An Effective Guide From Semalt To Eliminating Ghost Referral Tra c In Google Analytics
Ghost referral traf c refers to traf c that does not visit a site, avoiding the Google Analytics measurement protocol tools. Also, ghost referral traf c is not spiders or bots that block a website since they never hit a web page. Often, ghost referral traf c trails referral reports or host name to entice an internet user to click spam-ridden sites or pages. Internet experts argue that ghost referral traf c can be blocked by the use of hostname lter since they come from other pages. Including a site's hostname only prevents other hostname's information from popping up in the Google Analytics Reports. Spammy hackers can overwrite a site's hostname as well as lters by intentionally sending bad traf c. In this case, ghost referral traf c will be indistinguishable from lters doing nothing and normal site traf c. So how can an online user eliminate or minimize ghost referral traf c?