Moon Malware Has Attacked Your Linksys Router? – Semalt Knows How To Rectify This Problem

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Moon Malware Has Attacked Your Linksys Router? – Semalt Knows How To Rectify This Problem

There is a malware attack by the name "The moon" which is attacking traditional routers such as the Linksys. This malware has the potential of compromising the security state of the computers and browsing at the user level. Lisa Mitchell, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, says that the Linksys routers, as well as their wireless access points, are subject to this vulnerability and this can make your website or clients incur a huge loss because of internet fraud.

The Moon Malware The Moon malware gets its potential from the way it bypasses the authentication. It makes it possible to login without having the possession of the admin credentials. Upon facing the malware infection, the Linksys router starts loading the entire port with numerous ports 80 and 8080 outbound traf c. There results in some substantial data activity, making your internet connection slow. The computers can get the infection too making their handling and CPU performance slow.


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