Semalt Explains The Reasons Why Instagram Should Be A Part Of Every Marketing Strategy
Nowadays, all companies should consider the opportunities that social networks present. Social media have increased the amount information and digital content. For example, with a total of 1,200 posts every second on Instagram, people make 180 million updates every day on average. As a result, the presence of a brand on Instagram has become a real necessity. Therefore, business owners have to develop a clear strategy that will help company to make the most of its social media presence in one of the most in uential social network. Alexander Peresunko, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, explains the reasons why Instagram presence is essential for brands.
The Importance of Instagram for Brands Most businesses target millennials aged between 18-24 as soon as they represent the annual income accounted in $50,000 to $ 74,000. For this audience the Instagram is a preferred social media site. For instance, through another social media channels this group spend much less – from $25,000 to $49,000 annually. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article837.html