Anti-WannaCry Tips From Semalt Expert

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Anti-WannaCry Tips From Semalt Expert

A few days ago, some pieces of malware hit the web and infected numerous computers within minutes. They took down everything from business websites to the National Health Services of the United Kingdom. The software named as WannaCry is what is famous as ransomware. It is a type of virus that burrows into your personal computer and damages a large number of les. It encrypts les on your device and limits your access. The creators of this malware lock your computer until you pay the ransom. They would not unlock your data, and you have to pay their fee within a few days. It looks like the rst stage of the WannaCry attack has been ended, and there are chances that the hackers will reactivate this malware in coming weeks. They aim to steal your personal data and money, and cannot let you avoid their malware at any cost. Andrew Dyhan, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, de nes some tips on how to prevent this program and what you can do to stay safe on the internet.

What is Ransom? Let us begin with the basic information. Ransomware is a form of crime and infects your computer system. It locks you out and encrypts the les within a few minutes. The hackers want you to pay a few dollars. WannaCry uses a variety of Microsoft Windows operating systems to attack different devices. The rst case was reported months


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