FC11 Application Guidelines

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FPD China 2011 EXHIBIT SPACE APPLICATION GUIDELINES The following information corresponds to each section of the application. Please refer to this page when completing the application. Check off the box when each section is complete.

Section 1.

EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION Provide contact information in order to receive all exhibitor mailings and information related to FPD China 2011. This address and contact person will receive all material relating to the coordination of the booth space. To request for another person to receive email updates please see the Special Request Form on Page 3. • No PO Boxes please. • Please complete the Contact Information with a full name as well as a mailing address, phone, fax and email so we may contact you with relevant exhibit information throughout the year.

BOOTH PREFERENCE Provide the number of decorated or raw booths you would like as well as the preferred configuration. SEMI will do their best to accommodate your configuration request, but we cannot guarantee it will be available at your assignment time. For your configuration request, please number your requests in order of preference (1, 2, 3). Make any special requests (e.g. corner location) on the Special Request Form on Page 3. Definitions of configurations are below: •

Inline (linear): One or more standard (3m x 3m) booth units in a straight line.

Peninsula (minimum of 4 booths): A minimum depth of 6m and a back wall area of 6m. A peninsula has 3 sides open to the aisle.

Island (minimum of 6 booths): A minimum configuration of 6x9m with 4 sides open to the aisles. TOP VIEW

Aisle 6m


Peninsula Booth 12 m

Inline / Linear Booths 9m

Island Booth


Section 2.



Aisle 3m 3m

(cont’d on next page)


Sections 3&4. BOOTH COST AND PAYMENT Using the booth cost per square meter from Section 3, calculate your total booth fees and enter the amount in Section 4. A 50% deposit is required with the application. The application acts as your official invoice for the deposit. Should you require an invoice to be generated to assist in your payment arrangements, please contact SEMI immediately. Booth space will not be assigned without the appropriate deposit payment being made. Use the enclosed Payment Information Form on Page 4 for clarification on the different payment options.

Section 5.

SIGNATURE By signing the application, you agree to abide by exposition rules and regulations as defined in the Exhibitor Services Manual, memos issued prior to the show, and terms printed on page two of the Application / Contract for Exhibit Space. Applications / Contracts received without a signature will not be accepted.


A – Exhibitor Services Manuals: There is No hard copy or CD-ROM of Exhibitor Services Manuals available in 2011. On-line Exhibitor Services Manuals will be published on the FPD China 2011 official website later. We will notify you by the Exhibitor Update as soon as it’s ready. You may visit and download the Exhibitor Services Manuals at www.fpdchina.org.

B – Visitor Registration Invitation: Indicate the quantity of visitor registration invitation you would like to send out to invite your customers and peers as part of your company’s pre- show promotion. They are invited to visit your company’s booth at FPD China 2011and enjoy the benefits as pre-register.

C – Competitors: List any competitors you do not want to be located next to; only primary exhibitors will be checked.

D – Booth Location/Specification: List your preferred booth locations, halls, etc.

E – Additional Contact Person: List the person additional to the main contact person on Page 1 to receive the updates.


FPD China 2011 申请表填写指南 下属信息对应于填写申请表的各个步骤。 请参照本指南填写申请表。




参展公司信息 请提供联系信息,以便我们向您发送有关本次展览及研讨会(FPD China 2011)的重要通知及相关信息。有 关展位安排及展览筹备过程中的所有资料将按所填写的邮件地址及联系人进行发送。如需付款信息或由其他 人员来接收最新邮件,请参见第 3 页特殊要求表。 • 请勿填写邮政信箱。 • 请填写下述联系信息:姓名、地址、电话、传真、电子信箱,以便于我们向您提供展会相关信息。


展位类型选择 请提供您所期望的标准展位或光地展位的数量以及您希望的展位类型。SEMI 将尽全力满足您的此类要求, 但我们无法保证在划分展位时一定能按您选择的类型给予分配。 请按照您的喜好将您的要求逐一编号(1、2、3)。请在第 3 页的特殊要求表中填写特殊要求(如:转角展 位)。各展位类型说明如下:

直线型 : 一个或多个标准(3m x 3m)展位位于一条直线上。

半岛形(至少 4 个展位): 宽度和深度至少为 6 米,三面朝向走道开口。

岛屿形(至少 8 个展位): 最小面积 6m x 12m,四面朝向走道开口。 俯视 图

走道 6m

半岛形展 区 12 m

岛屿形展 区




直线 形展 区 9m


走道 3m 3m


展位价格及付款方式 在第 3 步请使用展位每平方米的单价乘以面积来计算您总展区的费用,然后把上述金额填入第 4 步。申请时 需支付 50%的订金,申请表即为定金的形式发票。如需正式发票以安排付款,请尽快联系 SEMI。我们只有 在收到展位订金后才会为您安排展区。 另外,请在第 4 页的付款信息表上填写付款方式。




签名 在申请表上签名或盖章,即表明您同意遵守以下文件中的展会规则及规定:展商服务指南、展会 前发布的备忘录、申请表第 2 页上的条款/展区合同。无签名的申请表或合同将不予接收。

第 3 页特殊要求表 •

A – 展商服务手册:今年我们将不再提供印刷版本和光盘版本的展商服务手册。在线展商服 务手册稍后将在 FPD China 2011 展览官方网站公布,正式公布后我们将通过参展商快讯通知 您,您可登陆展览网站 www.fpdchina.org,浏览及下载展商服务手册。

B – 观众登记邀请函:请您填写您需要由 SEMI 免费提供的观众登记邀请函数量,以便您将此 邀请函作为您展前宣传的一部分,寄送给您的客户和同行,邀请他们参观贵司在 FPD China 2011 上的展位,并登记成为优先观众享受多项服务。

C – 竞争对手:列出您不愿与之相邻的竞争者;在此部分我们仅核查主展商。

D – 展位要求:列出您对展位位置和特征的要求,如所偏爱的展区位置、展厅以及其他要 求。

E – 其他联系人:列出第 1 页上的联系人以外的人员,确保他们也能及时收到相关信息。

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