Semalt Review – An Easy URL Scraper
We can all agree that traf c is the primary driver for any website's growth, acquiring more traf c will expose your site to a more prominent population. To invest in gaining such traf c then you would need a detailed plan which involves running CPV traf c campaigns. The only problem: you will need to collect hundreds if not thousands of URLs from the top search engines. While it's possible to copy these links manually, it would take a lot of time, and energy. This is where Easy URL Scraper comes into the picture. This tool which can be found in the High Traf c Academy 2.0 suite will signi cantly simplify your work.
What does it do? Easy URL Scraper functions just like any other scraping tool: in that, it crawls through the web and collects speci c data. But then fetching URLs from a search engine would require numerous entries. To solve this problem, the tool relies on keywords to look up websites with similar keywords and list them for you.
Why do I need Easy URL Scraper? Well, it will save you hundreds of hours plus the stress of having to surf the search engines manually. The tool automatically analyzes the URLs and outputs only the ones that are keyword relevant. http://rankexperience.com/articles/article2380.html