Semalt Expert De nes 6 Vital Types Of SEO Tools For 2017
You can use various tools to boost the ef ciency of your digital marketing strategy. These tools can help you review the quality of your content, draft a marketing plan and manage links among other things. Frank Abagnale, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, takes a look here at the types of SEO tools you need to conduct successful marketing campaigns in 2017.
Types of SEO tools There are six main types of SEO tools you can use, many perform multiple tasks. Some are free. You need to pay for others, and others can be categorized as freemium SEO tools. They all play a role in improving your marketing, they are:
1. Technical SEO tools These help you explore the back end of your site, see how it works and nds out any issues you need to x. Technical tools come in a wide range, and there's no single all round technical tool to help you make your site more SEO friendly. Technical SEO tools can perform technical SEO audits, technical link analysis, web page tests, header response codes and XML sitemap checks.
2. Rankings Tools As you craft your marketing strategy, you need to know where you rank on certain metrics. This is where rankings tools come in. They show you where your site currently ranks for several metrics like keywords and backlinks. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1436.html