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2014Pos tShow Shor tRepor t

Mar c h18– 20,2014 SNI EC,Shanghai ,Chi na

I t em

Ac t ual

Tot a l Vi s i t or s

4 3 , 4 4 1 ( I nc.50count r i esandr egi ons)

Tot a l E x h i b i t or s

9 4 1 ( I nc.142FPDexhi bi t or s)

Tot a l Nu mb e rofBoot h s

2 , 5 8 8(Inc.381FPDbooths)

Tot a l Ar e aOc c u p i e d( s q . m)

6 1 , 7 0 0(Inc.30countriesandregions‘exhibitors.)

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