Semalt – Valuable Ways To Prevent Malware For Small Business
Are you a social engineer? If you are then the small business community is crying for your help. Why? Well, according to statistics realized by Symantec, 40% of all cyber attacks were launched against rms with less than 500 employees. To make matters even worse, the National Cyber Security Alliance has revealed that 1 in every 5 small businesses has to deal with a cyber threat each year. Of this number, 60% do not recover. They often close shop after just six months. It is because of this that you nd small businesses requesting for updates on the state of cyber security. Read on to nd out how malware can disrupt your business then use the guide, speci ed by Oliver King, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, to protect yourself from the same (malware).
What exactly is malware and how can it disrupt business Malware is the acronym for malicious software. Coincidentally, the pre x 'mal' has a negative connotation in Spanish and other Latin languages (it means bad). Here are some de nitions to help you understand. Malware As you can see, it's not actually a threat but rather a general term used to refer to any software that installs itself in your system without your authorization. In most cases, its purpose is to phish data which is then used https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1274.html