CA CAT-220 CA Clarity PPM v12 Professional Exam 10 Q&A
Version 3.0
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-2- Q: 1 Which standard view is used to configure the grid listing of all the instances of an object that the user has rights to see?
A. List Filter View B. Properties View C. List Column View D. Edit Layouts View
Answer: C Q: 2 You need to check the NTFS permissions for the folder in which the CA Productivity Accelerator (CAPA) developer application files are installed. Which permissions should be set for this folder? (Choose three)
A. List B. Read C. Delete D. Modify E. Execute
Answer: A, B, E Q: 3 In CA Clarity, you can group related pages under a single menu item using:
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A. portlet pages B. pages with tabs C. pages without tab D. pages with a Content action
Answer: B Q: 4 Which functions apply to an NQSL query? (Choose two)
A. Execute XOG writes. B. Filter on instances or object code. C. Feed portlets with the required data. D. Fetch data from multiple tables and offer it as a Web Service.
Answer: C, D Q: 5 If the output file of a XOG write shows an updated record, what does it mean?
A. The object or instance did not exist in the database. B. The object or instance was deleted from the database. C. The object or instance already existed in the database. D. The object or instance did not have a unique ID in the database.
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Answer: C Q: 6 Which is the default application server vendor for CA Clarity r12?
A. WebLogic B. WebSphere C. Ironware Orion D. Apache Tomcat
Answer: D Q: 7 When you configure Microsoft SQL Server for CA Clarity, an ODBC connection is required for Business Objects connectivity. CA recommends that the ODBC connection be called:
A. tns B. niku C. dbConn D. BOConn
Answer: B Q: 8 You are customizing CA Clarity PPM objects for your company. You want to attach a document to a field to provide the background for a business case. What can you specify using the Attachment Style data element?
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A. The file extension of the attachment B. Which icon will appear for the attachment C. If you want a single document or multiple documents for the attachment D. If the attachment will open immediately or an option will be offered to save the attachment
Answer: C Q: 9 Which statement about Department creation in CA Clarity PPM is TRUE?
A. Departments are the lowest level of the financial tree structure. B. Departments are always the children in parent/child relationships. C. Within Service Management, Departments are always consumers. D. A Department OBS must be created before the entity to which it is linked is created.
Answer: D Q: 10 Organizational Breakdown Structures (OBS) can be used for security. If you are implementing OBS Security, which statement is TRUE?
A. All users are automatically added to an OBS B. You can have multiple OBS with security enabled C. Every OBS is automatically configured to be used for security
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D. Global and instance rights can no longer be used when OBS security is used
Answer: B
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