Semalt Expert Presents 4 Tips To Avoid Being Trapped By Ransomware
Ransomware attacks have become extremely common nowadays with companies, governments, and corporations that thought had the most secure data system losing thousands of dollars to hackers. Here are four tips to avoid getting hit by ransomware. Note that the following tips stipulated by Frank Abagnale, the expert from Semalt, can also help you to stay safe from trojans and viruses.
1. Avoid opening suspicious email attachments Most of the hackers will send an email to the targets with an attachment that contains the ransomware or trojan. Opening the attachment will automatically install the software on your computer thereby giving the hacker full control over your computer. Therefore, never open suspicious email attachments even if the address looks similar to your colleagues or peers.
2. Watch the links you click on https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1221.html