Brand Style Guide A style guide to ensure the effective use of Mega-Lite’s new brand identity, enforcing corporate design standards in print, web, media, promotional material and corporate goods as developed by Brand Shepherd 2012
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Brand Essence /
establishing the brand positioning in terms of visual communication, identity & strategy
Logo Design /
showcasing the logo design in its full capacity, breaking down each element of the design
Colour Profiles /
presenting the brand colours with true values & appropriate complimentary colour application
Typeface /
break down of brand’s typeface regarding appropriate application for print, web & media
Brand Abuse /
setting the brand parameters and regulations in terms of appropriate usage of logo’s and images
15 17 21 25 28
Stationary Design /
examples of appropriate brand representation in corporate stationary and in-house printwork
Advertising /
examples of appropriate brand representation in advertising and published printwork
Media & Web /
examples of appropriate brand usage for online advertising and published media
Corporate Goods /
examples of appropriate brand representation in corporate goods, packaging and gifts
Quick Guide /
quick refence for graphic and web designers, plus contact references for brand developers
Brand Essence Understanding The Brand / Mega-Lite is a company with a rich background and strong market share positioning. The company was founded by Swiss Engineer & Entrepreneur Rolf Keller, in the late 80s. Mega-Lite has always shown its strengths through quality manufacturing, precision engineering and forward thinking design. Mega-Lite has also maintained a powerful reputation in the commercial luminaire industry, as a strong market leader. Mega-Lite is proud to be a South African company, that strengthens local production, enhances skills training and helps to develop the domestic manufacturing industry.
Defining Uniqueness / Mega-Lite produces quality products that speaks equal amounts Swiss precision and South African engineering. 03
Mega-Lites’ key visual communications thus focuses on presenting everything that is indicative of: Quality, minimalism, boldness, precision, engineering, forward thinking, movement, strength, power, position, effectivity, leadership, wisdom, good practice, strong relationships and national pride.
Visual Translation / In order to showcase all of these components in Mega-Lites’ brand identity, elements of both Swiss and South African graphic communication were used to ensure a strong and true representation of the brand. Mega-Lites’ products in terms of visual perception, speaks stronger in Germanic / Swiss design influence than that of related South African industrial design. Thus 60% of the brand positioning relates to a Germanic /Swiss influence and 40% of Anglo-Dutch / South African.
Swiss Element / Swiss design is often seen as German designs’ closest neighbour, due to their similarities in typography use, bold features, minimalism and spacial layout. However, for the most part Swiss design is generally lighter in look and feel, gentler in its visual approach and more subtle in colour use. Swiss design is also well-known to be more photographic, and makes use of rythmic elements through the placement of abstract geometric shapes with minimal repitition and the juxtapositioning of semi-transparant shapes and type. These features help to create a perception of movement and innovation. Another Swiss element that was used is that of the Helvetica typeface family, a very popular and strong font design.
Swiss typeface strategies are known for a youthful asthetic and strong structure lines, showcasing: minimalism, modernism and true style.
Germanic Influence / German design has always stood boldly above its European counterparts, with key focuses on minilism, boldness, precision and power: Boldness was translated visually with the use of bold black type, strong lines and stark features. Minimalism was achieved through the use of large negative spaces, isolated images and cleanliness in design elements. Through alignment and spacing techniques we created precision aesthetics in conjunction with thin construction lines and classic geometric shapes.
South African Image / The majority of the South African design history was developed on a rich background of Anglo-Dutch influences, thus complimenting the previously mentioned European influences of Swiss & Germanic design very well. South African design is much more casual and known to evoke an emotional appeal, it is often perceived as young and fun for its rich colour use. However in contrast, a lot of South African design is also known for its technical structure and rythmic patterning. The design features encorporated from South African influnces is that of lowercase type, rounded objects, emotion evoking photography, colourful accent colours, repetitive patterns and the use of rythmic constrution lines.
Power was communicated through the use of strong colours such as blacks and reds with white spaces surrendering to its strength. 04
Logo Design The Break Drown / The Mega-Lite logo comprises of three main elements: 1. The Emblem: two circles, one opague in black, showing strentgh and steadfastness and representing an immovable foundation. The second semi-transparent and in red, shows movement and power: representing light and innovation. 2. The Title: the typeface chosen for the Mega-Lite logo is Helvetica Nue, a modern adaptation of the popular Swiss font Helvetica.
For the logo title, the type is presented in opague black, uppercase in Helvetica Nue / Regular. Representing: technical precision, structure, modernism and minimalism in design. 3. The Slogan: typeface chosen for the slogan is Helvetica Nue / Regular in opague white, all uppercase, to strengthen structure of the main title. The slogan is further supported by a text block in opague red, to reiterate strength and power alongside the emblem.
Full Colour Logo /
Negative Logo /
Black: circle and text hex: #000000 opacity: 100%
White: circle and text hex: #FFFFFF opacity: 100%
Red: circle hex: #990000 opacity: 80%
White: circle hex: #E6E7E8 opacity: 80%
Red: text block hex: #990000 opacity: 100%
White: text block hex: #E6E7E8 opacity: 100%
Grayscale Logo / Black: circle and text hex: #000000 opacity: 100% Gray: circle hex: #4C4D4D opacity: 80% Gray: text block hex: #4C4D4D opacity: 100%
Full Colour Logo / Should be used in all instances where the brand is formally represented. This Logo may only be used on a white or light grayscale background.
Grayscale Logo / May be used for fax documents, one colour print options and in creative design where needed. This Logo may only be used on a white or light grayscale background.
Negative Logo / May be used in creative design where needed. This Logo may be used on a dark, coloured or dark grayscale background.
Colour Profiles The Brand Colours / The Mega-Lite brand has four colour phases. A Phase Panel: The colours in this phase are the core brand colours associated with the brand logo and is to be used wherever the brand is presented whether in print, media, gifting or for web use. The only time this colour profile may be void is when the negative or grayscale colour set is used to represent the logo, which may only happen with the designing of creative print, media or web or any informal design work.
However, when the company is formally represented in stationary, legal printwork, core brand advertising, etcetera, only A Phase are allowed. A Phase colours may only be used on a white or grayscale background. B Phase Panel: The colours in this range are the grayscale and negative additions, it may be also be used as accent colours to the A Phase colour panel. B Phase colours may only be used on a white or grayscale background and should generally be used in conjunction with the A Phase panel.
C Phase Panel: The colours in this phase are the core accent colours associated with the Mega-Lite Red #990000 and is to be used wherever the brand is presented creatively in print, media, gifting or for web use. This phase is a secondary colour profile and should not be allowed for use in formal brand representation such as stationary, legal printwork or core brand advertising. D Phase Panel: These colours are tertiary accents to the C Phase panel and may only be used in conjunction with the C Phase panel, as supporting colour combinations.
a b
Phase Panel / 1
Hex Values /
Phase Panel / 7
Phase Panel / 5
Phase Panel /
1. # 000000 2. # 990000 3. # FFFFFF 4. # 4C4D4D 5. # 4C4D4D @80% 6. # F1F3F4 7. # CC5C5C 8. # CC3333 9. # BD2F7F 10. # 7B0045 11. # 50002D 12. # BD5590 13. # 630000 14. # 731D1D 15. # 2BADAD 16. # 005C5C 17. # 003C3C 18. # 4EADAD 19. # 994500 20. # CC7833 21. # 95C732 22. # 5F8F00 23. # 506B1B 24. # A2C75A
Aa 11
Helvetica Nue / Light This is the main typeface used for all body text, data and contact details. If Helvetica Nue / Light is not available it may be substituted with Helvetica / Light.
Helvetica Nue / Bold This is the feature typeface used for all headings and sub-headings. If Helvetica Nue / Bold is not available it may be substituted with Helvetica / Bold.
Brand Abuse Rules And Regulations / The following incorrect uses of colour and logos are strictly not allowed and has the potential to tarnish the brand identity.
x x
x x 14
Stationary Design
Advertising Grayscale Left / Example of grayscale full page ad with true brand colours, (A-Phase Profile). Provide web address and Logo only.
Grayscale Right / Example of grayscale half page photo, with text Use A-Phase & B-Phase Profile. Provide web address and Logo, with image and copy as featured content. Use negative space to full advantage. 17
Full Colour Left / Example of full colour as with use D-Phase Profile to ensure correct colour use. Provide contact info & feature copy content on accent colour circle. Logo has to be presented on a white background, see page 06
Full Colour Right / Example of full colour half page photo, with text use D-Phase Profile to ensure correct colour use. Feature image and copy and use negative space to full advantage. 18
Grayscale Left / Example of grayscale full page ad with Accent colours and no logo representation. Use D-Phase Profile. Feature web address and copy.
Trifold Right / Example of DL Trifold Flyer, Design DL Flyer in Lanscape only to match brand perception. Ensure true brand representation on first sight by using A-Phase Profile Allow for effective design of contact information. 19
Trifold Outer / Example of open DL Trifold Flyer, hidden fold to match inner leaflet - if in colour use D-Phase Panel. Allow for bold lowercase type. Stay true to Brand Identity.
Trifold Inner / Example of open DL Trifold Flyer, use D-Phase Panel, remain within the same hue percentage if branching out of the prescribed profile. Allow for bold lowercase type. Stay true to Brand Identity. 20
Media & Web
Corporate Goods
References A quick reference guide for printers, designers, staff and marketers to provide a shortcut to the most common design queries, as well as contact info of the developers.
Quick Guide 1. Mega-Lite Logo / page 05
4. Brand Developers / page 28 Brand concept & development by [ B 速AND SHEPHERD ] For any urgent branding or design queries contact us at
5. Working Files / On Disc
2. Colour Profiles / page 09 True brand colurs & appropriate accents Note: Only colours in these hues may be used.
3. Typeface / page 11
An in-house dvd disc is available containing all original working files, fonts & links. Please contact the Mega-Lite staff member in charge of marketing & adverstising. Mega-Lite contact info: T + 27 21 797 8487 F + 27 21 797 0251 E W
Headings and Featured content: Helvetica Nue TTF / Bold Main content & Body Text: Helvetica Nue TTF / Light 28
Brand Developers 1. Branding Agency / Brand Shepherd is a dynamic strategic marketing, branding and communications agency, situated in Cape Town. With a keen focus on Brand development and guidance and creating a on stop shop for all marketing and branding related projects, from research, to concept, to design for media, print and web. Along with PR, strategic marketing and social media marketing.
3. Account Executive / Sven Watlington [ ]
4. Creative Director / Mariechen Du Plessis [ ]
5. Managing Director / Dylan Cromhout [ ]
2. Contact Info / Brand Shepherd contact details: T + 27 21 697 4342 M + 27 72 625 1010 E W
6. Photography & Printing / Outsourced by Brand Shepherd please contact us at for more details.
Developed & Designed by Brand Shepherd Pty Ltd 2012