Self Starter Magazine September 2018

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Super September

* use your hashtags! - how to be found * how can i reduce my tax bill? * Powerful! - Read Teena gate`s inspiring story

Meet The Team


Wendy Merrigan

Lynsey Hanratty

Sharon Thompson

Claire Gallagher

Éadaoin Curtin

Siobhan Fitzpatrick

Paul Dunphy Esquire

Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Kajsa Kinsella Arklow County Wicklow Ireland

Special Guests

Teena Gates

Saskia Kremer

Liz Barron

P 02

Lisa McKenna

Inspiring Energetic Connecting

Editor`s Welcome

BY KAJSA KINSELLA Hi Everyone & All. Brrr, the days are getting colder and the evenings creep in earlier and earlier lately...I don`t like it!! It`s sad to say goodbye to the wonderful summer we had, and since we don`t know if we`ll ever see that kind of heat again, it`s even more difficult to part. But, bring on autumn and winter, we have much work to do and shouldn`t waste time lying about in the sun anyway! This month, the wonderfully inspirational Teena Gates tells her very personal story of love, loss, and life. The lunch recipe this month is truly delicious, and made in just a few minutes so no excuse for not cooking homemade either! We recently joined forces with the talented business and marketing mentor Finola Howard of How Great Marketing Works, as we decided to take part in her online course and learn how to market the magazine and what it stands for properly once and for all. Each month, we will learn how to turn us into marketing experts for Self Starter Magazine, and you get to come along too! The course offers so much more than we can explain, so have a look on her website and book her 14 day free trial, we know you will love it. Read about step three in this issue. Make sure to submit your entry in our exciting new competition-Grab Yourself A Mentor. Win a 30-minute consultation with one of our three experts to get feedback, advice or simply to brainstorm. Let`s welcome our new columnists Paul Dunphy Esquire and Siobhan Fitzpatrick. We are delighted to have them on board and can`t wait to show them off to you!

P 03

For You This Month

P 7. Journalist, Social Media

P 16. Finally Lunchtime!

P 22. The Cream Of The Crop,

Manager and Entrepreneur

Quick, nourishing and simply

showcasing Ireland`s best

Teena Gates tells her story of

delicious-this yummy plate of

produce, design and

ups and downs, and ups again.

pasta, chicken, mushrooms and


P 11. Finding it difficult to create proper boundaries between you and your customers? Our resident business coach Lynsey Hanratty is here to help.

P 04

thyme is soooo moorish! P 18. Use Your Hashtags! Each month, we`ll give you some of the most popular hashtags in various fields of business.

P 24.Tax deadline is approaching fast. What can you do to make the burden lighter? Wendy Merrigan will guide you through it.

For You This Month

P 26.The dapper, handsome and

P 31. Having trouble realizing

P 42. Be in with the chance of

oh, so eloquent Paul Dunphy

your potential? There is

winning a 30 minute

Esquire is our new Irish

absolutely no need for this, says

consultation with one of our

author-portrait and book editor!

the straight talking Liz Barron.

three experts.

P 27. Introducing Siobhan

P 37. Choosing the right

P 43. Are you lost at sea, on

Fitzpatrick, our brand new

domain name for your url is

the edge of a burn-out? Learn

International Irish Female

superbly important. Website

how to look after yourself

Entrepreneurs correspondent!

strategy expert Claire

before it`s too late. Saskia

Gallagher will tell you why.

Kremer will guide you back to shore.

P 05




There is an intoxicating energy and lust for life surrounding Teena Gates which I am sure, leaves no-one who meets her untouched. Her expertise in journalism, in media and her nearly lifelong relationship with the written and spoken word, truly shines through and she is a delight to chat to. We sit in the warm late-summer sun enjoying a nice cup of coffee and Google the dog has also come along to see me. She is calm, trusting and as wholeheartedly devoted to Teena as any friend could possibly be. We speak about life, about change, about living and we both agree on how precious it is to be on this earth. We also discuss the feeling of when the world somehow the revolves and evolves around you, but you yourself are stuck in a seemingly unbreakable loop. A cycle you are desperate to interrupt, but somehow cannot muster the power to stop the wheels from turning. I, and frankly, most women I know, have been on a constant yet inconsistent diet for the last...well, for as long as we can remember. Teena's story hits every vulnerable and self-conscious nerve in me and her story awakens the fighting spirit in me too. The wish to stay healthy, mobile and energized is too easily squashed by a nearly automatic action of selfindulgence, as your inner "food monster" is stating each and every reason why you should give up resisting and "treat yourself" when standing in front of the decision, whether to eat that Mars bar or not. P 07


In 2011 having lost an incredible 10 stone in a single year after allowed her weight creep up to over 23 stone, Teena found a new lease of life. By learning to become conscious of what, how and why she ate, she so to speak "ate herself thin" and proved not only to herself but to the entire world that she had a will of steel and a firm vision of how her future self was going to look and live like. Although it was tough, she discovered an invaluable amount about herself and needless to say, Teena revelled in her newly found physical and mental freedom which she openly allowed the world to follow through engaging blog posts and of course writing her incredibly inspirational best seller book "One foot In Front Of The Other" As we all can empathize with, gaining control over your impulses, your mind and your mouth is easier said and done, but, this girl did it and she even went so far as to climb 17,700 feet up, towards the top of the magnificent Mount Everest! What an amazing achievement! Having lost her mother only a short time before the expedition was to take place, Teena was now more than determined than ever to make her mother proud; to honour her memory through victory and she pushed through, whatever it took, dedicating her climb to her dear, dear friend. The one who gently but determinedly held her by the hand every step of the way was the renowned master mountaineer, polar explorer and motivational speaker Pat Falvey.

P 08



As we sit there and talk, I sense a clear eagerness in Teena, a kind of restless irritation and, as she says, "I can`t for the life of me understand how I allowed the weight to build back up again, what in the name of God allowed me not to see this happening! I truly understand what she means: somehow, she lost sight of her own needs and life itself began happening around her, rather than with her in it. Work was plenty, taking up a lot of time and focus and as a selfemployed freelancer, she was and still is, busy working with both radio, television. Her "other job" as a manager and teacher of social media for small business gives her great energy, enjoyment and satisfaction. At the beginning of this year, something in her changed though. A need for looking out for number one, namely herself, was something she had buried deep down due to being busy looking after her beloved father who lives with her. A man whom she adores and would move the earth for. This need surfaced and reminded her of the fact that this life that we have been given is anything but a dress-rehearsal. You get one go at it, and one only. Focused and determined in succeeding for good this time, Teena is today hellbent on gaining control over her life again, of getting back into shape and at the age of 52, finally living the life she knows she deserves. There is a bright boldness in her eyes as she tells me this, and I have absolutely no doubt that this firecracker of a woman will astound herself how quickly and how truly she will reshape her body, life and mind. It might be the second time around, but do you know what, the most important thing of all is to stay positive and never ever give up.

Thank you, Teena for letting me look into your life and share your hopes and dreams with me. You are such an inspiration to so many women who feel trapped in themselves, looking for a way to live a life that serves them better. I`m excited to follow your journey and wish you all the very best on your Triathy next summer!

Having been involved with news, journalism since the tender age of 17, Teena Gates is today a household name and highly respected in the world of Irish media. She held the impressive title of Head of News at 98FM, won numerous journalism awards and is a regular contributor to one of her dear friends Elaine Crowley`s programme "Midday" on TV3. The future looks bright for Teena, she is devoted to listening to herself, to value her needs and her wishes. One major contributor to Teena`s desire to change her life was the arrival of a loving, warm and steadfast friend, just ahead of last Christmas. As Teena was visiting the local ISPCA with the intent of fostering a small, lively dog to help keep her father company for a few weeks, she was met by the saddest pair of eyes she had ever seen and Teena knew in an instant that this girl was coming home with her...and the relationship, the trust, and the camaraderie has truly changed the lives of all three of them.

Find Teena on

P 09

Business Coaching

Setting boundaries for your clients

By Lynsey Hanratty

Being an entrepreneur has lots of advantages – one being that you can work and serve the people you resonate with the most. Sometimes the lines can get blurred if you don’t set clear boundaries with clients to ensure that both parties get the most from the business relationship. It’s important to remember that your clients are not your friends, they’re your clients. You’re there to provide a service, to move them to a new level in their business, not to know the ins and outs of their private life. Developing and setting boundaries for your clients can be a learning curve at the beginning of the relationship, so start as you mean to go on with clear intentions for the outcomes of the project. Remember what skill set you bring to your clients’ business, this is the reason they hired you. Keep it professional and stick to the contract. Setting professional boundaries can be quite a challenge at the early stages of your business. Keep it simple and focused from the outset - set your business hours, the scope of the contract, the expectations of both parties, and how your clients treat you throughout. As you grow in your business, you will be more streamlined in how you approach this initial setting of the boundaries. It gets easier with time, and a few hard-earned lessons! P 10

Lynsey Hanratty worked in the wellness arena as a neuromuscular and physical therapist for over 4 years before moving into coaching to fulfill her ambition of helping wellness practitioners realize their potential, create more profit, and have the business and life they want. She does this by way of one to one business coaching as well as speaking at various events. If you would like to avail of Lynsey’s 30 minute complimentary Profit Road Map Session to explore what you want to achieve and create in your wellness business, you can contact her at or call her on 086 3569689.

Business Coaching

“Boundaries aren’t just about when clients can call; they’re what determine the nature of your relationship.” 1. hours. Set your business Work the hours that suit you best, and when the cut-off point arrives, your life is your own. Your phone doesn’t have to be checked, nor text messages answered. Make sure you cut off each day around the same time – and be sure your clients know this too. If you immediately reply at 10pm to a client’s email or text you’re making yourself too available. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait until the morning.

2. Set expectations early. From the initial consult, be sure to set the structure and conditions of working together and make them clear. If you’re meeting twice a month with work to do in between, make sure the action plan is made available to the client immediately after the meeting so they know exactly what they and you are working on in between meetings. If you are providing a product for them (art, jewellery etc.) be sure they realise the man hours and the process that goes into making such a piece.

3. Terms and Conditions. Make sure all the terms and conditions of your contract are laid out clearly – set expectations as per project on both sides – what is expected of you and what is expected of the client. Ensure all payment details are clearly defined and when and how payments will be taken, you are not a charity, and your work is to be valued. If your clients add extra work, then that costs extra. Stick to the terms of the contract.

4. Your client is not your friend. In a lot of cases your work with your clients is collaborative, the client has to do a lot of the work themselves, especially if they are being coached or mentored in the process to attain a specific result. You are there to help them in a process, you do not need to know aspects of their private life to do this, nor should you divulge your own woes either!

5. Always trust your gut. Early in our businesses, we may work with people who aren’t good fit for us because we need the money or we haven’t had enough exposure to ideal clients. When a client is a bad fit, it makes working with them more difficult because we’re not right for them either. Go with your initial instinct, if the little voice is telling you not to work with them, or you have a feeling that you just can’t put your finger on, it’s best to let them go. There will be a better fit to replace them soon enough. A ‘bad fit’ client will be more demanding, more confused and may not want to take responsibility for their part of the process.

6. Be aware of how clients treat you. As a coach, I get a lot of clients confiding personal aspects of their lives during our sessions. While I’m sympathetic and empathise with issues they might be currently facing, I’m not there to be a therapist, and I’m not there to hear their excuses for not doing the work we agreed on. I’m there to help them work towards a more profitable business. It’s a fine line to tread, but at the end of the day I’m being paid to help them build a better business.

"A Lack Of Boundaries Invites A Lack Of Respect" P 11



Somebody, please make me more resilient! Let`s figure out how to grow a thicker skin in business. By Kajsa Kinsella

It HURTS when people are being nasty or overly honest and when comments about you or your business or person are not positive or supportive, but negative and demeaning. Your business is your baby, your "Precious" as Gollum states in The Hobbit. Building this has taken time, blood sweat, tears and a heck of a lot of confidence and the moment you open your doors to the public, you, at the very same moment, make yourself as a person more vulnerable than you have ever been before. I know, many will say that this is life, this is business and it`s about getting across the finishing line before everyone else, no matter what it may cost your soul or the soul of others. Being nasty in business is part of the game. I wholeheartedly disagree and this entire magazine was created to support the message that we as female entrepreneurs need each other to shine and to develop and as I have now worked on the mag for nearly a year, I, time and time again get proof that the vast majority of business people are sweet, helping and kind. But, just as a precaution, let`s do this exercise!

P 12


"Hey Little Fighter, Soon Things Will Be Brighter!" *Stay Calm* Don`t take it all to heart too quickly, stay calm and control your reaction to whatever the person said about you. Responding too soon in text or officially on social media can`t be undone and you might regret it later. *be Realistic* Part of the excitement of starting your own business is to feel the rush of freedom of being able to put yourself, your product, your idea or your service out there for all to see and to have an opinion on, and not everyone will be nice. Make sure you know this in advance. *Be Authentic* Coming from someone who has been there and learned her lesson, trying to be someone else than the real, true you, is never going to work. The criticism and/or opinions/suggestions you will receive will be directed to the "wrong person" so to speak, and you will feel unable to respond in a human, straightforward and productive way *Listen Well* As tough as it is to listen to people dissecting your business, they ultimately ARE the people you are trying to sell your idea to. They, and all their friends which they most certainly will complain to, if you don`t handle this in a responsible way, are potential customers. Remember that you are speaking to a person + at least 20 more, when reacting to unhappy feedback. Handle it with dignity.

CONSIDER THIS "Resilience means: You experience, You feel, You fail, You hurt. You fall. But, You get back up again."

When things are tough, remind yourself of this: *Trust in yourself, your drive and your abilities. You have worked SO hard to create this business, it is what you want to do and it is what makes you happy. That is all it has to do. If it happens to give you a nice monthly income, even better! * When under attack, distance yourself from your baby, your business and do your utmost to see the issue as the complainant does. Do they have a point or are they simply nasty? They just might see things more clearly than you do, who is in the midst of it. Work towards finding the positives in the negatives so to speak! P 13

Branding Feature


P 14


Your brand is based on your values, who you are and who you aspire to be.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - This quote from Maya Angelou is in danger of becoming cliche, I know that, but today, we’re going to talk about how you make people feel and it’s worth remembering this short and powerful statement. Recently I heard about a practice that I wanted to try out - and seeing as I’ve been doing quite a bit of work on my own brand this month, it seemed like the perfect time to do it. The idea is to write a letter to your hero - but then to also write a reply to that letter, as if from your hero. Simple, but let me tell you, a very interesting and effective practice! I’ve spent a lot of time on airplanes this month so I took the opportunity during one of those flights to write to someone who I’m currently very inspired by (Side note: Am I the only one whose heroes/ inspiration changes?) I’d been thinking about it for a few days and it was really interesting what came out. And honestly? It was just a little bit disappointing… I realised that there are values I admire hugely in my hero that I am not living right now. So I’m currently asking myself how I can change that and do better - for my clients, my business and for myself. My top tips for writing your letter, and response, to your hero and to yourself. #1 - Make a date in the diary and create the space for yourself to get into it. All the work you do on your brand takes time, you have to make that time. #2 - Use a pen and paper. Your writing doesn’t have to be legible (even to you) but using a pen and paper makes tapping into your core values much easier than typing or just thinking about it. #3 - Once you finish the letter to your hero, take a few minutes to make a quick list of the key values that you saw coming up. This is what you’re focusing on. #4 - You can choose to reply to yourself straight away, or you can leave it a few days - if you leave it a few days, be sure to repeat step #1 above! #4 - Your brand doesn’t just live on paper - now it’s time to ask yourself how you can take action to live up to the values you admire so much in your hero. Your brand is so much more than the visual representation, it’s so much more than colours, fonts, photos, a marketing plan - your brand is based on your values, who you are and who you aspire to be. This is something I always help my clients to uncover as we work together and I hope this exercise helps you on this journey too. If you’d like to talk about a awesome photos to go with your incredible brand, get in touch!

Contact Eadaoin to bring out the best in you! P 15


P 16

Lunch Time!




"The most important ingredient in home-cooked food is passion." I absolutely love food that is nourishing, filling, flavoursome and fast to make! I know this recipe has cream in it, but you`ll need some calories to get you through the day. This recipe is put together in 15 minutes, so there is no excuse for not making your own lunch today. Enjoy! /Kajsa

Directions & Ingredients-Time 15 Minutes 1 Breast Of Chicken- Chopped 100ml Cream 1 Chicken Stock Cube A Handfull Of Large Mushrooms-Sliced A Splash Of Oil A Few Twigs Of Fresh Thyme Salt & Pepper To Taste Tagliatelle Pasta Bring your pasta to the boil. In the meantime, with a little oil, fry your sliced mushrooms until they are deliciously crisp and brown. Remove them from the pan. In the same pan, add a little oil and gently fry your chopped chicken until it`s fully cooked through. Add your cream, salt, and pepper to taste and most of the mushrooms to the pan and fold it all together. Place the fresh thyme in the sauce and let cook for just a minute. Serve with hot pasta, the yummy sauce and a few fried mushrooms on top.Yum! P 17



#OOTD #Fashionismylife #Lookbook #Fashiondesign #Fashionista

#Handmade #Crafted #Craftsposure #Creativity #Madebyhand


#Fitness #Fitlife #Fitnessaddict #Cardio #Fitforlife #Getoutside

#Naturalcare #Happyinmyskin #Naturalbeauty #Beautycare #Skincaretips

#Interiordesign #Business #B2B #B2C #Businesstips #Businessadvice #Businesshelp

Use Your Hashtags!

Whether you are starting out in business or is a seasoned entrepreneur, don`t forget to use #Hashtags on all your posts and images.#Hashtags categorize all your posts on the internet and lets people find them so much more effectively.



#Amwriting #Editing #Lovewriting #Wordgasm #Itsawriterslifeforme

#Yogaaddict #Bodypositivity #Yogaeverywhere #Yogaforlife #Yogalove

#Jewellery #Glitzandglamour #Handmadejewellery #Jewelleryoftheday #Beautyandbling #Ilovejewellery #Photography #Master_Shotz #Worldshotz #Photographyeveryday #Photolife #Justgoshoot P 18


#Makearteveryday #Colourcrushcreative #artistsharing #Lifeofanartist #Paintaway



ZOOM is a really cool app, which lets you hold video conferences with no big hassle. Simpy set up your FREE account and enjoy unlimited 1-1 meetings for up to 40 min/session.

LastPass Password Manager This little app allows you to store all your passwords in a secure vault, plus guards your identity. Find it in your app store

SANDISK Memory Zone is super nifty, for it lets you manage, transfer and backup all your files for free! Find it in your app store

CALM teaches you the lifechanging skill of meditation and time-out. Sign up for a FREE trial before you commit.

"MONEY DOESN`T COME AND FIND YOU, YOU WILL HAVE TO GO AND GET IT!" There are SO many excellent free programs, platforms, and apps on the net for business owners, which are just as efficient as the paid ones. You`d be mad not to at least try those out before the ones that charge, but always be careful when downloading anything from the internet. P 19


How do you fit it all in...!? Being A Fulltime Mum And Self-Employed, Does By Kajsa Kinsella That Work? As a mother of three children myself, trust me, I know the anguish of hearing your inner voice pleading with you, wishing to be independent, self-employed and self-acknowledging, whilst battling it out with the voice of motherhood, love for your children and frankly, exhaustion. Your conflicting emotions of what you want and what they need are constantly pulling you from one mindset to the other and it is truly stressful, I know. Is it possible to do it all at the same time? I do think that initially, you need to put your entrepreneurial instincts on hold, but once you feel your head is a little above the water and the baby sleeps a few hours at a time, get excited about developing your career again. My husband and I, when we were young and energetic, originally wished for five kids. Close together so that we`d quickly create a large family and have them reared practically at the same time. But fate had another idea. It gave us three children, each five years apart! Phew, it was not easy, rearing one and see it off to school, whilst starting all over again with another one. But, since we love them and want them, we soldier on with love and patience. Our children are now 19, 14 and 9 and it was first only a few years ago that I felt I had the energy to listen to my inner-self and pursue becoming self-employed. P 20


"The is no way of being a perfect mother, but there are a million ways of being a good one!" Create a small "office", a place where your things are ready. for when you have spare time.

Create a daily schedule, you will discover that you have more time than you think!

Until you feel in control of being a self-employed mother, keep it to yourself to reduce stress.

Have a shower, get some lippy on and get dressed. It will change your mindset to proactive mode.

Get the basic housework and dinner prep done early in the day so you can work without guilt.

Know when it`s enough and take time out for yourself. Â You, your family and business will all benefit.

P 21

The Very Best Of Irish

k c i P s ` r o t i d The Cream Of The E Crop

Debbie Millington Liadain Aiken The summer evenings are getting a little darker and the mornings a little cooler. Feel snug as a bug at anytime with this gorgeous woolly hat. First Light Collection €: 55.00

Luxury at it`s finest, Dublinbased designer Debbie Millington has created perfection. Carousel Horses €: 115.00

Quercus Vel-Oh Bags Trendy couple Greta and Zulfi Moon are the creators behind a great range of handy bags and accessories. Nip Out Bag €: 65.00

P 22

Developed by Ginny and Jason, parents of devoted crabbers, this gorgeously vintage crabbing tool is simply perfect for summer fun. From: €: 18.00

The Very Best Of Irish

BB Papercuts

Certified aromatherapist Denise O’Connell is the Kilkenny based creator of a full range of fantastic skin products. See website for full range

We are delighted to have received this gorgeous handmade paper cut-out of our homestead, County Wicklow by the very talented Barbara Burke. Framed €: 70.00

Ballyshane Handmade out of 100% Irish Beechwood by William and Cheryl, this large and heavy board is simply gorgeous on any table at any time with anything on it! €: 44.50-54.00

Criostal na Rinne Enjoy first-class luxury made by master craftsman Eamonn Terry of Criostal na Rinne, County Waterford. This very design was recently presented to the president of America. Shamrock 12oz Tumbler €: 85.00

The Handmade Soap Company Get your hands clean again after a day of hard work in the garden with this lush hand scrub, made with raspberry, apricot and evening primrose. 180ml. € 24.95

P 23

Financial Feature


TAX DEADLINE IS APPROACHING FAST Anyone that started their business (sole trader or partnership) during 2017 should be registered with ROS (Revenue Online Service) for tax purposes. Even if you began late in the calendar year, you must register with ROS. You have an obligation to file a tax return and pay taxes on income earned. If you started a partnership, there is a further form to be completed for Revenue. If you set up a company or own more than 25% of the share capital, then even if you earned nothing from the company in 2017, you have an OBLIGATION to file a tax return to Revenue. Whether you decide to file and pay your taxes yourself or engage an accountant to assist, the key is to ensure you prepare early. Last year Revenue issued really helpful guidance videos and articles to help anyone filing their return themselves (however that was closer to the deadline day). In my opinion, having this online earlier would have been much more beneficial to anyone looking after their own tax affairs, however, I digress. My point today is about putting money aside for you, the business owner. Ensure that you pay yourself first and if possible and funds allow, then put some money by for your future. If you have an income tax bill, you could consider setting up a pension (if you haven't got one in place at present). This may reduce your tax liability to Nil or substantially reduce what you pay in November. Taking control of your finances, taxes and savings for the future determine the future you will have. The decisions you make today will influence the quality of your financial future. If you're looking for an advisor, ask around. Find someone you trust who will work with you in the longer term and understands your needs. There are many advisors in the market. You will find some gems among them and you may feel skeptical about some. Taking time now (well in advance of tax deadline) will give you time to meet a few and get comfortable with one.

Knowledge & Action IS Power - Take control of your finances P 24

Financial Feature

The issue here is PLANNING. The fact is, if you wait too close to deadline day to start looking at your tax return, you may find you haven't time to make proper thought-out decisions about your money, investments or tax bill. If you don't know what tax you have to pay for 2017 and in advance for 2018 (!) (AKA preliminary tax*), there may be a surprise in store for you. Rather than finding out close to deadline day, why not prepare early? You could plan to save more or talk to an investment advisor and set up a pension plan (if you haven't already) and get that money into your pocket instead of paying taxes. I appreciate many people won't want to save for 40 years (or however 'long-term' it may be) and many don't prioritize pensions. There are immediate needs, wants and demands on your money. I get that. What I don't get is paying tax when there is money that could be potentially put by for you and your family for the future, with a little planning. The statistics around pensions and savings in Ireland are talked about often in the media but the fact is, you have decisions to make. If you aren't saving any money at present, then perhaps now is the time to think about your future. If you are new to self-assessment and paying your taxes for your business, then the concept of 'preliminary tax' might be new to you. Without getting into technicalities, in November you are required to file and pay your tax for 2017 but you also have to pay 'preliminary tax' for the full year of 2018 to Revenue. This can be based on 100% of your liability for 2017 or an amount you believe is more accurate for 2018 (be it lower or higher). This can feel like a 'double hit' for some people when they first learn about it. It's usually the people who haven't saved or put money by for taxes (or enough) that feel this way, unfortunately. I suggest when you start out, immediately, set up a 'tax' savings account and put money into this each month as you earn and therefore you shouldn't have this 'double hit' feeling. You will have saved throughout the two years and have put by money each month to pay your tax bill. This is definitely the prudent thing to do. Without advice on percentages to put by, you may not be saving enough. The tax rates in Ireland are high. It's not easy or nice, but putting more aside is always better than spending it, and finding out later it wasn't yours to spend and feeling stressed about tax bills. Any pension payment MUST be paid to the pension scheme before tax deadline of 14th November 2018 (if you file and pay online) to enable you to get a tax deduction. This is different for companies. Without overcomplicating things, it will be better for company owners to discuss this with their accountants and financial advisors in advance of their company year end.

Wendy is co-hosting an free workshop on 10th October 2018 in the Central Hotel, Exchequer Street. The workshop will be focused on Goals, Motivation and Sales Tips. Jo Collins of Sales Performance is co-host. Wendy refers to Jo as 'Miss Motivator' so no doubt an event not to be missed. Tickets almost 'sold out'. Check out LinkedIn for future events and articles posted weekly. Connect, chat, share information. P 25

On the couch with Paul Dunphy Esquire!

I’M COCK-A-HOOP TO HAVE BEEN INVITED TO WRITE A NEW MONTHLY COLUMN ON ALL THINGS BOOK RELATED INCLUDING REVIEWS AND MY FAVOURITE IRISH AUTHORS. There was always only ever going to be one author I would start with, and that’s my favourite ever Irish author Marian Keyes! Each one of Marian’s novels and four non-fiction books (have you checked out ‘Saved by Cake’ do, you won’t regret it!) are brilliant in every way a book should be. If you’re that one person who haven’t read them yet! you could do what I did, I stumbled across ‘Rachel’s Holiday’ when I was a mere slip of a lad, it BY PAUL DUNPHYabout ESQUIRE changed everything reading for me, it was so FUNNY and heartfelt and was just a very good story. Plus, it spoke to me at the time to cut down on my ‘partying ways’ for fear of ending up like Rachel! Straight after finishing I went back and read the first two books ‘Watermelon’ and ‘Lucy Sullivan is getting married’ (classic gems) by the time I had done that, the next new novel was out ‘Last Chance Saloon’ and I’ve been a huge fan of Marian’s books ever since, they have been with us all throughout our lives, giving us much needed cheer whilst covering important life topics along the way, like in another favourite ‘The Mystery Of Mercy Close’ (sure look it, they are all favourites) you’ll have to read it to see what it’s about! Another bountiful thing about Marian’s books is that they are all re-readable, everyone I know re-reads them over and over as you ‘get’ something new from them every time. In recent years, thanks to social media, I’ve been very lucky to have become Twittery pals with Marian and have MC’d book events and such like in ‘real life’ with Marian. Marian’s books are everything you could hope for and more and provide much needed escapism. Marian’s latest book ‘The Break’ is out now, another five star wonderful read. You can sign up to Marian’s newsletter for weekly fun via the website – you’d be bonkers not too.

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Paul Dunphy Esquire is a social media consultant and curator and book lover. Contact Paul via and see what he can do for you!

International Interview

DO WHAT YOU A statement which I truly believe everyone should be doing but sadly not everyone is


achieving. A statement however that my first ‘International Irish Female Entrepreneur’ interviewee is definitely doing. Delighted to introduce Fiona McEntee, Founder and Managing Attorney at McEntee Law Group based in Chicago and a woman making a positive difference in the land of opportunity, the United States of America. This is her story.

Tell me about your journey of entrepreneurship from the very first "hunger for success"? I was surrounded by entrepreneurs growing up as my mum and dad were small business owners – they owned several hair/beauty salons, barber shop, and a newsagent in Dublin. My parents always instilled a really strong work ethic in my brother and me, and I could see the benefits, the flexibility, and the freedom that could come from working hard and being your own boss. While I never really imagined that someday I would be running my own immigration law firm in Chicago, the seeds of entrepreneurship were really sown from Day 1! Also, as it turns out, my brother, Ray, also moved to Chicago later on to work with me as a lawyer in the firm, so there’s no denying we inherited this hunger from our parents. I think it’s also that entrepreneurial drive that helped me get to the States, and I see this same spirit and determination in a lot of our immigrant clients. I first moved to Chicago in 2002, originally just for one year, through an exchange program during my Bachelor’s of Law at UCD. I instantly fell in love with Chicago and vowed to return to qualify as a U.S. attorney once I graduated from UCD. My determination paid off, and thanks to a lot of family support, I was able to come back to Chicago to complete a Juris Doctor at Chicago-Kent College of Law. It was here at Kent that I found my true calling - my vocation in life – being an immigration attorney!

Would you say your network/networking plays a part in your business success? I set up my firm - McEntee Law - several years after graduating from law school at Kent. While it might seem completely different, setting up a small law firm is, I imagine, similar to setting up any other small business. It would be very naive to think that you hang out your shingle, open up shop, and the phone just starts ringing. As any business owner knows, it takes a lot of pounding the pavement, as they say here, a lot of networking, and a lot of building genuine relationships. I’ve had my firm for 8 years, and some of the business we get through the door comes from really sincere connections we’ve made with people many years ago. I think that having a very niche practice area has also served us well. We do one thing and one thing extremely well: immigration. In my almost eleven years of practice, I have never handled any other area of law, and I will keep it that way! P 27

International Interview

The thrill of setting up a new business; the planning; budgeting and organizing is second to none. With it comes both opportunities and risks. Tell me what these were for you? Before founding McEntee Law Group, I worked for a full-service, high-volume immigration firm in Chicago. Making that jump from a stable, guaranteed income to not really knowing where your next paycheck or next client is coming from was extremely difficult. For an attorney – for anyone really – that kind of instability can be nerve-wrecking but as my mum always said, entrepreneurs are fundamental risk-takers. If you never take that risk, you never get that reward of being your own boss. Thankfully, as I was opening my firm, I also had more family support in the form of my husband and the risk of failing didn’t seem as scary with him by my side! In terms of opportunities since opening McEntee Law, I have never once looked back. Starting my firm has given me the freedom to decide which clients I wanted to work with, what cases I find most meaningful, and what advocacy issues were most important for me to pursue. We’ve been able to help so many clients live out their American dream, and the personal, family nature of our firm really allows to us develop close and meaningful connections with our clients!

Having your own business will most certainly come with experiencing disappointment at some point. What’s been yours, if any? How did you work through it and what was the lesson learned? Yes, we certainly have all suffered through disappointments and for me, one of the biggest disappointments happened on November 8, 2016 - the night of the U.S. Presidential Election. I sobbed in bed that night worrying how I would tell my 4-year-old daughter, Rose, that contrary to her t-shirt, the Future (President) was Not Female. Unfortunately, the immigration legal landscape and our immigrant clients have experienced some of the harshest consequences of that election result. Our hearts have most definitely hit the floor, but we’ve had to pick them back up time after time because our clients need us. They need us to advocate for them, to do live national media interviews, to write blog articles and letters to the editor, to lobby for them on Capitol Hill, to protest at airports, to speak for them when they have no voice and their families are being torn apart, to sue the Administration over unconstitutional executive orders, and to fight tooth and nail to show the world that Immigrants Make America Great!

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International Interview

International Interview

Fiona, you've recently won the ‘2018 Elmer Gertz Award’ and featured as one of Chicago’s Notable Women Lawyers by Crain’s Custom Media. What does this mean to you and your business? I was just so honored to get the Elmer Gertz Award from the Illinois State Bar Association. It is awarded to those who have shown commitment to preserving and advancing human rights, and I proudly accepted it on behalf of all my immigration lawyer colleagues. I was also ecstatic to hear that I had been selected as one of Chicago Notable Women Lawyers by Crain’s Custom Media. I was one of a few immigration attorneys on the list, and it’s really inspiring to share that stage with some many powerhouse lawyers! It’s been an extremely challenging 18 months for us immigration attorneys but, as mentioned, our clients need us to keep going and it’s accolades like this that absolutely help. I’m also really thrilled to get tokens of appreciation in other ways. I gave a presentation after work to a Master’s Social Work class at Northeastern University here in Chicago. I spoke about immigration and advocacy in the current landscape. A week after the class, I received a personalized card from the professor signed by each student. I was genuinely brought to tears reading their messages, and it’s moments like these that keep us going when times are tough!

At this point in your life, which stones are still unturned for you and where do you go from here? I think there are lots of stones unturned, hopefully, I have lots of time left to flip them all over! On a professional note, our firm is growing in size at a rapid rate. I love being a mentor to my law student clerks and legal assistants, and I’m really proud to see them fall in love with immigration law the way I did from Day 1! On an advocacy level, I’m going to continue to fight for our clients and maybe someday that will take us all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the interim, we press for changes to the U.S. immigration system to make the laws fairer and just for the hard-working immigrants who contribute so much to this country. I’ve recently been appointed to the National Media Committee for our bar association - AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association), and I’m determined to try to break down the invisible wall this Administration is building against our clients. On a personal note, I’m a mother to two adorable young kids – Rose (4.5 years) and Perry (2.5 years). I’m just so excited to watch them grow and I’m really thankful that I have the flexibility that comes with running my own practice even if it means I may sometimes still be in the office at 2am!

If you were asked to do it all over again, would you? Is the never-ending upward hill-climb of being self-employed worth it, even when measured against your success, your personal achievements and development? Yes, in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t change a thing!

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Given the opportunity, what advice would you give your younger self? Looking back, as it turns out, I think my younger self was pretty okay! I moved to the States when I was pretty young - first at 20 years old and then a few years later on a permanent basis. I would tell her that it’s okay to be homesick, it’s okay to miss everyone but trust your instincts as your own gut and sense of right and wrong will usually steer you in the right direction. I would also probably tell her to find a cheaper method of contacting home as those phone cards are working out pretty pricey!

Finally, do you have a mantra or few words of wisdom which gets you out of bed in the morning and through the tough times? A few years ago, I went to our AILA National Conference. At the conference, I went to the awards show as us “Airport Lawyers” were being honored for our rapid response in relation to the Travel Ban. At the award show, another honoree mentioned that she never thought you could get an award for being “lucky”. She explained that she felt so unbelievably lucky to have found the practice of immigration law and, as tough as it may be at times, she wouldn’t change a thing about her career choice. I think this perfectly sums up how I feel – I could truly never imagine doing anything else and I feel so fortunate to have found my calling all those years ago. When picking a life path, as cliched as it may be, the saying is true: Do What You Love!

Contact Fiona McEntee on P 30





Photo Credits: Firechild Photography


Some people ask me why I spell my company name with a ‘z’ – Realize, not Realise. Well it’s my nerdy private joke – my name’s right in the middle! So to explain, back in the last century, I used to be a programmer. And you might ask how I ended up at this point, coaching teams to thrive ? Well, the two aren’t that different in many ways. We were lucky enough back in the 1980s to be studying computing – which was rare enough in any school but especially in an all girls school in small town Ireland – I’m a proud yellowbelly from Wexford. The thing I liked about programming was that it was all about finding a solution to a problem, and working through a process or sequence of steps to get there. Same with coaching teams… see problems … find the solutions!

After studying computing in college I joined a bank, and worked in technical roles (crawling under desks, wielding a screwdriver – we were all for equality in those days). I also managed projects; facilitated, mentored and coached agile project teams (yes we had those too back in the early 2000s). But the biggest challenge was always with people and teams, not so much with the actual technology. People misunderstood each other, didn’t know how to resolve conflict, and often took sides. They were too polite or not assertive enough to give feedback and too sensitive to be open to receiving feedback. Business people didn’t trust IT and IT people expected business people to know what they wanted, and none of them really wanted to see things from the other person’s point of view! I realised I was more interested in people than technology so I studied coaching, and I started my coaching business at the beginning of the recession (hindsight is a great thing!) mainly working in career coaching and outplacement which were in big demand. At this stage I met lots of amazing clients at quite senior levels who went on into new roles, and would invite me to come & work with them and their teams. I have since come full circle back to focus particularly on helping project managers and business leaders to build thriving, productive and profitable teams. P 38 P 31


Even though its twenty plus years later, the challenges are still the same – and now often made worse by technology which instead of being an enabler is often part of the problem, creating barriers between team members instead of supporting true collaboration. Tech leaders and team members in particular can struggle when they haven’t yet developed the people skills required to work effectively with their colleagues and clients, so I work to help them to build thriving, productive and resilient teams that are empowered to consistently deliver their best results.

A strong motivator for me to continue doing this work is to enable people and teams to realize their full potential – and as I love working both with individuals and groups I’m grateful to be able to do this, and to have some fun and see a bit of the world while I’m at it! I am working really hard and getting lots of coaching myself in relation to growing my business, and investing in my own professional development – so I believe in practicing what I preach! While I have my own business, I can’t do it on my own, so it’s been great having support from other business owners such as Team Starter and professional networking groups – who are part of my virtual team. It’s all about being proactive and deciding where you and your team want to go. P 32


So how do we create those thriving teams? Here are five key things I’ve observed at the heart of successful and cohesive teams.

• Leading from wherever you are. Foster development of all the team’s ability to lead themselves and others. That’s not always standing up and getting everyone all fired up about what you want them to do; sometimes it’s leading quietly by example – questioning, listening intently. But if everyone’s a leader, then you also need clearly identified decision makers and someone whose responsible for setting the agenda and agreeing on goals, who will be accountable for the overall results of the team. • Constructing Connection. Many teams complain of feeling disconnected, with no real team spirit; they’re so busy doing the work that they haven’t had time to build their working relationships and the trust that they need to perform effectively. A top motivator for people in their work is to feel that they belong, so it’s important for long-term performance to help build this connection. Yet this is often overlooked or managers might think it’ll sort itself out, when often it doesn’t – the connection needs to be given space and time to grow. • Channeling Communication – the third biggest problem in project failure is Communication and People-related issues. And in all my years working with projects and teams, people still continue to struggle with this. Especially in the virtual age, we have more technology than ever to support communication, but we seem to be communicating less effectively. Having proper, regular communication channels for group/team meetings is vital, as well as one to one meetings and plans for how the team can communicate most effectively using email, messaging and other platforms. • Creating Collaboration. Most of the time, we are not really collaborating; we are cooperating. More like an assembly line where we pass products from one person to another – what we are really aiming for is high-quality conversations where we challenge, give feedback, build on each other's ideas to come up with something that’s better as a result than any one of us could do alone. That’s where real innovation and creativity comes from. • Build Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills. EQ is recognized as a critical success factor in effective leadership – but it’s also one of the key enablers to high performing teams and working effectively together. This means team members have the ability to be aware of themselves and their reactions, and how they can respond effectively and in a resilient way to external situations and other people. This is at the core of EQ; helping to build emotional agility which helps the team to be resilient and flexible during times of pressure.

Liz Barron offers Leadership & Team Coaching, Coaching Skills Development, Emotional Intelligence Coaching and in-house Seminars and Workshops to help business leaders, project managers & teams to realize their full potential. Contact Liz at or connect on Linkedin, Facebook or Twitter to book a free 30 minute consultation about where you want to take your leadership career.

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Soft and Sweet P 34


"So quick to make, delicious and healthy!"

Banana, Rolled Oats & Chocolate Chip Dollops You Will Need: 2 Ripe Bananas 2.5dl Rolled Oats A Handful Of Milk Or Dark Chocolate Chips

Play around with different flavours; try a sprinkle of cinnamon or why not add a few raisins? I recently found these super simple soft cookies on Pinterest (my heaven when it comes to recipes, and I couldn`t believe that it only too three ingredients to make these healthy, yummy little dollops. In a large kitchen bowl, mash up two ripe bananas really well so that there are no lumps. Add 2.5 dl of rolled oats and mash it all very well together. It might take a little while, but the rolled oats will become sticky and blend really well with the banana. For that little bit extra, add a handful of milk or dark chocolate chips, drop dollops of dough on a baking tray, prepared with greaseproof paper. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celcius for 12-15 minutes. Enjoy!

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Get In Touch!

Here at Self Starter Hq, we`d love to hear from you. Page-SelfStarterMagazine Group-TeamSelfStarter

kajsakinsella @MagSelfStarter @selfstartermagazine

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Website Coaching

Choosing the right domain name for your website. By Claire Gallagher

Your domain name is part of your brand, not the whole brand Choosing a domain name can feel like a really big decision. Especially if you'll be using it as your business name and your social media accounts. It can take time BUT… The most important thing about deciding on a domain name is… DECIDING! Chose it, register it and get your project moving. Overthinking can get you stuck before you even get started! Your domain name is your customer's first point of contact with your brand online. You want to be memorable, unique and distinctive. Consider how you want people to think of your business when they see you online. Make sure your domain name isn't letting you down by following these simple guidelines. When you start building awareness of your business online you’ll realise that the domain is not the entire business! You can use your messaging, brand vocabulary and your blog content to help define how you’re perceived by your audience. The point of having a website is visibility. A great domain name can't do all the heavy lifting! Your domain name helps people find you online so keep it short and memorable then get busy getting visible by consistently working on being in front of people. P 38

“We decided we’d call it Apple Computers unless someone suggested a better name by 5 o’clock. Partly because I like apples a lot, and it comes before Atari in the phone book.” -- Steve Jobs

Website Coaching

WHEN YOU’RE DECIDING YOUR DOMAIN NAME - FOCUS ON BRANDING 1. Make sure it is easy to spell and can be easily said aloud. Even though people will be mostly typing and clicking to access your site it is important that it sounds good as it helps people to remember your site so that they can easily come back again in future.

2. Avoid using hyphens or weird punctuation. These make the site seem generic not unique.

3. Don't be too similar to your competitors. Do a search to make sure that there aren't existing businesses out there with a domain similar to your idea.

4. Don't launch your site with the temporary name that comes with the free website builder (eg: or It looks like you're not serious about the business if you can't commit 10 quid (or thereabouts) to a real domain name.

5.Pay attention to words that run together. for example!!! Make sure you're not sending the wrong message with accidental words.

6. Don't sacrifice being memorable by adding too many keywords. There was a trend in recent years to use longer domain names so that they match with people's search terms, but this is being phased out as an advantage in Google search. If you want to use SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to be found online, use broad keywords and consistent content.Your domain name should be relevant to your service but still short enough to be memorable. Aim for 3 words maximum.

"When you’re stuck on what domain name to use, your entire website project gets put on hold. You can’t even start your website without a domain name!

Find Much More From Claire On

7. Don’t get too hung up on the ending. If the .com is available, use it, but other extensions are perfectly acceptable if the .com version is not available. P 39

Marketing Magic

We Have Teamed Up!

The highly influential, experienced and superbly talented Marketing Strategist and Brand Builder Finola Howard of How Great Marketing Works and I have joined forces. This is THE place to go to become the master of your own marketing, a skill which will impact everything that has to do with your business. You will be trained and coached in getting to know yourself and your business inside out, back to front and front to back again; to think like a marketing strategist every step of your entrepreneurial path. The programme, which will challenge you to get to the top of your game by teaching you how to best utilize the power and passion you have as a self-starter and entrepreneur, is made up of 12 modules of bite-sized steps and easy to understand videos, practical worksheets and lots of help to keep you organized and on the right track. Each month, I will share my discoveries, my inspiration and my revelations with you all.

Don`t wait until you get too busy and forget about this again - sign up to Finola`s 14-day free trial TODAY and see how you can take charge of the future of both you and your business.

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Marketing Magic

Module 3 Each section is constructed in a very clear and simple to follow way with a video which includes easy to understand imagery. Finola is there to talk you through each step and the full text is inserted beneath, so you can refer back at any time. Sign up, make sure to print out your worksheets and we`re good to go!

* The third module is all about “Building The Offering That They Want”- Really get to grips with what you offer people; separate each aspect of your business and learn how to speak about your business. Also, learn to remind yourself of mentioning your business name. Far too often, we are in deep conversation with someone interested in what we do and everything is going great, but at the end, they go away having not been told what our enterprise is called, and the opportunity to reconnect and create a customer has been lost. Become aware of the fact that how you speak about your business, has an immense impact on a potential customer. *Delve into the records of the past few years; what has sold, why has it sold, for how much was it sold and who bought it. Do this in detail to truly understand what you need to improve on, what you need to scrap and what you should keep as part of your business. Understand pricing, packaging and how this all represent you and your business in the most effective way-analyze if what you do works and brings your business forward.

Find Out More On

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Victoria Mary Clarke, PR Guru, Adventurer & Media Coach

Saskia Kremer, Advocate of Clarity, Focus & Embracing Your Values

Aideen Schweppe, Yoga Guru & Straight-Talking Life Enthusiast

To WIN A 30 Minute Consultation With One Of These Experienced Professionals, Simply Got To & Submit Your Entry The Three Winners Will Be Drawn At Random And Notified On The Of September

P 42


From burn out to breakthrough HOW TO OPEN THE WINDOW TO FREEDOM

Would you like to jump out of bed in the morning full of energy? How would it feel if you had more time, money and enjoy the things you are doing? The problem I see with so many business owners is that they are working way too hard, running out of energy and not making any real money. They feel drained, not only at the end of the day, but already in the early morning when they get up, overwhelmed when a business opportunity is at their doorstep‌

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I’m here to tell you that it really doesn’t have to be that way…

All Photo Credits: Firechild Photography When you have a close look at your activities: what are you spending your time on? So often I see business owners more focused on being busy, rather than focused action generating revenue. This is a huge energy drain. Needless to say that without money you don’t get very far in paying your bills… But it is more than that: money is a transference of inspiration! Have you ever looked at it from this perspective? What are your convictions blocking that money to flow? Are you allowing yourself to be valued for the inspiration you are offering? Not only to pay your bills, but BIG time? How does that feel? Have a closer look at the product or service you are offering: are you doing what comes naturally to you? Too often we make things complicated. As a teenager Mother Teresa taught me this great wisdom about doing small things with great love. It is such a powerful way to avoid Burnout and grow steadily. Do you truly allow yourself to keep it simple and do that consistently? If not, which emotion is holding you back?... Have you ever asked yourself - what really gives you joy? It is easy to let overwhelm and lack of energy take over and prevent you from having any joy in your life. Ever felt like that? If you have lost the sense of what gives you joy, you only have to look back at who you once were as a child. Sometimes you just need to do a little bit of cleaning to see the diamond shining again. That child is still there. P 44


Take that challenge to measure your success based on how much joy you are having in your life! 1. Choose Love: when we are in a situation of fear or overwhelm and are running around, caught in the rat race, we tend to feel isolated. DO you want to change this around? Take a minute to close your eyes, or just turning inward and make the choice to learn in love, our heart starts to open up. It is a very subtle way since love just dispels fear. Just give it a try and experience what happens. 2. Small steps reap big results. Which small step can you make today to reach your goal? Write it down and take into consideration how much time and energy you have. It doesn’t have to be big steps to reach your goals. Slow and steady wins the race. 3. Watch out for negative self-talk, it becomes a habit and sneaks up on you, be sure to notice it and snap yourself out of it each time. This also becomes a habit. (You can use an elastic band on your wrist for 24 hours, snap it every time a negative thought comes to mind, it will snap you out of that) 4. Me time is essential: Schedule 15 minutes every day to slow down, this will help to restore energy and help you stay focused. If you can’t take 15, take 5. Before you get out of bed, before you go sleep. If you can’t find time for yourself, you will burn out. Make the time. 5. At the end of the day take time to celebrate your successes and reward yourself no matter how small, acknowledge it, the good stuff and the not so good stuff. Keep a journal next to your bed, write it down, what are you grateful for and what are you celebrating. This is for the moment, but it’s also for looking back so you can see where you’re coming from and how much you are achieving. You will see that if you take a few minutes before going to bed, to acknowledge your successes of the day and be grateful for them, that you will wake up way more rested and replenished.

Saskia works with professionals who work way too much for way too little. When you work with her you discover the secrets to clear focused action so you can do a whole lot more in less and open an amazing window of freedom in your life. By age 30 I was totally burnt out and on the edge of a breakdown. I knew I had no time to lose on waiting for circumstances to change. I turned my life around. I got clear on what the small steps were and worked to master them and within 6 months I had quadrupled my income! My Breakthrough allows me now, as a single mom, to combine my business with the care of my two young children, without getting overwhelmed. It is my joy to show you how you can do the same and open your unique window of freedom. If you're ready to turn your life around and have more time and more freedom: call me for a FREE 30 mins. Breakthrough session. Call: 089 9615480 Email: Website:

P 45

Living in the name of the law. B Y L I S A M C K E N N A Hi, I`m Lisa, I set up McKenna & Co Solicitors, a female-led law firm on the 1st of December 2017 and now 7 months in business but it feels like seven years as it has been a rollercoaster of a journey so far, not only are you running a business but you are being a Solicitor, a Boss, a Marketer, and a Networker all in one. Its extremely hard work and long hours running a law firm but I was never one to shy away from hard graft, its something that was instilled in me from my late father and a quality that I am proud to have. If you work hard in life, believe in yourself and your abilities and have a passion for what you do then success will be inevitable. There will be people in life and business who will try to undermine you and become envious of your success but you must rise above this, remain professional and continue from strength to strength. I read a quote recently by Ted Rubin “your value does not decrease based on someones inability to see your worth”, the right people will value your worth in business. McKenna & Co Solicitors is located at 56 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2 and is a Civil and Commercial Law Firm which means that we work in the areas of Property Law, Wills, Probate, Power of Attorneys, Personal Injury, Family Law, Employment Law and Business Law. We are a team of five at present and after just four months in practice as McKenna & Co we were named as Finalist by the Irish Law Awards for sole practitioner of the year. We pride ourselves on the top quality service that we give to our clients and always ensure confidentiality and compassion. I am a very tenacious individual and when I take on a client, I will never give up and will strive only for a successful result for that client, my vision is only success and positive results for them. The first question people always asked me when I started out in business was “where you are not scared, fearful or nervous, my answer is always “no, never”. I have never let fear or intimidation impact any part of my life when it comes to business. Naturally, the “what if” will run through your mind but if your passion for something burns stronger than your fear then you will succeed.

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"When you`re in business, only surround yourself with positive people" I spent ten years working for law firms, multinational companies, the banks, and the court service before setting up on my own law firm and as a child I worked within a family run business so there was always that entrepreneur within screaming to get out and make the dream a reality. I always knew that there was something missing from my career while working in other law firms and now that that I have my own law firm that void is filled and I feel a great sense of achievement and it has made me much stronger as a person, more determined in life and ultimately a master of my own destiny. Often people remark that I am young to own my own law firm, I find this a strange comment as age is only a number and I believe if you have that vision for your pathway to success why not take it and build on it regardless of your age, life is short and you should never allow anything hold you back from pursuing your dream. Often in law firms, promotion is slow for women and the profession as a whole tends to be maledominated albeit in recent reports women now outnumber men practicing as a solicitor in Ireland, which illustrates a start for change but its still very much male-dominated and centered when it comes to promotion to Senior positions. When you are in business you should only surround yourself with positive supportive people, I am very fortunate to have wonderfully supportive inspiring friends and a very supportive husband who has been backing me and promoting me in business, it is these people who will form part of your success and it is these people that should form a big part of your life. These people may not be part of your business but they are part of your success. Becoming an enterprenure can be challenging and isolating at times but there are so many networks available to support and encourage entrepreneurs, for women in particular there are so many fantastic groups to join, two which I am members of are, the Women Inspire Network and the Women in Business Network. These groups are fantastic for support, its women supporting women and you come away with great friends in a very short space of time in the network. As they say behind every successful women is a tribe of other successful women who have their back. Dublin Chambers is another fantastic network where you get a opportuinty as a business owner to meet other like minded business people.  For now McKenna & Co Solicitors is going from strenght to strenght and strives for continued success. People often ask me where do I see the firm going, my answer is always, I see it as being one of the most sussessful law firms in Ireland.Â

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Literary Feature

Sharon Thompson’s debut crime novel, ‘The Abandoned’ was published by Bloodhound Books UK on 25th June 2018. It launched at #1 Best-seller in Kindle Irish Crime Fiction. Sharon has signed for a further two crime novels and her other manuscripts are on submission, through her agent, Trace Literary Agency. Sharon lives in Donegal, Ireland and writes anything she can! She co-founded trending, tweet-chat #WritersWise and also started an exclusive, online writing group called On Sundays, her regular column Woman’s Words, is on the successful Donegal Woman website. Sharon’s #indulgeinbooks short-lists new book releases on the stylish woman’s online magazine She is also a regular guest writer on Ireland’s leading writing website

Find Sharon on or @sharontwriter


"Saoirse" by Hilary Connor As a child Saoirse Corcoran was rejected. As an adult she is sought out by strangers. The reason for both is the same - her power. Born in the mid-sixties to a mother who desperately wanted to keep her but couldn't, put in an institutional crib and situation, she is visited by a guiding force who she will come to know in future days, who protects a baby born to survive inhuman treatment in a staunch Catholic society, and to change it with the strength of her life experience. Saoirse's mother Maisie, sleeps in a different part of St. Patrick's Mother and Baby Home, sharing a collective sorrow that will haunt and mark Ireland's social history. When Lil and Joe Corcoran adopt her, she is four months old with and ancient soul. Self Published P 48

"The Lighthouse Keeper`s Daughter" by Hazel Gaynor 1838: Northumberland, England. Longstone Lighthouse on the Farne Islands has been Grace Darling’s home for all of her twenty-two years. When she and her father rescue shipwreck survivors in a furious storm, Grace becomes celebrated throughout England, the subject of poems, ballads, and plays. 1938: Newport, Rhode Island. Nineteenyears-old and pregnant, Matilda Emmerson has been sent away from Ireland in disgrace. She is to stay with Harriet, a reclusive relative and assistant lighthouse keeper, until her baby is born.As a deadly hurricane approaches, two women, living a century apart, will be linked forever by their instinctive acts of courage and love.

"The Flight Of The Wren" by Orla McAlinden

Published by Harper Collins

Published by Red Stag

Ireland, 1848. Orphaned Sally Mahon has a choice to make. Lie down and die on the graves of her parents, or join the throngs of the dispossessed on the highways of Ireland. She turns her steps to the nearby town of Newbridge in Kildare, where she will carve a future for herself or die trying. Tasmania, 1919. Spanish Flu sweeps through Hobart, travelling across the oceans with the soldiers returning from the war in Europe. Saoirse Gordon sits by her Grandmother’s sickbed. As the old woman cries out in her delirium, will the secrets Saoirse learns bring her peace, or destroy her forever?

Thank You! I hope you have enjoyed the magazine, that it has inspired you and given you a bit of a boost to start on your own path of entrepreneurship. My most sincere gratitude to this month`s contributors; Lynsey Hanratty, Wendy Merrigan, Sharon Thompson, Claire Gallagher, Éadaoin Curtin, Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Paul Dunphy Esquire and to the wonderful Teena Gates, who so generously let us tell her story.

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