The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee festivities this summer marks one of a number of noble commemorations this year, says historian David Cannadine. 2012 is a year that all British need to remember. There are so many reasons why 2012 is a remarkable year for us. First of few months ago, the 5th of February saw the anniversary of the dead of King George VI, and the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne, inaugurating the Diamond Jubilee celebrations that will culminate during the first week of June. Secondly, in part because the Queen will be only the second of England monarchs, along with Victoria, to have celebrated both a Diamond and a Golden Jubilee. She will be the only on of England sovereigns ever to have celebrated a Sliver Jubilee as well. Last but not the least, the 2012 Summer Olympic Games will take place in Great Britain, which is the 3rd time of Great Britain being host city since 1908 and 1948. I am very interested in the culture of England as it is completely difference compare to where I come from originally – Hong Kong. We have not sovereigns at all in our Hong Kong history but there are not many good sovereigns in our China history anyway. However there are many good and bad News about the Queen of England Elizabeth II as it got me think is the Queen are real hero or she has secret to hide behind the paparazzi? This project would allow me to discover the truth story of Royal Family with my research and find out how much do we really know about our beloved Queen of England Elizabeth II? I will try express my personal feeling and thought directly of her Majesty the Queen throw out my artworks, also allow my audience to think or re think deeply of the Royal Family, perhaps I can change their behaviour without communicate with them in personal and let them to realise and see things differently of the England monarchs as well.
1. Concept 2. The history of England – This is England 3. The British Royal Family - Buckingham Palace - The British Royal Family Tress - The Queen Elizabeth II 4. Religion in England - Queen’s Religion - The Church of England – St Paul’s Cathedral - God Save the Queen - The Queen of England and Pope - Freedom of Religion 5. Point of viewing - Diana’s Dead - Queen’s Beloved - This is England 6. Her Majesty the Queen’s Mission - Symbol of Tower Bridge - We’ve been watched 7. Final judgement 8. Evaluation / Conclusion 9. References
The Queen Elizabeth II >
The Duke Of Edinburgh >
The Prince of Wales >
< The Duchess Of Wales
The Duchess of Cornwall >
The Duke of Cambridge >
The Duchess of Cambridge >
< Prince Harry
The Queen meets Pope John XXIII (5 May 1961)
The Queen meets Pope John Paul II (17 October 1980)
The Queen meets Pope John Paul II (28 May 1982)
The Queen meets Pope John Paul II (17 October 2000)
The Queen meets Pope Benedict (16 September 2010)
Relationship between British Royal Family and the Pope Originally they were close and Henry 8th became defender of the faith. Then the pope wouldn’t let him get divorced as he was being held hostage by other European powers. Henry got annoyed and declared himself head of his own church in order to get the divorce. Since then the King of Queen has always been head of the Church of England as the pope is head of the Roman Catholic Church and they are therefore rivals for supporters. The queen did sit with Pope Benedict when he visited but this has been the first time in long time - the pope excommunicated most British monarchs, so relationships weren’t good. Now they all have atheists to contend with so they are costing up to one another.
The Queen did make a public announcement that She will stand up to Pope Benedict after his first visit in a long time. However, The Queen maybe stood up to Pope but then why would she invited Pope to visit England at first place? Also how could she let taxpayer paid for all Pope’s expends in UK and all those unnecessary protection? If we think deeply, the queen and the pope do both believe in the same religion, the only difference is the queen and the pope both are a head of their own individual religion Organisation after all. The queen was playing kind in front of the media but how much did she doubt of the pope speech? And what did she actually do to help out those children abused by Catholic Priests. This got me think the Queen perhaps was secretly supporting the Pope, and the pope was somehow controlling the Queen’s play role as the Church of England.
There are so many people have the same doubt as me that what is the real relationship between the Queen and the Pope? I found two images of ‘the Queen as Pope’ and ‘The pope as Queen’ on These images cleverly see people do confuse about the religion concept and who has the control of the power of Christian.
July 1961 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 31 August 1997