Semalt – How To Use The .NET Framework To Con gure Apps And Files
The .NET framework is a programming model used to build applications that have seamless, visual user experience, and secure communication model. In the recent marketing industry, you need access to useful and valuable data to make business decisions and operations. This is where the .NET framework comes in. To retrieve useful information from the net, you need comprehensive web scraping tools. The .NET framework is designed to build high-quality software and tools that meet your web scraping needs and speci cations. Currently, the versions of .NET Framework being used are version 4 and 4.5. Earlier releases of this framework include version 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5.
How .NET Framework works The .NET Framework, through con guration les, gives web scrapers an opportunity to control over the way web scraping tools run. In this cases, con guration les comprise of scraped content such as XML les that can easily be changed into other usable formats. With .NET Framework, you get to learn the syntax of con guration les and the three types of con guration les that include security, application, and machine. http://rankexperience.com/articles/article2457.html