Semex Beef Up is a program designed with the beef buyer, and your beef premiums, in mind by supplying the market with quality beef calves. Beef buyers, feedlots and packers are highly satisfied with the overall product consistency, carcass traits, daily gains, feed efficiency, ribeye area and marbling quality.
Semex maintains a top-level internal product development program with partner ranches to help develop the core strength of the Beef Up lineup. If you look across the industry on the Top Dollar rankings, Semex Angus are setting new benchmarks and the gap is widening. If you’re looking for beef with an upgrade, then Beef Up is the product for you.
With the rise of sexed semen on dairies, genetic strategies via Semex Elevate® can

be used to manage heifer inventories and capitalize on the opportunities presented with beef calves. The market demands more than just a black calf. An important part of the Semex Beef Up program is our recognition of the importance for high fertility with Semex’s Fertility First™ program. And calving ease is certainly an important component when mating to beef bulls. But more than that, our Beef Up sires are chosen with a focus on carcass and yield grade, with your profitability and efficiency in mind. We use Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) figures to ensure the traits you need are delivered.
Beef Up genetics combined with best practices for raising beef calves will increase uniformity and drive your profits.
Which Beef Up Breed Is Best For Your Dairy?

• Calving ease, smaller birth weights
• Marbling/carcass quality, less ‘visual’ muscling

• Efficient growth, fatten faster
• Largest sire portfolio to choose from
• Meets beef production chain needs
• Popular with Holsteins, beef embryos for Jerseys
• Adds mostly ribeye and muscle
• Rapid growth – sell early
• Less calving ease – increased birth weight
• Calves not black
• Popular with Jerseys
• Simmental/Angus hybrid
• Weight gain, muscling, carcass yield
• Efficient growth
• Ribeye area
• Popular with Holsteins and Jerseys
• Limousin/Angus hybrid • Calving Ease
• Low birth weight • Smaller frame • Strong performance • Probable black calves
• Adds marbling
• Popular with Holsteins and Jerseys
• High marbling
• Grade higher on average
• CoA genotyping - AA desired for lower fat melting point
• Rich, beefy flavor
At Semex, we have one job to do… Help our clients be profitable. And, in all things bovine, the key to profitability is getting cows in calf.
Our Beef Up sires are carefully chosen as those highest in fertility based on internal testing that is verified in realtime from our clients worldwide.
Research supports the advantages of Semex’s Beef Up sires. A large US dairy producing 2,000 beef calves per year was used as the study group to track and measure all parameters from birth to calf grower to feedlot to packer. The purpose was to better understand the real value from higher EPDs in performance and quality traits in the calves produced.
Male calves had significant advantages in birth weight, days to slaughter and average daily gains providing $209 on average greater value compared to female calves even though female calves had an advantage in fat thickness, ribeye area and marbling.
Correlations between phenotypes and EPDs are strong, especially for Days to Slaughter -0.8

Birth Weight +0.7 Average Daily Gain +0.7 Marbling +0.5


Precision tools are invaluable for dairy producers to make the most effective decisions on which animals to breed beef/dairy/sexed/ IVF to maximize the potential return for your dairy. Every dairy is different so tailored solutions that meet your needs and maximize your specific situation is what’s needed. Semex Elevate® is hands down the most advanced tool in the industry for establishing your female selection strategy. Elevate helps you:
- Determine the number of herd replacements required.
- Set your profit return as the item to be maximized and discover your custom solution that provides the optimal strategy with the greatest return for your dairy.
- Genomic test your females to get more accurate estimates of merit/potential for better decision making.
- Mate your highest genetic females to sexed or IVF/ET to get more elite heifers from your very best females.
- Find the optimal strategy for mating beef on dairy to maximize the beef premiums available and still satisfy all of the needs of your dairy.