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Strategic objective: Support communities to prepare effectively for and respond to chronic and acute humanitarian shocks.
• All communities we work with have completed risk assessments and have disaster risk management (DRM) plans in place.
• Capability to respond to sudden onset crises in eight countries.
• Map risk of all projects and countries for likelihood of sudden and slow on-set crises.
• Integrate disaster risk reduction (DRR) and Early Warning Systems (EWS) into programmes with flexible programme design to respond rapidly to crises.
• Further build capability to respond to sudden onset crises through mapping and building of capability in WASH and livelihoods, creation of a roster for crisis response, relevant HEAT training for frontline staff, development of effective crisis management group and country humanitarian focal points.
• Position the organisation as one, with significant crisis response capacity, by increasing the profiling of humanitarian responses and engagement with humanitarian donors.
• Establish a crisis response fund to enable rapid response with the aim of leveraging additional donor funding.
• Develop and maintain relationships and partnerships with, and active engagement in, UN cluster meetings and national humanitarian response bodies at national and global levels.