Semalt:The Most Effective Ways Of Advertising That'll Take Your Customers' Breath Away!

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Semalt:The Most Effective Ways Of Advertising That'll Take Your Customers' Breath Away!

Consumer behavior culminated into an intolerable stance when ad blocks could be incorporated into web browsers. In actual sense, the consumers were not blocking ads but had something else in mind. This is what was happening weaponized spyware masquerading as ads destroyed hardware systems, tracked their activity and stole private data. They were not ads per se but viruses which had to be blocked. Imagine if that were to happen in the real world. Just as it did when we got wind of the fact that Visio TVs were collecting data and selling it to third parties. That wasn't advertising. It was illegal. It was sick, and It had to be punished. Visions paid millions for damages and cut the crap. A consumer has a right to protect him/herself from intrusive spyware.


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