 7HO13624 SUPREME (+981 NM$, +2824 GTPI, +3.8 SCR), 250HO13267 DUKE (+881 NM$, +2771 GTPI, +3.0 SCR) and 7HO12600 MODESTY (+984 NM$, +2827 GTPI, +2.4 SCR) are all breed leaders for combining elite NM$ and GTPI with high SCR.

12/17 CDCB/HA Genomic Data, Rel.%: EQUINOX NM 86, Yield 90, RAGER-RED Yield 94, SALT Type 85, MODESTY NM 77, SCR 8, BAYONET Yield 97, PANLEY Yield 90, SUPREME NM 73, SCR 93, SATURN Type 87, CRANK IT Type 91, DUKE NM 77, SCR 96.


Above: S-S-I Penley Yoko 9786-ET (VG-85), GenoSource, Blairstown, Iowa Below: Peak Louanne Byont 20009-ET (VG-85), Rock Hill Dairy LLC, Dexter, N.M. 7HO12236 BAYONET

JERSEY LINEUP With the addition of the strong Jersey program at Accelerated Genetics, Select Sires offers the most elite proven Jersey sires for JPI™, NM$, CM$, CFP, Type and Jersey Udder Index™ (JUI™), regardless of generation count. Select Sires leads the industry with eight of the top 20 proven Jersey sires for JUI, including four of the top ten with 14JE682 PRIMERO (+32.6 JUI), 14JE673 JX AVON {2} (+30.6 JUI), 7JE1354 TEXAS (+29.3 JUI) and 7JE5004 CHROME (+28.9 JUI). 7JE1354 TEXAS


Igl Texas Missy-ET (VG-84%) Owner: Ava, Ela and Ivy Hebgen, De Forest, Wis.

RJF Chrome Magician Robert Jarrell, Corbyville, ON

HIGH-COMPONENTS SIRES The Brown Swiss lineup adds big profitability with 7BS871 ADVISOR. ADVISOR ranks No. 1 in the industry for CM$ (+608), NM$ (+567), percent Protein (+0.09) and PL (+7.7). ADVISOR is also the breed’s No. 2 sire for GPPR (+181). The proven lineup offers an exceptional blend of Type, performance and high sire fertility. 7BS852 BOSEPHUS (+1.2) and 7BS863 SEAMAN (+1.2) are in the top five for Type and 7BS854 BUSH (+1.63 UDC) transmits one of the highest udder composites in the breed. 7BS826 AUGUST, BOSEPHUS, SEAMAN and ADVISOR all rank in the top 10 for sire conception rate (SCR). In his debut to the proven Select Sires lineup, 7GU458 JAGUAR ranks well for a variety of Type traits, including Udder Composite (UDC) (+1.5), Type (+1.8) and Feet and Leg Composite (FLC) (+1.6). This elite Type sire brings a unique pedigree and outcross opportunities to the lineup. 7GU446 NOVAK continues his reign as the No. 1 sire for CM$ (+376), NM$ (+374) and Fluid Merit (FM$) (+370). Super Sampler 7GU473 BEAU is a production powerhouse ranking No. 1 among young sires for Milk (+624), Fat (+47) and Protein (+23)! 7GU472 CHARMING leads the breed for Type (+1.7). 7AY111 REAGAN and 7AY118 CHAMP are the Ayrshire breed’s best for Type, ranking first and second among young sires for Type at +1.6 and +1.5, respectively. 7BS854 BUSH

IE Twinkle-Hill Bush Jengas (VG-87) John and Dee Winkelman, Watertown, Wis. 1st Jr 2-yr-old, Int. Brown Swiss Show 2017


Springhill Jaguar Mariah (VG-85-VG-84-MS) Rebecca Vales, Lakeville, Ohio

CDCB/HA 12/17 Rel %: PRIMERO Type 85, JX AVON {2} Type 73, TEXAS Type 97, CHROME Type 93, Advisor NM 71, Yield 76, PL 66, JAGUAR Type 66, CHARMING Type 39, NOVAH NM 77, BEAU Yield 48, REAGAN Type 48, CHAMP Type 43

Mogul Joins Millionnaire Club

Continued from page 1 The Marshfield family exclaims, “Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined that MOGUL would be the No. 1 sire in the world one day. Although, we did realize early on that MOGUL’s dam, Mountfield Marsh MaxineET (VG-88-EX-MS-DOM), was an extraordinary cow that had that rare ability to transmit her extreme genetics no matter what bull we used. Before the science was available to prove it, we knew that her bulls seemed to transmit higher genetic traits than her heifer offspring. It’s really not a surprise to us that MOGUL has sired so many hot genomic sons.” Touted as ‘the total package,’ MOGUL debuted as the second highest ranking young sire in the breed in December 2011 with a genomic proof of +1,469M, +87F, +52P and +3.55T. Three years later, MOGUL appeared at the number one spot on the TPI® list. His first daughter-proven summary illustrated that he delivers the best combination of top Net Merit (NM$), Combined Fat and Protein (CFP), Cheese Merit (CM$) and Feet and Leg Composite (FLC) in the Select Sires lineup. Today, MOGUL is known as a sire that has created customer success

around the globe. “His ability to dominate a mating, regardless of the type of cow he is used on, has been shown by very few sires in Holstein history,” says Rick VerBeek, Holstein sire analyst for Select Sires. “He is referred to as the modern day 7HO58 ELEVATION because of that consistent dominance, and his sons and soon-to-be grandsons that are dominating genetic ranking lists around the globe.” Criticized for siring “fat-bred heifers,” MOGUL’s daughters quickly turned heads, calving in with extraordinary udders and feet and legs, with great milking ability and reproductive performance that made them standouts in the herd. “Now, the number of high-scored young MOGUL daughters in some of the very best genetic herds in the world show that his dominance will continue for some time,” states Jeff Ziegler, vice president of dairy cattle breeding at Select Sires. With the December 2017 sire summary, MOGUL continues to transmit outstanding balance: +2503 GTPI, +1,236 M, +118 CFP, +3.09 UDC, +2.29 FLC, and +3.9 PL.  CDCB/HA 12/17 Rel: 99 Yield; 99 Type: 99 PL.


Managing Heifer Inventory with Genetic Strategy by Brian Kelroy, dairy program manager, East Central/Select Sires Stemming from many factors, such as increased industry conception rates and an increased use of sexed semen, I’ve heard dairy produers frequently say, “I have too many heifers and I don’t know what to do with them.” Raising replacement heifers is often the second-largest expense on a dairy. Managing heifer inventories is complex due to the surplus of replacement animals available in the current market. However, there is an easier way to manage this problem going forward, and that solution is available to you from Select Sires. Calculators During Select Sires’ National Sales Conference, I attended a session titled “Planning Precision Breeding Strategies.” The session featured detailed calculators developed by Select Sires’ reproductive specialists to help producers strategize ways to utilize different genetic options to maintain the appropriate number of replacement heifers. The calculators were provided for use in consultative meetings with customers and prospects. These calculators have been a powerful tool to help producers manage their heifer inventories. They take many herd factors and variables into account: cow and heifer conception rates for both conventional and sexed semen, cull rates for both cows and heifers, abortion rates, average age at first calving, current herd size, and desired herd size into this scenario. If a herd is planning to expand, then you can establish


a plan to grow from within the herd. Inversely, for herds with no current expansion plans, this calculator will adjust future inventories to their desired level. Chart A illustrates a herd’s projected future inventory. This herd’s milking group consists of 36 percent first lactation labeled “A” in the milking herd group column, 31 percent second lactation labeled “B” and 33 Chart A

Chart B

percent third lactation and greater labeled “C”. Semen usage is labeled as “c” for conventional and “s” for sexed. Beef semen was used on fourth service and greater for all lactations. The heifers are ranked based on genomic data or pedigree data, and the top 50 percent are bred to sexed semen for the first two services. Then conventional semen is used on the bottom half. There are no future expansion plans in place for this dairy. In this herd, based off of current use of semen, they are projected to have a heifer surplus of 198 heifers or 40 percent more than needed. After you calculate projected herd inventory, then it is time to evaluate a genetic strategy. A genetic strategy is crucial for a dairy to obtain maximum profitability through genetics. Most producers have an index they use to pick genetics for their dairy. Net Merit Dollar (NM$) is the index

this herd uses when evaluating the service sires in the herd and pedigree averages for NM$ are used for the ranking of all females. Genetic Value The highest animals for NM$ are heifers and the lowest group is the third lactation and greater animals. The most efficient way to increase the genetic value of the herd is to breed your best animals to the bulls that fit your herd criteria. After discussing the options for this herd, the following breeding protocol was implemented to obtain maximum genetic value and obtain the desired projected inventory levels. Looking at the new genetic strategy in Chart B, the letter “b” representing beef semen was added to all services for the C group. Beef semen was also added for the third service of groups A and B. In addition, a greater (Continues on page 11)

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Managing Heifer Inventory

Genetic Audits

amount of sexed semen usage was implemented in the heifer groups. Strategic use of sexed semen on the higher genetic value animals will allow for faster gain in the genetic value for the entire herd. In this strategy the dairy will have 49 extra animals annually which gives them a ten percent buffer. For herds with expansion plans the calculator can assist to create a genetic strategy for the use of sexed semen to grow to a desired herd size from within. Additionally, these strategies should be revisited quarterly. Changes in cull rates, abortion rates and conception rates will have an impact on the number of replacements to be created. By reviewing this quarterly, the appropriate changes in the genetic strategy can be made if the

projected replacement numbers are above or below your goal. Evaluating your current genetic strategy can help to maximize the profitability on your dairy. It is beneficial to include other key influencers and all members of the dairy. Select Sires offers the best genetics in the industry and personnel to work with you to establish and implement a strategy that will gain the most profit for you and the future of your dairy. ď ľ

purchases must be exempt. Purchasing lower-cost, lowergenetic level semen can have a negative long-term effect on your dairy. A genetic audit will show that genetically elite semen is an investment for your dairy and cheap semen hurts your long-term earning potential. For herds of 300 cows or more, genetic audits provide a birds-eye view of the genetics at play in your herd. These audits can also show how damaging cheap, low-genetic value semen can affect both short and long-term herd profitability. Request a genetic audit from a Select Sires service professional to gain a greater understanding of how to measure the value of genetics in your herd. Select Sires’ highly trained service team is armed with

industry-leading products and can help you prepare for the difficult economic environment that is looming. These services and tools can improve operational performance and provide a greater understanding of the differences in real performance from various genetic levels that exist in your herd. Please contact your local Select Sires representative today for more information about these valuable management tools. ď ľ


Recent Changes to the Total Performance Index by Mark Kerndt, Aggressive Reproductive TechnologiesTM (ARTTM) manager

The Total Performance Index® (TPI®), as calculated by the Holstein Association USA, is the primary index used by top breeders and genetic companies to rank Holsteins around the world. It is important to keep this index updated to reflect the genetic direction needed to maintain the Holstein cow as the number one dairy animal on this planet. This summer, the Holstein Association USA (HAUSA) board of directors, at the recommendation of the Genetic Advancement Committee, made several changes to the TPI formula. I have the privilege of serving on the Genetic Advancement Committee (GAC), which is made up of dairymen, industry people and HAUSA board members. We had three main goals in adjusting the TPI index. Matching the Market With butter consumption in the U.S. approaching a 50-year high; we wanted to increase the value of butterfat in the TPI formula to more closely reflect the current milk market. We also felt, however, that protein should continue to be the overall number one trait in our index as we position our breed to feed people around the world. The production component of TPI is now 21 percent total emphasis on Protein, 17 percent on Fat and eight percent for Feed Efficiency (FE). Previously it was at 27 Protein, 16 Fat and three FE.


Feed Efficiency was first incorporated into the TPI formula in December 2014 and has increasingly become part of our selection vernacular. The Holstein Association’s Feed Efficiency measures the dollar value of the extra product produced, and the standard cost of production to produce that product, minus the extra maintenance costs associated with the size of the cow and her production. This formula was developed as a part of a research trial conducted on feed efficiency by USDA, several universities and the HAUSA. HAUSA’s Body Weight Composite (BWC) resulted from this research and is used in the FE formula to better predict the difference in body weight amongst cows. Simply put, if two cows are producing the same amount of product and one cow is larger and weighs more, the smaller cow will have the greater FE number. 2017 USDA CM$ economic values are used for this formula. Udder and Legs The committee was adamant about making the Udder Composite (UDC) and Feet and Leg Composite (FLC) indexes more accurate and useful. UDC now more accurately reflects true udder traits by decoupling it from stature and is more useful by adding teat length to the index. Careful study revealed that both our old UDC and FLC had a moderate to strong correlation to stature. This meant that by selecting to improve udders or feet/legs, we were indirectly increasing the stature of our cows by using these indexes. By changing the weightings on some individual traits and including a negative weighting on stature, the new UDC and FLC are now closer to stature neutral.

Also for the first time, teat length was added to UDC to combat the increasing trend in the breed of cows with teats that are too short. Both too short or too long of a teat is penalized. The most desirable udders are expected to be capacious and well attached with teats of correct length that are centrally placed on the udder floor. Health Traits Over the last two decades, fitness and health traits like Productive Life (PL), Fertility Index (FI) and Somatic Cell Score (SCS) have been added to the TPI formula. To further improve the overall health and profitability of our breed, we wanted to add the new trait of Cow Livability (LIV). This trait was developed by USDA researchers after discussion and encouragement from Holstein’s Genetic Advancement Committee. While PL measures the number of extra months in milk for a cow, LIV will measure the cow’s ability to stay alive on the farm, instead of being culled. Statistics represent

that about seven percent of our cows die each lactation on the farm in the United States, with the average cow lasting about three lactations before leaving the herd. This trait is expressed as percent above or below average. So, if a bull has a LIV evaluation of +3.0, you would expect his daughters to have a three percent better chance of staying alive on the farm than the bull with a LIV of 0. The longevity portion of the TPI was changed from seven percent overall emphasis on PL to four

percent on PL and three percent on LIV. New Results So, what resulted from modernizing the TPI formula? I ran a file of the current genomic active young bulls in A.I. from all studs, 2,094 bulls, and compared them using the new formula versus the old. By examining the top 200 bulls under the old formula versus the new formula; the new formula had the obvious advantage in Fat to Protein ratio, while keeping FI, PL and Somatic Cell Score (SCS) the same. It also reduced the average PTA Stature for this group, increased LIV and increased the profit resulting from daughters sired by these bulls reflected in NM$. Maybe most importantly, the correlation between stature and UDC and FLC for the file of 2,094 bulls was cut in half compared to the old UDC and FLC. And, among the top 200 genomic bulls, UDC and FLC were stature neutral. The stated goals of the GAC were accomplished. The Holstein breed has made tremendous

progress in all traits during the “genomic era.” The HAUSA’s TPI has had a direct impact on this progress. The GAC will continue to monitor breed trends and new traits as they become available. The TPI will always be updated as necessary. Often referred to as “the rudder of the breed,” the TPI from Holstein Association USA will continue to steer the breed in the direction needed to feed the world and create profitability for dairy producers everywhere. 

Beyond What I Thought It Would Be! “ We wanted to get a heat detection system because we

thought it would allow us to do other things on the farm. We also thought it would help our pregnancy rate, and it has. Little did we know, there’s more to it than just the heat detection. I don’t have to chalk cows. I don’t have to look at every cow for heat. I don’t have to look at every cow’s eyes. Even in the heifer barn, as long as you have tags on you’re fine. The list goes on and on. CowManager is beyond what I thought it would be! It has saved me a lot of steps and a lot of headaches. I’m sure it is going to pay for itself quickly.”

Kevin Wilson, Herd Manager, Fir-Ridge Holstein Farms, LLC, Scio, OR ® CowManager is a registered trademark of Agis Automatisering, Select Reproductive Solutions is a registered trademark of Select Sires Inc..

Collaboration Leads to DCRC Success In late 2017, the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) recognized 24 farms for exceptional reproductive programs and successes within the herds. This outstanding group of herds includes Emerald Spring Dairy and Skyview Dairy. Platinum Winners: Emerald Spring Dairy Maurie and Rita Young, and son Darrin, own and operate Emerald Spring Dairy in Plainville, Minn. The 1,250-head herd is a mixture of purebred Holstein cattle and cross-breds. The herd averages 31,672 pounds of milk, 1,168 pounds of fat and 1,008 pounds of protein. The Young’s have worked with the service team at Minnesota/ Select Sires for more than 15 years. Darrin Young and herdsman Javier Preito Martinez work closely with Anne Shoemaker, Minnesota Select Sires account manager, Brandon Thesing, corporate account manager, Brian Dick, professional A.I. technician and Kim DeFrang, Select Mating Service® (SMS®) genetic consultant. This team provides a comprehensive portfolio of products and services to the management team at Emerald Spring. From semen sales to reproductive and genetic consulting and heat detection, Minnesota/Select Sires provides support to Emerald Spring. Consulting Thesing generates quarterly reproductive performance reviews and compares the data to industry benchmarks. Emerald Spring uses these reports to pinpoint opportunities of improvement within the herd’s reproductive program. In 2016, the herd identified an opportunity to increase pregnancy rates by adjusting the timed A.I. program and moved to a double


ovysnch protocol. From these changes, whole-herd pregnancy rates jumped and opened additional revenue streams. More pregnancies mean Emerald Spring can select the highest genetic merit animals as herd replacements and breed lower genetic merit animals to beef semen. “This allows us to keep our heifer inventory under control and generate extra revenue from beef calves,” explains Young. The double ovsynch protocol is used on all first services, and then they transition to visual heat detection with tail chalk. Dick works with the herd daily, observing activity and applying tail chalk in the pens of mature cows. He also administers shots on first service and helps Young with the breedings. “Minnesota/Select Sires provides great service and quality genetics that help the overall reproduction of our herd,” says Young. Thesing says “Emerald Spring is attentive to the details and are a premier cow comfort herd. From bedding and ventilation to cooling and stocking density, they are concerned with cow comfort.” Emerald Spring Dairy reaps the benefits of a great management team that works to improve and maintain excellent reproductive efficiencies. Gold Winners: Skyview Dairy Skyview Dairy’s and Minnesota/ Select Sires’ collaborative relationship began in April 2013. As technologies and genetics shift, this herd remains on the cutting

L-R: Darrin Young, Emerald Spring Dairy, Brian Dick, MN/SS A.I. service specialist, Brandon Thesing, corporate account manager, Mark Bates, MN/SS A.I .service specialist and Garrett Luthens, Skyview Dairy.

edge. Located in Hutchinson, Minn., Skyview Dairy is familyowned and operated by Daryl Luthens and his four sons, Shane, Brandon, Justin and Garrett. The herd totals 1,500 lactating cows and 1,500 heifers. When it comes to genetic and reproductive progress, Garrett Luthens focuses on open and honest goals and expectations to move conversations forward. The herd is very progressive in their thinking, and they meet with Minnesota Select Sires professionals on a regular basis to establish goals and set plans for success. Strategies and Planning Skyview Dairy works with Mark Bates, professional A.I. technician, Brandon Thesing, and Russ Heckman, SMS genetic consultant. Through discussions with this team, Skyview has created a two-pronged genetic strategy to develop the best offspring from the herd’s highest-ranking animals and effectively manage inventory. By using a Net Merit (NM$) formula to rank animals, they select the superior animals to breed to sexed semen, and lower-end genetic animals are serviced to beef semen. Year after year, Skyview pushes the envelope on genetics

used in the herd. Now, they are using even higher-ranking sires because they can easily identify which animals to service to get the best return on investment. Garrett Luthens explains, “We are using this program to help manage inventory and rather than create quantity, we want to create quality. To be as efficient and cost effective as possible, we need to get the most out of every breeding decision.” Reports for 2017 show Skyview achieving an average 48 percent conception rate and a 35 percent pregnancy rate. Luthens credits this accomplishment to the group of professionals that work with the animals, from nutritionists to veterinarians and equipment service technicians. Fostering Collaboration Both Emerald Spring Dairy and Skyview Dairy have been recognized on a national level for their reproductive successes. The strategic focus and progressive thinking of these herds is the leading force in their success. Minnesota/Select Sires is privileged to work with these farms and support them in their reproductive and genetic goals. 


PAID Minster, Ohio 45865 Permit No. 2




GTPI: Look for this orange icon on the page of our sires that shine for the Holstein Association Genomic Total Performance Index, GTPI®.

Robot Bonus: Breeding cows for a robotic milking system? Use the Accelerated Genetics Robot Bonus to find sires better suited for robotic milking systems.

DWP$: Is your goal to breed a more profitable, trouble-free cow?

Milk: Is more volume in the bulk tank your goal? Look for the glass of milk to find our leading Milk sires.

11740 usfor 42 the North • Plain city 43064-0143 Look heart and dollar• Ohio sign for•the Dairy Wellness Profit

Index (DWP$) leaders. Learn more about these traits on pages 4-5.

To enhanceNet theMerit productivity and profitability $: If lifetime profitabilityofis dairy in your selection criteria, look for the green dollar bill totofibe nd outstanding and beef producers, Select Sires is committed Lifetime Net Merit $ sires. the premier provider of highly fertile, superior genetics Components: component premiums? Look for the accompanied by effective Expecting reproductiveand herdcheese icon to find sires that excel in the areas of Lifetime management products and services. Cheese Merit $, Fat and Protein. For more information, visit www.selectsires.com or call (614) 873-4683. Managing your herd with a pasture-based system? Product of theGrazing: USA.

Look for the grazing cow icon to find leaders for Lifetime Grazing Merit $.

TM Super Sampler, gender SELECTed, Aggressive Reproductive Technologies, ART, and Superior Settler are Looking Fertility sires? This trademarks of Select Sires Inc.Repro: Dairy Wellness Profit Indexfor andhigh-ranking DWP$ are trademarks of Zoetis Inc.,Index its affiliates and/or its licensors. JPI and Jersey Udder Index (JUI)of areHeifer trademarksConception of the American Jersey Cattle(HCR), Cow index is composed Rate Association. ®Select Mating Service, SMS, Select Reproductive Solutions, SRS StrataGEN®, Build a Better Conception Rate (CCR), and Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR). Heiferand FeedTM, Wellness Trait Index (WTI)M PRO are registered trademarks of Select Sires Inc. CowManager is a registered trademark of Agis Automatisering. CLARIFIDE is a registered trademark of Zoetis Inc., its Love trouble-free cows?trademark Find the heart icon for high-ranking WT$: affiliates and/or its licensors. Total Performance Index (TPI) is a registered of Holstein Association processed by Sexing for Select shall bemore used only for the the difference USA. gender SELECTedTM semenWellness TraitTechnologies $ (WT$) sires.SiresLearn about single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring between DWP$ and WT$. unless specifically approved on an individual customer basis by Sexing Technologies in writing. This semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and Inguran LLC, as partially represented by U.S. CFP: If7371517, you sell your milk based7799569. on total solid Patents: 6372422, 7094527, 7208265, 6357307, 7723116, 7758811and Patents pend- pounds, then (CFP) is isanprocessed easyusing guide for our top of XY & LLC.Protein All gender SELECTed semen ing in US and foreign markets.Combined XY® is a trademarkFat TM SexedULTRA technology. combined fat and protein pound bulls.

Calving Ease: Is your goal to avoid the costs associated with calving difficulties? Look for the calf icon to find Sire Calving Ease (SCE) leaders.

Sire Fertility: Looking for sires with superior sire fertility scores? Look for this icon to find leaders for either Sire Conception Rate (SCR) or the Accelerated Conception Evaluation (ACE). Type: Look for the blue ribbon to find sires with superior Type backed by an elite maternal line. A2A2: Aiming to breed an A2 herd? Sires designated with the A2A2 icon transmit to their daughters the ability to produce milk with only the A2 type of beta-casein protein. %Protein & %Fat: Positive %’s equal positive results. Thats why bulls marked with this icon are leaders in %Fat and %Protein. JUI: Jersey Udder Index (JUI) indicates the industries top bulls when it comes to outstanding udders.

Health: Bulls that will help create longer lasting cows will have this icon. They are leaders for Productive Life (PL), Somatic Cell Score (SCS), Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), Heifer Conception Rate (HCR), and Cow Conception Rate (CCR).

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