Increase Your Laptop's Lifespan
To Extend Your Laptop’s Lifespan •
Handle your laptop with care
Clean Interior and Exterior of your laptop
Upgrade Hardware and Software
Use proper Operating System
Protect from Power Surges
Let’s walk through these Tips in detail.
Tip 1. Handle your laptop with care Ways to take good care of your laptop: • Keep liquids and food items away from your laptop • Always have clean hands whenever using your laptop. • Laptops are fragile. So hold and lift the laptop gently. • Take care of all removable drives carefully. • Try to keep the laptop over a flat and clean surface.
Tip 2. Clean the exterior and interior parts Ways to clean your laptop in effective way: • Get an LCD monitor cleaning kit. • Use lint-free cloths to clean the surface. •
With the help of tech-savvy people clean the interior and exterior parts of laptop it provides a greater chance in increasing laptop’s lifespan.
• Make a good habit of cleaning your laptop’s both interior and exterior parts.
Tip 3. Upgrade Hardware and Software Upgrade your hardware and software : • Do regular software and hardware updates to retain laptop’s lifespan. • Performance increase, which make the overall computer run faster and more smoothly.
• Adding a new hard drive allows the computer to store more information and memory which increases the computers ability to run more. • The new version of a program has better stability and increased performance.
Tip 4. Use Proper Operating system Maintain the Operating System: • Using only original versions • Managing start-up applications properly • Avoiding usage of animations • Using an anti-virus program
Tip 5. Protect from Power Surges Ways to protect your Laptop from power surges: • Uninterrupted power supply is very useful to save laptop battery life and to function efficiently. • Save your battery life to make it run the most efficient and make it last longer.
• Use a surge protector to save laptops from power fluctuations.
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