In this finally project of External Positioning unit, I am going to research and study the Grid such as what is grid and how it works in my first part of this project. Also will apply my understanding of the use of grid into this project. My main sources of this study and research is basic on “A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002. Secondly, I will focus into my process in making the images of in Stamp brief, explain the concept of my artworks and show the understanding of this brief. I will carefully to reference all my elements I have used in all my artworks. Thirdly, I will select all my artworks that I have done in the past and organise them into different groups to present what are my skills and how can it helps me get different
Introduction Grid
- ‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane - Exercises - Learning outcome
- Brief Description - Research - Problems - Solutions - Ideas - Process - Outcome
- Textile - Art and Design - Photography
Company Research
- Background research - Type & works - Skill request - Market
- Conclusion - Outcome Reference
More complex information often requires expression of not only vertical but also horizontal organisation. In those situations, a grid is an essential tool. But what is grid and how does it work?
Creating Grids and Exercises
What is Grid
Grid is a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines that intersect all regular intervals. In typographic design, a grid system is a method for organising and clarifying text on a page, and amplifying its meaning. A grid is not about painting a page creating the perfect composition within the frame of the paper trim. Rather it is about building a page providing a framework within which visual and typographic elements work to reinforce meaning. This sense of building the page comes directly from the day s when type itself was physical. Line of lead type built upon other lines of type – not unlike courses of bricks standing one upon the other – to create the pages. And, as with bricks the stronger the construction, the more durable the results.
It is important to remember that grid is a system, not a object in itself. For that system to be effective it has to be both organic and responsive. In other words, before you can devise a grid, you have to understand clearly; - The amount of text / images - The kinds of text / images - The level of meaning and importance xxxxxxwithin the text / images - The relationship between text and xxxxxximages - The relationship between text / xxxxxximages and the reader Another way to describe the grid system is to see it as a way of providing distinct articulation to the different voices expressed within the text through both colour and position on the page. Or you might prefer thinking of a grid as Josef Muller Brockmann described it; a means of expressing both the architecture) or rhythm) inherent in the material. No matter how you look at it, the underlying principle behind any grid is that it is most successful as an expression of content. (“A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002)
Through creating different type of grids help me to understand the use of space and organise the position of text and images. In the following pages I will look into Vertical / horizontal gutter; Folio and Running head / running foot. Explain what they are and the rules of using them, I will also apply this rules throw out this project.
Components of the grid
In a grid system, folios and running feet (like the text) always appear flush left. They therefore never appear symmetrical to each other on the spread.
Vertical and horizontal gutters
Folio and running foot
Vertical / horizontal gutter
Running head / running foot
The area separating fields from each other. The height of the horizontal gutter is typical based on the leading of the text type. The width of a vertical gutter is a distance sufficiently larger than an em space (the width of an uppercase M in the Text type) to distinguish columns of text from each other. (‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002)
The page number. This typically sits outside the text page, but should always relate to it either vertically or horizontally. (‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002)
In longer documents, a guide for reader to show them where they are in the manuscript. They may contain the tile of the book, the title of a section of the book, or the author’s name. Like folios, they sit outside the text pages, but should always relate to it either vertically or horizontally. Running heads appear about the text page, running feet below it. (‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002)
Example 1
My example maybe too simple. A grid of 3 x 3 may not provide enough options. It certainly does not take into account the pages of material that would follow the title. However, the point of this beginning exercise is to sensitise me to the possibilities for both organisation and expression that the grid offers. We can creative as many more fields, using different type of font, typeface size / weight or grids is up to us, but the most important is to follow through the process of possibilities within each system. (‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002)
Example 2
Example 3
5 x 5 grid. 6.48, 24 and 35 pt. Myrial Pro.
5 x 5 grid. 6.48, 24 and 35 pt. Lucida Handwriting
Here, horizontal reading is stressed by extending the title on one line and connecting two levels of intormation in the type block. In example1, we connect the subtitle and the publisher. In example 2, we connect the tile and subtitle. 5 x 5 grid. 6.48, 24 and 35 pt. Tahoma
Creating Grids for text and Exercises
Learning Outcome
Working with text demands solutions that are less pictorial and more organic – coming more from within the text itself, and less from without.
‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002 is an amazing book which recommends from my tutor Sallyanne. This book analyses the basic principle and applications of type. It clearly shown what is grid and help me to understand the meaning of grid and how gird system works. It covers everything that I need to know and inspire me to develop and create more type of grid beyond this project. In this unit of grid I have quote and used different part of context and text from ‘A Type Primer’ by John Kane 2002 that I have already reference in different part of article.
Examine the horizontal relationship of white space to text. (
Determine vertical intervals. In the example shown above, these intervals grow out of the position of the type in relation to the top of the text page
We need to always remember when we set up out horizontal that the height of the gutter us determined by the leading of one line of text type.
In conclusion, I have learned that Gird is a system that relate to the use of type, text, images and spaces. Different type of exercises can help to understand better how I can use gird better and develop to complex but clear gird. These simple arrangement or exercises immediately shown organise the frameworks are very important also could be very simple. In my following pages I will use the pages size A3 (297 x 420 mm) horizontal. Approximate margins is 3 cm each side (left and right). Also I will apply the Folio and Running head / running foot rule which is title of unit, section of the unit and topic will sit outside the text page and always will sit on the top left of the page, the gird is 3 x 6, 14 pt Minion Pro for context and 18 pt (Bold Cond and underline)for Folio and Running head / running foot.
Postage Stamp Brief
Research Air Pollution
Brief B - World With Furture
Context / Concept
Design a set of stamps as means of encouraging consumers to make positive environmental changes and educate future generations with regards to energy conservation, low impact transport, zero carbon housing, and reducing water over consumption.
I have chosen to design a set of stamp of Brief B – World with a Future as I think this is very meaningful project. We are facing the biggest issue of the world which is global warming. Before I started this project I have asked myself few question to encourage me to find the light in this brief and make sure what would be my final outcome.
Much of the Royal Mail stamp programme commemorates the past – anniversaries of events and achievements, as well as birth dates of great individuals throughout history. This design brief is about looking forward; to making sure that our future is bright and that the resources of the planet are used responsibly. According to research by WWF, globally, people are using about 25% more natural resources than the planet can replace. In the UK, we consume three times our fair share of the earth’s natural resources. To continue on that path is not sustainable. The goal is to produce stamps that change the mindsets of the consumer to undertake practical activities for the future and think of innovative ways to optimise energy and reduce waste in our day –to- day lives. The mantra to employ should be reduce, then reuse and only then recycle. Explore aspects such as energy conservation low impact transport, eco-friendly products, zero-carbon housing, reducing water over-consumption, and educating the next generation for a stronger future. Use the stamp as a means of encouraging consumers to make changes from today onward.
Questions: 1: Who is the target audience? And why? Children over 6+, they are starting learn new things and try to understand how does the world works in reality, this wil be the best opportunity to educate the right knowledge of save the world with every little green.
I research and look into different type of online news paper / internet report about the pollution of London in 2011, from the beginning of this research I will fins out what is the biggest pollution that we are facing nowadays. Then I need to analysis all the information to conclude which issue that we need to deal with immediately. Last I will find out which solutions I think is the best for this project or I will like to use.
2: What is the important message you are going to show? Encouraging people to make positive environmental change and educate future generation. 3R – Reduce / Reuse / Recycle. 3: How are you going to educate future generation? I will show them about the problems of environment we have at the moment, also teach them how they can do things to change and save the world in positive way. 4: Where are you going to start this project? I will started of researching the local enrolment company and government activities, also will go out and see what damaged have we done in this generation, and what government have done to reduce the problems. 5: Why do we need to save the world? We all living in the same planet – the world and we all facing different pollutions and problem in the same time, so we must find a better solution to reduce the problems right now also start to educate the future generation to help stopping the issue we have. This is our own responsibility of this issue that we are facing.
The most powerful and easy solution to reduce the air pollution in London would be taking public transport such as Train, Tram, Tube, and Bus or on foot instead driving your own vehicle everyday. First of all, if you take public transport instead of driving will help you to save time as low risk to stuck in traffic and spend less money in petrol and gas. Mainly, it will decrease daily air pollution. Which is very beneficial for environment, our nature and us.
UK households produced 30.5 million tonnes of waste in 2003/04, of which 17% was collected for recycling (source: This figure is still quite low compared to some of our neighbouring EU countries, some recycling over 50% of their waste. There is still a great deal of waste which could be recycled that ends up in landfill sites which is harmful to the environment. - 24 million tonnes of aluminium is produced annually, 51,000 tonnes of which ends up as packaging in the UK. - Each UK family uses an average of 500 glass bottles and jars annually. - Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials. - 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are used annually in the UK. - 275,000 tonnes of plastic are used each year in the UK, that’s about 15 million bottles per day. st-pancras-station/ cmt2317/sr1017/finallondontour_finished/london_cycling_tour.html
Research of Wasted Water
Idea and concept
As the globe’s temperature rises and the earth’s weather patterns go haywire, water is quickly becoming a hot topic in the US and elsewhere. Floods are sweeping through new areas, while others are drying out faster than ever. We’ve long had the luxury of holding a cavalier attitude about the water we use, and more often than not that attitude has led us to unnecessary waste and pollution of our water.
I would like to create a set of stamp that will bring out our current environment issue, but educate my reader that need to face them positively and take action to stop it or slow it down. My reader / target is teenage ages between 10 – 18 as they are right ages to start realise what they can do to stop or continue this major pollution problems. There are two theme of my design that basic on green and blue theme which are cycling concept and water saving system.
Surprising facts on wasted water: 1. Americans now use 127 percent more water than we did in 1950.
2. About 95 percent of the water entering our homes goes down the drain. 3. Running the tap while brushing your teeth can waste 4 gallons of water. 4. Older toilets can use 3 gallons of clean water with every flush, while new toilets use as little as 1 gallon.
The Green Theme I would like to point out what can we do to reduce the air pollution issue such as taking public transport instead of driving your own vehicle; switch off unnecessary use of light or use energy saving light bowl; try our best to do 3R – reduce / reuse / recycle. Benefit of Recycle - Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled. - The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours. - The largest lake in the Britain could be filled with rubbish from the UK in 8 months. - On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish. - As much as 50% of waste in the average dustbin could be composted. - Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled. - 9 out of 10 people would recycle more if it were made easier.
The Blue Theme Water wasting is a major issue for many century, we must stop it; save water also save our bank account as wasting water equate wasting money and killing nature / future.
Process / Image making
Process / Image making - Save Water; Save Money / Piggy Bank
< http://londonglossy. com/2011/07/benefits-of-mineral-water/ >
< http://www.epacha. org/Pages/World_WaterDay_2010.aspx > windows/dolphin-screensavers-10/6579.htm
< blogs/ouch/2012/07/ are_people_with_autism_ drawn_t.html > tower-bridge-london-attraction
< http://www.psdgraphics. com/3d/pink-piggy-bank/
< http://wallpaperimages. org/broken-glass/broken-glass-115/ london_buses-heritage-routes-141105.htm
Final Outcome
Stamp - 1st Retake Research
My first stamp designed was unsuccessful as it is low content and very basic message that I can bring it into our audience, so I have create the second stage of Stamp project which inspired by the Tree of Life Web Project. The Tree of Life Web Project is a collection of information about biodiversity compiled collaboratively by hundreds of expert and amateur contributors. Its goal is to contain a page with pictures, text, and other information for every species and for each group of organisms, living or extinct. Connections between Tree of Life web pages follow phylogenetic branching patterns between groups of organisms.
Stamp - 1st Retake Concept / Processw
My concept is very simple and straight forward to delivery my message to my audience, which is what many animal in the world are live with tress and how would they be if they live without tress. There are so many animals live in trees as a safe place away from predators on the ground. Such as owl, monkey, snake, brides and squirrel etc. This new Stamp brief title is Tree of Lives I took two type of animal as my design object, which are Woodpecker and squirrel as they are cute and easy to sketch also they are well-done tress living animals. These design shown they will be homeless without tress, just like us cannot live without roof on our house. People shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be too selfish and over hunt tree just for our own good, animals need tress as much as we need it. It maybe takes one day to hunt down one tree but it could take ten year to grow a healthy tree; one tree maybe not enough to build us a house but one tree defiantly can let ten animal family to live together. We should rethink about it before we hunt down the next tree. mammals/leopard/
I might not always draw cartoon or info graphic but I have done many pencil and cartoon drawing before when I was in high school, fact I still do it in my free times. It is the quickest and easier way for me to finish my project and I have more control of the image body / object shapes. I choice to create new type of style of stamp project is because for the copy right and elements references etc. reason so I use my own draw, then it will not have any argue point of who has the original copy right. Last, it is much easier for me to draw then use Photoshop as I have more open creation and draw with my imagination.
In this unit, I will show people different type of my skill and organise some of my artworks that I have done in past group them into; Textile, Art and Design, Photography and Adobe Editing. The reason I put them into different groups is because I can see what is my stronger selling point in my portfolio, what kind of artwork that I enjoy the most and see which direction I am going to in graphic design industry. It helps me to set up my goal in future potential career. On the other hands it also point out which is my weakest point compare to others. All the following artworks had done by me, some of them did use in mu current project and some I used in high school, I have decided that I will not put any process of image making as this only show people what I am capable to do, not how I did it.
Art & Design Pencil Drawing
Photography Painting
Water Colour Painting
Photography - Fashion Shoot
Location: Herefordshire – Leominster Date: Summer 2011 Assistant: Charlie Urmstrong Model: Amy Lighting: Andy Stylist / Make Up Artist / Hair Stylist: Jason – Me Wardorbe Supplier: Georgina Painter Photographer: Jason – Me
Preperation / Research
Preperation / Test Shoot
Story Line: This story is my own creation of modern Cinderella Fairy tale story. Once upon a time, there is a girl called Queen who naturally born with white hair and scare everyone away since her born. As she had done something very wrong in her past life and now she has to pay back in this life. God punish her only allowed to see her prince who she loved the most once a year, the day after the moon has gone blue. This photo-shoot is telling us how excited Queen is and how to prepare to see her only love. ¬
I did not like the first hair style that I had done as I found its too messy and takes very long time to do the hair style. It doesn’t suit the model face shape and bone stretcher / angle, the major issue is I ran out of hair spray.
Preperation / 2nd Hair Style
Behind the scene
I loved this hairstyle as it easier to do it compare to the 1st hairstyle, also it looks very elegant and fresh. So I decided this will be my final hairstyle for the shoot. The little girl in the image is Elle who let me practices the hair style I want on her.
Finaly Outcome
Photography - Fashion Shoot
The Super Women
The Super Women This is a location shoot. Location: Brick Lane London Date: Summer 2011 Model: Katy (Top) / Nina (Mid) / Kathrin (Bottom) MUA: Tyron Joo Stylist: Jason – Me Wardrobe Supplier: Models’ Photographer: Jason – Me Story Line
Where is my Prince?
I am excited, I want to dance.
This shoot is basic on the feminine / Women movement. I have studied women movement in my C.S. study and I found its very interesting that how women play role has changed so much since the world war. Women have become more confidence and independent in their own way also very strong in many different ways such as career wise, social and politics wise. I had found difference nationality and race models to take this photo shoot / play role. They have individual personality and attitude, its perfect for the shoot that they express what’s strong and modern women mean to them and present on their own way in front of the camera.
I am tired, I need to sit down but still look good
Where is my Prince? I am waiting for you.
It is difficult to work with natural environment as there are no set up or any element for model to play / work with, they can only use the beauty / shape of body as shooting material. Styling Test Shoot Location: Epsom Down Date: Summer 2010 Model: Jack (UCA Student) / Damien MUA / Hair Stylist / Stylist / Wardrobe Supplier: Jason – Me Photographer: Jason – Me This Shoot is testing the use of natural light and mainly my styling skill as I was going to start a F.P.I part time course and needed people co. op with me to build up my Portfolio.
I see him!
Here I come!
However, I found it quite difficult to work with male model as they are intension to their body movie and pose, also they are quite poor in facial expression but it is a styling test shoot so those issue do not effect a lot of the result.
Styling Test Shoot
I am very thankful and happy that I have given the LAST chance for my submission. I was down for a while as I gave up on myself that I think I couldn’t do art anymore as I personal think I am no good at it at all. However, I found my positive motivation when I was looking back to my high school art works that reminds me how much I loved art and why I choice art. I have read the feedback sheet over and over again to understand what element I was missing in the past submission, and I understand that I did not fully understand what grid means and how it really works, after reading ‘A Type Primer’ By John Kane that recommend by Sallyanne, I have learned so much about Type and Grid systems. Also I did not do well with references in my last submission either, that is why cost some confusion. I did not use another people’s artworks and its all done by me, a part from some images that I used from
The problem with my photography works that cost some questions last time that I can explain, I have co. op with different people in some of my photo shoot such as Make Up artist and Wardrobe Supplier. I was the only photographer who takes photo, select image and edits final outcomes. Maybe I haven’t shown what did I do in high school or what’s my interested in university or classes but it does not mean I cannot do some skills. Perhaps I should of share more when I was in university.
I have changed my cover design again to a very simple cover that I have done with pen and paper with grids. I only want to bring out the direct and very simple message of my name, course title and course unit to reader. (Accessed March 2012)
In conclusion, I admit that I am a slow learner as often I miss understood the brief or sometime I have problems with my English communication / understanding. I had tried again to do whatever I can to gain 3 more marks, the most important thing is I have learn that no pain no gain, I might be missed out the graduation ceremony but I know why I weren’t there because I am not good enough for it. Only knowledge can make people rice and happy, I now feel happier than before.
“A Type Primer” by John Kane 2002, Laurence King Publishing, UK. Website (Accessed 7th March 2012) (Accessed 7th March 2012) (Accessed March 2012) (Accessed March 2012)