Web Page Extensions – Explained By Semalt Expert
First of all, let's de ne what a le type is. It's a certain speci cation (one of many) that describes the actual structure of a le. According to this structure, the le is stored, processed by programs and displayed. The visible part of le type for a user is le extension. The le extension is a speci c sequence of characters (letters and digits), following the lename after the dot symbol "." and used to identify a type of le by programs and user. Seeing le's extension, the person or program understands what type of data is stored in a particular le, what features it has, what's necessary to run it. It's worth noting that le extensions usually mean characteristic of a certain le, not le's belonging to any group. For example, not all images have the same extension.
.html and .htm http://rankexperience.com/articles/article2455.html