Semalt: Don't Get Hooked By Adware Or Malware Infested Extensions
Installing browser extensions and add-ons without caution can be dangerous at times. Irrespective of whether one is careful or not when downloading adding them to the browser, one needs to consider where they get their add-ons from carefully. Oliver King, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, discusses how to avoid dangerous malware extensions. There was one interesting article off the web which claimed that some online users use browser extensions to spy on others. For a person not well versed in how the internet works, it can come as a shock to them. However, gone are the days when clean and useful extensions existed on the web. Companies with ulterior motives ended up cleaning them well off the market. The targeted extensions were those popular with many users. Through this way, they could harvest a lot of information at once. The companies could then add tracking codes to these extensions and monitor visitor actions or force popup ads on unknowing users. Developers update their extensions on a regular basis which makes it hard to know when a third party malicious individual has control over the system.