Semalt Expert De nes Options For HTML Scraping
There is more information on the Internet than any human being can absorb in a lifetime. Websites are written using HTML, and each web page is structured with particular codes. Various dynamic websites don't provide data in CSV and JSON formats and make it tough for us to extract the information properly. If you want to extract data from HTML documents, the following techniques are most suitable.
LXML: LXML is an extensive library written for parsing the HTML and XML documents quickly. It can handle a large number of tags, HTML documents and gets you desired results in a matter of minutes. We just have to send Requests to its already built-in urllib2 module that is best known for its readability and accurate results.
Beautiful Soup: Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like data scraping and content mining. It automatically converts the incoming documents to Unicode and the outgoing documents to UTF. You don't need any programming skills, but the basic knowledge of HTML codes will save your time and energy. Beautiful Soup http://rankexperience.com/articles/article2339.html