Semalt: The Best Practices of Web Scraping

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Semalt: The Best Practices Of Web Scraping

In the era of digital marketing and stiff competition, it becomes virtually impossible to do without web scraping. While most people consider web scraping to be an unethical practice, the truth is that it has its positive side, if carried out properly. The internet is controlled by bots which can perform almost every task. In 2015 Bot Traf c Report, it was stated that the half of the web traf c are bots. Most of these bots act ethically when performing search engine tasks, analyzing web content, providing search results and powering APIs. However, some of the bots function unethically, causing technical problems to the sites they visit. So let's nd out what web scraping is. Web scraping involves gathering of information from the net using special web scraping tools. While most people are against it we are going to show you that scraping is not always a malicious practice. In some cases, website owners might want to propagate their content or data to a wider audience. A good example is government websites the main content of which is intended for the public. Another legal web scraping activity, which is usually powered by bots, is when website owners want to attract more traf c to their sites. An example is traveling sites and concert ticket websites. Scrapers obtain data through APIs and drive mass traf c to a site being scraped. Scraping data is not a bad thing itself. In this regard, we are going to list some of the best practices you should follow when scraping a site so that it'll become a win-win solution for both parties.


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