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Strategic objective
User-friendly, data-driven evidence of the effectiveness of our work is shared internally and externally to positively influence our work and others and to attract more support.
• Impact measurement tools in place in each country by the end of 2023.
• Produce quarterly impact statements that provide insights, personal testimonies and data that can be shared across social media channels.
• Improve our reputation among major donors by effectively and clearly demonstrating the impact of our work (measured by donor feedback).
• Disaggregated data by gender.
• Strengthen feedback mechanisms with communities.
• Develop a common approach to measuring impact at country level.
• Guided by a common approach, establish impact measurement tools in each country that put individual, partner and community feedback at the centre of our learning and measure our impact against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
• Nurture partnerships with academic institutions for long-term, post-project assessment of the impact of our work.
• Develop and implement an impact communications approach, to include: o Segmentation of target audiences, including donors, and the appropriate message and media to communicate impact. o Regular communication, both internally and externally, via impact statements that provide insights, personal testimonies and data / infographics. o Increase in and tracking of presentations at conferences and the publication of our research and findinings.