Semalt Expertise: How Long Keyword Research Will Remain Relevant In SEO
Keyword research, which is an important part of any SEO campaign, has been in existence for many years. However, during the last few years keyword research has been undergoing a number of changes. Sometimes these changes are crucial, sometimes are less important. In either case, the volatile nature of this process calls into question the relevance of the keyword research for SEO. Jack Miller, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, analysis the factors, which now and further will de ne the importance of keyword research.
Keywords Matter
Keywords remain important in SEO because they play a signi cant role in helping your site to get ranked by various search queries. Keyword research allows you to nd the keywords that provide you with: High Traf c. You will get new visitors because your site is listed in search results. Relevance. All incoming searches will relate to what you offer and whether it is satisfying your inbound users. Low Competition. If you have the right keywords, it means you don't have to work overtime to rank for your chosen queries.
Google's Updates In the early days of keyword research, optimization was assuming stuf ng them throughout your content in every meta tag as much as you could. Through Google Analytics, Google was also disclosing a lot of information on how people were searching for the information on the web and how they found your website through keywords. Once you had this list of high traf c and low competition keywords, you could directly optimize your site for those queries. Most of Google's queries had a one-to-one search relationship meaning that they would take your phrase or word and look for close or exact matches to other phrases and words on the web. In 2013 Google released an update known as Hummingbird, which introduced the concept of "semantic search". This update has changed how the way the search engine was handling incoming queries. Instead of conducting a plain search of what user wants, this update allowed Google to understand the intentions behind a user's query. On face value, this appears to be a minor change, but it made a huge impact on how search optimizers look at keywords. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article774.html