Web Development Security Tips to Prevent Your Website to be Hacked

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5 Web Development Security Tips to Prevent Your Website from Being Hacked Everyone who has ever thought of getting a website made comes across this issue, and yet people mostly have misconceptions about web development security. People think websites can easily be hacked to steal data and phishing people, but with the right guidance, you can easily secure your website from hackers. There are various techniques to secure your website against hackers, and most of them are easily implementable. With this quick guide, you will be able to completely secure your website against hackers.

Things get tricky but are simple enough for anyone to implement. A top web development company will get things done on their own, but it is always good to know things for yourself. Especially, if things concern your users’ data and privacy, it is very necessary to implement a bulletproof web development security system for your website or web app. One more reason that you need to know these tricks is the fact that it is you who have to guide your users about these security tips.

Let’s get things into perspective, point by point.

Here are the 5 common web development security mistakes that can lead to a website being hacked:

1. Make sure the passwords are secure Whenever a new user joins your network, make sure they set a strong password. You can easily implement conditions for web development security that a user needs to fulfill for setting up their password, it can include conditions like using a special character, upper case letter, and more. Things get difficult for hackers when the password is actually strong.

Common passwords like qwerty123 and 123456 are easily thinkable and such accounts can easily be hacked. Most users believe that a simple password will be easier to remember, but it usually ends up being guessable. For you as the website owner, it is a priority to keep the users safe. Even if the users want to set a simple password, you can put in conditions discussed above to make sure that the password is uncrackable. As a website/web app owner, it is your responsibility to get a failsafe server and database where you store user password. If a leak happens on your side, data of every user can be compromised and your reputation will stoop as low. In the time where the internet holds most important, data privacy is a very complicated affair. To make your website a success, you need to take care of privacy at all costs.

2. TLS, SSL, and HTTPS A lot can happen in the data transfer layer, hackers can steal confidential data and information, while it’s in there. That’s why on the internet, it is so important to secure the data while it’s being transferred. SSL is a secure socket layer and was the gold standard for securing the transfer lines and the data that flows. SSL is encryption which uses different algorithms to scramble data and put it back together at the other end, making it impossible for hackers to steal or read data while in transmission. TLS is the advanced version of SSL, it boasts better encryption algorithms. It has a lot of advancements over SSL, such as stronger authentication, key generations, and better encryption algorithms. TLS also boasts a special protocol for key sharing, the TLS protocol specification defines two layers. The TLS record protocol ensures connection security, and the TLS handshake protocol enables the client and the server to authenticate each other, and to negotiate security keys before transmitting data.

HTTPS is also called HTTP upon TLS and formerly was HTTP upon SSL. Since the advancements that led the world to switch to TLS, everyone now uses HTTP upon TLS. HTTPS was primarily used for transactions that involved money, as there was a dire need of securing payments over the WWW. With advancements of the internet and people moving their whole lives online, HTPPS is now being used to secure user data and credentials, as we all know the most valuable thing in the world right now, is personal data. Securing the data transfer layer isn’t a must, but it can save your website from many potential threats which could leak important data. Invest in security protocols for a better UX and people coming back to your website in good faith.

3. File permissions Small companies may not be too sure about it, but file permissions play a very big part in securing your website against hackers. A good website development company knows how a single file can enable a hacker to steal all your website’s data and wreak havoc. File permissions are simple, a file has 4 permissions Read = 4| Write = 2 | Execute = 1 | No permission = 0

All these permissions can decide what a user can do with a file, the maximum permissions are 777 for a file, which means a user, a group, and everyone else, can read, write, and execute the file. The lowest permission is 000, which states the user, a group, and none other, can neither read, nor write, nor execute the file.

4. Forms No matter your business niche, you are going to need forms on your websites. There are numerous ways a hacker can wreck your website using forms. Implementing simple CRSF tokens can help eliminate cross-site scripting, which is in simple words a malicious site trying to run a script on your browser in their favor. CRSF tokens add another layer of security which through which a token is generated for every transaction, meaning no one will be able to know the script for that time to hijack a transaction. This will lead to a complete stop upon such malicious sites and ensure no cross-site scripting can be done by a hacker. Read also: Top PHP web development trends

5. Phishing While making a website, you can include various elements which can prevent phishing cases in the future. But the important things include a design which can be easily identified if being tampered and used elsewhere. This way anyone can easily identify a website made by a good web development company, the same way your users can identify if your website is authentic or fake if you maintain a minimum standard for design. Phishing can also be easily avoided by using HTTPS, it can only be obtained by websites which are authentic. But at the end, it’s you who need to teach your users things that phishers cant copy.

Conclusion The main reason it is important for privacy to come first in your plan is the fact that the world runs upon it. Cybersecurity is important, for the information a user trusts you with and the number of users who trust you with their information. These security protocols will help you to protect for website against most hackers, but not all. You need to stay updated with the latest










Reference: https://semidotinfotech.com/blog/5-websitedevelopment-security-tips-to-prevent-your-website-to-behacked/

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