Self Starter Magazine June 2018

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Joyous June

* organic skincare fit for kings * Learning to finish what you start * Meet Cathy, whose passion for baking became hot business

TIME for TIME OUT! Time Flies, Stop Wasting Time, Time To Act, Time Is Limited, Time Waits For No One... do you know what, I think it`s time to take some Time Out!

Phew, some (or most days) days you have barely an opportunity to catch your breath, and the old heart feels like it`s held in a tight clasp all day from morn till eve... You know as well as I do, that you can only do this for so long and it`s better to act on it sooner rather than later. Although it will most likely feel awkward since you are unused to it, whether you take time off to do absolutely nothing, or to go for a walk with a friend or alone, or grab a pet or two and have a cuddle fest, it will do your soul SO much good and I promise you, you will come back to your workplace, studio or office with a smile that reaches from ear to ear.

"never mind whether it`s full or half full, just be grateful that you have a cup to fill" P 03


Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Kajsa Kinsella Arklow County Wicklow Ireland

P1 P


Wendy Merrigan

Catherine Whitty

Lynsey Hanratty

ĂŠadaoin curtin

Blaithin Watson

AnneMarie Mc Auley Galvin.

Nicola Shevlin

"1 Year=365 Opportunities"

Jeepers, its̀ June!

Editors Welcome BY KAJSA KINSELLA Hi Everyone & All. My oh, my, it`s June already and I have barely had time to pack away the Christmas decorations (there is actually one in the corner of my room, and it will have to stay there for another half a year until I need it again!) Each year, when the light returns, I am in awe of the mesmerizing magic nature has kept hidden from us over the dark months, and now, as the rays hit every surface, it springs to life and we are surrounded by colour, sounds, and fragrances again. Life couldn`t be much better. This month, we will learn to finish what we started, rather than getting stressed out, due to incompleted tasks and duties, which we never seem to find the time to complete... Make a delicious light lunch, for you to refuel your body and mind with a nutritious salad and shrimps-yum! Being a one-man-band as I am, I have barely time to do anything other than creating the magazine and I`m delighted to say that I have joined forces with the superbly talented Finola Howard of How Great Marketing Works. Over the next few months, we will turn me into a marketing expert for my business and magazine, and you get to come along too as I will share my journey with you all! Have a look at the exciting new competition-Grab Yourself A Mentor! Win a 30-minute consultation with one of our three experts to get feedback, advice or simply to brainstorm. Eadaoin Curtin of Firechild Photography kicks you into the right gear when it comes to P1

presenting your brand and Wendy Merrigan helps you get to grips with VAT. P


For You This Month

P 9. Siblings Nicola, Andrew

P 14. Learn something we

P 22. The Cream Of The

and Richard have

all have trouble with: to

Crop, showcasing

created organic skincare fit

finish what you start!

Ireland`s best produce, design and craftsmanship.

for kings. P 12. Lynsey Hanratty is

P 16. Lunchtime! Simply

P 24. To VAT or not to

here to show you that it`s

does it as they say, and this

VAT, that is the

absolutely ok, not to be an

delicious shrimp & tomato

question. Wendy Merrigan


salad is simply divine.

tells you what to do when.



For You This Month

P 27. Our cover girl Cathy

P 34. Make the most delicious

P 39. Be in with the chance

Whitty tells her story from

frozen snacks with only three

of winning a 30 minute

medical emergency,to running


consultation with one of our three experts!

a successful business. P 30. Photographer on Fire,

P 36. Read about the most

P 44. Blaithin Watson

Eadaoin Curtin knows

rewarding business in the

opened her dream

exactly how you should

world; become a wedding

business, within a

present yourself as a



business owner.





Sure, what can a big sister do, but give in, when her two younger brothers are of the opinion that they have spotted a gem of a business, and SHE is the one to rule them all...


I count myself very lucky, that I have never been in the dire situation of having to visit a hospital emergency department. But, if this was ever to be the case, an experienced A&E nurse like Nicola Shevlin (former King) would be on the top of my wish-list of carers. As we meet for a bit of breakfast and a chat, she radiates calm, confidence and content and her ability to work under pressure has proven to be very valuable as she, along with her two brothers Andrew and Richard over the last few years, built a business full of class, quality, and credentials. Although running your own business with small children and a full-time job on the side is a hard race to run each and every day, but I think that Nicola is in the exact place she is meant to be and that this family business will bring her much joy and fulfillment in the future. Well used to working under intense strain and fully focused concentration, Nicola was truly enjoying her work as an A&E nurse in St Michael`s Hospital in Dun Laoghaire and her longtime interest in dermatology and skincare started to become useful in her everyday work, as she bit by bit noticed a new trend. Much more than before, her patients were inquiring about the content of the creams and ointments that they put on their skin. Never before had she seen an interest like this, and this stirred her strong fascination with all matters of skincare. Convinced that there was a strongly growing interest in what people were putting on their skin, Nicola made her way across the waters and studied the art of creating ointments, how to blend them and to get the measurements right in the UK. Nicola was, as she says herself, "happy out" in her home kitchen, having a lovely time, creating her own blends and the plan was to maybe, just maybe begin selling some of it on markets as a nixer while the children were in school. However, her two younger brothers, horticulturist Andrew and chemist Richard had other ideas...



The fact that there was a concrete growing demand from the public asking for clean, natural and organic skincare products was evident to the brothers and they found that she, Nicola, had come up with a gem of a business idea. This however initially fell on deaf ears with their older sister as she was in the midst of rearing her two small children, she, as well as her husband, holding down a stressful full-time job. It was simply not in the cards for her or her family at that time. But, anyone who has siblings knows the power they possess, to make you get excited and change your mind! So, slowly but surely Nicola became accustomed to the idea, could see the potential and the golden wheels of Ríá Organics were set in motion. The name Ríá Organics was chosen to represent their family name, King, and to set the standard for their products. As they all agreed that going down the organic route was the only way forward, Nicola put all her spare-time and effort into producing a formula for their very first product and I don`t have to tell you the number of hours she spent measuring, stirring, blending, throwing out and starting over and sampling... Soon, they realized that it would indeed be worth their while to aim for the very highest step of the organic ladder and file for a certification with the Soil Association, Cosmos Organic. Although this meant Nicola had to start ALL over again, following the strict rules and regulations of the Soil Association and Cosmos Organic, it was going to be well worth it as this stamp of approval would elevate their brand instantaneously, once they received the certification. So, back to the drawing board and one and a half year later, Nicola and her brothers were ready to have their product dissected and scrutinized. Naturally, all went well and now, the only problem that remained was to find a producer who was willing to open their premises to the scrutiny of the organization... As the regulations of every single step of the production and the expectations of the entire premises are very strict, it was a bit of a challenge to find a manufacturer who was prepared to adhere to these, but, they found Cosmetic Creations in Mayo who were able to manufacture their skincare range and they passed the test with flying colours! And now, the "only" problem remaining was to source packaging which adhered to the same strict rules as there were restrictions as to which ink was used on the labels, which type of lid was used, the quality of the lid insert, the standard of the jars and so on, and although it was a tough road to go down and it took a lot more work and effort than they had expected, Nicola swears by going for quality and standard over cheap and cheerful at any point. Because in the end, it was all well worth it.



"WE LITERALLY PUT OUR LAUNCH AT BLOOM 2017 TOGETHER IN A MERE SIX WEEKS!" So, now that all the puzzle pieces were in place, the daunting task of actually getting the products into shops and to retailers stood before the three siblings. None of them had experience in retail and this was a completely new territory. As luck would have it, Andrew, who is a horticulturist had a friend who was a gardener and as he was planning on exhibiting at Bloom of last year, the trio decided to sponsor his garden and launch their business there and then. This was decided a mere six weeks before the event and of course, from that day on for six weeks, their days and nights were filled with phone calls to manufacturers and producers, making sure they understood that they actually DID need the products and packaging right away! There was advertisement material to be designed, proofed and printed; banners; business card; transport to and from the event to organize, a website to be built, photographs to be taken, accommodation to be name it, they lived and breathed it for six intense weeks. Although it might not be funny whilst you are stuck in it, I think you benefit greatly from pushing yourself and going through a rush like that, to realize your strength and ability to actually get things done. The launch went splendidly well and due to this, they gained exposure in various magazines, blogs, and websites. On the back of this, their products were snapped up by the Irish chain The Health Store which gave Ria Organics a great base to build their brand on and many retailers have followed suit since. I can personally vouch for that Ríá Organics products are pure bliss to apply on your skin, and the care they gave to create the very best for you is evident in each detail of their products as they only use the purest of ingredients.

"Self Starters I Admire" My three inspirational ladies are Christine King (Castle Homecare) and little sister! Rachael Davis (Remedy Pilates) and Pippa O`Connor. All of the above are working mothers who have managed to balance their home-life while building successful companies that they should be very proud of.

As one of the main ingredients in their skincare range is Rosehip Oil and the supply of this from overseas was occasionally found to be unreliable, the innovative and resolute trio decided for this to never happen again. So, no need for summer camps for the kids this year, as the entire family is busy planting hundreds if not thousands of little rosehip plants in organic soil, all to be nourished and turned into pure gold for your skin by Ríá Organics.

Thank you, Nicola, for being so open and frank with me about what its̀ like to be a new entrepreneur in Ireland. Its̀ greatly inspiring to hear true stories of resilience and perseverance paying off!



"So, who are you, to be an expert" By Lynsey Hanratty

There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. But when starting out in business, it can be tough to be the little fish in the big pond. The questions arise in your mind ‘Who is going to want what I offer?’, ‘What if I can’t help the client enough when they pay for my services?’, ‘Who am I to think I’m an expert?’. The reality is that people don’t want more of the same, they want different, they want quirky and they want something that resonates with their values and beliefs. Being yourself is the best way to be different, don’t try to be something you’re not, don’t try to conform. Be quirky and curious and interested in the people you want to help.

Lynsey Hanratty worked in the wellness arena as a neuromuscular and physical therapist for over 3 years before moving into coaching to fulfilling her own ambition of helping wellness businesses realize their potential and use their gifts and talents to have their own successful businesses. She does this by way of one to one business coaching as well as speaking at various events. If you would like to avail of Lynsey’s 30 minute complimentary ‘Perfect Profit Plan for your wellness business’ session to explore your business ideas, you can contact her at or call her on 086 3569689 and find her on NOMADIC





‘Every artist was once an amateur’ Ralph Waldo Emerson Be a leading learner. Admit you don’t know all the answers, people will understand and will be more attracted to your

honesty and candor than going to a super polished coach or guru that thinks they know all the answers. The fact of the matter is that you may have been your own ideal client once, I know I was! You can be 2 or 3 steps ahead of your ideal client, but you still have valuable information to give them in terms of how you are progressing towards your goals. People appreciate the information more if they know you were once in their shoes, even if it was not that long ago. Keep learning and teach your clients how to avoid all the mistakes if you can.

Realise that you are enough right now where you are. Only you can bring you to the table - you with all your flaws and imperfections, your experiences and your talents. You are the expert in YOU! If you can say that you are bringing positive change to other people’s lives with the work you currently do, then you are on the right path. Stop asking for permission to do the things you want to do, and get that information, service or product out there. People need you! Remember that a perceived ‘expert’ or guru has nothing more to learn, nothing more to achieve. As a learner, you are constantly bringing new ideas and concepts to the table for your clients and building and developing your craft as you grow. There is nothing wrong with that! Women entrepreneurs suffer most from imposter syndrome, waiting for people to find out that they don’t know all the answers. So what if you don’t? There is nothing you can’t learn or study or get to grips with over time. Working with clients allows you to really hone in and find out what it is they really want, you may find the same questions come up over and over again. If so, you can find ways to effectively answer them with all the tools you have to hand right now and in the future as you learn more.

Question the experts. Just because the ‘experts’ advise a particular way to do something doesn’t mean it’s the only way! Adapt and refine anything that is the ‘done thing’ to suit yourself and your clients, as long as it works for them and they are feeling the benefits of your product or service, you’re doing the right thing! Always question the norm, be curious about how you can improve on what is out there, and how it can benefit your customers. Fail fast and fail often. Failing fast and often means you can make the mistakes early on in your chosen business and

really hone in on the direction you want to progress in. That direction might pivot and change, further exacerbating the ‘I’m not an expert’ conversation in your head. Remind yourself why you want to serve your clients, keep learning, have fun with it all and experiment. Working in a space that you can flow in is more important than sticking with something that you don’t resonate with anymore. Starting again in a new direction that works better for you may invigorate your business more and attract the right clients.

In the end, let the haters think what they like about you, you don’t have to be an expert straight away! Don’t forget that you are holding a mirror up to other people when you start to make moves into your new business. You are telling them that you are moving out of your comfort zone, and people don’t like that because it makes them feel uncomfortable. It makes them realize that their lives are beige and uninteresting, so they lash out at you to kill your confidence, to shatter your dreams, to make themselves feel better. You need to keep on going, keep on learning and get even better at what you do, give yourself a break! Be a problem solver. Get results and provide solutions to your clients. Learn on the job. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the answers, nobody does!

"Be You. You Can’t Be Anyone Else" P



How To Finish What You Start ...when God made time, he made plenty of it-I dont̀ think so!! By Kajsa Kinsella

I don`t know about you, but I LOVE to spin 12 plates at the same time; to dart from subject to subject, trying to catch my breath. Multitasking is what gives me a great old kick, I have to say! I more often than not have 64 tabs open on my laptop all at the same time and I half write half an email, whilst sending a tweet, whilst listening to the radio and whilst reading another email..... It`s just me being effective, right?! Or am I... Granted, to get anything done in business, you need to be able to "split the brain" and mentally being able to focus on many different issues at the same time, but when it comes to actually getting things done, you are far better off, starting one thing and seeing it through til it`s completed. If not, you run the risk of getting 600 things started in a day, ending up completing absolutely none and do you know whatthe one going to bed that evening,feeling just as overwhelmed as when they woke up that morning is -YOU. One of my favourite movie lines is Will asking Robin in "Prince of Thieves" -"What I want to know is, will you stay and finish what you started?" Let`s learn to do just that and create a pattern of satisfaction of completion, rather than continuing on the road of self critizism due to non-completion.



"To become more productive, you must become the master of your minutes." *Be selective in what you do* Passion plays a huge part in the likelihood of things getting done, so make sure you are in a business you enjoy.

*Make a daily plan* Write down your overall daily goal, and pinpoint 4 things which HAVE to be done today. Make sure those are done at the end of the day no matter what.

*Stop Being A Perfectionist* Don`t waste time and energy, obsessing over the wording of a particular email or the aligning of the text and images. Certainly, there are times when this matters a lot, but in 90% of our emails, it doesn`t.

Remember your end vision* When you instinctively want to switch off the business brain and rather watch Oprah, remember your end goal-your dream and keep going!

*Track your progress* As childish as it may sound, there is nothing more satisfying than ticking things off as "DONE" on a list!

*Commit To Your Word* Hold yourself to what you said you were going to achieve during this day and make darn sure that you completed those very important tasks and steps towards YOUR success.

*Estimate Your Resources*

Make sure you have everything you need to complete the tasks you have set out to do, including snacks and water so you don`t risk being distracted by having to nip out to the shops.


"Failure Is An Event, Not A Person & Yesterday Ended Last Night"

Remember, if you feel overwhelmed and have temporary "brain-freeze", DO take a break. *Get your runners on and go for a short walk. It will clear your head, give you a boost of much needed freshly produced oxygen, and you will straighten up that back of yours too! *Put on some good music and dance in your kitchen, that`s what the radio is there for! Sing along if you feel like it and forget about business-ing for a minute or two. *Read an inspirational quote. As corny as it may sound, there are so many fantastically inspirational eye-openers out there, and if you just google "inspirational quote about..." you are SURE to find one which gives you that push you need right now. P


Lunch Time!





"Eating Is Necessity, Cooking Is Pure Joy" Although I have had many passions over the years, for which my heart has burned, cooking food and eating it is something I have always enjoyed immensely. Eating a light summer salad in the sun must be one of my favourite things to do.

Directions: Make a dressing out of 1/2 Chopped Red Onion 1-2 Crushed Garlic Cloves 1-2 Teasp. of Lemon Juice 2 Tbsp Olive Oil, Chopped Fresh Basil A Pinch Of Salt & Black Pepper Mix all ingredients in a bowl, then add 250 grams of peeled, cooked shrimps and let the flavoursome dressing cover each shrimp. Cut 8 sweet cherry tomatoes in half and gently fold them it too, then leave to rest for a few minutes while you prepare a serving dish with washed lambs lettuce. Transfer the shrimp mixture over to the lettuce bowl, and just before serving, gently mix it all together. Enjoy this divine summer salad with a thick slice of sourdough bread in the sun! P




Lively, Animated, Effervescent, Jaunty, Vigorous

Tedious, Wearisome, Monotonous, Uneventful, Lustreless


Hope Confidence, Conviction, Anticipation, Expectancy, Promise

Arbitrator, negotiator, Intermediary, Conciliator, Pacifier

Troublemaker Agitator, Firebrand, Incendiary, Instigator, Agent Provocateur

Use Your Words! We all wish to feel confident in discussions and come across as intelligent and articulate, but it`s easy to feel hesitant and you sometimes get "lost for words". Here are a few snazzy synonyms of common words to add to the conversation!



Engrossing, Absorbing, Enthralling, Fascinating, Captivating

Humdrum, Bland, Banal, Prosaic, Commonplace

Dispair Confident Phlegmatic, Level-Headed, Impassive, Unperturbed, Composed P


Distress, Anguish, Disconnect, Disconsolate, Melancholy

Unconfident Apprehensive, Troubled, Hesitant, Timid, Timorous


ANCHOR is a new, very intriguing app which lets you create and distribute high quality podcasts straight from your phone! You can add up to 10 people to the recording and add songs from Spotify. Great App! Find it in your app store.

ISSUU is the platform which I use to display this magazine! It`s FREE, it`s so easy and you can publish practically anything and you have the app on apple and android to support it.

EVENTBRITE is a platform from which you can digitally sell tickets to your event, concert, seminar or what ever you are up to! If your tickets are free, you don`t pay commission.

TINYSCANNER is a really cool app, where you can turn any image into a pdf and email to whom ever it`s intended for in a jiffy. Find it in your app store.

"YOU MUST STRIVE TO GAIN CONTROL OVER YOUR MONEY, OR THE LACK OF IT WILL CONTROL YOU FOR FOREVER" There are SO many excellent free programs, platforms, and apps on the net for business owners, which are just as efficient as the paid ones. You`d be mad not to at least try those out before the ones that charge. P


What ARE You Doing!? How to gain self-control and get what you want

We automatically and often involuntarily feed of each other's body language and the "vibe" it communicates can easily determine the outcome of a conversation in both a positive and negative way.

By Kajsa Kinsella

I know, it`s easier said than done, and there is no ready-made formula for taming your nerves and create a smooth run for personal success, but, if you are willing to train yourself to gain more self-control when it comes to influencing how you come across to the people you are trying to impress and connect with, I`d say you are more than halfway to where you want to go. When you begin to dig into the mindblowing topic of body language, understanding why you perceive the people you meet as you do and how they make you feel, you therefore immediately start viewing your own body language from another person`s perspective. One can be forgiven for becoming more than slightly self-obsessed! P


So, the key is quite simply to "get out there", meet people, and lower the threshold of nervousness by practicing often and consciously. Purpously put yourself in situations where you have to represent yourself and your business. If you are only starting out, make sure you have your business idea and vision clearly in mind, as this backbone of confidence will really come to your aid when you begin talking to people and feel the nerves setting in. One tip is to watch videos of people you admire, see how they move their bodies, how they use their hands and how they speak, to make feel N Oyou MAD I C at | ease 2 4 and interested in what they have to say and do your best to copy their behavior. You can do it!!

Watch Yourself POSTURE: Shoulders Back, Chin Up, Stand TallBE PROUD

FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: Smile, Relax Facial Muscles, Dont̀ Frown

VOICE: Speak In A Steady, Strong Tone. Dont̀ Rush,Make Sure To Breathe

HANDS: Use Controlled, Sweeping Gestures, To Reinforce Your Points

SPEED: To Counteract Your Nervousness, Do Everything A Little Slower

STAY COOL: Be Disciplined, Talk To Yourself In A Calming Way And Keep Gaining Control



k c i P s ` r o t i d The Cream Of The E Crop

Bark To Bow Bowties John Hanly Mmmm,picknick season is truly here! Enjoy it fully, sitting on one of these gorgeous throws by John Hanly. "Merino Cashmere SKU 1424" € 145.45

The Kinsale Leather Company Irish designer Dee Mangan set out in 2014 to create quality leather products, for everyday adventures, and I find that she indeed has succeeded! "Watson Wallet" € 160.00



Look at these gorgeously Irish handmade wooden bows, the work is exquisite! Contact Dessie for pricing. barktobowbowties

Trishs̀ Honey Products Third generation beekeeper Trish O`Neill has a passion for natural living and skincare since childhood and it shows. Hand Cream: € 9.95

Mariko Green Tea

Strong Roots

Honesty in food is vital to young Irish entrepreneur Samuel Dennigan who is determined to bring frozen food back from the dead! € 4.50

Founded in 2012 by fresh food enthusiast Christine McAndrew, this is both delicious and refreshing. "Sparkling Green Tea" € See Website

East Coast Bakehouse Irish Dragon`s Den mogul Alison Cowzer is the mastermind behind this delicious cookie business. Crunchèms & Oatèms Tesco € See In Store

Irish Biltong Noreen Doyle and her husband John are the producers of this prime beef product. YUM! Original or Mild Chili € 4.50-32.00

ProU Michael and Jane are specializing in creating a both envigoring and delicious Greek yogurt style product, packed with Calcium, Protein & Vitamin D. Supervalu € See In Store







One of the most frequent questions we get in relation to new start-up businesses is around the issue of VAT. No short article can deal with every scenario for VAT but if we just think for a minute about the impact VAT might have on your new start-up. This article is specifically for those in the service industry (not selling products).

If you have questions or would like to contact Wendy, please email or check out her LinkedIn profile for articles like these posted regularly ‘Wendy Merrigan FCA’. Wendy Merrigan is a Chartered Accountant with a practice in Dublin. She enjoys working with business owners setting financial goals, targets and putting action plans together the insure targets are reached. If you wish to talk to Wendy or attend one of her workshops, email and set up a call or meeting.

These three steps are vital for your business * SETTING YOUR SALES PRICE * When you are considering your PRICING, it’s important to know when you get to the VAT threshold (or know you will get to it in the financial year), of €37,500 in sales (turnover), then you will be registered for VAT and on services, you may be liable to then charge 23% VAT on your service. If your customer is a business and VAT registered, they can claim back the VAT you charge, so the VAT is not an issue as such. However, if you are selling to personal customers that aren’t businesses or are not registered for VAT, then the 23% VAT you will be charging will impact your sales price (in a big way potentially). Therefore, when setting your sales prices, it’s important to consider VAT and the impact it may have (even if you are not near the threshold for charging VAT yet).


As a start-up, you may only be in contact with your accountant on an annual basis. If that’s the case, it’s important when you do talk that you ask about VAT and the impact on your business. If you go from start-up to having significant sales and cross the VAT threshold without registering for VAT, there may be implications from Revenue. When you, the business owner, feel you will cross the VAT threshold of €37,500 of turnover in a financial year (looking ahead), then you will be obliged to register with Revenue for VAT. The registration process can take a number of weeks. You will already be registered for tax purposes with Revenue once you are trading, you will only need to add VAT to your tax registration lists. Your accountant or advisor can assist with this if needed. [Always discuss pricing and what the work will cost before you engage someone to work on your behalf, to ensure you have no surprises later in the year.]


A sales invoice for VAT purposes has a defined format and items for inclusion required by revenue in order for it to be a ‘valid VAT invoice’. The Revenue website is very helpful in this regard - One of the confusion areas around VAT rates and services is around ‘VAT on Training’. VAT on training is not exempt. Unless your business satisfies revenues strict criteria and ticks all the boxes, VAT must be charged on training and the VAT rate could be 23% which obviously impacts a pricing model for some businesses. VAT returns may be done on a bi-monthly basis in the first period of business. This can change to less frequent if Revenue determines it. Talk to your accountant or advisor in relation to the format and calculation of the VAT. You may decide (for cost purposes) to make the VAT returns yourself. If this is the case, it would be advisable to get your accountant to review the first one or two returns and give you feedback to ensure the calculations are correct. The issue that can arise if you are making returns yourself is different types of purchases may be returned in a different way. Knowing how to account for sales and purchases within the EU for example. Always seek advice before you make returns. Saving a little money by having someone unqualified preparing returns may, in the end, cost you money, if prepared incorrectly. You can begin to feel in control of the financial side of your business and form awareness of tax rates and implications by discussing what you need to know with your accountant or you can call your Revenue district and they will assist with queries also.

The above article is not written in a legal format. For full information on your own business or structure of your company and any tax advice, please seek professional advice specific to your own needs. The article above is only a guide note. The writer has no legal responsibility to any reader for specific actions taken on the advice above.





"When we come up with something new, the girls and I are like young lads at the races!" Isn`t it just SO exciting to grab pen and paper, sit down at the kitchen table and begin jotting down the bones your dream business, the one you have fantasized about since you were a child!? I have been caught doing this plenty of times for many, many dreamed-up businesses and the enthusiasm simply bubbled inside my veins.

"Self Starters I Admire" The three people I admire most are Rebecca Hadden of The Farm Shop Tinahely , Mary Anne O Brien of Lily O Briens Chocolates and Janet Drew of Janet's Country Fare Kilcoole . Three great hard working talented ladies .

But, what if your business is born out of a personal necessity, out of a need which otherwise won`t be met, what do you do then? Well, I suppose you just have to do like Catherine Whitty and put your thinking cap on, pull up your sleeves and get to work! NOMADIC


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"Running a business in todays̀ world, is more about creating friendships and relationships, than hard selling." Being a hard working mother of six, Catherine Whitty had more than her hands full when one day, everything she was used to and the life she had known up until that day, collapsed around her. All the children had flown the nest and were settled with their own lives, and Catherine, used to always being busy, felt that the days were a little too long and quiet so she decided to offer her services and experience as a home-help in her community. This was a job that she loved and having spent over an hour in her company myself, I know for certain that she must have been great company for the elderly and lonesome. Disaster struck one day whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a bit of cake with one of the ladies she had just cleaned for, and she all of a sudden felt her tongue begin to swell and she immediately became desperately ill indeed. After having gone through the trauma of collapsing in the doctor`s surgery, Cathy was diagnosed with having suffered an anaphylactic shock and during her hospital stay, she was "taken off" practically any kind of food produce as a preliminary caution and through the process of elimination, she and her doctors tried to figure out where this bolt from out of the blue had come from. It was for certain a shock to Cathy, as she had never before experienced anything like this. One can only imagine how scary it must have been, not knowing if what you eat will harm you and send you into yet another allergic shock, so Cathy allowed herself a diet of only rice and potatoes at the beginning, to prevent anything from aggravating, and to give her digestive system a well-earned break. But, we are humans and we do love flavour and variety, and what Cathy missed the most, as a forever baking mother of six, was freshly baked bread... As luck would have it, a friendly neighbour suggested her trying to use Spelt, as regular wheat tends to be more harsh on the stomach, and she immediately set off to find some from the local health food shop as this could be her saviour. Needless to say, the first try of her freshly baked Spelt bread was a very nervous occasion, as she didn`t know how she was going to react and, she tells me, she sat at the table with the insulin pen ready in hand, in case things were going to go very wrong! But, all went well and let me tell you, that was the best piece of bread she had tasted in a very long time. So much so, that the store she bought her flour from asked her to sell her baked goods in the shop and all of a sudden, Cathy went from busy to very very busy, as it proved to very popular and delicious too! As demand grew and Cathy was baking at home in her domestic kitchen, the question was raised whether to create a proper business out of this or to call it quits and as luck would have it, Yvonne, one of Cathy`s daughters unbeknownst to her mother, entered the little baking business in a competition, run by SuperValu called "Recipe For Success", which was to become the push Cathy had needed to decide and take her venture to the next level. And although Cathy felt like throttling her daughter for putting her in this position, as she received a phone call from RTE asking her to bring her products up to headquarters for review, Cathy mustered up the courage, packed up the car and off to Dublin they went. Having battled against 30 contestants, through various competitions for months, Cathy found herself in the finals and came second. This was an incredible stepping stone for the little Tinaheely home bakery, and the entrepreneur in Cathy had well and truly been awakened.



Naturally, Cathy figured that the path she was to take, was to expand the business into a commercial kitchen and open a fully fledged bakery business, but destiny had other intentions for her, as she found out after spending a good few days up to her neck in flour, ingredients and dough in an already up and running bakery. She says with conviction "hats off to those lads who run bakeries, because it is such hard work and at this age in my life, I couldn`t do what they do". So, back to the drawing board, as she did feel that there was a strong and devoted market for Spelt bread and a more healthier way of making breads and her strong links with various allergy societies in Ireland, convinced her of the same. So, how to get around the trouble of having to bake it all herself? Why not let the customer bake, rather than us doing it! This will greatly prolong shelf life, reduce packaging and delivery costs, plus, the customer gets to enjoy the process of home-baking, enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread in their kitchen, which is something very few can resist, whether allergic or not. To prepare for this venture, Catherine and two of her daughters, Yvonne and Fiona, contacted the local enterprise office and dived head first into any course or mentoring going, to gain as much knowledge and base for their intended business as possible. And, they got every bit of support they expected and couldn`t recommend it enough for any new starter, to contact their local LEO office.

"My advice to anyone thinking of starting out on their own, is to think long and hard about it, as it can Slowly but surely, Cathy`s Spelt For Health was born and the idea of be a very lonely place." creating bagged Spelt mixes for home-baking, safe and clean became reality. The business, although it`s a tough hill to climb as the market for healthier alternatives to wheat is nowadays occupied by many more businesses than 10 years ago, Cathy and her daughters come up with new products, recipes and inspiring videos to always keep ahead of the posse and stay alive in business. The range today consists of delicious mixes of Multiseed, Whole Meal, White Scone and Flapjacks, all accompanied with Cathy`s own personal recipes and if you have a little imagination and watch their videos, you will see that your bread will never need to be bland again! If you happen to have an intolerance to dairy, that is also taken care of, as their mixes work perfectly with any alternative to milk. The rasing agent used is bread soda, so you will avoid the nasty side effects of yeast too. Cathy`s Spelt mixes are available to buy in a variety of shops in Ireland, and the girls enjoy customers from as far away as the USA, who shop through their online store. Thank you, Cathy for the lovely chat we had, it was great to get to know your inspiring story, and you are a true champion for the women of Ireland, showing us that there is no age limit for starting your own business! I wish you and your girls the very best of luck in the future, and long may we get to bake your delicious breads!



Turn up the heat on your brand! By Éadaoin Curtin

Éadaoin helps business owners who struggle with standing out in a crowded marketplace craft a powerful visual brand (even if they’re not movie stars!) by capturing their authentic one-of-akind energy and personality with amazing photos and headshots. When they work with her they not only walk away with photos that project authority and integrity, these images help them instantly stand out as the first choice for their clients - making them way more profitable! Éadaoin’s entire life, from the age of 9, has been about photographing people from all walks of life. Having studied design before finding her way into full-time photography, authenticity and integrity are at the core of her work. She truly believes that blending in is simply not an option; imagery that connects with people is vital - especially in this era of social media and instant impact! Firechild Photography works with entrepreneurs and business owners; helping them stand out, make a bigger impact, and get more clients. You will find her all over Ireland & Europe capturing the most amazing photographs of the people she works with showing them they don’t have to be movie stars to connect with their customers and clients. Éadaoin is a current finalist in the arts category of Network Dublin’s Businesswoman of the Year.




February 6th this year marked my first anniversary as a full-time selfemployed photographer, though it’s been a much longer journey than that. Graduating in interior and furniture design in 2005, I spent the first few years of my career in architecture. 2008 saw me take a couple of months out to travel in SE Asia - unwittingly heading my boss off at the pass by handing in my notice about a week before I would have been made redundant. The second stop on that trip was Viet Nam, where I had planned to spend a month volunteering with a local NGO. But I quickly realized that a month was never going to be long enough; one month became two, and Viet Nam was in my heart and soul. That 4-month backpacking trip turned out to be a year-long, life-changing journey where I spent most of the time not traveling at all. It was in Viet Nam that I discovered the meaning of my name. A then stranger, now friend, asked me what my name meant - I told him that it didn’t have one, but that it was the name of a virgin Saint from Co Roscommon. He told me that in Vietnamese it sounded like a phrase that meant ‘who is crazy’... Googling commenced! Éadaoin means little fire. I liked it, sounded good. Returning to Ireland in 2009 wasn’t easy. I’d witnessed so much poverty and hardship in Viet Nam and then coming back to this story of poverty and hardship that was so real here too but looked so different. There were months of unemployment, freelancing and finally, back to architecture. In early 2011 Firechild was born - what for, I wasn’t sure yet, but I’d recently discovered personal branding and was fascinated by it. I wanted my own personal brand. Summer 2011 I left my job, the anxiety, overwork, and negativity in that world at that time was too much.

I began teaching English - working with adults from all over the world, in Dublin. The fun, the energy, the inspiration was infectious and my creativity was sparked again. I began sharing my photography, I practiced and studied and researched and practiced more. In 2014 I began to be paid for what I was doing; it was both terrifying and exhilarating, people wanted to pay me to do what I loved so much?! Fast forward to 2017. Full-time photographer, searching for a way to bring all my skills together into a sustainable, exciting business. And thus was born my current title of photographer and brand guide. Several strands of a checkered career had finally come together architecture: I shoot always on-location, my work is about how the person interacts with their environment, choosing locations that compliment and enhance my client’s brand, portraiture: years of wedding and family portraiture photography means that I have an indepth understanding of how to help my clients relax in front of the camera and bring out their own authentic energy and personality, teaching: sharing techniques with my clients and helping them make the most of their photographs afterwards is a big part of my service, and finally, branding: that fascination that was born out of my own quest for personal development almost a decade ago and the journey I’ve been on since gives me an awareness and understanding that reaches far beyond current trends. I’ve lived that journey, learned the truth of the teachings from branding experts I’ve worked with over the years, and honestly, I’ve had so many AHA! moments over the last few months as my business has really grown! In the space of one year, I’ve taken my business from barely surviving to wholeheartedly thriving, and it’s all been based around my personal brand. P

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For me, there are two key areas to look at when investigating if you’re holding your brand back. How you look, and how you come across. 1 - In your own image. Is your imagery professional? Does it look professional and come across well, and are you using images that bring across your authenticity – that’s what it’s about from my point of view, capturing your personality and giving your clients someone to connect to. Using stock images is never going to help you build that important client relationship. 2 - Your online shopfront. The second trap for holding your brand back is a poorly designed website; one that’s difficult for your clients to navigate, clunky, dated or hard to maneuver. Try to avoid content that’s not really helpful for people, content should ‘Educate, Entertain or Inform’ – you need to consider how your website content is being received.

So, do you have a brand? The short answer is YES. You may not realize it yet, but your personal brand is inextricably tied to you. It’s what people think when they think of you, it’s what makes people think of you. It’s happening whether you like it or not. So how can you shape it? That’s where the process of branding comes in. A personal brand is simply a considered representation of yourself to the world. Who you are as a friend, wife, mother, brother is not always who you are as a businessperson, there can be a separation. But more and more, as small business owners we don’t have a work-life balance, we have a work-life blend. Who you are is a huge part of your business, and your business is a huge part of who you are. One of the things I see happening most often with my clients is that they’re finally stepping into their brand after years of hiding. Hiding behind a business name, a logo, a mission statement, brand colours, a fancy website that doesn’t even have their own name on it. And I firmly believe that it has to stop. Social media has brought us into the instant impact era, and with it, a deep desire to connect. Your clients and potential clients want to see you, make eye contact with you, get to know you, grow to like you and learn to trust you. And they do this by interacting with you - more than your logo or your inspiring quotes or your product shot - they want YOU. Sometimes we do things, unbeknownst to ourselves, that are actually really holding us back from building a powerful brand. We place obstacles in our way that can ruin our brand before we even get started!

3 - Consistency. So let’s say that how you look is one part, and how you come across is another, but within that is the important matter of consistency. Lack of consistency can keep your brand from moving forward. “Success is no more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day” - Jim Rohn 4 - Beliefs and opinions. You may wonder if it’s unprofessional to connect your brand with personal opinions on current topics. I believe that you can express your opinions, in fact, that can be a big part of sharing your story and stepping into your brand, but it’s all about maintaining consistency, professionalism and self-respect, and of course, respect for others. Consistently doing small things that are tarnishing your brand will have a detrimental effect on your overall brand image. 5 - Networking & Relationships It’s so important to build your brand offline, you can have the most amazing online brand, but really, business is about relationships – building relationships with people is how you’re really going to grow your business. You can build relationships online, of course, blogging etc, but I’ll say it one more time – we need to put ourselves out there!! Meeting people face to face can be incredibly good for your brand. It can help push you and your brand forward in ways you can’t even imagine yet! 6- Evolution We hold our brand back sometimes by forgetting that we’re constantly changing & evolving our businesses and ourselves. As a business owner, our self-development is often ramped up in order to survive, this is understandable as ‘we are our business’. It’s something to consider very carefully – when you started your business initially, you may not have started with a brand identity as such, this may have evolved over time. You need to take stock once a quarter or twice a year and investigate how your brand has evolved and how your message has changed because naturally, it should be changing, as you will be changing. Is what you’re saying and what you’re doing still aligning? You can expect a good brand image to last at least 2/3 years, but then it’s time to reflect on how you can better tell your story and show who you are NOW as a business owner so that your clients can stay clear on who you are and what you’re offering. P


IceCold Natural Super Snacks! P


"These are great for when you just feel like munching!"

Frozen Greek Yogurt Bites You Will Need: Red Seedless Grapes White Seedless Grapes Greek Yogurt 1 Tbsp Stevia Or Sweetener (optional) A Dash Of Vanilla Essence (optional)

As long as you chop it in small enough bites, you can make this with absolutely any fruit or berry. Wash your fruit well and chop it into bite-size chunks. Remember, once they are frozen solid, you don`t want to get stuck with a huge lump stuck between your teeth which you can`t shift, so cut the fruit in small enough bits. For this recipe, I used grapes, as I tend to snack on those often and the kids love them too. Cut the grapes in half, add to a bowl and drip in a spoon or two of Greek Yogurt. If you wish to add sweetener, do that now. Gently stir the yogurt so that every grape is fully covered with yogurt, then place each one individually on a large plate and pop in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Enjoy this low-calorie refreshment on a warm day.



Just go for it - Find your Passion and live it! By Anne Marie Mc Cauley

Driving home from the city one day almost three years ago I was tuned into radio one. A guy was speaking about being a Humanist Celebrant and how the wedding business in Ireland is just growing and growing. Of course, my interest was peaked as I love the words "business growing" and "weddings". As the interview continued and he discussed the qualities needed to become a Wedding Celebrant it got me very excited as I said out loud- "I could do that!" and I fist-punched the air, much to the amusement of the driver next to me at the traffic lights. So, thanks to Mr Humanist himself this was the moment that started me on this fabulous journey of being a small business start-up in the wedding business. After some research on how to become a Celebrant, I signed up with the UKSOC (UK society of Celebrants) for a training course. From day one it was a fit. I was already a qualified trainer and had a business background so adding the skills needed to deliver a personal and meaningful ceremony was both rewarding and interesting. Barely finished training I was canoeing in Cavan and saw a sign for a wedding fair in the Sleeve Russell. A hurried phone call 2 mins later I had a stand booked for the wedding fair. It left me 10 days to put a brand, a website, a brochure and business cards together and define what my USP would be. P 36

Oh, I was so optimistic and thought I would book loads of weddings. As it turned out it wasn’t really my demographic as most of the couples were planning a church wedding but what I was able to do was network with lots of great wedding suppliers and get my name on the hotel recommend list – which I have delivered several weddings for since. I was out of the starting gate and off and haven’t looked back since. Business is growing year on year and set to continue as more and more couples are looking for different options. I have also gone global with weddings in the UK, Portugal and one coming up in Tuscany in October. I am not a Humanist or a Spiritualist (both have their unique appeal) I am an independent Celebrant which leaves me free to deliver any kind of ceremony anywhere and at any time. I am constantly developing the business and I now offer my own training programme in becoming a Celebrant. My first group session in March of this year sold out and it was so much fun. Marriage is alive and well in Ireland and the world!

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A WEDDING & FAMILY CELEBRANT; BEING YOUR OWN BOSS IN A BUSINESS THAT IS SO POSITIVE, REWARDING, INTERESTING AND FUN ALL THE TIME? THEN, READ ON! MY TRAINING CONSISTS OF 10 STEPS: Initial Contact & Interviewing Clients Ceremony Formatting And Writing Content (Incl. Love Story) Getting The Timings Right Presentation And Public Speaking Skills Role Play And Assessments How To Put A Business Plan Together Marketing Your Services-Social Media, Networking, Wedding Fairs Pitching to Venues Including Extra Elements Plus Designing A List Of Elements Costings And Fees

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"l am, l can, l will!" As well as running “More Than Vows – Wedding Celebrant” and being the mother of my beautiful daughter Ava age 13 (adopted from Vietnam) at three months old-now there’s a story, I lecture and train people in career coaching, work experience /placement, business management, business planning customer service, fashion buying, retail sales, workplace policies and procedures, communications, work experience, retail selling, retail administration and I have gained over 20 years’ experience in business and retail /training. I worked at senior level with companies such as Saks Fifth Ave (USA), The Body Shop, Claire’s Accessories, The Health Store Group, and TGI Fridays (USA). My principal areas of focus were staff training and development, as well as driving new initiatives to maximize sales. I have enjoyed recruiting, training and teaching hundreds of staff throughout my career. My expertise in assessing an operation and identifying problematic areas, then designing programmes to address and improve those areas has proven itself to be a very successful recipe. I truly enjoy training people and I facilitate in a wide variety of subjects. My sessions are informative and practical, with real-life scenarios integrated into the learning. Currently, I am head of “Creative in Portobello Institute” which tutors/facilitates several QQI level 5 and 6 courses. I am also a member of the panel of coaches and mentors for the “The Dublin Local Enterprise Board”, Enterprise Ireland-specialising in start-ups. I do believe in a holistic approach to training and development and strive to promote and support success through coaching, mentoring and facilitating. My business experience together with my background in psychology and counseling enables me to get to the heart of the individual's needs and apply both a practical and relevant approach to my training sessions while incorporating theories and practices of learning. I absolutely love what I do and genuinely embrace supporting a person to develop and grow. I encourage and promote people at all levels to maximize their potential and hopefully instill a sense of purpose. Currently, just because I`m not busy enough, and I like being busy, I am setting up a counseling and support service along with career coaching which will be based in Dublin City Centre. There are so many people suffering from self- confidence and anxiety issues in today`s world. With just a little support and help with moving forward, they can excel and I wanted to offer a safe, supportive space which provides this, along with a service that offers practical and actionable skills. Oh, and updating my website is on top of the to-do list (already outdated) wow technology the biggest challenge!

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We Have Teamed Up!

The highly influential, experienced and superbly talented Marketing Strategist and Brand Builder Finola Howard of How Great Marketing Works and I have joined forces! I`m delighted to announce that I have signed up to Finola`s fantastically credited marketing course, which is THE place to go to become the master of your own marketing, a skill which will impact everything that has to do with your business. You will be trained and coached in getting to know yourself and your business inside out, back to front and front to back again; to think like a marketing strategist every step of your entrepreneurial path. The programme, which will challenge you to get to the top of your game by teaching you how to best utilize the power and passion you have as a self-starter and entrepreneur, is made up of 12 modules of bite-sized steps and easy to understand videos, practical worksheets and lots of help to keep you organized and on the right track. Each month, I will share my discoveries, my inspiration and my revelations with you all.

Dont̀ wait until you get too busy and forget about this again - sign up to Finola`s 14-day free trial TODAY and see how you can take charge of the future of both you and your business.






Finola Howard, Marketing Strategist and Brand Builder

Danielle Serpico, Mindset Coach For Success Una Healy, Brand Advice and Implementation

To WIN A 30 Minute Consultation With One Of These Experienced Professionals, Simply Got To & Submit Your Entry The Three Winners Will Be Drawn At Random And Notified On The Of June



Do you want to grow your business in a profitable manner? Tired of being busy but not getting the important things done? It`s time to stop what you are doing and take a new approach!

Urgent tasks often get in the way of us doing the IMPORTANT tasks. Â Take back control of your time and invest it wisely. If you are actively GROWING your business, watching your profitability broken down by source of income, putting aside money for your future or interested in taking your business to the next level; Wendy and her team want to help you achieve your targets.

We are Reliable, Efficient and Approachable Professionals Contact Wendy Merrigan today on 086-3090375 P





Making your dreams come true... BY BLAITHIN WATSON Hi My name is Bláithín Watson. I grew up in Co. Wicklow and

I took the opportunity a few years later to tick another

am now based in Wicklow Town. From an early age, I knew

“must do” off my list and traveled to Australia with a

that I wanted to travel. My Dad had served in the Royal

friend for a year, with the aim of seeing as much Australia

Navy and he saw a lot of the world at a young age and spoke

and New Zealand as I possibly could. I have traveled

fondly of his travels! We were lucky enough to that our

through all of the Australian States extensively and have

parents were able to bring us on foreign holidays from a

to say that Uluru (Ayers Rock), where I walked the 10km

young age. Most of those were in Northern Europe…..not too

circumference at sunrise and the Great Barrier Reef with

much sun for me, being so fair-haired & freckled!

my parents, have to be two of my highlights!

We did house exchanges, in France, Switzerland and the

On returning to Ireland I went searching for new


opportunities and I landed a great job in a Travel Agency

After school, I wanted to leave home and embarked on a

looking after corporate groups. During this time, I had to

Travel & Tourism course in Cork Institute of Technology and

organize trips from start to finish, from flights, hotels,

that was me hooked into the travel business. That’s 25 years

tours and to choosing the wine to accompany dinner every

ago now and I am still passionate about travel.

evening. These groups were sized from 10-250 guests and

On leaving college I ventured to Martha’s Vineyard in

most of the time I got to travel with them, oversee and

Massachusetts on my US J1 working visa, living in a mini

supervise all arrangements. I was lucky enough to travel

Irish village and worked two jobs, where we got the

to Beijing, Hawaii, Tokyo, New York, Canada, India, Dubai,

opportunity to travel the East coast by train.

Las Vegas and many more destinations around the world!

I took my first real travel job with the student travel company USIT. This was such an amazing learning curve

In 2012, my little boy came along. This changed

and training ground for me. Fast passed and a lot of pressure

everything. I knew I wanted to spend time at home looking

selling J1 US travel packages to students to Round the World

after him, but I also needed to work! I returned to work

Tickets. Some of my colleagues from there are now working

part-time after a years’ maternity leave but the pull to

with me, so I wasn’t the only one who could never leave the

home was too much. I had to look at my options but wanted

Travel business!

to stay in the travel business one way or the other.twitter I had heard of Travel Counsellors and decided to travel to their Head Office in Cork to hear a little bit more as to what options were available to me. I didn’t give it a second thought. I was so impressed to hear about their business model, their success, the awards, and in particular their reinvestment into the business and training….I just had to become part of the Travel Counsellor Family.



My Best Tips For Your Business

.In my first year of becoming a Travel Counsellor, I was fortunate enough to be awarded “Best Newcomer”, in recognition of the success of my new business in my first year. From then and every year since my business has grown. In my second year, I was nominated for another award, the “most helpful Travel Counsellor”. We support each other every day, through destination information, or handling a new inquiry or booking. It means that even though I work from home, I am never alone, there is always someone there to support you. I am now able to spend quality time with my family while at the same time I can work with the most amazing customers who book through me.

• Be passionate-always remember why you took the decision to became self-employed and know that you are brilliant at what you do. • Know there are no limits-You are in control of your own business and your earnings. The more you put into it, the more that you will get out of it and you will earn more to live the life that you really want and deserve • Never stop training and learning- Always look for new opportunities to learn and keep informed of new developments or changes in your industry • Look after your customer base- Even when you are not dealing directly with customers try and keep in touch. Send them a postcard to say hello or wish them a “Happy Birthday” or pick up the phone and remind them that you are there! • Get out of your comfort zone- Twice a month, try something new to create new business that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Go and join a new local group or introduce yourself to 5 local business owners • Get out of your office-Go for a coffee once in a while, get out and be seen, you never know who you might meet • Reward yourself-Be good to yourself, you work hard and once in a while, sit back, buy that nice bottle of wine, go to that restaurant that you always wanted to try or whatever you would like to treat yourself from time to time … deserve it!

I provide a personal service, will arrange the best holiday for you in a genuine and professional way. The difference is I care, I go above and beyond what you think may be possible to fulfill your travel dreams. I hope to continue to grow my business over the next few years and to remain part of this amazing family and to know that I am never on my own.

“Travel Counsellors, with us...its personal.”



Thank You! I hope you have enjoyed the magazine, that it has inspired you and given you a bit of a boost to start on your own path of entrepreneurship. My most sincere gratitude to this month`s contributors; Nicola Shevlin, Lynsey Hanratty, AnneMarie McAuley Galvin, Eadaoin Curtin, Blaithin Watson, Wendy Merrigan & last but by no means least, the lovely Catherine Whitty

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