Fed Up With Malware Attacks? – Semalt is coming to the rescue!
Lisa Mitchell, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, warns that it is always necessary to avoid certain websites and programs when using the internet. This is because some websites and program contain malware, Trojan, and virus that negatively affect the operations of the computer. Additionally, harmful programs and websites may ramp up cases of identity theft and nancial scam. There is a high prevalence level of online malicious programs. These programs include malware, marketing software, and advertisement messages. The discussion provides a list of various programs and websites that may pose risks to the internet user. It is important for the user to understand that the websites and computer programs of reputable companies may also be infected by malicious programs. This is despite the fact that the Information Technology staff uses a lot of effort and resources in managing the programs and the websites of the company. The list is not comprehensive because it cannot guarantee that the internet user will not encounter cases of malware, Trojan, or virus when browsing the internet. There are computer security strategies that users can observe when browsing the web. For example, the user should access online sites using the non-administrative account. More information about computer security can be obtained from the following website: it.unh.edu/bestpractices. Additionally, the user can seek computer security information from the Information Technology professionals or the Information Technology department of the organization.