Semalt Unveils 3 Google Analytics Filters To Use
In Google Analytics, the lters provide us with the exibility to modify and change the data and adjust the account settings as per the requirements of our website. You can use the Google Analytics lter to include or exclude data, transfer les from one platform to another so that it gets aligned in a better way and ful lls the requirements of your business. How you prepare your reports depends on how the data is analyzed in your Google Analytics account. With the help of lters, you can easily transform, edit, or change the data. Thus, Google Analytics can apply lters from the raw form to the aligned form of your website. This way, the processing of the data becomes easier and convenient, and the ltered data provides you with the accurate reports about traf c generated on your website. Oliver King, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, elaborates here on 3 main types of lters that all webmasters use in their Google Analytics accounts: spambot lters, internal IP address exclusion, and forcing the referral sources or pages to lowercase.
1. Spambot Filters https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1595.html