Semex’s Reproductive Link FA L L 2 0 1 1
In this issue: ai24™ Getting More Pregnancies at Majestic View Dairy LLC Activity Monitoring System Researcher, ‘This is the right way’ Analyzing Semen Key To High Fertility & Quality More Heifers = More Profit With SEMEXX™
ai24™: Getting More Pregnancies At Majestic-View
Brenda Lee-Turner, Semex Marketing Communications Specialist Sarah Johnsen and Amanda Abing say the decision to install ai24™ on their 900-cow Majestic-View Dairy LLC was based on longterm savings.
“It (ai24™) just tells you who to breed,” says Amanda. “We didn’t have trouble breeding them before… It was finding them.”
Working side-by-side together as herdsmen on this family-run, 900-cow dairy for three years, these sisters know their dairying. Growing up they both were integral parts of the operation, caring for calves and covering milkings. After attending technical colleges to beef up their dairy knowledge and experience, they eventually came back to work together on the dairy their parents, Ron and Terri Abing, own in partnership with John Haskins.
The ai24™ system utilizes infrared technology to collect activity information on the cows in the herd to determine normal activity levels. Once this base has been established, the control unit identifies cows that are displaying above average or below average activity.
With 16 fulltime and 16 part-time employees, 1500 acres of corn and 1000 acres of alfalfa to manage, this dairy has to be efficient. Semex Representatives Chris Sheahan and Dan Ambort were the first to approach them about the advantages of the ai24™’s heat detection system. “We did the math on the savings and presented it to the family,” says Amanda. “Then we visited Cam-Kal-Car Dairy in Browntown, WI, and our parents agreed.” Since installing ai24™ in January 2010, the dairy has realized very real savings. “Our expectation was to cut back on shots,” says Sarah. “And we had already gone to tail chalking instead of the 100% shot protocol the previous herdsman had been using.” “Now, we’re saving $17,000 a year,” says Amanda. “We’ve gone from 50% shots down to 25%.” “And, we eliminated one AI technician all together this year,” adds Sarah. “This (ai24™) really takes the thought out of breeding. And, we can actually take a day off now! The breeder just goes to the printer and uses the list. It’s so reliable.”
More than just counting steps, the ai24™ tag calculates movement intensity including rubbing between cows, body movements and unusual behavior like additional head and neck movements that are also indicators of estrus. The information is recorded and monitored in the neck tag placed on the cow every two hours and stored for 24 hours.
at 62% pregnant and 12% open after 150 days – the number of pregnancies has gone up. Because of that and the new sand bedding, we’ve been able to sell cows and get more income.” “People ask us about getting rid of shots and debate other systems out there,” Amanda says. “SCR (manufacturer) convinced us that it’s the better system and they’re always working with us. The support we get from SCR, Micro and Semex is hard to beat, and we know the battery life is 7-10 years. I wouldn’t want to try anything else.” “Once this system is paid off, it’s paid off,” says Sarah. “You don’t have to keep buying it – it will save us $17,000 or more every year.”
Sarah adds, “We tell people to look into your bills. What does it Sarah Johnsen and Amanda Abing, cost you for CIDRs, and re-synch? Majestic View Dairy LLC, Lancaster, WI And then, what will it save you to get them pregnant sooner and have more replacements. We did that. We When the cow passes under the ID station, know this system works.” during each of the three milking shifts at Majestic-View, the tag is triggered to send the data back to the control box.
This information is available for the dairy to view in a graphical display for up to 60 days, showing the user the cow’s behavior in the last two cycles. THE RESULTS Besides their financial returns, these sisters have seen increases in their reproduction records. “During a six month time frame we increased our pregnancy rate by 4%,” commented Sarah. “Our conception rate hasn’t changed a lot, but we’re getting more cows pregnant. We’ve been
With the ai24™ system, new protocols and sand bedding, the Majestic-View cows have never been healthier or the dairy more efficient. In fact, this dairy has become so efficient that Amanda has taken a job as a herdsman at another dairy, reducing the labor at MajesticView even further. Part-time herdsman Nicki Wetter is moving into a fulltime role working with Sarah. “I’m not going to miss her too much,” jokes Sarah. “Now we can actually have the same days off and compare notes between the dairies!”
Just like on the dairy, every dose counts at Semex. We work hard to ensure that each and every dose stamped with the 200 stud code is the very best product available, from the bull to the farm tank. Semex’s focused and dedicated staff prides itself on exceeding industry standards for sire care, laboratory, warehouse and transportation services. This commitment to excellence and belief that every dose counts, guarantees that Semex sires are the most reliable, fertile and profitable choice for dairymen everywhere.
Focus on Fertility Call (877) 545-ai24 or visit