Digital Marketing Tips From Semalt To Increase Revenue In Your Hotel
Hospitality industry attracts customers with different taste and preferences. Many marketers in the industry face dif cult decisions trying to analyze latest buzz or trend words such as "content marketing" or "big data". It causes hoteliers to engage in sophisticated strategies and over think marketing budget while still using an automated attendant to answer phone calls. It is wrong, and hoteliers should get back to the basics by focusing on what is signi cant-guests. Get down to the digital marketing essentials, provided by Andrew Dyhan, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt.
Improve on guest booking experience. The most crucial aspect of selling a hotel room is guest booking experience. According to Statistic Brain, 58% of hotel booking happen online. It is an overwhelming number. A hotel's website homepage is an important aspect of online booking. Surprisingly, many hotels websites' homepages are dif cult to navigate and cause guests to work very hard to book a room. People should not click on "amenities" or "accommodations" and wait for the hours before the page can load. Additionally, an ef cient hotel homepage should have sections where a visitor can scroll and nd crucial information before booking the services. Guests would want to see the rooms, ratings, testimonials https://rankexperience.com/articles/article916.html
and reservation box. Implementing an effective SEO strategy can help improve this experience.
Learn the truth about SEO in the hospitality industry. Hotels are among the rst adopters of SEO activities since 2004. Back then, a hotel site could only place keywords inside non-visible tags on the homepage and search engines like Google would index the keywords a few months later. However, everything has now evolved, and Google algorithm indices re ect on a site within days. Additionally, Google uses RankBrain, an arti cial intelligence to establish with incredible predictive accuracy. It implies that businesses have less control over search rankings. SEO is much less work, and hoteliers can now shift SEO budget to other digital marketing approaches such as social media.
Realize the connection between social media and hospitability. In this regard, most hoteliers have been caught up due to the fast speed by which social media like Snapchat and Facebook continue to grow. It is wise for hoteliers to comprehend the best social media to use in digital marketing. Perhaps, it should also contribute to enhancing SEO experience. Experts also reveal that hoteliers must invest in creating videos since 67% of guest watch travel-related productions before booking a room. Videos also provide travelers with a better sense of authenticity.
Embrace Instagram and Facebook. It is impossible to be on every single social media platform, but hoteliers should be on these two. New clients rely on these platforms to determine if an individual hotel is still active in service delivery.
Increase the number of followers. Most hoteliers do not know their follower count. Having few hundred fans cannot promote digital marketing in the hospitality industry.
Assign resources dedicated to social media. Social media is a platform that requires hoteliers to invest by hiring specialists. They should have a sense of style, branding, and humor in addition to photography and design skills.