EECERA 2011 Conference Provisional Programme

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-Inclusive education by Gisela CHATELANAT

Prof. associée à la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation (FPSE) de l’Université de Genève This second topic raises questions of educational practices when referring to special children, meaning those who are different. It has been postulated that an adapted care for children with special needs is a necessary one but it still needs to be implemented. Therefore the notions of prevention, integration and insertion will be examined in order to enable educational practices to evolve into increasing attention to particularities in order to facilitate social affiliation of these children.

From birth on by Agnès FLORIN

European Early Childhood Education Research Association - EECERA

Geneva - Lausanne 14th to 17th September 2011

c o n f e r e n c e G e n e v a L a u s a n n e

Prof. de Psychologie de l’enfant et de l’éducation à l’Université de Nantes (France) Birth writes down the integration in an historical and social context. This first topic aims at questioning about the multiple conditions for an education from birth on the 21st century, and raises the dilemmas about assistance, care, performance and standardization.This is the opportunity to present works related to these dilemmas. An essentail place will be given to studies about the acquisition of language in early childhood and the role of objects in the educational system.

From economic necessities to educational necessity by Tine Roostgard Senior researcher at the Danish National Institute of Social Research (Danemark)

The reports dealing with the placement of children in care facilities and those related to women back to work after child birth tend to focus the debate on economic values. Although economic arguments are definitely important they aren’t the single ones. This third theme underlines the importance of social and educational added value in children’s care facilitites. From then on, the subject of the social choice regarding the undertaking of young citizens will be discussed in depth through the polysemic notion of investment.

Expertise, qualifications and common sense by Jan Kampmann

Prof. à la Roskilde University of Denmark (Department of Psychology and Educational Studies - Danemark) Studies regarding the historical evolution, the present situation and the perspectives of professionalization of nurses, kindergartners, teachers and educators will be discussed as a fourth topic. It will investigate the level and the sort of qualification requested to accomplish the socio-educational mission today and tomorrow, provided that this assignment has to be addressed under the point of view of transition towards institutions (day care, nursery, school, leisure facilities, etc.) for the professionals as well as for the children and their families.


Please register electronically through the conference website: Please be sure to register in advance for the conference, accommodation and the social programme.


Booking 2011 : CHF 500.One day pass : CHF 180.Professional preconference September 14th (in French only) : CHF 120.--

Students All conference : CHF 180.One day pass :CHF 80.Professional preconference September 14th (in French only) : CHF 50.--

Gala dinner CHF.100.-For this year’s conference dinner we’re pleased to announce that this year we’ve organised a superb cruise aboard the ‘Simplon’. Please join us for beautiful views of the Lake Léman, a wonderful meal and live music! Places are limited to 300, so hurry up and book your place !

21st Annual Conference Switzerland Education from birth : research, practices and educational policy

Département de l’instruction publique

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