Semalt Expert Suggests A Quick Fix For Google Analytics Referral Spam

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Semalt Expert Suggests A Quick Fix For Google Analytics Referral Spam

The buzz is going on around the internet concerns how referral spam is on the rise and how it ruins analytic data. Referral spam affects all online users. There is not much cause for alarm, but it is very annoying. Also, depending on the size of the web page, referral spam could have detrimental impacts on the analytical data and decision making. Websites that receive massive amounts of organic traf c may suffer very little from referral spam as it makes a small dent in the reported outcome. However, for small-scale websites, it could have a grave impact on the marketing campaign. Much of the solutions given online, point towards maintaining a regularly updated list of all the spammy domains affecting the website. It seems very impractical to say the least. It is the reason why Igor Gamanenko, the leading expert from Semalt, outlines some of the features which should help in realizing the great potential there is in making such lists.

Referral Spam Background For new users, or people hearing about referral spam for the rst time, they should not worry. In the Google Analytics account they own, they should scroll the referring domains and look if any of these appear on the list: - 215 - 133 - 71 - 55


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