Zambia Country Profile (Nov 2015)

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Self Help Africa




elf Help Africa’s programme focus in Zambia is on

agriculture and environmental rehabilitation.

two key areas: Rural Enterprise Development and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Livelihoods.

The country programme works primarily through Farmer Commodity Producer Groups, Seed Producer Groups,

The range of projects cover: food and nutrition security;

research stations, local NGOs, civil society organisations

research into and production of improved varieties of seeds;

and local government to reach smallholder farmers and

rural enterprise development; savings and credit; income

provides support and capacity building to local government

generation; watershed management; and sustainable

departments in planning, monitoring, evaluation and training.


ZAMBIA zambia

05. Integrated Natural Resource Management & Sustainable Agriculture Project


02. Local Development Programme


Lac Moeru (Lake Mweru)











04. Enhanced Livestock Trade and Enterprise II (ELITE II) 03. Enhanced Livestock, Trade and Enterprise (ELITE)


ZIMBABWE 06. New Generation of Watershed Management





08. Community-based Seed Enterprises and Participatory Crop Improvement

01. Improved Livelihoods for Rural Communities



07. Maintenance and Expansion of the GORTA ENT Mobile


Total Budget


Implementing Partner

Programme Area


Kaoma Farm Development Project

Alan Kerins Projects, SHA

€ 211,780

2015 ­ 2017

Cheshire Homes Orphanage

Kaoma District, Western Zambia


Local Development Programme

Irish Aid

€ 10,000,000


SHA, HID, Local Government

Luwingu & Mbala districts. Northern Zambia

Heifer International & SHA

Chipata & Katete districts. Eastern Zambia

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Chipata, Katete & Chadiza, Eastern Zambia

Community Oriented Development Programme (CODEP)

Chipata district, Eastern Zambia

Centre for Livelihood Environment & Watershed Management (CLEWM)

district, Central Zambia

ENT Trust

Lusaka, Mazabuka, Chainda, Linda, Ibex Hills


Kafue, Chinkakata, Siavonga, Mpika, Chipata and Lundazi districts



Enhanced Livestock, Trade & Enterprise

SHA, Heifer Int, Send a Cow

€ 640,000

2013 2016

04 05 06 07 08

Enhanced Livestock Trade and Enterprise II


Integrated Natural Resource Management & Sustainable Agriculture Project


New Generation of Watershed Management


Maintenance and Expansion of the ENT Mobile Clinic Service Zambia


Community-based Seed Enterprises & Participatory Crop Improvement


€ 93,000

2015 2016

€ 106,000

2015 2015


2015 2015

€ 158,300

2013 2015

€ 98,400

2015 2015







on HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention and good practices in nutrition and water and sanitation. It also establishes Accumulated Savings and Credit Associations and builds the


heshire Homes Orphanage cares for orphans who

capacity of Mbala and Luwingu District Authorities to plan

have lost one or both parents because of AIDS. The

and implement effective service delivery to the population.

cost of caring for the young people is increasing,

particularly the cost of education as they get older. The

As further support to the local administration, the project

orphanage owns a large piece of farmland which is currently

supports district authorities to effectively identify and

underutilized but SHA is working with Cheshire Homes to

implement community-initiated projects; delivers capacity

increase production and seed multiplication on the farm, so

building training; supports the Northern Province Provincial

as to help the orphanage become self sufficient in food and

Planning Unit; has established a robust mechanism for

generate an income from selling surplus produce.

capturing lessons learnt and uses these to influence national and wider policy and practice.

The project has four objectives: (i) Adopt improved sustainable agricultural practices on the farm; (ii) Develop links between the farm and private sector service providers and buyers

Total direct beneficiaries: 16,000

to enable marketing of surplus produce (and value-added products); (iii) Increase access to water for farming purposes; (iv) Develop food processing, preservation and storage capacities. This is an exciting opportunity to introduce conservation agriculture techniques to Cheshire Homes and the nearby farmers and to create access to improved seeds and value added products for local farmers and consumers.




LITE is a livestock and enterprise development project designed to support 1,500 farming households (9,000 people) living in the Chipata and Katete districts of

Zambia’s Eastern Province.




The purpose of ELITE is to promote sustainable agricultural practices, strengthen the capacity of farmer groups and strengthen value chains, specifically in the area of goat meat, groundnut production, sunflower and other cash crops. The

rish Aid Local Development Programme (IALDP) is a five-

project also seeks to improve access for local growers and

year programme with the overall goal of improving the

breeders to markets for their produce.

livelihoods, health status, and food and nutrition security

of poor households in Northern Province (NP) with a particular

A collaboration with Heifer International and Send a Cow, the

focus on women and vulnerable groups.

project has pooled resources and learning in Eastern Province to pilot and scale up a plan built around the livelihood

The programme is being implemented in Luwingu and Mbala

strategies of smallholder farmers in the Province. These

districts and targets a total of 16,000 households, 10,000

households rely on agriculture for their income along with a

in Mbala and 6,000 in Luwingu over its lifetime. The project

variety of informal income-generating activities that tend to

aims to increase market-oriented sustainable agriculture

be short-term, seasonal, and poorly rewarded.

production and productivity; improve the nutrition and health status of vulnerable households; and strengthen District

Market opportunities for livestock products are increasing in

Authorities with increased planning and implementation

the Province, as a result of rising demand for animal products

capacity and improved service delivery for local communities.

in urban areas. The rise is driven by growing populations, rising incomes and urbanisation. These new markets have

The project is establishing an integrated livelihood programme

created opportunities for smallholder livestock producers,

addressing agricultural productivity, diversification and

including poor rural farmers, to benefit from ready markets

marketing and health and nutrition. It supports Farmer

for various meats, dairy products, eggs and other livestock

Producer Groups to increase production and marketing of


crops, poultry, goats and fish farming. It supports Community


Health & Nutrition Groups to increase knowledge and skills

production, improve quality of produce and find sustainable


markets for their produce, while at the same time addressing the annual food deficit many of them face.

Total direct beneficiaries: 1,500



The ELITE project works with farmers groups to increase


he project, implemented by our partner Community Oriented Development Programme (CODEP), aims to contribute to the conservation of the natural resources



on which the farmers depend. Through a watershed management approach, the project


seeks to conserve the water and soil resources and thus

LITE II aims to facilitate a more conducive business

improve productivity. The objective is to support people living

environment at community and district level for

in the watershed area while managing their natural resources

smallholder livestock producers. Following on from its

and conserving the environment.

predecessor ELITE, which assisted farmers to increase livestock production and marketing, ELITE II will work to improve wider

Chiparamba area in Chipata District suffers from low

stakeholder coordination and access to market information.

agriculture productivity which is the main source of livelihood

This will be done by establishing and strengthening Livestock

for the local population. Factors that contributed to the

Producer Groups and District Livestock Associations who will

deterioration of the agriculture productivity include erratic

provide coordination, training opportunities, links to potential

rainfall, poor agriculture practices, mono cropping and limited

buyers and a collective voice to their membership.

ground cover, as well as limited access to such inputs as quality seeds and fertilisers.

At community level, key components include: providing organizational and technical training and training manuals

In 2015, a range of environmental conservation strategies

to new and existing Livestock Producer Groups (105 in total)

willl be promoted for 750 small holder farmers. Land use

and providing opportunities for learning exchanges between

and water management will be integrated in order to reduce


the continued degradation of the area’s land, water and forest resources. Activities include livestock rearing (goats

At the broader district level, the project will facilitate the

and chickens); improved groundnut seed multiplication;

establishment of three District Livestock Associations and

bee keeping; food processing and preservation; training in

provide training in organizational development and strategic

conservation agriculture; and promotion of village saving and

planning, provide training in advocacy and entrepreneurship

credit groups.

so the associations in turn can support their members, and develop a database of products and services available to farmers.

Total direct beneficiaries: 2,130

Total direct beneficiaries: 750 5




his project, implemented by our partner Centre for Livelihood Environment & Watershed Management (CLEWM), is a set of integrated activities which are part

of the long term development plan for the conservation of

To prevent further deterioration of people’s living and health conditions, the project strengthens the economic capacity of beneficiaries to sustainable levels by providing them with support to engage into production and profitable marketing of pigs and fowls.

Total direct beneficiaries: 1,917

watershed areas of Chibombo district in Central Province.


Begun in 2013, the project targets a total 1,917 farming households, but in 2015 the target number of beneficiaries is 200 HHs. Its primary aim is to prevent further degradation of Mwembeshi watershed, water catchments and land for agricultural production and forest resources.



n a country of nearly fourteen million people, Zambia has only a handful of doctors employed to provide the vital surgical specialty required to treat ear, nose and throat

conditions. The project is organising beneficiaries into community groups and training them in forestry management and reforestation

With over 65% of the population living in rural areas,

practices; soil conservation techniques involving construction

the need for an outreach clinic is high. Late presentations

of earth work structures i.e. contour ridges, gabion cages,

of patients with ear sepsis can lead to illnesses from

contour farrows, infiltration ditches etc., planting of vertiva

complications including meningitis and brain abscesses and

grass and selected agro-forestry tree species. These activities

even death.

are conducted around the watershed and also on relevant/ suitable areas on farms of beneficiaries in order to curtail soil

Under this project, implemented in partnership with ENT

erosion, thereby improving soil fertility and land productivity.

Zambia Trust, a pioneering mobile Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinic was developed in Ireland. Launched in 2011, the mobile


Variety Selection (PVS)

provides outreach services and treatments for ENT conditions

This research work involves participatory variety selection

in the rural areas around Lusaka.

(PVS) of groundnut in conjunction with Msekera Agriculture Research Institute in Chipata district to complement their

Prior to all outreach clinics conducted with the vehicle and

existing seed breeding programmes. PVS is whereby farmers

ENT staff, a screening programme is undertaken to identify

are engaged in assessing and selecting promising breeding

those that will attend the arranged clinic and details of

material/lines on their farm that they judge to be most

individual cases are documented. The patients are advised of

appropriate for their own uses from among a range of fixed

the date for the follow-up visit with the mobile clinic vehicle

(stable) lines that are being field tested.

in order for treatments to be undertaken. The objective of this project is to increase the outreach from two to three

3) Increasing Production of identified landraces

clinics a week and also increase the distance that the clinic

SHA will continue to work with Misamfu Regional Research

covers from 10km to 50-60km from Lusaka.

Station to develop morphological descriptors to allow farmers

Total direct beneficiaries: 11,000 patients

to distinguish/characterise their landrace population of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from others and thereby register their landrace as a breed and obtain breeders rights.


clinic is based out of Beit Cure Hospital in Lusaka and now

4) Introduce a more holistic approach to value chain




n this project seeks to introduce innovative models of working between seed breeders, researchers and seed growers. The project will leverage new sciences

towards sustainable farming livelihoods, through growth in productivity, intensification of conservation farming techniques and diversification of crop production. It will continue to improve on and build partnerships in the seed value chain and seed markets.

enhancemeny for the promotion of Conservation Agriculture. Improved smallholder application of moisture conserving Conservation Agriculture (CA) technologies; use of maize and legume varieties and their cropping patterns; postharvest handling; and market system innovations will be tested through on-farm research, demonstrations and market system innovation tests. This will result in increased household food production as well as income security for the smallholder farmer. The project will benefit 400 households, half of which are women, who will facilitate demonstrations of technologies that will indirectly benefit more than 2,000 households.

The main project components are: 1) Production of Early Generation Seed

Total direct beneficiaries: 400

The project will multiply early generation seed of beans, groundnuts and cowpea. Access to early generation seed varieties by rural farmers is limited mainly as a result of poor relationships within the seed value chain. SHA has been working with Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) and Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI) to address this challenge. In this action research, SHA will continue to intensify its work with five Seed Grower Associations Shangila SGA, Chipapa SGA and Namalundu SGA on beans; MtilaKubili SGA on groundnuts; and Siavonga SGA on cowpeas. These SGAs have the responsibility of multiplying ‘basic seed’ to produce 1st generation seed, making these seeds commercially available to other small scale farmers including the seed growers. 2) Increased Access to new varieties through Participatory


ZAMBIA 87, Provident Street, Fairview, Lusaka, Lusakatel +260 211 236595 e-mail:

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