Semalt: The Best Database For Storing Web Scraping Data
Postgres is a database used to store large sets of data from web mining and scraping. Recently, Postgres released an inbuilt feature known as JSONB, where "B" stands for binary. If you submit structured data that can be represented as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Postgres parses data and stores the data sets in binary format. If your scraping campaign is JSON based, Postgres is the best data set to consider.
Do Postgres handle Chinese text? Some webmasters have been raising questions regarding whether Postgres handles Chinese texts. The answer to this question is a big yes. When creating a database, your app and the database driver are two factors that matter a lot. Postgres is a web scraping database that works with the Unicode support. In the process of generating your Postgres database, consider specifying the UTF-8 encoding.
Postgres JSONB vs. NoSQL database NOSQL is a free and easy to use a database that stores data in an open form. For instance, if you are extracting data on nancial markets, you have to be careful about the way your data is stored. This is where the problem comes in. NoSQL database does not comprise of data structure checks. If you miss this step, you end up having data in unreadable formats. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article2226.html