Contents Willie Altenburg Beef Development Advisor (970) waltenburg@selectsires.com481-2570 Joe Myers Beef Sire jmyers@selectsires.comAnalyst Jon Herrick Beef Sire Analyst (308) jherrick@selectsires.com627-6431 Clint Sexson Large-Herd Beef Specialist (541) clints@allwest.coop609-0167 Dan Busch Beef Reproductive and Research Specialist (573) dbusch@selectsires.com289-2058 Jennie Harbin Beef Marketing Coordinator (402) jharbin@selectsires.com317-1198 Darcy Krick Beef Multimedia Specialist (605) dkrick@selectsires.com680-3649 Doug Harris Beef Program Consultant (804) dharris@selectsires.com332-1456 Sandra Utter GeneNet Beef Manager (307) sutter@selectsires.com287-6647 Lorna Marshall Vice President of Beef Genetics (719) lmarshall@selectsires.com342-8984 Brian House Vice President, Beef Program and Product Manager (614) ssbeef@selectsires.com733-3420 Ryan Bodenhausen Associate Vice President of Beef Product Development and Marketing (785) rbodenhausen@selectsires.com221-3284 Renee Hamilton Beef Acquisition and Product Specialist (614) rhamilton@selectsires.com733-3426 3 ANGUS SIRES 15 TOP 10 ANGUS 16 OTHER ANGUS SIRES AVAILABLE 18 NEW SIRES 20 SIMMENTAL SIRES 23 OTHER SIMMENTAL SIRES AVAILABLE 23 OTHER RED ANGUS SIRES AVAILABLE 24 RED ANGUS SIRES 26 DELIVERING MORE OPTIONS WITH SELECT SIRES AND GENENET TABLE OF 28 HEREFORD SIRES 30 WHAT’S THE BEST SYNCH PROGRAM FOR YOU 31 CHAROLAIS SIRES 32 SEXED SEMEN 33 DESIGNATION EXPLANATIONS 34 BEEF SPECIALISTS 35 COOPERATIVE CONTACTS TeamMEET THE BEEF

| 3 EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 10 1.2 90 169 .35 2.08 .6 .84 22 .48 .49 2.70 .9 13.7 16 32 60 109 .7 -44 74 .44 .68 .044 3 686 72 92 119 41 160 280 Acc .85 .97 .95 .93 .57 .57 .92 .92 .87 .81 .80 .41 .70 .54 .74 .61 146 .60 .56 .59 .54 .53 .54 5 1582 % Rank 25 50 2 1 1 95 40 50 30 45 50 85 95 25 1 15 10 20 95 3 60 35 90 20 1 4 60 20 15 7AN528 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND AAA: 18827828 DOB: 01/22/17 TAT: 71122 $40 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 21AR O LASS 7017 SIRE: PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 DAM: ◊ GROWTH FUND will go down in history as one of the most influential sires of the decade. He is easy to use, easy to like and easy to sell. Increase your assets – invest in GROWTH FUND. ◊ His daughters in production are standouts wherever you see them. They possess beautiful udder quality with small teats and level udders with excellent teat placement. From Deer Valley Farm, TN; Edisto Pines, SC; Britt Angus, GA; Trowbridge Angus, NY; Austin Family Angus, CA and Lawson Farms and Tom Baker, VA EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 8 2.2 94 163 .29 2.04 1.0 .57 18 .39 .45 .51 .4 15.0 8 36 101 .7 -43 71 .96 1.12 .028 81 93 104 73 177 311 Acc .36 .55 .48 .44 .34 .34 .52 .49 .36 .30 .30 .27 .32 .26 .33 .33 .40 .41 .42 .38 .38 .36 % Rank 35 75 1 1 20 95 10 70 55 15 35 35 25 20 55 4 15 25 95 10 15 2 75 10 1 15 10 10 3 7AN738 E&B RIVAL 175 AAA: 20128929 DOB: 01/28/21 TAT: 175 $40 NEW BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 SIRE: CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY PLUS 8180 E&B LADY PRIMESTAR 086 DAM: ◊ RIVAL is no doubt one of the most exciting and sought-after young sires to enter A.I. in 2022! ◊ A son of the hottest sire in the breed, 7AN528 GROWTH FUND, RIVAL maintains great phenotype and growth but offers more carcass merit. ◊ RIVAL’s actual scan ratios were extremely impressive, 232 IMF and 125 REA! ◊ His dam already has a WW ratio of 2@111 and YW ratio of 2@110 and is well on her way to Pathfinder. His granddam and great granddam are both Pathfinders! From Benoit Angus, KS EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 8 0.1 89 169 .33 2.34 1.0 .82 22 .47 .33 -1.37 .5 17.1 13 28 114 1.0 -45 78 1.22 .88 .060 80 81 127 79 206 347 Acc .36 .51 .44 .37 .30 .30 .43 .39 .34 .27 .27 .25 .27 .23 .28 .28 .34 .37 .39 .35 .35 .31 % Rank 35 25 2 1 4 95 10 55 35 40 2 5 45 10 10 35 10 10 95 2 5 15 95 15 3 2 5 1 1 7AN737 VIRGINIA TECH STATESMAN AAA: 20085208 DOB: 01/16/21 TAT: 1J3 $40 NEW SS NIAGARA Z29 TEHAMA PATRIARCH F028 TEHAMA ELITE BLACKBIRD D826 SIRE: ELLINGSON HOMESTEAD 6030 VPI 310A RITA 9G6 ET AED RITA 310A DAM: ◊ STATESMAN is one of the most talked about sires of the spring. He’s the bull of choice if you like elite index values, big spread and high phenotype. ◊ A fresh pedigree for Select Sires with exceptional mating flexibility. He will complement GROWTH FUND and 7AN580 HOME TOWN females. ◊ He offers breed-leading HP and Marbling as well as excellent foot scores. ◊ STATESMAN has an unmatched combination of phenotype, pedigree and EPDs. ◊ Available late fall 2022. From Deer Valley Farm, TN; Knoll Crest Farms Inc., VA and Long Angus Ranch, OK

4 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 14 -.7 61 113 .26 .99 .2 .93 20 .59 .46 -2.40 .3 11.6 13 27 55 .1 -16 49 1.82 1.07 -.036 5 403 64 61 98 118 216 344 Acc .86 .95 .93 .87 .64 .64 .91 .89 .81 .74 .73 .39 .65 .27 .30 .30 .44 .43 .64 .60 .58 .61 19 1245 % Rank 4 15 50 40 35 55 80 45 40 85 35 1 5 50 10 40 55 70 50 40 1 3 5 40 35 25 1 1 1 7AN580 G A R HOME TOWN AAA: 19266718 DOB: 09/06/18 TAT: 7488 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. GAR EARLY BIRD GAR ASHLAND CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 SIRE: GAR SURE FIRE CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 CHAIR ROCK PROGRESS 3005 DAM: ◊ HOME TOWN has sired more sale-topping offspring in the past 18 months and these cattle have sold high for a lot of good reasons! ◊ Even the phenotype crowd has had to admit – carcass cattle can be cool to look at – HOME TOWN proves it! ◊ HOME TOWN is the perfect choice to moderate cow size without sacrificing end-product merit. From Gardiner Angus Ranch and GRCQ LLC, KS and Robert Stumpff, VA ◊ As a new release in 2022, HERO jumped onto the scene with all kinds of excitement. ◊ Sired by sales and registration leader, 7AN580 HOME TOWN, HERO offers extra growth and power with the same head turning phenotype as his sire. ◊ HERO ranks in the top 1% for MARB, $C and $B while also ranking in the top 25% for CLAW and ANGLE. From Gardiner Angus Ranch, KS and David Dockter, ND EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 4 2.5 75 136 .25 1.92 .7 .75 21 .44 .42 .08 .4 8.6 8 24 64 .4 -19 69 1.73 .94 .035 68 66 104 106 210 340 Acc .34 .48 .41 .37 .32 .32 .51 .48 .45 .29 .28 .25 .30 .21 .26 .27 .34 .37 .41 .38 .38 .36 % Rank 70 80 15 15 50 95 35 60 40 25 20 25 25 85 55 65 50 50 60 10 1 10 80 40 25 15 1 1 1 7AN700 G A R HOMETOWN HERO AAA: 19862896 DOB: 09/12/20 TAT: 6890 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. GAR ASHLAND GAR HOME TOWN CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 SIRE: GAR MOMENTUM GAR MOMENTUM 2977 CHAIR ROCK PROPHET 3054 DAM: EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 4 2.4 85 151 .29 1.62 .8 .37 17 .52 .49 -.85 .5 10.1 3 21 80 .4 -25 66 1.61 1.08 .007 63 72 106 105 210 335 Acc .35 .55 .48 .43 .34 .34 .46 .48 .36 .28 .28 .27 .30 .21 .28 .30 .36 .39 .42 .38 .38 .36 % Rank 70 80 4 3 20 90 25 80 55 60 55 10 50 75 95 85 30 50 75 15 1 3 45 50 15 15 1 1 1 7AN703 FREYS HOME TOWN BELIEVER AAA: 20113887 DOB: 01/17/21 TAT: 1013 $25 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. GAR ASHLAND GAR HOME TOWN CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 SIRE: YOUNG DALE BELIEVE 46B FAR PRINCESS 7702 FAR PRINCESS 250A DAM: ◊ Who says you can’t have power and marbling? BELIEVER is a 7AN580 HOME TOWN son that offers more growth and power and still maintains a top ranking for MARB, $B and $C. ◊ BELIEVER was a phenotypic standout in Oklahoma City as a member of Frey Angus’ carload. His dam has produced four pen/carload sires and his grandam has produced nine! From Frey Angus Ranch, ND

| 5 EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 9 1.6 82 144 .29 1.44 .8 .67 26 .40 .40 .19 .5 17.8 6 41 46 .5 -20 71 .98 .95 .010 107 93 109 73 182 343 Acc .36 .56 .48 .44 .32 .32 .47 .42 .45 .35 .36 .28 .27 .23 .28 .30 .38 .39 .41 .37 .37 .34 % Rank 30 60 5 10 20 80 25 65 15 15 15 25 35 5 75 1 75 40 60 10 15 10 50 1 1 10 10 5 1 7AN743 CONNEALY CRAFTSMAN AAA: 20132505 DOB: 11/13/20 TAT: 070R $50 NEW SITZ STELLAR 726D SITZ RESILIENT 10208 SITZ MISS BURGESS 1856 SIRE: CONNEALY NIOBRARA 5451 BLACK CATHY OF CONANGA 8521 BLACK CARLA OF CONANGA 450 DAM: ◊ The single most talked about sire of the Spring 2022 sale season, CRAFTSMAN was the $500,000 record setting high seller at Connealy’s sale! ◊ CRAFTSMAN posted very impressive performance ratios of 120@WW, 119@ YW, 154@IMF and 107@REA in a large contemporary group. ◊ He is highly sought after for his combination of $M and $C, along with the parts that compile those indexes. Mating options and directions are endless with CRAFTSMAN! From Connealy Angus, NE and ST Genetics, TX EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 14 -3.2 71 120 .24 1.07 .2 1.03 16 .45 .45 2.97 .2 21.9 11 34 40 -.2 -13 46 .81 .76 .012 104 86 86 62 148 296 Acc .39 .55 .48 .43 .34 .34 .46 .49 .45 .35 .35 .27 .31 .28 .33 .34 .41 .42 .43 .39 .39 .36 % Rank 4 1 25 30 55 50 85 40 60 30 35 85 3 1 25 10 80 95 40 55 30 30 50 1 1 45 25 35 10 7AN684 CONNEALY GUARD RAIL 923E AAA: 19829215 DOB: 11/06/19 TAT: 923E $30 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 SIRE: CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L QUEEN BABES OF CONANGA 870J QUEEN BARB OF CONANGA 60C DAM: ◊ GUARD RAIL can improve nearly every trait and keep our customers ‘out of the ditches’ and moving in the right direction. ◊ He is a Calving Ease Cowmaker that will let you sleep all night and leave you with a fertile, productive, hassle-free cow herd. ◊ GUARD RAIL is a phenotypic standout that is moderate framed with a lot of shape, base width, body depth and fleshing ability. From Connealy Angus, NE and Benoit Angus, KS EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 10 0.0 78 134 .25 1.46 .2 1.22 23 .46 .48 2.37 -.08 11.9 7 32 92 46 -.1 -15 52 .88 .88 .014 11 459 86 96 90 67 157 290 Acc .91 .96 .95 .92 .58 .58 .93 .91 .90 .82 .82 .43 .71 .74 .79 .75 330 .73 .78 .68 .65 .62 .65 30 1539 % Rank 25 25 10 15 40 85 80 25 25 35 45 80 1 45 65 15 65 85 50 30 20 15 55 4 1 40 15 25 10 14AN502 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 AAA: 17817177 DOB: 09/06/13 TAT: B767 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. SITZ UPWARD 307R TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 TEHAMA ELITE BLACKBIRD T735 SIRE: SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD T073 DAM: ◊ Few sires can match TAHOE’s combination of Calving Ease, Performance, Maternal Traits and Carcass Merit while improving phenotype and longevity. ◊ He consistently sires beautiful daughters that are easy fleshing and deep ribbed with excellent udder quality and teat length. ◊ Ranking very high for hair shedding, TAHOE covers the bases for many regions and climates. From Tehama Angus Ranch, CA; VanDerVeen Farms and Cory VanDerVeen, KS and Jake Swisher, NE

6 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 9 2.0 82 140 .27 1.58 .4 1.55 28 .44 .50 4.25 .3 20.2 11 27 43 .2 -11 54 1.68 .95 -.043 1 113 82 92 110 203 376 Acc .60 .82 .73 .46 .36 .36 .57 .50 .36 .38 .37 .26 .33 .29 .34 .34 .42 .42 .45 .37 .38 .35 1 % Rank 30 70 5 10 30 90 60 10 10 25 55 95 10 1 25 40 70 60 40 25 1 10 3 1 3 35 1 2 1 7AN604 YON TOP CUT G730 AAA: 19476453 DOB: 11/09/18 TAT: G730 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KM BROKEN BOW 002 SPRING COVE RENO 4021 SPRING COVE LIZA 021 SIRE: VAR DISCOVERY 2240 YON SARAH D668 YON SARAH A615 DAM: ◊ Few sires can put together a “TOP CUT” of as many traits as he does making him a must use sire. ◊ No other sire comes close to TOP CUT’s combination of $Maternal and ◊ $ Combined (not to mention $Weaning, $Grid, and $Beef). He’s an outlier for creating balanced trait cattle that work in multiple environments. ◊ His progeny are moderate framed, long bodied, with above muscle and rib shape. ◊ TOP CUT ranks in the top 10% of the breed for the new Hair Shedding EPD! From Yon Family Farms, SC ◊ IRON HORSE has skyrocketed up the sales chart during the spring of 2022 due to his outcross pedigree and balanced data and phenotype. ◊ His offspring are very balanced with great eye appeal and excel for foot quality. They are easy to pick out in the contemporary groups. ◊ What does IRON HORSE not offer? He is a calving ease sire that offers breed leading growth blended with great carcass merit and foot quality. ◊ IRON HORSE offers mating flexibility for most being a Stallion x 7AN398 BUTKUS. From Wall Street Cattle Co., MO EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 13 0.6 81 150 .36 1.28 .7 .95 26 .46 .34 .02 .3 11.0 13 27 99 .5 -37 64 .80 1.15 -.066 1 37 69 74 113 74 187 312 Acc .69 .84 .74 .60 .37 .37 .70 .62 .35 .28 .27 .23 .26 .20 .31 .31 .41 .41 .49 .43 .43 .42 2 56 % Rank 10 35 10 4 1 75 30 40 15 35 2 25 5 55 10 40 10 35 95 10 25 2 1 25 10 10 10 4 3 7AN698 BIGK/WSC IRON HORSE 025F AAA: 19415015 DOB: 08/30/18 TAT: 025F $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. EXAR STUD 4658B EXAR STALLION 7986 EXAR BLACKCAP 3385 SIRE: SANDPOINT BUTKUS X797 EXAR HENRIETTA PRIDE 5702 SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 643T DAM: ◊ New in the spring of 2022, JUSTICE saw heavy use in his rookie campaign! ◊ With the passing of his sire, JUSTICE is posed to fill his shoes as a son that offers more growth and power. ◊ He excels for maternal excellence with his top-ranking CLAW, ANGLE, MILK and $M EPDs. He also doesn’t sacrifice HP, DOC and YW. ◊ For breeders looking for problem free, balanced trait cattle, look no further than JUSTICE! From Rock Lake Angus, WY and Stevenson Angus, MT EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 11 -.3 67 128 .27 1.48 .2 1.73 24 .22 .33 2.25 .5 16.9 9 36 45 -.3 -17 50 .80 .69 .064 100 76 93 57 149 293 Acc .38 .54 .47 .42 .31 .31 .45 .48 .36 .29 .29 .28 .29 .26 .32 .34 .39 .42 .42 .38 .38 .36 % Rank 15 20 35 20 30 80 85 10 25 1 2 75 35 10 45 4 75 95 55 45 30 40 95 1 10 30 30 35 10 7AN688 RL JUSTICE AAA: 19836564 DOB: 02/18/20 TAT: 2096 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CONNEALY JUDGMENT KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG MISS MAGIC 1443 SIRE: BARSTOW CASH RL CASH LADY 8988 RL MANDATE LADY 2981 DAM:

| 7 ◊ COUNTY ROAD is one of the most exciting and rising stars in our Angus lineup! ◊ His combination of $M and $C is impressive. As an added bonus, COUNTY ROAD is a sire that excels for docility and PAP. ◊ He is a soft made, sound structured sire offering extra muscle and fleshing ability most calving ease sires don’t. ◊ Look for COUNTY ROAD offspring to come easy, grow fast, be easy to handle and become replacements you’ll want to keep. From Yon Family Farms, SC EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 14 -1.0 77 130 .24 1.41 .6 .91 31 .52 .45 -1.67 .5 15.5 14 37 19 .1 -5 53 .69 .65 .060 111 94 87 51 138 290 Acc .37 .53 .46 .41 .30 .30 .50 .47 .34 .34 .34 .23 .30 .25 .30 .30 .38 .38 .40 .36 .36 .33 % Rank 4 10 15 20 55 75 45 50 4 60 35 3 45 20 4 3 95 80 20 35 40 45 95 1 1 45 45 50 10 7AN697 YON COUNTY ROAD H1389 AAA: 19824135 DOB: 01/22/20 TAT: H1389 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 YON CHATTOOGA E46 YON SALLY C200 SIRE: TEX PLAYBOOK 5437 YON HAZEL F1045 YON SARAH A507 DAM: EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 14 -.5 76 135 .25 1.69 .3 .89 13 .42 .48 2.22 .5 17.8 13 33 44 .0 -15 53 .90 .87 .044 97 85 86 65 152 294 Acc .38 .54 .46 .40 .32 .32 .46 .42 .37 .28 .29 .25 .29 .25 .33 .34 .39 .41 .42 .38 .37 .33 % Rank 4 15 15 15 50 90 80 50 75 20 50 75 45 5 10 10 75 85 45 35 20 15 90 1 2 45 20 30 10 7AN683 HF SAFE & SOUND 019 AAA: 19705988 DOB: 03/04/20 TAT: 019 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KOUPALS B&B IDENTITY MILL BRAE IDENTIFIED 4031 MILL BRAE PRO BLACKCAP 1092 SIRE: TEX PLAYBOOK 5437 HF EMPRESS 804 HF EMPRESS 6007 DAM: ◊ A must-use young sire that is destined to be a Calving Ease and Cowmaker sire that still adds performance and end-product value. ◊ He is phenotypically complete - moderate framed and big middled with added muscle shape. ◊ SAFE & SOUND has an ideal maternal combination coupling top $M and $W indexes with high Heifer Pregnancy. ◊ First calf reports are very favorable for Birth Weight with excellent calf vigor. From Hilton Farms, OK and Connealy Angus, NE EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 13 -.2 61 105 .20 1.03 .0 1.00 26 .51 .42 -.35 .9 17.1 17 34 305 0 -.2 5 44 .45 .36 .037 2 863 110 86 88 38 126 273 Acc .89 .97 .95 .93 .48 .48 .93 .93 .86 .77 .76 .37 .62 .72 .87 .85 1138 .74 .71 .56 .50 .51 .51 2 2142 % Rank 10 20 50 55 80 60 90 40 15 55 20 15 95 5 1 10 95 90 10 50 60 80 85 1 1 45 65 60 20 7AN463 TEX PLAYBOOK 5437 AAA: 18414912 DOB: 08/03/15 TAT: 5437 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 21AR O LASS 7017 SIRE: SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 RITA 1C43 OF 9M26 COMPLETE RITA 9M26 OF RITA 5F56 PRED DAM: ◊ Cowmaker deluxe – PLAYBOOK consistently sires high quality cattle that are deep bodied, structurally correct and have exceptional eye-appeal. ◊ $Maternal rockstar – he has a unique combination of HP, CEM, Milk, DOC, reduced mature size and moderate DMI. ◊ Hard to find sire that excels for $Maternal while ranking near the top of the breed for $Weaning, $Energy and $Combined From Teixeira Cattle Co., CA; Deer Valley Farms and Crazy K Ranch, TN; Rishel Angus, NE; Black Gold Genetics, IL; Valley Oak Angus, MO and Spruce Mountain Ranch, CO

8 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 7 1.0 89 156 .31 1.87 .8 .02 21 .42 .46 2.02 .3 13.2 7 35 77 .7 -31 83 1.72 1.42 .016 84 93 122 114 236 390 Acc .40 .65 .48 .44 .33 .33 .53 .50 .44 .30 .34 .25 .30 .24 .32 .33 .38 .41 .42 .38 .38 .34 % Rank 45 45 2 2 10 95 20 95 35 20 35 75 10 30 65 10 30 20 85 1 1 1 60 5 1 3 1 1 1 7AN642 HPCA VERACIOUS AAA: 19699322 DOB: 02/03/20 TAT: S500 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KOUPALS B&B IDENTITY MILL BRAE IDENTIFIED 4031 MILL BRAE PRO BLACKCAP 1092 SIRE: GAR SUNRISE HPCA SUNRISE A246 HPCA PROPHET A3 DAM: ◊ Yowza! See what VERACIOUS has grown into – now take another look at his genetic offering! No other sire comes close to his combination of Marbling and REA. ◊ His super cow 7AN361 SUNRISE dam has already written her own story, so it’s no surprise VERACIOUS excels for $Maternal as well. You can have it all! From Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus and Soaring Eagle Farms, MO; FB Genetics, TX; Terhune Farms and Don Terhune, KS; D&W Angus, GA and 2 Ten Cattle Co., MN EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 9 0.1 75 144 .33 1.76 .7 .60 19 .57 .52 .70 .3 12.5 7 30 63 .5 -22 67 1.66 1.17 .031 70 76 116 106 223 359 Acc .33 .49 .41 .37 .31 .31 .51 .49 .45 .26 .26 .23 .26 .23 .31 .31 .35 .39 .41 .38 .38 .35 % Rank 30 25 15 10 4 95 35 70 50 80 70 40 10 45 65 25 55 40 65 10 1 2 75 35 10 4 1 1 1 7AN689 G A R INCENTIVE AAA: 20051660 DOB: 04/29/20 TAT: N5400 $30 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KOUPALS B&B IDENTITY MILL BRAE IDENTIFIED 4031 MILL BRAE PRO BLACKCAP 1092 SIRE: GARDENS CACHE GAR CACHE 358S GAR PROPHET 374 DAM: ◊ INCENTIVE is an exciting new sire from Gardiner Angus Ranch offering elite marbling and $C! ◊ 7AN433 IDENTIFIED x Cache makes him ideal to cross back on most Select Sires pedigrees and for customers looking for a new pedigree twist to improve carcass merit. From Gardiner Angus Ranch, Messer Cattle LLC and Nick Messer, KS; Howard Messer and Lowell Messer, MO EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 14 0.8 71 126 .26 1.34 .5 .04 25 .57 .44 1.31 .5 10.6 9 25 77 .4 -26 51 2.21 .97 -.009 61 67 98 133 231 361 Acc .51 .76 .55 .37 .33 .33 .53 .48 .44 .27 .27 .22 .28 .26 .30 .31 .38 .42 .43 .38 .39 .36 % Rank 4 40 20 25 35 80 50 95 20 80 25 55 35 60 45 55 30 40 75 35 1 10 25 45 25 25 1 1 1 7AN629 G A R TRANSCENDENT AAA: 19570738 DOB: 08/09/19 TAT: 5139 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. GAR PROGRESS GAR MOMENTUM GAR BIG EYE 1770 SIRE: GAR PROPHET GAR PROPHET 2685 GAR DAYBREAK 2842 DAM: ◊ TRANSCENDENT is still the highest Marbling sire in the Angus breed and now he’s got over 600 genomic progeny records! ◊ If you’re serious about improving carcass quality and value, there’s no better sire to accomplish this than TRANSCENDENT. Remember, bred to a breed average Marbling female, the resulting calf hits the ground in the top 1% of the breed! From Gardiner Angus Ranch, KS and Cable Corral Genetics, TX

| 9 ◊ TEAMWORK is one of the biggest spread, high accuracy sires in the breed that excels for end product merit. ◊ His high performance progeny have been appreciated by many astute cattlemen for their bold rib, muscle shape and overall balance. ◊ TEAMWORK is a calving ease sire ranking in the top 1% of the breed for $W, $F, $B and $C! From Edgewood Angus LLC, VA; David Dockter and 6 Mile Angus, ND EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 12 0.1 96 172 .38 1.59 .8 .33 25 .59 .44 1.00 .6 9.9 13 31 130 1.0 -54 94 .99 1.17 .025 22 57 90 153 75 229 354 Acc .54 .78 .68 .57 .39 .39 .72 .66 .45 .42 .42 .25 .55 .23 .32 .32 .41 .42 .48 .43 .43 .41 63 % Rank 15 25 1 1 1 90 20 80 20 85 25 45 55 70 10 20 2 5 95 1 15 2 70 55 1 1 10 1 1 7AN579 E W A TEAMWORK 821 AAA: 19306646 DOB: 08/15/18 TAT: 821 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. QUAKER HILL MANNING 4EX9 EWA PEYTON 642 EWA 444 OF 968 PROGRESS SIRE: PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 EWA 543 OF 117 WEIGH UP EDGEWOOD LADY 117 DAM: ◊ NETWORK is one of our most elite $Combined sires. ◊ He is the culmination of several generations of Select Sires genetics that have stood the test of time. ◊ Growth and carcass merit are off the charts with top 1% ranking for YW, $F, $B, $W and $C. From Edgewood Angus LLC, VA; David Dockter, ND; Van Beek Angus, SD; Kaiser Angus, KS and Oakdale Farms, GA EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 12 0.4 89 167 .39 1.38 .7 .60 24 .53 .49 4.49 .2 10.3 12 38 118 .9 -52 96 1.21 1.22 .015 57 88 160 87 247 377 Acc .36 .53 .46 .41 .30 .30 .45 .47 .32 .32 .32 .22 .40 .18 .26 .27 .34 .37 .39 .35 .35 .33 % Rank 10 35 2 1 1 75 35 70 25 65 55 95 4 70 15 2 4 10 95 1 5 1 55 70 1 1 2 1 1 7AN695 E W A NETWORK 025 AAA: 19866645 DOB: 08/12/20 TAT: 025 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. EWA PEYTON 642 EWA TEAMWORK 821 EWA 543 OF 117 WEIGH UP SIRE: SS NIAGARA Z29 EWA 8124 OF 6131 NIAGARA EWA 6131 OF 2052 FORTRESS DAM: ◊ ENTICE has exceptional phenotypic presence in a growth oriented, mid 6 frame package and is one of our best for $B and $C. ◊ He consistently sires increased performance with stout calves that are good structured with added power, depth of body and thickness. ◊ You should be ENTICEd to use him because of his elite growth, end product, foot quality and breed leading docility. From Mogck & Sons, SD; Hoover Angus, IA and TK Angus, NE EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 3 2.2 77 143 .33 1.64 .8 2.14 31 .37 .48 6.11 .1 12.0 -3 30 12 84 .7 -32 61 .90 .76 -.035 9 343 65 70 105 70 175 292 Acc .82 .95 .93 .90 .51 .51 .90 .90 .86 .79 .78 .35 .73 .58 .62 .50 55 .51 .54 .64 .60 .57 .60 17 1013 % Rank 75 75 10 10 3 90 20 2 3 10 45 95 1 45 95 25 25 20 90 15 15 25 5 35 15 15 10 10 10 7AN531 MOGCK ENTICE AAA: 18952921 DOB: 01/31/17 TAT: 2577 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 SYDGEN ENHANCE SYDGEN RITA 2618 SIRE: MOGCK SURE SHOT 253 MOGCK ERICA 2255 MOGCK ERICA 2162 DAM:

10 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY ◊ MOVIN ON is one of our most popular options for commercial heifer projects. ◊ He is an elite calving ease sire that checks all the boxes for fertility, maternal traits, growth and end-product merit. MOVIN ON is built from the two most prominent cows in the Baldridge program, Y69 and A030. ◊ MOVIN ON calves are vigorous at birth, grow quickly and have added shape and muscle expression. From Baldridge Bros., NE; Boyd Beef Cattle and Blake Boyd, KY and Trowbridge Angus, NY EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 10 0.2 72 124 .20 1.72 .4 .82 27 .42 .43 -.19 .3 13.2 13 20 64 .4 -17 59 1.06 .82 .024 80 66 95 74 169 299 Acc .60 .81 .70 .41 .34 .34 .55 .49 .46 .30 .30 .23 .26 .25 .33 .31 .36 .38 .41 .36 .37 .33 % Rank 25 30 20 25 80 95 60 50 10 20 20 20 15 30 10 85 45 40 55 20 10 20 70 10 25 30 10 15 10 7AN595 BALDRIDGE MOVIN ON G780 AAA: 19573709 DOB: 02/11/19 TAT: G780 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 SIRE: GAR PROPHET BALDRIDGE ISABEL B061 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 DAM: EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 10 0.1 75 137 .26 1.94 .3 .95 19 .22 .34 4.12 .3 12.7 7 36 29 -.1 -9 62 .96 1.20 .028 8 103 84 97 74 171 325 Acc .60 .80 .73 .69 .42 .42 .71 .63 .49 .36 .35 .30 .33 .30 .36 .37 .46 .47 .51 .44 .44 .43 24 % Rank 25 25 15 10 35 95 70 40 40 1 2 95 10 40 65 5 80 85 35 15 15 1 75 1 2 30 10 10 2 7AN735 BALDRIDGE GIBSON G859 AAA: 19581696 DOB: 02/12/19 TAT: G859 $25 NEW CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 SIRE: GAR PROPHET BALDRIDGE ISABEL B061 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 DAM: ◊ GIBSON was added to the lineup as a proven calving ease sire that also offers the extra bells and whistles. ◊ He ranks in the top 1% for $M, CLAW and REA and top 2% for ANGLE and $C. ◊ Look for these calves to come easy and have the added muscle shape that most calving ease sires do not offer. ◊ Elite foot scores and added muscle and body make GIBSON an ideal choice to create replacement females. From Riverbend Ranch, ID and Baldridge Bros., NE EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 12 -.1 81 155 .32 2.04 .6 .66 21 .58 .50 -.78 .8 12.6 15 32 84 .7 -33 63 1.00 .69 .073 70 81 114 65 180 303 Acc .54 .82 .71 .46 .37 .37 .52 .50 .40 .37 .37 .28 .32 .29 .36 .35 .41 .43 .47 .40 .40 .37 % Rank 15 25 10 2 5 95 40 60 35 85 55 10 85 40 3 15 25 20 90 15 10 35 95 25 3 10 15 10 5 7AN644 DEER VALLEY OPTIMUM 9246 AAA: 19466633 DOB: 02/13/19 TAT: 9246 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 SIRE: GAR PROGRESS GAR PROGRESS 830 GAR 1I1 RITO 3346 DAM: ◊ OPTIMUM calves are easy to pick out for their amazing presence, length and overall eye appeal. ◊ With data, it appears OPTIMUM is a go-to heifer sire that offers phenotype, growth and carcass! ◊ Sired by the “red hot” 7AN528 GROWTH FUND, OPTIMUM is a great calving ease alternative to his sire. From Deer Valley Farm, Lane View Farms and Kenneth Carey, TN; Express Ranches and Long Ranch, OK; Stevenson Angus Ranch and Darrell Stevenson, MT; Tehama Angus Ranch, CA; Katie Colin Farm, GA and Norm Schenk, KY

| 11 EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 15 -2.8 69 107 .15 1.15 .1 .05 19 .36 .37 .04 .4 10.0 4 27 -4 -.5 10 33 .42 .84 .026 98 84 63 44 107 237 Acc .49 .69 .56 .43 .33 .33 .47 .39 .36 .29 .29 .25 .29 .26 .31 .33 .38 .41 .41 .35 .36 .32 % Rank 3 2 25 50 95 65 85 90 40 10 5 25 20 70 85 40 95 95 10 75 60 15 70 1 2 90 50 80 45 7AN600 SAT WOLVERINE 916 AAA: 19544206 DOB: 02/21/19 TAT: 916 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 SIRE: BROOKING PROSECUTOR 222 SAT PRAIRIE 788 SAT PRAIRIE 324 DAM: ◊ WOLVERINE is moderate framed with extra rib shape, above average muscle, and incredible soundness and feet. ◊ In addition to his super CED, he is a true maternal gem ranking near the top of the breed for $M, $W, both foot EPDs and he’s positive for $EN. ◊ WOLVERINE is an excellent choice for commercial heifer projects where Calving Ease, Phenotype and Maternal Value are a must. From Talkington Angus, ND EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 16 -2.5 81 151 .29 1.95 .4 1.26 18 .43 .51 1.12 .6 11.7 12 29 80 .6 -29 68 .92 .54 .057 71 82 114 61 175 298 Acc .47 .68 .55 .47 .34 .34 .46 .39 .34 .28 .28 .28 .28 .25 .31 .32 .39 .40 .43 .36 .36 .32 % Rank 2 3 10 3 15 95 60 25 45 25 60 50 60 50 15 30 25 25 85 10 15 55 95 25 3 10 20 10 10 7AN617 RR ENDEAVOR 9005 AAA: 19551197 DOB: 01/14/19 TAT: 9005 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 LD CAPITALIST 316 LD DIXIE ERICA 2053 SIRE: RAVEN POWERBALL 53 ROLLIN ROCK BLACKBIRD 7059 ROLLIN ROCK BLACKBIRD 9080 DAM: ◊ ENDEAVOR is proving to be the sire we expected. He is a go-to heifer bull that offers growth, maternal and end-product merit. ◊ This Calving Ease specialist is a big spread sire that ranks near the top of the breed for CED, BW, WW, YW and CEM. ◊ Very few sires can match his Calving Ease and Growth combination, as he provides a balanced EPD profile with 16 traits ranking in the top 20% of breed. From Raymond and Sons Ranch, OR EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 16 -2.8 57 103 .24 .87 -.1 .83 23 .37 .50 -.75 .2 15.6 10 40 23 -.4 -9 31 .74 .89 .027 90 76 67 60 126 253 Acc .35 .54 .47 .42 .31 .31 .44 .39 .34 .27 .27 .24 .28 .19 .26 .28 .35 .38 .39 .36 .36 .33 % Rank 1 2 65 60 55 40 95 55 30 10 60 10 3 15 30 1 95 95 30 90 35 15 70 3 10 90 25 65 40 7AN718 MOKE G NORTHBOUND AAA: 20106934 DOB: 01/03/21 TAT: 128 $25 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. SAV RAINFALL 6846 SQUARE B TRUE NORTH 8052 ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 SIRE: KOUPAL KOZI 418 MOKE G ERICA 958 GM ERICA 341 DAM: ◊ This True North son is elite for his CE and BW while also offering balanced EPDs for Docility, Heifer Pregnancy, Marbling, Ribeye and $M. ◊ NORTHBOUND is moderate in his build, soft made, squared footed and offers a very calm demeanor. ◊ His young dam has an IMF ratio of 1@104 and a Ribeye ratio of 1@108, while his granddam has posted a 362 day calving interval with a WW ratio of 6@104 and YW ratio of 6@105. From Moke Angus, SD

12 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY ◊ As GUARANTEE has added data, his BW EPD has gone down; however, he has still maintained a top 5% ranking for YW. ◊ Docility is one of the most important traits to most producers and GUARANTEE ranks among the best. Spend time around these cattle and you will see why. ◊ These cattle are long, attractive and sound with added muscle and volume. From Schooley Cattle Co., IA EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 9 0.6 77 150 .33 1.95 .3 1.19 32 .61 .53 2.43 .6 12.9 6 37 57 -.2 -23 64 .66 .61 .012 4 79 81 110 53 163 290 Acc .60 .84 .71 .60 .38 .38 .60 .56 .48 .30 .30 .24 .26 .25 .30 .31 .41 .41 .47 .39 .39 .37 6 % Rank 30 35 10 4 3 95 70 25 2 90 75 80 60 35 75 3 55 90 70 10 35 45 50 10 3 10 35 20 10 7AN623 CRAWFORD GUARANTEE 9137 AAA: 19526770 DOB: 02/19/19 TAT: 9137 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 CONNEALY PAYRAISE PRIDE FAIR OF CONANGA 351 SIRE: CONNEALY ARMORY CRAWFORD MS ARMORY D40 GAR NEW DAY N2290 DAM: EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 4 2.8 102 186 .34 2.56 1.5 .57 18 .51 .36 .78 .89 13.3 16 34 102 1.1 -42 98 .65 .84 .012 85 95 138 56 194 337 Acc .35 .51 .44 .39 .33 .33 .45 .47 .36 .31 .31 .28 .32 .25 .32 .32 .38 .40 .41 .37 .37 .33 % Rank 70 85 1 1 2 95 1 70 55 55 5 40 95 40 1 10 15 4 95 1 45 20 50 5 1 1 35 2 1 7AN699 DEER VALLEY YELLOWSTONE 0106 AAA: 19659010 DOB: 01/01/20 TAT: 0106 $30 NEW BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 SIRE: G A R PROPHET DEER VALLEY BLACKBIRD 4765 V A R BLACKBIRD 1218 DAM: ◊ YELLOWSTONE ranks among the elite of the elite for performance. He will add pounds on payday! ◊ 7AN528 GROWTH FUND x 7AN320 PROPHET has proven to be a great mating cross that combines marbling, muscle and performance. ◊ YELLOWSTONE also ranks about the best for CEM, ANGLE, RADG, CW and $C and is backed by the Blackbird cow family. From Deer Valley Farm, Maderias Farms and 4L Cattle, TN and Armando Romero, KS EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 11 0.8 91 172 .36 2.10 1.1 1.30 18 .57 .56 1.44 .7 15.6 11 34 118 1.4 -50 87 .85 1.21 -.021 2 12 64 85 139 73 212 339 Acc .67 .88 .78 .52 .34 .34 .62 .58 .33 .32 .32 .22 .24 .18 .30 .30 .38 .40 .48 .40 .40 .37 2 17 % Rank 15 40 1 1 1 95 4 20 45 80 85 60 70 15 25 10 4 1 95 1 20 1 15 40 2 1 10 1 1 7AN594 WILKS REGIMENT 9035 AAA: 19401188 DOB: 01/08/19 TAT: 9035 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CONNEALY CAVALRY 1149 WAR CAVALRY B063 Z044 WAR CC&7 Z044 X029 SIRE: VAR EMPIRE 3037 VINTAGE CHLOE 6137 VAR CHLOE 2227 DAM: ◊ REGIMENT breaks the barriers for BW to YW spread. His calves are born easily, grow quickly and many from his first calf crop topped sales across the country. ◊ He blends a highly sought-after pedigree with a powerful phenotype, herd sire presence and elite growth and carcass predictions. ◊ REGIMENT is an index leader ranking at the top of the breed for $W, $F, $B and $C. From Wilks Ranches, TX; 4 Sons Farm, KY; Linz Heritage Angus, IN and Wall Street Cattle Co., MO

| 13 EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 11 1.0 94 152 .27 1.58 .4 1.09 15 .43 .44 2.13 .1 14.8 10 24 67 .2 -20 66 .57 .75 -.009 5 96 92 103 53 155 297 Acc .43 .67 .57 .48 .37 .37 .50 .53 .40 .27 .27 .24 .29 .24 .29 .31 .39 .41 .44 .38 .38 .35 13 % Rank 15 45 1 3 30 90 60 35 60 25 25 75 1 20 35 60 40 60 60 10 45 25 25 1 1 20 35 25 10 7AN607 HOFFMAN STAGECOACH 1908 AAA: 19479475 DOB: 02/09/19 TAT: 1908 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 SIRE: CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 BSG COUNTESS 1705 OF 028 BSG COUNTESS 1501 OF 547W DAM: ◊ STAGECOACH is a truly unique sire with an elite combination of phenotype, performance and maternal strength. ◊ He has elite maternal value, ranking near the top of the breed for Hair Shedding, $M, $W and does this with modest Calving Ease and breed leading growth. ◊ STAGECOACH is a moderate framed sire with a lot of muscle and extra rib shape. ◊ His pedigree combines two of our best in 14AN502 TAHOE and 7AN351 CAPITALIST. From Hoffman Ranch, NE EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 3 2.7 60 109 .30 .07 .4 .08 6 .57 .55 -.23 .9 11.4 5 24 83 .5 -28 52 .50 1.01 -.033 36 48 115 55 170 256 Acc .32 .59 .45 .33 .26 .26 .39 .34 .27 .20 .20 .18 .22 .16 .23 .24 .31 .33 .35 .30 .30 .26 % Rank 75 85 50 50 10 10 60 90 90 80 80 20 95 50 80 60 25 35 80 30 55 5 10 95 70 10 30 15 30 7AN618 PVF MARVEL 9185 AAA: 19566408 DOB: 04/27/19 TAT: 9185 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. PVF INSIGHT 0129 PVF BLACKLIST 7077 PVF BLACKBIRD 3070 SIRE: C&C MCKINLEY 3000 EXAR PVF MISSIE 5245 PVF MISSIE 0084 DAM: ◊ MARVEL’s first calf crop has been sensational! ◊ In his first full year in use, four separate MARVEL daughters have commanded $80,000, $110,000, $120,000 and $130,000! MARVEL will generate value in your calf crop. ◊ His calves offer extra rib shape and explode into a powerful hip with added pin width. This is all in a package that doesn’t sacrifice the added look needed on the tanbark. From Prairie View Farms and Ashton Dillow, IL; Boyd Beef Cattle and Hammerhead Cattle Co., KY ◊ Wide, deep and super sound with a herd bull presence, WALL STREET is easily one of the most physically impressive sires in our lineup. ◊ High ranking for HP, Marbling and growth, WALL STREET hits the high marks on the $Indexes. ◊ WALL STREET daughters are proving to be super productive, highly maternal females with excellent type and kind. From Deer Valley Farm and Allison Farms, TN; Schiefelbein Farms, MN; Bar 7 Genetics, AL; Lawson Farms, VA and Cheer-Up Farm, CT EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 7 0.8 75 145 .29 1.94 .0 .85 14 .52 .43 1.10 .9 16.9 9 28 6 78 .4 -28 61 .99 .56 .067 1 95 75 70 111 64 174 301 Acc .64 .90 .86 .78 .48 .48 .79 .76 .69 .65 .64 .32 .45 .46 .48 .40 12 .52 .51 .54 .48 .49 .49 1 207 % Rank 45 40 15 5 15 95 90 50 65 60 20 50 95 10 45 35 30 40 80 15 15 50 95 15 15 10 20 10 5 14AN545 DEER VALLEY WALL STREET AAA: 18827829 DOB: 01/23/17 TAT: 71128 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 21AR O LASS 7017 SIRE: PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 DAM:

14 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY ◊ Here’s a balanced and attractive 7AN528 GROWTH FUND son with plenty of extras. ◊ High rankings for traits like HP and CEM complement CAMERON’s solid offering for CED and growth. ◊ Just like his sire, CAMERON expresses major rib shape, a big hip and a sound structure, all with a middle-sized frame ◊ CAMERON’s offspring will qualify for the 44 Farms Prime Pursuits program. From 44 Farms LLC, TX EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 12 0.2 82 149 .28 1.97 .8 1.14 12 .46 .50 2.63 .7 16.9 16 32 92 .8 -36 72 .48 .64 .013 76 82 111 45 156 278 Acc .35 .53 .42 .37 .32 .32 .43 .40 .35 .29 .29 .26 .31 .24 .31 .31 .36 .38 .39 .36 .36 .33 % Rank 10 30 5 4 25 95 25 35 80 35 60 80 80 10 1 15 20 15 95 5 65 45 50 20 3 10 60 25 15 7AN725 44 CAMERON 05048 AAA: 20152901 DOB: 11/30/20 TAT: 05048 $25 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 SIRE: VAR GENERATION 2100 DLA BLACKCAP 5048 SBP BLACKCAP 7507 DAM: EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 13 0.3 83 158 .33 2.37 1.1 1.21 20 .44 .36 3.32 .3 18.5 15 31 140 1.0 -58 82 1.07 1.14 .007 65 75 131 80 211 339 Acc .33 .52 .43 .35 .28 .28 .44 .38 .30 .22 .22 .23 .24 .18 .24 .26 .33 .36 .37 .33 .33 .29 % Rank 10 30 5 2 4 95 10 30 45 25 5 90 10 3 2 20 1 10 95 2 10 2 45 45 10 1 4 1 1 7AN723 44 GOOD NEWS 1130 AAA: 19971596 DOB: 02/03/21 TAT: 1130 $25 NEW CASINO BOMBER N33 44 BRIGADE 44 RITA 6821 SIRE: 44 MASS TRANSIT 6907 44 PRIMROSE 202G 44 PRIMROSE A255 DAM: ◊ We’ve got GOOD NEWS! He has genetics that cover all the bases and offer value-added marketing options! ◊ GOOD NEWS writes one of the most complete EPD profiles in the breed and is one of our best for $Combined. ◊ With his elite HP, CEM and foot EPDs, he will sire outstanding replacement females in addition to sale topping feeder cattle that qualify for 44 Farms Prime Pursuits programs. From JLB Ranch, KS and 44 Farms LLC, TX ◊ A 7AN464 UNIQUE son that follows in his sire’s footsteps for multi-trait excellence, ranking in the top 30% of the breed for 15 EPDs and Indexes. ◊ Need to improve fertility? He is one of our best sires for Heifer Pregnancy! ◊ He is an excellent Calving Ease sire for low input environments with his moderate milk, under control frame size, fleshing ability and unique combination of $EN and $ Maternal. ◊ PATENT is a low PAP sire that should work well in high altitude. From Connealy Angus, NE EPDs as of 7/15/22 Production Maternal Carcass C U $Value CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC Claw Angle PAP HS HP CEM Milk Hd/Dt MW MH $EN CW Marb RE Fat Grp/Pg Grp/Pg $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 15 -1.6 69 121 .24 1.26 .4 1.19 25 .54 .57 -1.24 .5 21.0 14 23 49 .3 -11 39 .66 .77 -.006 95 70 78 57 135 270 Acc .35 .55 .48 .43 .34 .34 .46 .49 .45 .34 .34 .25 .30 .24 .32 .34 .38 .40 .43 .39 .38 .36 % Rank 2 5 30 30 55 65 70 30 20 70 90 10 35 1 4 75 70 60 35 70 45 30 25 1 15 65 30 55 25 14AN686 CONNEALY PATENT 959A AAA: 19847979 DOB: 08/02/19 TAT: 959A $20 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 DEER VALLEY UNIQUE 5635 SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 643T SIRE: CONNEALY PREMIUM PRODUCT BUNTY OF CONANGA 146 BUNDEE OF CONANGA 9905 DAM:

| 15 Calving Ease Direct EPD 7AN423 100X 18 7AN525 COMPOUND 18 7AN368 COMRADE 17 7AN617 ENDEAVOR 17 7AN718 NORTHBOUND 16 14AN553 COWBOY LOGIC 16 7AN669 NORTH STAR 16 14AN686 PATENT 15 7AN392 MOMENTUM 14 14AN497 NEW ADDITION 14 Breed Average 6 Birth Weight EPD 7AN423 100X -4.1 7AN368 COMRADE -3.5 7AN684 GUARD RAIL -3.2 7AN525 COMPOUND -2.8 7AN718 NORTHBOUND -2.8 7AN617 ENDEAVOR -2.5 7AN432 BANKROLL -2.1 7AN600 WOLVERINE -1.9 14AN497 NEW ADDITION -1.7 14AN686 PATENT -1.6 Breed Average 1.2 Weaning Weight EPD 7AN579 TEAMWORK 97 7AN607 STAGECOACH 94 7AN510 PEYTON 94 7AN738 RIVAL 94 7AN594 REGIMENT 91 7AN528 GROWTH FUND 90 7AN523 TRAILBLAZER 90 7AN695 NETWORK 89 7AN642 VERACIOUS 89 7AN483 PHOENIX 86 Breed Average 59 Yearling Weight EPD 7AN579 TEAMWORK 172 7AN594 REGIMENT 171 7AN528 GROWTH FUND 169 7AN695 NETWORK 167 7AN510 PEYTON 165 7AN738 RIVAL 163 7AN523 TRAILBLAZER 160 7AN723 GOOD NEWS 158 7AN642 VERACIOUS 157 7AN644 OPTIMUM 154 Breed Average 105 Docility EPD 14AN497 NEW ADDITION 36 7AN368 COMRADE 36 7AN544 MAIN STREET 33 7AN623 GUARANTEE 32 7AN531 ENTICE 31 7AN697 COUNTY ROAD 31 7AN696 POWER ON 29 7AN604 TOP CUT 28 7AN538 BRAGGING RIGHTS 28 7AN595 MOVIN ON 27 Breed Average 17 Claw EPD 7AN735 GIBSON .22 7AN688 JUSTICE .23 7AN466 RAINFALL .33 7AN550 KNOW HOW .35 7AN531 ENTICE .37 7AN669 NORTH STAR .37 7AN718 NORTHBOUND .37 7AN600 WOLVERINE .37 7AN743 CRAFTSMAN .40 7AN738 RIVAL .40 Breed Average .50 Angle EPD 7AN669 NORTH STAR .24 7AN550 KNOW HOW .30 7AN688 JUSTICE .33 7AN735 GIBSON .34 7AN698 IRON HORSE .34 7AN589 SILVERADO .35 7AN723 GOOD NEWS .36 7AN600 WOLVERINE .37 14AN553 COWBOY LOGIC .37 7AN466 RAINFALL .41 Breed Average .49 Heifer Pregnancy EPD 7AN684 GUARD RAIL 22.3 14AN686 PATENT 21.1 7AN604 TOP CUT 20.4 7AN523 TRAILBLAZER 19.8 14AN497 NEW ADDITION 18.8 7AN723 GOOD NEWS 18.5 7AN743 CRAFTSMAN 17.8 7AN683 SAFE & SOUND 17.8 7AN463 PLAYBOOK 17.1 7AN550 KNOW HOW 16.9 Breed Average 11.4 Calving Ease Maternal EPD 7AN423 100X 19 7AN463 PLAYBOOK 18 7AN725 CAMERON 16 7AN669 NORTH STAR 16 7AN528 GROWTH FUND 16 14AN553 COWBOY LOGIC 16 7AN723 GOOD NEWS 15 7AN644 OPTIMUM 15 14AN686 PATENT 14 7AN697 COUNTY ROAD 14 Breed Average 8 $Energy EPD 7AN600 WOLVERINE 10 7AN368 COMRADE 9 7AN463 PLAYBOOK 5 7AN466 RAINFALL 2 14AN497 NEW ADDITION -1 7AN697 COUNTY ROAD -5 7AN516 DARK FIRE -7 7AN538 BRAGGING RIGHTS -7 7AN718 NORTHBOUND -9 7AN735 GIBSON -9 Breed Average -16 Marbling EPD 7AN629 TRANSCENDENT 2.20 7AN580 HOME TOWN 1.80 7AN700 HERO 1.72 7AN642 VERACIOUS 1.70 7AN604 TOP CUT 1.68 7AN689 INCENTIVE 1.64 7AN703 BELIEVER 1.59 7AN523 TRAILBLAZER 1.57 14AN548 WEST POINT 1.57 7AN392 MOMENTUM 1.56 Breed Average .53 Ribeye EPD 7AN642 VERACIOUS 1.40 7AN560 QUANTUM 1.32 7AN624 DUAL THREAT 1.26 7AN695 NETWORK 1.22 7AN735 GIBSON 1.20 7AN594 REGIMENT 1.20 7AN591 ABUNDANCE 1.18 7AN579 TEAMWORK 1.17 7AN689 INCENTIVE 1.16 7AN698 IRON HORSE 1.15 Breed Average .56 TOP TEN ANGUS The Top Ten list features the top sires from the Select Sires and Accelerated Genetics lineups in each of these 16 traits THE SELECT SIRES AND ACCELERATED GENETICS LINEUPS CONTAIN SIRES THAT EXCEL IN EVERY TRAIT! $Maternal EPD 7AN604 TOP CUT 113 7AN697 COUNTY ROAD 112 7AN463 PLAYBOOK 110 7AN743 CRAFTSMAN 107 7AN684 GUARD RAIL 106 7AN735 GIBSON 103 7AN600 WOLVERINE 102 14AN497 NEW ADDITION 99 7AN688 JUSTICE 99 7AN683 SAFE & SOUND 97 Breed Average 58 $Weaning EPD 14AN502 TAHOE 96 7AN697 COUNTY ROAD 94 7AN738 RIVAL 93 7AN743 CRAFTSMAN 92 7AN607 STAGECOACH 92 7AN642 VERACIOUS 92 7AN528 GROWTH FUND 92 7AN591 ABUNDANCE 91 7AN579 TEAMWORK 91 7AN695 NETWORK 89 Breed Average 55 $Beef EPD 7AN695 NETWORK 247 7AN642 VERACIOUS 233 7AN629 TRANSCENDENT 231 7AN579 TEAMWORK 228 7AN510 PEYTON 226 7AN689 INCENTIVE 220 14AN548 WEST POINT 217 7AN580 HOME TOWN 213 7AN723 GOOD NEWS 211 7AN594 REGIMENT 210 Breed Average 132 $Combined EPD 7AN642 VERACIOUS 386 7AN695 NETWORK 377 7AN604 TOP CUT 375 7AN629 TRANSCENDENT 360 7AN510 PEYTON 356 7AN689 INCENTIVE 355 7AN579 TEAMWORK 353 7AN624 DUAL THREAT 347 7AN743 CRAFTSMAN 346 7AN580 HOME TOWN 340 Breed Average 229 7 code numbers= Select Sires 14 code numbers= Accelerated Genetics EPDs as of 7/15/22
16 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY ANGUS CALVING EASE - Sorted by descending Yearling Weight EPD CE BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC DOC CLAW ANGLE Code No. Reg No. Code Name EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc 7AN510 18675107 PEYTON 25 YES 12 .77 2.0 .93 94 .90 166 .84 .33 .45 1.69 .45 1.2 .88 .40 .83 17 .75 .55 .70 .50 .68 7AN523 18996007 TRAILBLAZER 25 YES 8 .68 1.3 .87 90 .83 161 .72 .30 .47 2.06 .47 .7 .75 1.43 .69 27 .63 .54 .32 .50 .31 7AN483 18636106 PHOENIX 25 YES 13 .75 1.0 .91 86 .88 154 .82 .29 .52 2.17 .52 1.1 .88 2.53 .84 21 .79 .56 .68 .46 .68 7AN669 19892632 NORTH STAR 18 YES 16 .35 -1.2 .54 84 .47 149 .40 .26 .32 2.14 .32 .3 .46 .89 .41 27 .38 .36 .32 .24 .32 7AN518 18082928 XCEPTIONAL 20 YES 8 .69 0.9 .85 75 .81 143 .70 .35 .46 1.11 .46 .5 .75 .85 .71 27 .44 .64 .33 .46 .34 14AN548 19054061 WEST POINT 25 YES 13 .68 1.3 .89 74 .85 142 .77 .33 .46 1.75 .46 .9 .82 .66 .74 24 .64 .63 .53 .47 .54 14AN590 19469706 BRIGADE 25 NO 9 .46 -1.1 .80 74 .73 142 .55 .30 .39 1.81 .39 .5 .64 .99 .51 15 .52 .46 .42 .52 .42 14AN461 17972810 ACCLAIM 22 YES 5 .90 1.2 .97 71 .96 141 .94 .36 .71 1.30 .71 1.0 .94 -.02 .93 13 .90 .48 .83 .49 .83 7AN388 17287387 NIAGARA 25 NO 6 .88 0.9 .97 69 .96 140 .94 .30 .63 2.23 .63 .6 .95 .63 .93 21 .91 .41 .84 .45 .84 7AN589 19418336 SILVERADO 25 NO 9 .44 0.9 .75 76 .68 138 .57 .27 .38 1.82 .38 .2 .50 .28 .59 16 .36 .39 .30 .36 .30 7AN544 18770757 MAIN STREET 20 YES 9 .44 0.8 .73 76 .66 134 .54 .24 .42 1.88 .42 .3 .64 1.26 .50 33 .37 .64 .25 .54 .25 7AN696 19668501 POWER ON 25 YES 10 .35 0.4 .56 75 .49 134 .45 .29 .34 1.16 .34 .1 .53 .80 .51 29 .37 .47 .37 .47 .38 7AN464 18429666 UNIQUE 22 NO 7 .77 0.5 .93 71 .91 133 .86 .29 .52 1.37 .52 .4 .87 .44 .84 18 .82 .48 .68 .43 .67 7AN479 18423726 FULL MEASURE 25 YES 14 .72 -1.1 .91 75 .88 133 .80 .32 .51 .81 .51 .4 .82 .20 .79 5 .66 .65 .51 .48 .51 7AN591 19388669 ABUNDANCE 18 YES 10 .50 0.6 .76 84 .68 132 .44 .21 .38 1.58 .38 .5 .52 .16 .45 23 .40 .55 .32 .49 .32 7AN511 17841616 SPUR 18 YES 13 .64 0.4 .84 76 .80 131 .73 .28 .38 1.02 .38 .7 .68 1.09 .57 23 .47 .59 .42 .48 .43 7AN550 18543644 KNOW HOW 25 YES 1 .58 3.1 .92 61 .88 131 .84 .35 .39 1.32 .39 .7 .84 1.85 .82 14 .73 .35 .66 .30 .62 7AN560 18636059 QUANTUM 25 YES 13 .81 1.2 .93 73 .91 130 .86 .27 .48 1.51 .48 .8 .91 1.56 .88 27 .84 .47 .66 .49 .66 7AN538 17894794 BRAGGING RIGHTS 20 YES 11 .74 -0.9 .90 70 .87 128 .81 .26 .44 1.65 .44 .2 .86 1.02 .83 28 .71 .55 .47 .48 .46 7AN521 18876777 BLUEPRINT 25 YES 8 .81 0.6 .94 68 .92 126 .89 .28 .44 1.23 .44 .0 .88 .55 .87 20 .83 .49 .73 .49 .73 7AN624 19123898 DUAL THREAT 25 NO 13 .69 -0.7 .87 67 .80 125 .51 .27 .40 1.27 .40 .7 .69 1.37 .57 26 .48 .48 .30 .38 .29 7AN517 17879330 COUNSELOR 22 YES 10 .69 -0.7 .88 62 .85 118 .78 .27 .41 1.23 .41 .4 .70 1.64 .73 26 .66 .51 .51 .80 .49 7AN432 18036327 BANKROLL 25 YES 13 .86 -2.1 .95 57 .93 117 .89 .29 .65 1.35 .65 -.2 .88 1.15 .86 25 .76 .53 .53 .49 .52 7AN473 18534952 LEGENDARY 22 NO 9 .86 -0.9 .95 72 .93 116 .90 .22 .61 .99 .61 .4 .90 .79 .88 10 .84 .51 .72 .57 .71 7AN525 18875915 COMPOUND 20 YES 18 .63 -2.8 .80 63 .74 116 .62 .28 .37 .66 .37 .1 .61 .50 .62 23 .49 .64 .27 .55 .27 14AN553 19256275 COWBOY LOGIC 20 YES 16 .67 -0.8 .85 61 .83 113 .76 .28 .42 .63 .42 .3 .78 .59 .74 2 .73 .44 .62 .37 .62 7AN516 18746402 DARK FIRE 20 YES 7 .65 2.3 .86 61 .82 110 .70 .28 .46 .45 .46 .4 .73 1.19 .66 19 .60 .44 .56 .41 .56 7AN389 17328461 SURE FIRE 25 YES 12 .93 0.0 .97 56 .96 107 .95 .26 .82 .86 .82 .4 .96 2.27 .95 26 .93 .58 .86 .45 .85 7AN466 18578963 RAINFALL 30 YES 8 .91 0.3 .97 56 .95 106 .92 .27 .55 .73 .55 -.4 .91 .93 .92 13 .88 .33 .78 .41 .77 7AN392 17354145 MOMENTUM 25 YES 14 .86 0.1 .94 54 .92 99 .90 .23 .63 .94 .63 .2 .94 -.03 .92 27 .91 .45 .71 .45 .71 7AN423 17774305 100X 20 YES 18 .80 -4.1 .93 48 .90 98 .87 .28 .48 .82 .48 .4 .91 .18 .89 21 .85 .72 .52 .49 .52 14AN497 18548853 NEW ADDITION 20 YES 14 .71 -1.7 .86 51 .82 93 .74 .24 .41 .27 .41 -.3 .77 .56 .75 36 .56 .49 .38 .53 .41 7AN368 17031465 COMRADE 20 YES 17 .92 -3.5 .97 46 .96 90 .94 .25 .67 .37 .67 -.4 .94 .16 .94 36 .91 .58 .82 .50 .81 OTHER ANGUS SIRES AVAILABLE PRICE AAA EPDs as of 7/15/22 = top 35 percent of the breed = Canadian availability 7AN510 PEYTON7AN466 RAINFALL7AN389 SURE FIRE

| 17 PAP HS HP CEM MILK MW MH $EN CW MARB REA FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C $AxH $AxJ EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD EPD EPD EPD EPD EPD EPD EPD 1.83 .26 .38 .61 14.5 .36 7 .66 32 .53 121 .48 1.0 .50 -50 92 .56 1.27 .50 .82 .50 .032 .51 63 85 144 83 227 357 185 181 2.05 .31 .29 .33 19.6 .29 13 .41 25 .39 120 .46 .8 .47 -46 57 .56 1.56 .50 .44 .49 .022 .49 78 78 91 92 184 317 80 66 3.60 .29 .20 .45 10.8 .45 10 .56 25 .46 108 .49 1.0 .52 -40 85 .70 1.16 .68 1.11 .64 .027 .67 58 75 126 82 208 328 194 202 3.37 .26 .59 .27 14.1 .22 16 .31 18 .33 69 .38 .1 .41 -18 64 .41 .68 .37 .75 .37 .044 .35 97 77 102 53 156 299 170 157 .10 .33 .49 .34 10.9 .28 12 .52 34 .41 55 .45 .2 .46 -20 68 .67 1.02 .65 .80 .60 .009 .62 75 77 123 73 196 329 212 208 2.69 .26 .12 .59 10.7 .42 7 .42 35 .36 112 .46 1.0 .48 -47 66 .51 1.58 .45 .81 .47 .004 .46 43 70 118 100 218 326 220 223 .48 .27 .71 .31 12.4 .27 14 .33 34 .34 56 .43 .3 .45 -21 68 .51 .70 .45 .90 .44 .037 .41 76 80 114 57 171 298 174 174 -.53 .57 .73 .63 10.4 .66 10 .88 29 .86 131 .75 1.0 .73 -53 82 .72 .73 .69 .65 .65 -.012 .69 30 62 145 59 204 295 123 116 .95 .49 .56 .72 8.6 .77 9 .87 27 .86 101 .80 .3 .83 -38 67 .74 .89 .71 1.10 .68 .013 .71 46 66 113 71 183 283 170 155 4.45 .27 .01 .32 15.7 .27 9 .32 30 .34 47 .42 -.3 .44 -14 54 .47 .92 .41 .57 .41 .048 .39 95 78 91 62 153 293 148 113 .44 .24 .61 .27 14.6 .21 11 .31 24 .32 66 .40 .1 .41 -20 50 .45 .95 .40 .51 .40 .037 .38 79 72 92 63 155 280 150 122 2.83 .27 .77 .30 12.4 .23 13 .34 24 .33 94 .38 .3 .41 -33 54 .43 1.16 .37 .71 .37 .004 .34 66 68 99 79 178 297 179 129 2.18 .30 .81 .60 14.5 .48 7 .66 24 .60 76 .61 .5 .55 -25 48 .64 .85 .61 .96 .58 -.022 .60 69 70 92 70 162 279 163 140 2.08 .32 .51 .45 13.9 .38 13 .64 36 .57 79 .54 .5 .56 -33 53 .53 1.05 .47 .54 .48 -.031 .47 60 82 102 74 176 288 177 138 2.31 .28 .57 .31 9.3 .33 10 .35 29 .35 48 .41 .4 .45 -14 48 .47 1.54 .41 1.17 .41 .009 .37 83 91 71 102 173 307 193 178 2.98 .31 .66 .38 13.7 .24 14 .45 36 .45 59 .42 .4 .42 -23 55 .48 .86 .42 .35 .43 .018 .41 81 82 106 59 164 294 -5 26 1.77 .28 .70 .58 16.9 .47 10 .46 21 .38 96 .47 .9 .46 -32 63 .52 1.06 .46 .95 .47 .017 .46 60 38 127 76 203 323 184 178 -.69 .33 .69 .54 8.4 .44 7 .58 34 .46 59 .52 .8 .56 -22 60 .63 .95 .59 1.32 .57 -.014 .60 68 76 100 79 178 299 177 185 4.11 .30 .32 .34 10.6 .37 5 .64 7 .63 58 .52 .0 .50 -7 52 .74 1.04 .72 .98 .68 .000 .71 53 48 91 77 168 271 183 166 3.13 .32 .57 .46 7.9 .61 7 .65 30 .54 64 .55 .3 .52 -22 54 .56 .75 .50 1.13 .50 .009 .51 57 68 103 65 168 275 184 165 .62 .29 .15 .43 14.4 .27 5 .33 37 .33 62 .42 .3 .44 -25 66 .61 1.25 .56 1.26 .53 .002 .52 76 75 118 91 209 347 215 214 1.46 .23 .23 .41 16.8 .36 4 .53 34 .47 49 .49 .2 .46 -17 57 .52 .64 .46 .90 .46 -.004 .45 69 68 110 58 168 287 156 131 1.33 .42 .61 .41 16.5 .40 9 .78 24 .79 83 .65 .0 .64 -28 52 .68 .49 .65 .66 .61 .006 .64 58 54 105 46 151 254 149 113 1.38 .35 .81 .47 13.8 .59 9 .76 27 .71 69 .67 .0 .55 -23 52 .68 1.20 .65 1.03 .61 -.021 .65 64 79 90 87 177 294 190 172 .91 .30 .80 .28 15.7 .24 12 .41 30 .39 59 .41 .1 .42 -20 45 .47 .83 .40 .59 .41 .033 .38 69 68 92 59 151 265 164 139 3.96 .27 .81 .56 6.8 .35 16 .32 21 .35 56 .44 .4 .44 -14 36 .51 .07 .45 .38 .46 -.019 .44 52 55 74 25 99 180 25 -4 .75 .32 .37 .54 8.9 .30 12 .47 30 .43 31 .54 .2 .52 -7 33 .51 .91 .45 .44 .46 .006 .46 74 62 76 63 139 254 94 51 -.83 .64 .11 .77 8.8 .84 8 .90 29 .89 39 .86 .0 .87 -10 47 .87 1.29 .86 .70 .83 .024 .86 62 67 96 83 179 294 176 147 1.28 .47 .35 .54 15.9 .57 5 .74 27 .66 15 .54 -.5 .56 2 17 .65 .59 .62 .54 .59 .007 .62 90 59 60 49 109 231 93 42 1.44 .31 .47 .59 5.6 .78 6 .82 31 .81 48 .74 .2 .80 -15 42 .84 1.56 .83 1.00 .80 .002 .82 52 62 88 102 190 298 202 177 1.11 .37 .60 .46 7.5 .63 19 .78 33 .78 39 .68 .4 .72 -12 37 .80 1.07 .79 .70 .75 -.054 .78 49 60 87 79 167 266 169 154 2.91 .26 .67 .29 18.8 .31 13 .49 33 .44 14 .52 -.4 .56 -1 33 .63 .87 .59 .75 .56 .050 .57 99 63 81 62 142 283 152 124 .40 .57 .27 .67 5.6 .76 8 .89 29 .91 -8 .83 -.5 .84 9 19 .76 .57 .73 .63 .70 .002 .73 68 68 70 50 120 224 122 86 7AN624 DUAL THREAT7AN589 SILVERADO7AN521 BLUEPRINT 7 code numbers= Select Sires 14 code numbers= Accelerated Genetics

20 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY ◊ HIGHLIFE is the “growth and grunt” blaze face sire of choice! He is a top seller at Select Sires! ◊ HIGHLIFE ranks in the top 3% for WW and the top 10% for YW EPDs as well as ranking in the top 10% for API and TI! ◊ He is an outcross to many pedigrees giving mating flexibility within the breed! ◊ HIGHLIFE will add a bit more frame, desired in some Simmental cattle today. From Schnabel Ranch, SD; Triangle J Ranch, NE and Gibbs Farms, AL EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 16.7 0.8 97.0 143.3 8.3 25.4 73.9 20.1 8.5 33.8 -.62 .15 -.141 1.13 157.0 93.1 Acc .63 .84 .79 .76 .34 .21 .34 .32 .41 .61 .46 .57 .49 .56 % Rank 3 35 4 10 15 35 10 15 85 35 1 40 1 10 10 10 7SM113 MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 ASA: 3568376 DOB: 03/16/19 TAT: G1609 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. HOOK`S BEACON 56B KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 WS MISS SUGAR C4 SIRE: JBS BIG CASINO 336Y MISS SR D1609 MISS SR Y1102 DAM: PB HOMO.SM BLACK HOMO. POLLED ◊ BROAD RANGE has one of the most competitive purebred EPD profiles in the breed. ◊ The combination of calving ease, growth, maternal calving ease, marbling and ribeye make BROAD RANGE a must-use sire. ◊ BROAD RANGE’s young daughters are making very attractive mothers. His sons are demanding attention in the sire pens. From Gibbs Farms, AL; K Diamond Cattle and TNT Simmentals, ND; River Creek Ranch, KS and Trauernicht Simmentals, NEEPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 15.3 -2.1 91.9 151.9 10.6 17.4 63.3 16.0 15.4 47.0 -.23 .20 .000 1.22 153.7 92.9 Acc .75 .88 .84 .84 .44 .37 .48 .30 .49 .72 .52 .66 .57 .64 % Rank 10 4 10 3 2 95 45 60 10 5 99 30 99 4 15 10 7SM104 GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE ASA: 3404807 DOB: 09/21/17 TAT: 7382E $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. S D S GRADUATE 006X CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A CCR MS APPLE 9332W SIRE: SSF BLK MIDLAND T525 SSF BLK LOUISE Y534 SSF BLK LOUISE S824 DAM: PB HOMO.SM BLACK HOMO. POLLED EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 21.3 -4.1 74.7 108.3 12.2 24.6 61.9 17.0 18.8 40.6 -.22 .51 -.052 .69 174.1 92.8 Acc .56 .70 .57 .58 .29 .20 .30 .29 .32 .51 .39 .51 .39 .49 % Rank 1 1 65 70 1 45 55 45 1 15 99 3 95 90 2 10 7SM122 SCHOOLEY STANDOUT 27G ASA: 3585120 DOB: 02/07/19 TAT: 27G $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. WS ALL-AROUND Z35 OMF EPIC E27 OMF TIME LESS B100 SIRE: CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z CLRS BEAUTY QUEEN 420 B TSN MISS 1407 P146 DAM: PB HOMO.SM BLACK HOMO. POLLED ◊ STANDOUT is quickly becoming known as a calving ease sire who will add extra “flash” to a set of calves. ◊ His calving EPDs already reflect top 5% for CE and top 10% for BW. He is solid across the board! A lot of pedigree flexibility as well! ◊ STANDOUT is backed by an extremely strong cow and cow family, CLSR Beauty Queen. From Lazy C Diamond Ranch, ND and Schooley Cattle Co., IA

| 21 ◊ FLAT IRON is just flat out good! This sire is impressive from every angle and can improve muscle, mass and eye appeal in one generation. ◊ Few sires offer his balance of Calving Ease, Growth, Maternal and Carcass. Especially considering he has over 500 progeny in the ASA database. ◊ His data draws you in, but it’s his consistency and elite phenotype that sells you! From Cow Camp Ranch, KS; Triangle J Ranch, NE; JC Simmental, MI and All Beef, IL EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 14.9 -2.2 86.9 129.5 7.2 38.5 82.0 18.2 -1.8 35.4 -.08 .64 -.008 .52 165.9 97.0 Acc .78 .88 .85 .84 .43 .29 .41 .35 .71 .65 .48 .50 .50 .59 % Rank 20 15 15 25 45 1 1 20 99 40 90 10 95 75 5 2 7SM128 TJ FLAT IRON 259G ASA: 3582543 DOB: 01/04/19 TAT: 259G $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 WERNER LADY 0304 SIRE: RCR STETSON T17 TJ 33Y MS MISS 306R DAM: 1/2 SM 1/2 AN HOMO. BLACK HOMO. POLLED EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 16.6 0.0 93.6 148.3 8.3 30.3 77.1 17.6 12.0 46.0 -.17 .45 -.005 .95 157.8 94.3 Acc .43 .48 .49 .50 .22 .14 .24 .27 .31 .48 .37 .41 .38 .45 % Rank 10 45 5 4 25 10 2 25 55 15 70 25 95 10 10 5 7SM133 TJ GOLD STRIKE 506J ASA: 3909662 DOB: 01/24/21 TAT: 506J $35 NEW HOOK`S EAGLE 6E TJ GOLD 274G TJ 12C SIRE: TJ NEW TIME LINE 113X TJ 52A T J MISS DAY R1 DAM: 3/4 SM 1/4 AN HOMO. BLACK HOMO. POLLED ◊ GOLD STRIKE is a new addition from Spring 2022. ◊ Gold has been a popular sire and we believe GOLD STRIKE to be the “next step” and his best son! He has nine EPDs in the top 10%. ◊ His dam is outstanding! Her outcross pedigree and GOLD STRIKE’s flexibility as a ¾ Simmental make mating options endless! ◊ Check on semen availability Fall 2022 From Trauernicht Simmentals and Triangle J Ranch, NE EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 11.2 0.5 86.2 124.4 5.4 22.8 65.8 18.6 5.8 31.3 -.34 .13 -.073 .78 139.9 83.9 Acc .44 .47 .46 .46 .29 .21 .28 .31 .28 .49 .39 .43 .41 .48 % Rank 45 30 20 30 60 60 35 25 99 40 90 45 75 75 30 25 7SM137 CCS/JS DOC 48H ASA: 3946541 DOB: 04/05/20 TAT: 48H $35 NEW TJ MAIN EVENT 503B CDI INNOVATOR 325D CDI MS SHEAR FORCE 49U SIRE: CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A WHF SUMMER 365C WHF ANDIE 365A DAM: PB HOMO.SM BLACK HOMO. POLLED ◊ DOC was selected in partnership with Hanels Black Simmentals at the 2022 Cattleman’s Congress for his royal pedigree, balanced EPDs and exceptional phenotype. ◊ He hails from none other than the great WHF Summer 365C cow that was successfully campaigned by the Steenhoek family. ◊ Expect DOC to add look without sacrificing growth as well as adding a splash of white on the face from time to time. From Hanel’s Black Simmentals, KS and JS Simmentals, IA

22 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 9.3 2.0 97.8 148.0 5.8 29.8 78.6 13.9 13.4 50.3 -.39 .15 -.063 1.24 132.4 90.5 Acc .43 .49 .47 .48 .23 .16 .26 .26 .33 .48 .38 .44 .40 .45 % Rank 75 60 3 4 50 15 3 80 25 3 70 40 90 3 45 10 7SM125 CDI MAJOR IMPACT 280H ASA: 3801544 DOB: 03/15/20 TAT: 280H $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. CDI MAINLINE 265D LCDR IMPACT 134F WS MISS SUGAR C4 SIRE: CDI RIMROCK 325Z CDI MISS RIMROCK 55E CDI MISS APOLLO 111C DAM: PB HOMO.SM BLACK HOMO. POLLED ◊ MAJOR IMPACT is a high growth, performance and product-oriented sire that also excels in maternal numbers. ◊ Initial calf reports are very exciting as he is exceeding our expectations to sire attractive fronted, heavy muscled and extremely free-moving calves. ◊ MAJOR IMPACT is sired by LCDR Impact 134F, the high selling Sugar C4 son resides at Rydeen Farms in MN. With semen unavailable from his sire, MAJOR IMPACT is an excellent option. From Hart Simmentals, SD EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 15.7 -2.1 90.0 136.4 7.5 26.9 71.8 21.3 14.5 41.3 -.25 .44 -.042 .88 165.0 93.8 Acc .44 .50 .46 .47 .25 .20 .29 .30 .12 .47 .38 .43 .41 .46 % Rank 15 15 10 15 40 20 10 3 20 20 45 30 50 15 5 5 7SM134 GW HILGER ONE 454H ASA: 3701575 DOB: 02/29/20 TAT: 454H $30 NEW Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW MOVIN ON 183C GW MISS PREDESTINED 117Y SIRE: GW YUKON JACK 612B GW MISS YUKON JACK 913E GW MISS REDESTINED 333A DAM: 3/4 HOMO.POLLEDREDSM ◊ This 3/4 blood Simmental sire offers an outcross red pedigree without sacrificing exceptional data. HILGER ONE has tremendous feet all while excelling for calving ease and carcass traits. ◊ HILGER ONE boasts a chart-topping spread from CE and Stay to YW and REA. Study him closely, he has a lot to offer! ◊ An ideal calving ease option for your 7SM97 IMPERIAL and 7SM121 COPPERHEAD daughters. From All Beef LLC, IL and Klein Ranch Simmentals, KS ◊ Big, bold and red, COPPERHEAD calves have blasted into the red Simmental scene! ◊ He has a great outcross pedigree that offers extra power and dimension which is expressed in his top WW and YW ranking as well as his REA. ◊ COPPERHEAD offers flashy phenotype with a good chance of white face markings. The added mass and muscle, excellent foot and leg structure and great calf vigor make COPPERHEAD a go-to red sire! From High Country Cattle Services, CanadaEPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA AP TI EPD 4.8 4.0 97.4 140.8 2.1 26.7 75.4 18.0 11.1 10.2 -.52 .11 -.079 1.03 128.1 85.9 Acc .59 .74 .60 .58 .29 .23 .33 .29 .34 .55 .41 .51 .38 .54 % Rank 99 95 3 10 99 30 10 35 55 99 10 55 75 20 55 20 7SM121 SAS COPPERHEAD G354 ASA: 3620331 DOB: 02/10/19 TAT: G354 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. NCB COBRA 47Y ERIXON BITTEN 203A BMD MISS BLK ICE DANCER SIRE: R PLUS RELOAD 2006Z SAS MISS ARAPHAOE B354 SAS STARLIGHT Z354 DAM: PB HOMO.POLLEDREDSM

| 23 OTHER SIMMENTAL SIRES AVAILABLE OTHER RED ANGUS SIRES AVAILABLE EPDs as of 7/12/22 = top 35 percent of the breed = Canadian availability RED ANGUS - Sorted by descending Yearling Weight EPD ProS HB GM CE BW WW YW DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB CW REA FAT Code No. Reg No. Code Name EPD EPD EPD EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc 14AR2073 1617230 SPARTACUS 20 YES 58 13 44 14 .81 -3.7 .93 76 .91 120 .91 2.02 .41 28 .79 5 .60 6 .74 8 .75 10 .67 .73 .68 30 .71 .03 .71 .06 .46 14AR2091 1725295 NIGHT FOCUS 18 YES 173 106 67 15 .67 -2.9 .82 75 .77 113 .75 1.66 .46 30 .48 -6 .31 19 .42 8 .48 18 .38 .85 .58 46 .64 .26 .56 .06 .49 7AR73 1725110 CINCH 25 YES 31 44 -14 13 .79 -2.9 .91 71 .89 111 .88 1.48 .42 27 .72 1 .39 7 .55 6 .68 15 .55 -.05 .62 19 .73 -.16 .71 .03 .49 14AR2093 3778501 SUPREMACY 20 YES 115 68 48 15 .69 -3.0 .85 59 .82 103 .82 1.42 .32 19 .37 10 .34 14 .55 9 .42 17 .31 .43 .63 18 .69 .26 .66 .00 .59 14AR2075 1382355 REBEL 20 YES 94 78 16 19 .80 -5.3 .91 63 .88 100 .89 1.79 .55 39 .77 -2 .53 11 .81 10 .69 18 .61 .44 .79 16 .83 -.40 .80 .03 .74 14AR2094 1701524 TOPGUN 20 YES 104 45 59 19 .76 -6.5 .89 55 .87 91 .87 1.08 .47 19 .71 -8 .47 20 .70 8 .64 9 .55 .61 .69 14 .76 .25 .73 -.03 .64 7AR85 3774413 EXCELLENCE 20 YES 129 78 51 20 .68 -7.2 .86 50 .83 86 .83 1.23 .35 31 .30 -6 .33 9 .26 12 .40 17 .38 .41 .57 18 .55 .41 .53 -.02 .48 PRICE SIMMENTAL - Sorted by descending Yearling Weight EPD CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB FAT REA API TI Code No. Reg No. Code Name EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD EPD 7SM87 2732032 HOMETOWN 25 YES 4.8 .63 4.2 .84 104.7 .80 162.6 .80 .2 .54 26.2 .57 78.5 .65 17.7 .48 11.1 .54 60.7 .67 -.61 .48 .41 .59 -.118 .49 1.63 .59 149.4 98.7 7SM116 3646242 PROGRESSIVE 30 YES 19.9 .65 -4.5 .80 86.6 .72 131.7 .70 10.2 .38 33.5 .26 76.7 .38 16.7 .34 13.5 .36 48.7 .61 -.32 .43 .47 .57 -.075 .39 .91 .56 176.7 101.2 7SM96 3097854 DIVIDEND 25 YES 11.5 .77 0.6 .91 83.0 .88 130.3 .86 5.3 .58 10.4 .65 51.8 .71 15.7 .45 14.6 .46 26.8 .67 -.20 .53 .16 .67 -.051 .61 .47 .66 135.7 81.3 7SM82 2854437 BROADWAY 25 YES 3.5 .78 3.8 .93 83.0 .90 129.5 .89 2.7 .75 26.2 .79 67.6 .83 18.9 .68 10.9 .53 27.1 .81 -.41 .60 .32 .76 -.089 .74 .80 .77 136.0 82.6 7SM124 3764886 ENHANCEMENT 25 YES 16.2 .49 -3.7 .52 84.1 .50 129.3 .51 10.4 .31 35.9 .24 77.9 .33 18.3 .34 16.0 .21 49.6 .52 -.33 .40 .84 .49 -.056 .42 1.12 .50 193.0 107.9 7SM105 3402630 SUCCESS 25 YES 12.3 .57 1.1 .74 83.3 .68 127.6 .68 .6 .34 27.9 .19 69.5 .31 13.9 .29 12.2 .32 28.9 .55 -.39 .42 .39 .47 -.079 .42 .86 .52 145.5 89.3 7SM112 3644912 REST EASY 25 YES 16.0 .57 -2.8 .68 80.8 .61 127.2 .60 8.3 .29 30.7 .18 71.1 .30 15.5 .27 13.5 .35 31.4 .53 -.46 .42 .15 .47 -.084 .46 1.05 .50 147.5 87.8 14SM3101 3131823 FULLY LOADED 30 NO 11.2 .65 1.0 .82 80.3 .71 119.9 .70 6.0 .39 19.3 .25 59.3 .36 15.1 .35 11.3 .46 48.3 .64 -.50 .46 .04 .57 -.128 .42 1.06 .60 126.4 78.2 7SM93 3133113 BIG TIMBER 20 YES 15.6 .85 -4.1 .94 75.3 .92 111.9 .91 7.9 .72 24.3 .74 61.9 .79 17.2 .57 11.0 .39 28.0 .81 -.17 .58 .35 .74 -.036 .64 .50 .78 158.5 88.4 7SM92 3115609 RED MOON 20 YES 17.9 .74 -3.1 .88 71.7 .84 105.0 .82 9.4 .57 31.3 .56 67.1 .64 16.9 .37 12.7 .52 16.3 .69 -.38 .52 .33 .66 -.075 .57 .69 .66 157.3 86.3 7SM97 3210738 IMPERIAL 25 YES 17.9 .79 -3.4 .91 61.0 .89 96.5 .89 9.9 .63 12.5 .53 43.0 .61 21.1 .35 17.0 .53 16.3 .74 -.46 .53 .97 .69 -.069 .53 1.00 .69 199.5 95.5 7SM65 2532016 UNO MAS 25 YES 14.2 .85 -1.3 .94 65.6 .91 85.3 .89 3.8 .77 18.4 .81 51.2 .85 14.4 .65 12.4 .56 -5.8 .83 -.50 .61 .44 .78 -.119 .72 .44 .82 146.7 81.6 PRICE SIMANGUSTM - Sorted by descending Yearling Weight EPD CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB FAT REA API TI Code No. Reg No. Code Name EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD Acc EPD EPD 7SM115 3613881 PROMOTER 25 YES 12.7 .54 1.0 .67 97.1 .61 162.2 .59 5.6 .31 31.2 .19 79.7 .30 12.8 .32 17.2 .37 47.2 .56 -.46 .41 .28 .46 -.083 .41 1.27 .50 136.6 92.4 7SM107 3611677 MAINSTREAM 20 YES 12.8 .48 1.4 .52 91.4 .50 148.6 .50 6.2 .29 28.5 .24 74.2 .33 17.9 .35 11.6 .29 44.1 .50 -.28 .40 .36 .45 -.056 .43 .88 .48 146.1 89.0 14SM3085 2891389 COWBOY UP 20 YES 10.3 .70 2.4 .89 97.0 .86 144.6 .84 8.3 .63 21.7 .63 70.2 .70 22.1 .55 15.8 .62 44.4 .68 -.14 .50 .45 .59 -.033 .52 .64 .66 153.8 91.0 7SM91 2891336 MAIN EVENT 25 NO 12.1 .81 0.3 .94 92.5 .93 141.0 .92 4.5 .77 26.6 .81 72.8 .84 16.1 .68 13.2 .87 44.4 .83 -.39 .61 .15 .79 -.086 .74 .99 .78 131.8 85.5 714SM117 3632716 WINCHESTER 20 YES 14.8 .45 0.2 .49 86.1 .47 138.1 .48 7.8 .26 20.8 .20 63.8 .29 16.7 .30 14.7 .32 38.8 .48 .13 .39 .61 .46 .034 .40 .24 .48 152.1 88.4 714SM120 3632624 SPRINGFIELD 20 YES 12.5 .45 1.9 .48 90.3 .46 136.7 .47 8.1 .27 23.7 .23 68.7 .31 17.7 .33 12.3 .40 33.2 .49 -.15 .39 .42 .44 -.009 .42 .72 .47 145.0 87.5 2SM110 3645200 VIKING 20 YES 13.2 .41 0.7 .43 89.7 .42 136.4 .42 7.3 .26 21.5 .20 66.3 .27 15.6 .34 13.2 .46 53.9 .48 -.09 .39 .43 .48 -.006 .43 .79 .48 143.8 88.4 7SM80 2725666 WIDE RANGE 25 NO 12.9 .84 -0.3 .94 84.1 .93 133.9 .92 8.1 .81 4.1 .83 46.1 .86 20.9 .72 11.1 .49 25.8 .86 -.48 .62 -.02 .79 -.047 .77 1.35 .83 142.0 79.6 714SM111 3645220 COMBAT 20 YES 13.7 .41 -0.6 .44 78.5 .43 132.7 .43 8.2 .26 14.1 .20 53.3 .27 13.1 .31 14.7 .44 52.3 .47 -.05 .38 .56 .45 -.024 .40 .52 .47 146.5 86.4 714SM118 3632992 COLT 20 YES 13.1 .45 -0.6 .49 85.2 .47 126.4 .47 8.7 .28 23.7 .22 66.2 .30 16.6 .29 16.5 .41 28.1 .49 -.06 .40 .64 .48 .004 .43 .45 .48 151.9 90.0 14SM3100 3459266 NITRO 25 YES 17.0 .60 0.0 .72 79.5 .66 124.0 .66 9.4 .31 29.3 .18 69.0 .31 14.8 .27 16.6 .52 30.6 .54 -.03 .40 .54 .45 .017 .39 .49 .50 150.5 87.0 714SM114 3619117 PREDICTABLE 20 YES 17.6 .44 -0.2 .47 79.3 .48 122.9 .49 8.2 .29 26.8 .23 66.4 .31 16.4 .31 15.3 .48 35.9 .51 -.17 .41 .71 .48 -.022 .44 .70 .49 164.9 91.9 714SM119 3632634 REMINGTON 20 YES 12.4 .45 1.4 .48 82.6 .46 122.2 .47 8.9 .27 21.1 .23 62.3 .31 15.0 .33 15.2 .46 45.8 .49 -.06 .40 .53 .46 -.005 .43 .62 .48 141.5 85.0 7SM84 2934717 MADISON 18 YES 14.0 .62 -0.2 .74 73.6 .70 121.7 .69 8.7 .40 25.1 .37 61.9 .46 19.5 .33 17.2 .43 35.8 .64 -.30 .46 .77 .56 -.034 .44 1.02 .59 169.7 90.5 7SM89 3041151 RAPID FIRE 22 YES 11.5 .69 0.5 .86 71.4 .83 119.1 .82 1.0 .53 18.4 .48 54.0 .57 10.9 .39 15.4 .74 56.4 .74 -.05 .55 .42 .70 -.009 .63 .70 .70 126.4 77.3 7SM94 3111910 PAYWEIGHT 20 YES 12.7 .71 0.6 .86 87.6 .82 117.3 .82 8.1 .55 11.3 .53 55.0 .61 20.2 .45 14.9 .75 57.1 .74 .17 .56 .23 .74 .015 .65 .20 .70 135.8 78.7 7SM100 2832529 COUNTRY BOY 20 YES 15.7 .62 -3.2 .77 71.8 .73 113.4 .74 7.5 .47 18.9 .51 54.7 .59 10.6 .40 12.1 .38 28.3 .64 -.34 .49 .29 .61 -.069 .53 .77 .60 131.5 80.4 7SM98 3268068 ARCHITECT 20 YES 14.3 .56 -0.7 .69 63.6 .66 105.0 .60 6.7 .31 25.2 .23 57.0 .34 17.4 .32 16.0 .29 27.3 .67 -.06 .52 .52 .66 -.001 .59 .42 .64 147.0 77.4 PRICE
24 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 123 56 67 16 -5.4 58 106 .30 2.08 37 5 10 12 14 .51 .04 41 .62 .04 Acc .82 .93 .91 .90 .90 .36 .73 .45 .59 .69 .54 .68 .45 .61 .57 .45 % Rank 11 41 9 15 6 63 35 12 92 1 62 70 2 60 30 33 9 4 86 7AR87 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 RAAA: 3555188 DOB: 03/02/16 TAT: 6305 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. SPUR FRANCHISE 7070 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON H & H IRENE LASS 0135 SIRE: TR COLT 45 UT806 C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 C-BAR & BROWN ABIGRACE T712 DAM: ◊ FRANCHISE is a Calving Ease sire that excels for phenotype and Carcass Merit. ◊ In addition to his high accuracy Calving Ease, he ranks near the top of the breed for REA and GridMaster. He does this with over 2,500 head in his progeny report. ◊ His phenotype is very impressive with extra muscle shape and dimension in a moderate-framed, eye-appealing package. From 9 Mile Ranch, WA and Pieper Red Angus, NE EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 136 106 31 17 -4.5 60 99 .25 1.96 25 5 14 9 23 .31 .16 35 .12 .04 Acc .67 .80 .76 .75 .75 .33 .38 .24 .40 .39 .33 .48 .43 .58 .56 .40 % Rank 5 1 56 7 11 56 49 41 88 50 56 19 15 1 70 85 18 47 80 7AR88 5L BLAZIN STEEL 6120-81C RAAA: 3493671 DOB: 02/06/15 TAT: 81C $20 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 5L RED STEEL 3521-10A 5L LAKOTA 1715-3521 SIRE: 5L DOUBLE BLAZE 1134-8576 5L SUNBURST 2705-6120 5L SUNBURST 792-2705 DAM: ◊ BLAZIN STEEL ranks near the top of the breed for the maternal traits of Stayability and HerdBuilder. ◊ He wraps together foundation traits to sire great females with foot quality, loads of volume and natural width and dimension. ◊ His young daughters are favorites in the 5L herd and he’s an outcross to many traditional pedigrees. From 5L Ranch, MT EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 138 70 68 16 -4.7 65 106 .25 1.78 28 8 15 10 16 .78 .07 36 .45 .04 Acc .45 .49 .48 .48 .48 .26 .27 .18 .32 .31 .36 .45 .39 .50 .48 .40 % Rank 2 18 4 10 8 29 29 31 83 25 81 6 5 41 2 54 9 5 91 ◊ END ZONE is a new exciting Calving Ease prospect from the RAB program that has herd sire written all over him. ◊ He is a big spread sire that ranks near the top of the breed for a multitude of traits including CE, BW, HPG, Marb, REA, GridMaster and ProS. ◊ END ZONE ranks near the top of the breed for ProS index. Not only will he make awesome daughters but profitable feeder cattle as well. From R.A. Brown Ranch, TX and Jennings Red Angus, TX 7AR98 BROWN JRAR END ZONE H6629 RAAA: 4232984 DOB: 12/31/19 TAT: H6629 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118 BIEBER DEEP END B597 BIEBER LAURA 158W SIRE: BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN MS P707 Y6648 BROWN MS JULIAN W6579 DAM:

| 25 EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 162 85 77 16 -5.4 75 126 .32 1.74 18 2 8 11 19 1.23 .15 20 .26 .08 Acc .78 .92 .88 .89 .89 .38 .25 .39 .40 .49 .32 .55 .45 .65 .59 .39 % Rank 1 7 4 14 6 13 9 7 75 92 43 92 4 8 1 83 59 24 99 7AR86 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 RAAA: 3751659 DOB: 01/15/17 TAT: E119 $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. LSF SAGA 1040Y PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE LAKOTA 046 SIRE: ANDRAS FUSION R236 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C BIEBER ADELLE 297Y DAM: ◊ STOCKMARKET has a proven pedigree with an opportunity to make multi-trait improvement and add phenotype in one complete package. ◊ He offers modest Calving Ease with added performance and carcass merit. ◊ He has a complete data package as he ranks near the top of the breed for all three indexes including GridMaster, HerdBuilder and ProS. ◊ Individual ratios of 131 for IMF, 129 for Ribeye, and 116 ADG in the Bieber herd. From Bieber Red Angus and CL Red Angus, SD and Mill Springs Ranch, IL EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 148 96 52 18 -5.2 72 117 .28 1.90 25 4 10 12 20 .93 .06 14 .35 .06 Acc .44 .45 .43 .43 .43 .18 .14 .19 .28 .23 .23 .40 .36 .48 .44 .35 % Rank 1 1 17 3 5 11 12 15 91 56 53 62 1 3 1 49 81 11 99 ◊ BLUE CHIP ranks near the top of the breed for all three Calving Ease traits, including: CED, BW and CEM. ◊ He has a 6.0 frame with added length of body, depth of rib and excellent feet. ◊ He had individual ratios of 86 BW, 103 WW, 103 YW and 137 for IMF. ◊ In addition to his elite Calving Ease, BLUE CHIP excels for Marbling, REA and both ProS and HB indexes. ◊ BLUE CHIP is an excellent choice for commercial Red Angus heifer projects. From Bieber Red Angus Ranch, SD 7AR94 BIEBER BLUE CHIP H302 RAAA: 4303789 DOB: 02/27/20 TAT: H302 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C SIRE: BIEBER IRON ORE A104 BIEBER ROSE 162C BIEBER ROSE 475A DAM: EPDs as of 7/12/22ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MM ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA BF EPD 116 42 73 7 1.0 77 129 .33 2.25 27 12 13 3 16 .66 .08 51 .53 .03 Acc .54 .69 .57 .58 .58 .20 .22 .12 .25 .28 .28 .47 .41 .51 .49 .45 % Rank 16 66 5 95 89 10 7 6 96 36 90 29 93 38 12 55 3 6 72 ◊ GRINDSTONE has phenotype, performance and carcass merit in one complete package. ◊ His dam, 605D, is a rising star in the Hueftle herd with a 107 MPPA, excellent udder quality and super feet. ◊ In addition to his added performance, GRINDSTONE ranks near the top of the breed for REA and Marbling. ◊ His calf reports are great with calves exhibiting added muscle and base width. From Hueftle Cattle Company, NE 7AR89 HXC GRINDSTONE 9908G RAAA: 4187454 DOB: 02/04/19 TAT: 9908G $30 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z HXC ALLEGIANCE 5502C HXC 100Y SIRE: SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON HXC 605D HXC 905W DAM:


A little over a year ago Select Sires saw an opportunity to help producers who retain ownership of their cattle capture additional value and acquired GeneNet, a grid marketing company founded in 1998 by Dr. Ken WintergreenConway.Farms,located outside of Clifton, Kansas, is a great case-study of an operation that has benefited from both A.I. and marketing their fed cattle through GeneNet. Wintergreen Farms is managed by two brothers, Trent and Cade Winter. Trent manages the farming and feeding side of the operation, while Cade takes on the role of ranch foreman, managing the hay and cow/ calf enterprises. The Winters had utilized A.I. in the past but found it difficult to implement on a consistent basis. That changed when a good neighbor introduced them to Select Sires representative, Tim Adams. With Tim’s expertise and help, the Winters have been able to implement a successful A.I. program for their replacement females on an annual basis. Tim’s role in helping to implement an A.I. program and ability to provide insight and suggestions on which sires to utilize has been invaluable. From Cade’s perspective, the greatest benefits to their operation have been the ability to rapidly improve genetics in areas where they needed to make progress, and the tighter calving window which has helped them market and manage their cattle more effectively. Trent’s son, Blade, is also involved in the day-to-day operations of the ranch and has seen the benefit of A.I. as well. “It has increased the value of the heifer calf crop from a uniformity standpoint due to genetic selection and getting more calves on the ground sooner in the calving season,” says Blade. That is not to say there were not a few problems along the way. Initially, they found they were losing some A.I. pregnancies because of shipping the heifers to summer pastures. Working with Tim, their veterinarian and nutritionist, they were able to implement some nutritional and management changes to address the problem.
here are a lot of variables that impact the profitability of a cattle operation, but the two biggest factors that we can control are genetics and marketing. Your marketing plan needs to allow you to capture the value of those genetics and it must provide you with market access and flexibility that allows you to hit the optimum marketing window. Select Sires is driven by a singular passion – to help cattlemen utilize the best genetics in the world and help them to capture the value of those genetics through services that are easy to implement. That is why GeneNet is the perfect complement to your A.I. program. Value creation extends through every segment of our industry.
“Without the data, it’s hard to see the progress or know the areas to improve”, states Trent. Through the years, Trent has been able to manage and sort cattle to optimize both premiums and yields on the grid.Winter’s have a Red Angus/Gelbvieh cow base and buy bulls from reputable breeders in the area that also share their balanced trait breeding philosophy. They use calving ease Angus sires to take advantage of some black hided premiums but have yet to keep any heifer calves as replacements. They like the red hide and have seen their cattle improve on the grid through genetic selection and management.Whenasked his thoughts about Select Sires purchasing GeneNet, Trent says, “It made sense and I was glad it was a company that understands the beef industry and will continue to provide the tools that have been of value in the past while combining it with their strength of product and service on the front end of the chain.” Trent values his relationship with GeneNet for various reasons, but the biggest is the ease to schedule cattle for harvest. With so many things going on in the farming side of the operation in the spring, he can make a phone call when he has a load ready and ships them the following week. The data allows Trent to see how the cattle are performing on the rail and to determine how their genetic selection is adding value on the rail. Blade’s parting comment represents what Wintergreen Farm strives to accomplish now and, in the future, “We want to knock it out of the park in creating this ultimate beef animal to help feed the world while maintaining a female that thrives in our environment and with our management.”
For more information regarding GeneNet please contact Sandra Utter at (307) 287-6647 or sutter@selectsires.com
Winters’ market their A.I. sired calves through their cattle feeding enterprise. As Trent analyzed the carcass data they received from GeneNet, they realized they needed to improve the marbling ability of their cattle. They accomplished that with the use of Angus sires 7AN362 COMPOSURE, 14AN502 TAHOE and 7AN451 FLAT TOP. The results have been impressive, with quality grades improving significantly. The Winters had always utilized good genetics so it was surprising to them to see how much progress could be made through their A.I. program. The Winters utilize a balanced selection criteria, which is not solely focused on achieving carcass grid premiums, but is also focused on producing the “right” kind of females for their environment. Having data to make good decisions has been a key.

28 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 9.4 -0.5 63 93 .6 1.0 18.1 34 65 -1.3 69 1.4 1.4 70 .067 .31 .38 376 476 127 Acc .40 .51 .44 .45 .15 .41 .24 .27 .24 .33 .41 .41 .22 .27 .22 .24 % Rank 7 4 16 35 92 42 21 8 7 84 14 6 9 42 96 72 4 24 14 22 ◊ SLEEP ON starts with impressive stats for Calving Ease and low BW and delivers a lot more! As a great choice for heifers, his blend of phenotype and genotype is hard to beat. ◊ This youngster has matured into a right-sized sire with ample shape, soundness, a great color pattern and a super attitude. ◊ Study his EPD profile – there aren’t many places where he misses and his indexes are strong! From Topp Herefords, ND and Five J’s Farm, NC 7HP126 TH 523F 738C SLEEP ON 163H AHA: 44140749 DOB: 01/16/20 TAT: 163H $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. HYALITE ON TARGET 936 BAR JZ SLEEP ON 738C BAR JZ VIRGINIA 500Y SIRE: TH 403A 475Z PIONEER 358C ET TH 4021 358C JEWELL 523F ET INNISFAIL 723 U208 4021 ET DAM: NON-CERTPOLLED A.I. SIRE EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 7.5 -0.3 53 82 .3 .9 28.5 35 62 -5.8 64 1.5 1.6 75 .057 .94 .19 545 626 129 Acc .69 .90 .84 .82 .21 .67 .34 .47 .53 .46 .71 .72 .45 .48 .43 .44 % Rank 14 5 56 66 60 53 1 6 15 99 9 2 1 23 92 1 21 1 1 18 ◊ Good breeders always find ways to improve their cow herds – and HISTORIC is one of those ways. ◊ As a proven sire of ‘built to last’ genetics, HISTORIC daughters excel for udder quality, rib shape and fleshing ability. The NJW prefix is known for superior females and HISTORIC is no exception. ◊ His talent as a heifer sire makes him even more valuable for herds focused on maternal traits. From NJW Polled Herefords, WY 7HP122 NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET AHA: 43829334 DOB: 02/09/17 TAT: 160B81E $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET SIRE: NJW 76S P20 BEEF 38W ET NJW 73S 38W DAYDREAM 160B NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DAM: HETERO. POLLED A.I. CERT PERMITTED EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 13.1 -0.2 74 112 .9 1.6 22.3 29 66 8.7 77 1.4 1.5 88 .077 .90 .52 473 593 167 Acc .37 .44 .40 .40 .13 .32 .24 .25 .21 .29 .37 .38 .23 .27 .23 .24 % Rank 2 5 1 4 99 4 3 31 7 2 25 6 3 3 98 1 2 1 1 2 ◊ When you sort for CED and WW, REDBIRD is one of four sires at his level –then you add carcass merit to the mix and he’s the only one. ◊ REDBIRD’s dam is a model cow in terms of form and function. She stands alone among active dams with her combination of CW, Marbling and REA. ◊ Agile, red-eyed, short-marked and made-right, REDBIRD invites breeders to big genetic advances in one generation. From Birdwell Ranch, OK 7HP128 BIRDWELL REDBIRD 7098 0558ET AHA: 44254851 DOB: 11/04/20 TAT: 558 $30 NEW R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET SIRE: EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 BR BENNETT 4R Y428 2101 6035 DAM: A.I.POLLEDCERT PERMITTED DAM OF RED BIRD

| 29 EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 11.7 -0.3 69 113 .4 1.4 17.2 45 79 1.3 88 1.4 1.3 90 -.013 .71 .53 423 534 193 Acc .69 .91 .85 .85 .46 .74 .37 .55 .63 .57 .77 .77 .55 .54 .53 .53 % Rank 3 5 5 4 77 10 30 1 1 56 51 6 25 2 8 5 2 7 3 1 ◊ CUDA has become the proven standard which performance Hereford sires are compared against. ◊ There’s not too many things CUDA misses on and that’s why he’s seen widespread acceptance with great results over a number of years. From Calving Ease to Carcass, there’s plenty of genetic good here. From Larry & Logan Behm, ND and Knoll Crest Farm, VA 7HP120 BEHM 100W CUDA 504C AHA: 43636764 DOB: 03/04/15 TAT: BEHM504C $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S SIRE: KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y CPH MS WRANGLER 1W DAM: A.I.POLLEDCERT PERMITTED EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 7.3 2.8 69 112 .8 1.2 20.3 25 60 1.6 93 1.3 1.4 82 .057 .65 .59 442 561 170 Acc .42 .47 .44 .45 .14 .39 .26 .29 .29 .36 .44 .45 .10 .10 .10 .10 % Rank 15 48 4 4 98 23 8 56 22 53 61 19 9 8 92 9 1 4 2 1 ◊ This dark red, goggle-eyed sire has matured into a thick-rumped and longbodied bull with a big foot and impressive soundness. ◊ The first GOLD RUSH calves are on the ground in some high-profile programs and are receiving rave reviews – they’ve got the look and they’ve got the numbers. Start a GOLD RUSH in your next calf crop! From Candy Meadows Farm, TN 7HP125 CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET AHA: 44108010 DOB: 11/27/19 TAT: CMF569G $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SIRE: EFBEEF RESOLUTE CEO L III TFL C609 VICTORIA 1720 L III X651 RITA A045 DAM: A.I.POLLED CERT PERMITTED EPDs as of 7/12/22CED BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDER TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ EPD 8.5 3.3 77 121 .7 1.7 15.4 28 66 4.5 89 1.3 1.4 79 .037 .64 -.17 327 400 96 Acc .44 .78 .61 .59 .18 .47 .29 .26 .27 .35 .46 .47 .27 .28 .26 .27 % Rank 10 60 1 1 97 3 52 35 6 20 53 19 9 13 77 10 100 60 55 89 7HP124 BOYD POWER SURGE 9024 AHA: 44004782 DOB: 01/06/19 TAT: 9024 $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. R LEADER 6964 BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET SIRE: TH 403A 475Z PIONEER 358C ET TH 329 358C LANA 76E FTF 7227 MS LOGIC 329A DAM: ◊ POWER SURGE is proving himself as a super customer satisfaction sire with both his bull and heifer progeny. ◊ Moderate for frame size, POWER SURGE is wide-based and exhibits considerably more shape and muscle than most and he passes it on to his calves. ◊ Backed by strong cows and possessing a sought-after color pattern, POWER SURGE is consistently siring beautiful daughters with well-above average performance. From The Power Surge Group HETERO. POLLED A.I. CERT PERMITTED

| 31 ◊ AFFINITY has earned a place as one of the premier heifer sires in the Charolais breed. ◊ Sound, big-barreled and middle-sized, AFFINITY is a good fit for programs wanting a boost of cow power. ◊ The Lindskov-Thiel program is recognized for generating many influential Charolais sires – AFFINITY is one of them. From J & J Trust and Lindskov-Thiel Charolais, SD and Seth Domek, MT EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC UDDER TEAT HCW REA FAT MARB TSI EPD 11.3 -4.9 50 102 28 1.4 53 0.8 1.26 1.26 11 .49 .03 0.28 255.22 Acc .89 .94 .91 .89 .66 .67 .74 .82 .66 .65 .40 .42 .38 .38 % Rank 15 4 80 55 20 90 45 60 15 7 65 75 95 7 35 7CH96 LT AFFINITY 6221 AICA: M880381 DOB: 03/10/16 TAT: 6221 HETERO. POLLED $25 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD SIRE: WINN MANS LANZA 610S LT ATHENA 1247 LT SILVER ATHENA 7123 P DAM: ◊ In the flesh, LEAD TIME is one of the most impressive sires of any breed that we market. ◊ Rugged, wide-based and loaded with muscle shape, LEAD TIME is high for Marbling too! ◊ LEAD TIME’s CED and low BW, along with his impressive good looks, have made him a popular choice for heifers. From J-Mar Genetics, VA EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC UDDER TEAT HCW REA FAT MARB TSI EPD 10 -4.2 47 104 27 3.9 51 1.8 .96 .91 20 .65 .03 0.36 260.59 Acc .33 .53 .36 .30 .14 .13 .21 .27 .14 .14 .18 .19 .17 .14 % Rank 20 5 90 50 25 70 55 3 80 85 35 45 95 2 25 9CH103 JMAR LEAD TIME 1L16 AICA: M910612 DOB: 08/29/18 TAT: 1L16 HETERO. POLLED $20 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. FF ABOUT TIME Y07 OW LEAD TIME 6294 PLD OW MISS SANDCREEK 3031 PLD SIRE: VPI FREE LUNCH 708T VPI NANCY 311A VPI NANCY 041X DAM: ◊ Big-time growth makes SILVERSMITH an ideal choice for programs where pounds pay the bills. ◊ With high ranks for CW, Marbling and REA, carcass premiums are within reach. ◊ SILVERSMITH offers impressive performance with an attractive, balanced and moderate phenotype. From Rennert Ranch, NE EPDs as of 7/12/22CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC UDDER TEAT HCW REA FAT MARB TSI EPD 6.7 0.3 81 132 22 9.0 63 2.2 1.01 1.00 42 1.1 -.01 0.35 275.08 Acc .28 .44 .32 .30 .20 .19 .24 .22 .23 .23 .17 .17 .15 .13 % Rank 45 60 2 7 55 20 10 1 70 65 2 3 20 3 6 9CH105 RENN SILVERSMITH 903G AICA: EM932228 DOB: 02/22/19 TAT: 903G HOMO. POLLED $20 Open camera. Scan code. Click to learn more. IQCR SILVER GUN Y31P WCF MR SILVER GUN 467 WCF MISS FASTTRACK 012 SIRE: M6 NEW STANDARD 842 P ET M6 MS NEW GERMAINE 351 P M6 COOL GERMAINE 1144 P ET DAM:

509 = 4M 507, 514 and 614 = 2M ™gender SELECTED is a trademark of Select Sires Inc. Ultraplus is a trademark of STGen LLC. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology. Limitations and Conditions of Sale: gender SELECTED semen shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce a single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer basis by Sexing Technologies in writing. As a condition of purchasing gender SELECTED semen, the purchaser agrees that gender SELECTED semen will not be reverse sorted or re-sorted unless specifically permitted, in advance, on a case-by-case basis by Select Sires in writing. Select Sires intends to monitor the use of the gender SELECTED semen and vigorously enforce these restrictions on use. Please see http://www.selectsires.com/designations/genderselected.html for additional details. CODE NAME FEMALE MALE 507AN363 HORIZON p p 509AN363 HORIZON p 507AN388 NIAGARA p 614AN502 TAHOE p p 507AN510 PEYTON p 507AN594 REGIMENT p 507AN618 MARVEL p 509AN618 MARVEL p 507AN624 DUAL THREAT p 507AN642 VERACIOUS p 507AN644 OPTIMUM p p 507AN695 NETWORK p 509AN743 CRAFTSMAN p p CODE NAME FEMALE MALE 507SM65 UNO MAS p 507SM81 REVOLUTION p 507SM115 PROMOTER p 509SM122 STANDOUT p 507HP120 CUDA p 514AR94 BLUE CHIP p

PAP These sires are designed to perform at high altitudes and rank high for PAP EPD or by having great individual PAP data. This icon identifies sires with sex-sorted female semen available. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology. Look for the gender SELECTED 4M icon to identify sires with sex-sorted female semen available in 4 million sperm doses. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology.
PROOF POSITIVE Sires that are .85 or higher accuracy for Birth Weight EPD. CALVING EASE These sires are your go-to for your heifers.
The Carcass logo designates sires that will add carcass value and quality. These sires rank high for marbling, ribeye area and $B.
Throughout this directory, you will find icons designating traits and/ or industry sectors where a sire offers significant improvement. Listed below are the descriptions for these new icons. Use these icons to help find and utilize the sires that best fit your needs and goals.
The Calving Ease logo identifies sires that rank high for Calving Ease Direct and/or have been successfully used in the field on virgin heifers.
Sires earn the ShowcaseTM designation through outstanding show results or from a show-winning pedigree. Turn to this designation to produce your next show winner or to improve the overall phenotype of your herd.
Using conception data along with quality control evaluations, beef sires designated as Fertility Verified have been field tested and achieved Select Sires’ industry-leading quality standards.
This represents a sire with progeny qualifying for the 44 Farms Prime Pursuits and Angus Strong buy back programs. Using these sires will make your calf crop eligible to participate in 44 supply chain opportunities.
™Showcase, gender SELECTED, gender SELECTED 4M and Proof Positive are trademarks of Select Sires Inc., Ultraplus is a trademark of STGen LLC. and ®Certified Angus Beef and CAB are registered trademarks of Certified Angus Beef LLC.
| 33
The Cowmaker logo designates sires expected to make the next generation of daughters to retain in your herd. This designation is a combination of maternal EPDs and reports from the field.
Expect Performance Leaders sires to deliver cattle that are leaders for adding growth. These sires will rank among the best in their respective breeds for WW, YW, and ADG.
CAB TARGETING THE BRAND Identifies sires that will help you target CAB standards. This icon identifies sires with sex-sorted male semen available. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology.

34 | 2022 FALL SIRE DIRECTORY At Select Sires, YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR PASSION We’re proud of our people and their expertise in delivering the best service in the A.I. industry to you, our farmer-owners. 1. Clint Sexson Stanfield, OR (541) clints@allwest.coop609-0167 2. Morgan Johnsrud Jordan Valley, OR (701) morganj@allwest.coop570-9663 3. Marlin Beck Missoula, MT (406) mbeck43@yahoo.com544-4835 4. Jerald Raymond Menan, ID (208) jraymond@ssmidamerica.com317-8777 5. Jay Nansel Billings, MT (406) jnansel@ssmidamerica.com698-6711 6. Doug McLean Miles City, MT (307) dmclean@ssmidamerica.com462-1683 7. Tim Olson St. Onge, SD (605) tolson@ssmidamerica.com641-5966 8. Duane Broek Watertown, SD (605) dbroek@ssmidamerica.com881-1989 9. Stuart Rasmussen Rushville, NE (308) srasmussen@ssmidamerica.com360-1362 10. Jon Herrick Amherst, NE (308) jherrick@selectsires.com627-6431 11. Jay Hill Sterling, CO (970) jhill@ssmidamerica.com520-1555 12. Andrew Swanson Ivanhoe, MN (507) aswanson@mnss.coop829-4133 13. Brad Unrau Pryor, OK (918) brad@cobaselect.com798-9184 14. Dan Curtin Texico, NM (928) dcurtin@cobaselect.com368-3634 15. Bruce Smith Plain City, OH (614) bruce@cobaselect.com205-7182 16. Kevin Hinds Newcomerstown, OH (614) kevin@cobaselect.com205-7173 17. StanLee Grobosky Alexis, IL (309) sgrobsky@ssmidamerica.com749-7788 18. Kyle Musfeldt Coon Rapids, IA (712) kmusfeldt@ssmidamerica.com210-6222 19. Trevor Yager Mineral Point, WI (608) trevor.yager@mycentralstar.com574-6142 20. Greg Beavers Bloomington, IN (812) greg.beavers@mycentralstar.com345-2299 21. Dan Busch Columbia, MO (573) dbusch@ssmidamerica.com289-2058 22. Matt Drake Freeman, MO (816) mdrake@ssmidamerica.com738-1825 23. Kenley Conner Hodgenville, KY (502) kconner@ssmidamerica.com905-7825 24. Matt Caldwell Parker, KS (913) mcaldwell@premierselect.com755-1105 25. Jim Yance Dothan, AL (334) jyance@premierselect.com726-7342 26. Jerry Emerich Mooers, NY (518) jemerich@premierselect.com593-0212 27. Scott Ellevold Emerald, WI (715) scott.ellevold@mycentralstar.com781-5635 28. Sandra Utter Denver, CO (307) sutter@selectsires.com287-6647 29. Patrick Schumacher Herried, SD (701) patricks@ssmidamerica.com321-3275 BEEF SPECIALISTS Locate your Beef usingSpecialistthemapontheinsidebackcover.

Serving Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, Eastern West Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia
Brad Meek, regional sales manager Johnson, regional sales manager Kentucky, Southern Indiana, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado, Montana, Southern Idaho, Utah
Email: ssmidamerica@ssmidamerica.com
Box 489 / 2 Industrial Road Kemptville, Ontario
general www.selectsiresgenervations.commanager SELECT SIRES INC. A FEDERATION OF SIX FARMER OWNED AND CONTROLLED COOPERATIVES MISSION STATEMENT To enhance the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers, Select Sires is committed to be the premier provider of highly fertile, superior genetics accompanied by effective reproductive- and herd-management products and services. Adopted Dec. 6, 2001 SELECT SIRES’ CORE VALUES Responsiveness to customer needs Highly trained, professional personnel High quality at a fair price Industry leadership Product and service innovation Commitment to research Good stewardship of assets Continuous improvement Integrity in everything we do To Order Beef Semen: Contact your local Select Sires representative or beef specialist or visit www.selectsiresbeef.com. To Order A.I. Certificates: Visit www.selectsiresbeef.com, www.accelgen.com or call (800) 251-3049. Product of the USA
and Nevada
Spring Hill, TN Office 3789 Old Port Royal Rd. N. Spring Hill, TN 37174-2813
Mark Carpenter, chief executive officer
Email: office@premierselect.com
Devin Albrecht, general manager Scott Courtney, regional sales manager Office 833 West 400 North Logan, UT 84321 Phone: (435) 752-2022 / (800) 421-9245 (435) 752-2097
| 35 Locate your beef specialist using the map below. 3 4 65 7 8 1011 12 1314 16 1719 20 21 252324 26 18 15 BEEF SPECIALISTS 1 2 9 22 27 28 29 INTERNATIONAL EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA AND OCEANIA WORLD WIDE SIRES LTD. 5545 Avenida de los Robles Visalia, CA 93291 Phone: (559) 622-2222 Fax: (559) 741-2828 Email: www.wwsires.cominfo@wwsires.com CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA SELECT SIRES/LATIN AMERICA Juan Pablo Muriel E-mail: JMuriel@selectsires.com Juan Pablo Barreto E-mail: JPBarreto@selectsires.com MEXICO COBA/SELECT SIRES INC. Dr. Fernando Alvarez Av. Contituyentes Ote. #40, int. B-301 Queretaro, Qro Mexico 76040 Cell Phone: 52 1 442 219 2025 Fax: 52 1 442 277 5336 Email: Fernando@cobaselect.com MEMBER CO-OPS ALL WEST/SELECT SIRES Washington Office P.O. Box Burlington,507WA 98233 Phone: (360) 757-6093 / (800) 426-2697 Fax: (360) RoryEmail:www.allwestselectsires.com757-7808contact@allwestselectsires.comWhite,generalmanager Southern Division Office P.O. Box 1803 Turlock, CA 95381 Phone: (209) 667-8378 / (800) 278-8254 Fax: (209) 667-8379 CENTRALSTAR COOPERATIVE Wisconsin Office P.O. Box 191 Waupun, WI 53963 Michigan Office P.O. Box 23157 Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: (800) 631-3510 E-mail: Phillip(northServingwww.mycentralstar.cominfo@mycentralstar.comWisconsin,Michigan,IndianaofU.S.50)Dieter,chiefexecutiveofficer COBA/SELECT SIRES INC. 1224 Alton-Darby Creek Road Columbus, OH 43228-9792 Phone: (614) 878-5333 Fax: (614) 870-2622 Email: ChrisChriswww.cobaselect.comcoba@cobaselect.comSigurdson,generalmanagerLahmers,marketingdirector- North Rodney Wegener, marketing directorServing:SouthwestOhio, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Western Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Western West Virginia MINNESOTA SELECT SIRES CO-OP, INC. 6601 Gregory Park Road St. Cloud, MN 56301 Phone: (320) 259-6680 / (800) 795-1233 Fax: (320) 259-5039 Email: mnselect@mnss.coop Chris Sigurdson, manager Neal Grotsun, genetic programs manager Serving: Minnesota, North Dakota PREMIER SELECT SIRES, INC. Tunkhannock, PA Office 1 Stony Mountain Road Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Phone: (800) 227-6417 / (570) 836-3168 Fax: (570) 836-1490
SELECT SIRES CANADA P.O. K0G (613) 258-3800 (613) 258-7257
1J0 Phone:
Howard Hamilton,
SELECT SIRES MIDAMERICA, INC. Illinois Office 41W 394 US Highway 20 Hampshire, IL 60140 Phone: (847) 464-5281 (847) 464-4088
Phone: (931) 489-2020 Fax: (931) 489-2026
RR 3
Wyoming, Eastern

Select Sires, Inc. 11740 U.S. 42 North P.O. Box 143, Plain City, OH 43064-0143 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Minster, Ohio 45865 Permit No. 2