Summer is here!
...It’s, here! It’s here!... and with it the most refreshing content and the desire to take a break, regain our strength and begin the fourth quarter with renewed energy. We’ve passed the halfway mark of the year, and you will see that we are making strong commitments to improve staff conditions, as reflected in the Occupational Hazard measures adopted: new kitchens, changes in facilities, more security for staff and actions for work to be done with the utmost protection and security measures. Along the same line — looking out for our workers — beginning in September we will launch a series of actions to enhance internal communication among employees to boost our mission and values: because YOU MATTER TO US. This is a good chance to remind you that we are celebrating a double anniversary. The same year that Fitó celebrates its 135th anniversary we are celebrating the 10th issue of Fitó News! It’s 10 issues already focused on helping you stay informed of all the key events in the company. But this is not the only way to keep abreast of Fitó-related news. Now you can find our profiles on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn... Follow by clicking on the links on our new site and follow all the Fitó news even closer.
The College of Agriculture of Barcelona hosted last May the second edition of the Agrobiofood Engineering Forum, a conference organised by the school’s students and designed as a bridge between university talent and food and bioprocessing businesses.
Exchange of views We were there with other companies such as Agromillora, Dallant, Huijbregts, INCAVI and Consorcio Parque Agrario del Baix Llobregat, as well as the Official College of Agricultural Engineers and Agricultural Experts of Catalonia and the Catalan Association of Agronomists. The forum allowed us to see first-hand the students who will soon be graduating and find interesting profiles for the company. It likewise helps students meet directly with companies to carry out company internships, final year projects or even a possible job opportunity.
AGREEMENT SIGNED TO COLLABORATE WITH FUTRECO BIOSCIENCE To ensure a clean agricultural production from seed to fruit, on Friday April 17, Eduard Fitó Baucells, our Director of Corporate Affairs, and Rafael Juncosa Granados, director of Futureco Bioscience, signed a Framework Collaboration Agreement. The aim is to generate projects and programmes that channel and increase the collaborations in development of products for the protection and nutrition of seeds. Rafael Juncosa said after signing that “this framework agreement with Semillas Fitó will allow Futureco Bioscience to explore the activity of their protection prototypes, growth promoters and anti-stress complexes during the germination phase in several kinds of seeds, and develop seed treatments with products from our pipeline that increase their resistance and strengthens the early stages of the plants’ development.
Eduard Fitó (left) and Rafael Juncosa (right).
Eduard Fitó added, “This is a good example of collaboration between companies in different areas. The possibility of this agreement, in addition to generating business, certainly gives us ideas, views from different angles, and ultimately bring innovation.”
Fitó India celebrates its first year Congratulations to the whole team. We are already beginning to be an important “player” in the seed industry this country. Throughout this period we have launched several hybrid varieties to the market and have 90 dealers across the country. By late 2015 we expect to be present in five additional regions. Thanks to everyone who have made this possible! Keep up the good work to achieve the best results.
The world’s best agricultural genomics experts analysed the evolution of vegetables in CosmoCaixa, convened by B•Debate, International Centre for Scientific Debate and sponsored among others by SEMILLAS FITÓ. Germán Anastasio, Marta Fernández and Torben Jahrmann attended on behalf of Semillas Fitó.
The Biocat and Obra Social “la Caixa” initiative, which focused on understanding the evolutionary mechanisms of plants that select characteristics of their genome that influence improvements of all kinds, from organoleptic characteristics of touch, taste and smell, to the nutritional quality and conservation of these food products.
PRESENT AT THE ISF (INTERNATIONAL SEED FEDERATION) During May 25-27 the International meeting of all the companies in the seed sector took place in Krakow, Poland. Organised by the ISF (International Seed Federation), the aim of this conference is to exchange views between the major seed companies. “Sharing Passion for Nature” was the slogan of the event. The following represented Semillas Fitó at the event: Eduard Fitó, Xavier Fitó, Laia Fitó, Eugenio González and Josep Cirera. Also at this meeting, Eduard Fitó was elected second vice-president of the ISF Executive Committee. He will occupy this position for a year. Then he will serve two years as vice-president, until 2018, when Ramiro López will be appointed President of the “Sales Award 2015” entity.
INSTITUTIONAL VISITS In recent months we have had institutional visits to see the facilities and learn about the operations of our company.
OEVV (Spanish Plant Variety Office) visits
Photo from left to right: • Eduard Fitó, from Semillas Fitó • Pilar San Miguel (OECD seed accreditation functions) • Catalina Sanz, responsible for the Biotechnology group • Esther Esteban, Deputy General Director of the General Department of Agricultural Means of Production and OEVV • German, Laia and Antonio Fitó, from Semillas Fitó • José Antonio Sobrino Mate, responsible for the registration of plant varieties
Here we see them in the greenhouses where plant improvements are developed in our Cabrera de Mar facilities.
INIA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) visit The objective of the visit was to see the laboratory of Cabrera, the improvement programme for beans and courgettes and the Llavaneres production centre. The day ended with a meal by the sea.
Elena Moreno & Bibiana Rodríguez, of the Spanish Plant Variety Office. Two representatives from INIA Madrid, Antonio Escolano and Felipe Diezma. Alongside colleagues of Fitó: Germán Anastasio, Antonio Rodríguez, Gerardo Díaz, Dolors Baget and Juan Jesús Narváez.
VEGETABLES SALIPLANT ORGANIZES A WORKSHOP ON CHERRY TOMATO Last April 24, Saliplant dedicated a day to a very important crop on the coast of Granada: the Cherry tomato. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ángel Moisés (in the picture), our Sales Expert for the area of Western Andalusia, presented the company, its approach in terms to the development of Cherry tomato and novelties such as the Bonilla pear Cherry tomato, a bright red cherry and with enhanced resistance.
DRIVING SALES IN MEXICO On March 27 and 28 the team at Semillas Fitó Mexico organised “the first technical training day” specifically aimed at operators and sales representatives of our Western, Bajio and South Central regions of Mexico. José Barrera, technical and commercial representative for the region and our country manager Lic. Cosme Cota gave the opening remarks. The venue chosen was an eighteenth-century farm hotel. As our colleague José Barrera informed us “The goal we set ourselves was to train in a professional way our development and sales force in our distribution channel: Mar Seed Company, Keithly Williams Occidente and Serca Seed, focusing on the strengths of our product portfolio, particularly on the three species that have the greatest impact in our region: peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.”
“Sales Award 2014” recipient, Ramiro López.
“The goal we set ourselves was to train in a professional way our development and sales force in our distribution channel”
The talks were led by Eulalio Fonseca Aguilar, renowned consultant in the area of greenhouse vegetable production as well as an expert in the Seed industry as contributor to companies such as Enza Zaden, Monsanto and Magnum Seed. During the dinner we recognised the efforts of our distributors and give the “Sales Award 2014” to Ramiro López, Collaborator of Serca Seeds, who has been instrumental to the growth of hybrids like the Centauro Slicer cucumber, segment leader, and our new Nurizeli grey courgette which is starting to acquire market relevance.
PAREDES MELON, STAR FOR A DAY! On Thursday June 11 we presented a novelty in melon toad skin: PAREDES, during a field day in Lobosillo (Murcia) Many farmers showed keen interest in the new PAREDES variety of Santa Claus melon. PAREDES. The plant boasts remarkable vigour and health, and the fruit, apart from having a firm, sweet and juicy flesh, is the ideal size for selling on the shelf. Although PAREDES was the clear attraction of the event, we also took the opportunity to introduce other new varieties such as NEREA, a semi-large listed aubergine noted for its high quality throughout the winter, and wellknown varieties to the industry such as, among many others, the semilarge black aubergine CRISTAL and the G BYELSA pear tomato.
Guests enjoyed a good atmosphere and lunch under an awning that protected them from the downpour while they discovered the new products from Semillas Fitó for the region.
SAT AGROIRIS VISIT TO SEMILLAS FITÓ BARCELONA With the aim of strengthening ties between Semillas Fitó and SAT AgroIris, the latter’s president, manager and five members of its board of directors, along with their spouses, visited our Barcelona facilities during the second week of April. This company, based in Almería, currently holds the exclusivity of our Zanetti pepper (horticultural specialty) and the idea is to continue working jointly in the near future with other specialties or new varieties that may arise. Once in Barcelona, the group enjoyed guided tours of the three centres with: • Ramón Guasch (Central Office - Barcelona) • Germán Anastasio (R&D Centre - Cabrera de Mar) • Víctor Sancho (Production Centre - Llavaneres) They all helped our visitors get a front-row look at how a seed company works on the inside. They all underscored the cleanliness of our facilities and the know-how, effort and dedication of Fitó workers to new hybrid varieties.
Víctor Sancho showing the modern facilities of Semillas Fitó in Llavaneres.
“FITOWEEK“ LESKOVAC On June 24th, Semillas Fitó organized its first Fitoweek, annual warm crop open day at the company’s trial station in Leskovac, south of Serbia. Over 40 distributors and growers from whole Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Russia, Slovenia and Serbia) have participated in Semillas Fitó’s first Fitóweek Leskovac event. The participants have received more technical and visual information about a lot of Fitó’s varieties: beef indeterminate tomatoes (the stars of the event), half-determinate tomatoes, local type of peppers and slicer cucumbers, with Centauro, a very appreciated variety in the Eastern Europe market. Later, participants could discuss about crops from trials and Israel Roca (Head of Sales&Marketing Europe) and José Ramón (Area Manager Europe) have presented the company and a complete range of products for the region.
The sales team for southern Europe together with the trainers.
On July 7, 8 and 9, Barcelona hosted a consultative selling training session for the sales teams in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. The aim of the sessions was to explain and implement new business techniques focused on selling solutions to improve farmland profitability. The last day aimed to go in-depth into the concepts of segmentation and targeting. In a team decision-making simulation game, the groups had to manage a portfolio of customers with an allocated budget to achieve sales targets. This training occurs in the context of the 18 | 28 | 118 business plan for southern Europe, which aims to achieve sales figures of 28,000 doses of sunflower and 118,000 of corn by 2018.
Future farmers were impressed by the scale of the new facilities.
On Wednesday May 6 a group of students from the Agricultural School of Alfarràs (Lleida) visited us at the premises of Les Cases de Barbens. Marc Solsona, Head of R&D for Field Crops, gave them a brief presentation of the company and improvement programs currently underway at the company. Once the presentation finished, the group was able to visit the forage and corn demonstration fields, as well as new logistics facilities.
SPONSORS OF THE FEIRACO II ECONOMIC DAY The conference “Dairy production in a new scenario” took place in Santiago de Compostela
A total of 500 farmers came to the Galicia Conference Centre and Fair for the latest developments in the dairy sector, which generated much interest following the disappearance of the milk quota system as of April 1, 2015. FEIRACO and Semillas Fitó thus reinforce the cooperation plan initiated in the last three years, with Semillas Fitó as one of the leading suppliers of corn fodder in the cooperative. FEIRACO, with an annual turnover of 114 million euros (2013) and 122 million litres of milk collected, is the leading dairy company in Galicia.
AGRIPLANTA ROMANIA FAIR On June 4-7 the annual Agriplanta - RomAgroTec fair was held in the town of Fundulea (Romania). This fair is a landmark in Romania among agriculture professionals, where exhibitors display their products on 30 hectares of agricultural land. Semillas Fitó participated in this event alongside local partner Biochem, showcasing the ATLAS and BONFIRE corn varieties and the VICTORIA alfalfa.
EVENT WITH SOUFFLET ATLANTIQUE (FRANCE) On Thursday May 21, 2015 Semillas Fitó participated in the platform organised by Soufflet Atlantique at Niort (Poitou-Charentes) under the slogan “its productions at the heart of our networks”. More than 500 farmers attended this key event. With a turnover of €120 M in seeds, the Agriculture Division of the Soufflet Atlantique Group has a large group of agronomic advisors to support farmers in France. Morning workshops and debates were offered on current issues and in early afternoon, Mr Vincent Chatellier (Director of LERECO, INRA Nantes) presented his vision on the situation of agriculture in France. Finally, Mr Jean-Michel Soufflet (CEO Soufflet Group) spoke about the new challenges ahead for Soufflet Atlantique.
Our colleague, Charlène Aurignac, in the space of Semillas Fitó.
It was a real pleasure for us to be present at the event and having the opportunity to interact with our many corn producers (mainly ATLAS and LERMA varieties) and strengthen our partnership with the Atlantic Soufflet group.
HOBBY HANDMADE FESTIVAL FAIR OF BARCELONA Under the Sembra brand, we participated for the second year in a row
The Handmade Festival Fair, an exhibition that is already beginning to be a benchmark for crafts and handmade activity fans. Besides having our own stand, we organised several workshops for gardening beginners, for children 5 to 10 years old, workshops for adults and a consulting room-style master class for all those families and individuals who wanted direct answers for their questions about their home garden. The fair attracts more than 250 exhibitors from sectors as diverse as Thread, Paper, Kitchen, Home Decoration, Gardening, Wedding or Child. It also offers more than 100 workshops, specialised lectures, concerts, presentations and activities for the whole family.
UPGRADE OF THE BEAN CATALOGUE WITH VARIETIES SUCH AS CLARO DE LUNA, SOFÍA AND FABIOLA In the last five years we have launched a robust programme to improve beans, seeking greater early sprouting, uniformity and high yield. Results are already in the market with varieties like Claro de Luna (the earliest-sprouting variety), Sofía and Fabiola (ideal for agribusiness). The Claro de Luna variety was already launched last year. It is an extraearly bean which, planted in late August or early September in warm areas, is capable of producing by November. Claro de Luna improves production by 20 days with regard to its predecessor Luz de Otoño, allowing our clients to eat beans before Christmas. Claro de Luna is already a leader in early varieties for the Mediterranean climate and boasts a vigorous plant, 60-70 cm high, good blossoming with heat and a planting density of 130-150 kg /ha. Its deep green sheath is elongated, slightly curved and between 24 to 26 cm long, producing 6-7 grains per pod.
Sofía and Fabiola, the two new products for 2015 Sofía is an improved selection of Reina Mora that produces long pods (23-25 cm long) with 6-7 grains. It features very high yield and is also the earliestsprouting for spring planting, 15 days faster than varieties like Reina Mora. When dry, the seed is bright purple and medium in size.
For the launch of the new SOFIA variety, a meeting was organised in Cabrera on April 28. The goal was to see their behaviour in the field and learn about its improved features.
Fabiola, in turn, is a new variety ideal for agribusiness thanks to the great percentage of “baby” beans it produces. This bean boasts a very homogeneous and productive plant, with straight, cylindrical and compact grains of 5-6 grains all of the same size, with a high percentage of “baby” calibre grains. The seed is white and the thread remains white when the grain is dry. All these varieties are aimed at the professional market, but their ease of use allows cultivation by farmers and semi-professionals for home gardens, sold in different formats depending on the variety.
TURF GRASSES SPANISH GOLF OPEN ON FITÓ TURF The tournament was held from May 14 to 17 at the Real Club de Golf El Prat (Barcelona) and the grass yielded excellent results The Real Club de Golf El Prat is considered one of the top courses in Spain. It previously hosted the editions of 1956, 1959, 1963, 1971, 1978, 1981, 1998, 1999 and 2011. This year it took the baton from PGA Catalunya Resort where the tournament was held las year, also on Fitó turf.
Over one hundred years of intense activity explain the prestige of Real Club de Golf El Prat, consolidated as one of the best golf courses in the world.
Located on 250 hectares, 24 kilometres from Barcelona between Terrassa and Sabadell, the current layout of RCG El Prat was designed by the famous Greg Norman, officially opened in June 2004. It stands out for its difficulty and game strategy, dotted with bunkers and generally large and rolling greens.
Once again we participated in the annual meeting of European golf architects (EIGCA). Its members have demonstrated through their skill, experience and training, that they are capable of designing and supervising the construction of golf courses that meet the highest standards. This year the event was held at Golf North Berwick in Scotland. It is one of the best links golf courses in the world. There was much interest in our varieties and the event was very well attended with a total of 100 participating architects.
GREAT PRESENTATION BY DR. FRED YELVERTON This July we organized a great seminar with Dr. Fred Yelverton, professor specialized in the management of grasses and weeds, Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, and one of the 20 most influential figures in weed science and lawn management. The first talk took place at the excellent Golf Soto Grande in Cadiz. The second took place at the National Golf Centre in Madrid, both with great attendance.
Dr. Fred Yelverton (left) and Josep Cirera (right).
But the talks were a success not only by the number of attendees, but for the great level of audience participation, including questions and comments on specific weed problems in golf courses. Dr. Fred Yelverton answered all questions regarding how to improve golf courses with examples, pictures and tests conducted on golf courses around the world.
CUSTOMERS CORNER ALI AL DAHLAKI FROM AL REEF (BAGHDAD, IRAQ) Which is the main value you appreciate for a seed company? Never will be one value, they are values, the main for me, keeping the stability of the variety with high quality, with addition of developing new varieties. What is the difference between Semillas Fitó and other companies? Semillas Fitó is a company who insists to be very close from the needs of the farmer and deals with the distributor as a partner, takes care always with the seeds quality and provides the market with new varieties.
How is the relationship between SF and you? Simply, it is Excellent, I have used to get all kind of support from them, and also I have promoted their products till they reach a level of being the seed company number one in Iraq. How is the seed business in your country now? Business is very hard because of civil wars and lots of terrorists which occupied the lands, with addition of lack of water and hard currency. Do you have any comment you want to add? Yes, I wish that Semillas Fitó completes my portfolio for all crops.
Many thanks, Mr. Ali!
When do you start working with Semillas Fitó? 2005. What kind of products do you sell more? I sell all agro materials, but the most are Semillas Fitó varieties. Which is the best product for you? Corn, especially Cadiz which is a leader in the market, wheat Bancal is doing excellent as well.
Variety of Cádiz corn, market leader in Iraq.
Section to know a little more... Giovanni Fallico, sales expert of Sicily, who tells us a bit about their breeding station. When was the station created? The station was inaugurated in September 2012. Where is it? In Santa Croce Camerina in the province of Ragusa. What is its objective? Select the lines and evaluate hybrids. What are the most important products? Tomatoes (cherry, pear cherry, vine), peppers and aubergine.
What are the advantages of having your own station? The advantages are related to logistics and control over our own equipment. Having a on-site station also allows us to test lines and varieties in Sicily’s own environmental conditions. What are you working on these days? And in the long term? We are developing a cherry tomato, a pear cherry and a vine tomato and an aubergine. In the future we will also have peppers.
Occupational hazards:
What is Fitó Spain doing in terms of risk prevention? Following an audit, we have seen fit to make some improvements ... which are being implemented gradually. We highlight some examples by centres and workplaces:
Barcelona The dining facilities in Barcelona have been enhanced. Thanks to the maintenance team we have a new space which is neater, cleaner and boasts a new electrical installation! • We have installed curtains in our offices that avoid screen glare. We have also changed all staff chairs to meet their ergonomic needs. • A special project for indicating emergency exits has been launched in the warehouse. • In the laboratory, a Germicidal UVC light has been installed, boasting disinfectant properties. It is on at night in the lab work area.
Maresme For the Cabrera facilities, we have bought a boom lift which allows safe access to greenhouses, seeking to prevent accidents at more than 2-meter heights. In Cabrera we have also put orange caps on field delimitation rods to prevent personnel from getting hurt. • We have installed a lifeline in some Cabrera greenhouses for staff to be tied as they perform certain work. • We have prepared the Boteta property, hanging prevention signage, ramps and extinguishers. • He have bought a new carving machine to improve the performance of our Llavaneres facilities.
The prevention of occupational risks is sometimes not taken into account but it is a vital issue to ensure a productive work environment and protect the health and welfare of company staff.
Don Benito
Suction and filter system to prevent dust in the warehouses from using seed cleaning machinery. Application of the fire safety system with sprinklers throughout the facility.
Improvements in both the laboratory and the safety material reception warehouse. And also, among other things, installation of mirrors to enhance operator visibility as they enter and exit the factory.
Fencing installed for work at height, improved signage, delineation of walkways and soon pavement improvements.
Extension and amendment of the rules for the field worker dining Hall and facilities used as dressing rooms, for resting and for putting on PPE clothing and gear.
And all this thanks to a team that looks to improve working conditions!
Felipe Navarro
Asunción Lázaro
Cristina Rodríguez
Our Maxims
Daniel Lara
Juanjo Sánchez
Mª Eugenia Caudevilla
Oumar Sidibe
Sonia Nadal
Vicente López
Manel Aranda
Antonio José González
Pilar García
Always improving A little more effort Better safe than sorry FITÓ NEWS 10 •
Welcome to the Semillas Fitó team...
• NAME: Verónica Martínez Rodríguez • POSITION: PM Assistant • WORKPLACE: Barcelona • HOBBIES: Travelling, going to concerts, playing guitar and everything that has to do with Japanese culture
• NAME: Alicia Pajares González • POSITION: Field Crops Customer Service • WORKPLACE: Barcelona • HOBBIES: Archery, cinema, travelling, cooking and spending time with family and friends
• NAME: Joan Bros Capuz • POSITION: HOBBY Division Salesperson • WORKPLACE: Barcelona • HOBBIES: Cinema and travelling
• NAME: María del Mar García Berenuel • POSITION: Sales Agent for Vegetables • WORKPLACE: Murcia • HOBBIES: Sports (swimming, biking, hiking), reading, listening to music, going to concerts, cinema and traveling
• NAME: Natalia Campistany Trupita • POSITION: Tissue Culture Lab Manager • WORKPLACE: Cabrera • HOBBIES: Being close to nature: hiking, running, bike riding, etc. reading, cinema, theatre
HE’S RETIRING ... JAUME OLIVER (FITÓ BARCELONA) He is one of the greats, a legend — our dear Jaume — “Jaumet” as we all know him. For 25 years he was the public face at the Fitó store in the Born in Barcelona. Always willing to give a hand, an open person and a bit of the practical joker, he assures us, and the first to sign up at the slightest hint of a party. We talked with him days before his retirement. How did you start in the company? When I finished military service. I saw the ad in La Vanguardia, so I went. Consol welcomed me and Mr. Casimiro Fitó asked me a few questions. I told him I was studying business, because I liked dealing with people. At that time my father had a jewellery/watch shop and after school and I helped him. When he heard all this he said, “This is what I I’m looking for,” and in a few days he hired me. It was May 21, 1974. What were your duties back then? I did a bit of everything. I unloaded the truck, did the window-dressing, replaced seed drawers, inventory, accounting... I was there with Pere Luna, senior (PHOTO). Then, when the shop closed I went to the warehouse in Pedro IV, in Barcelona, working in shipping, where I picked and packed orders and replaced the “cardex” systems with the little envelopes. I was here two years, and then moved up to the office with administrative duties... To this day! What is your best memory after all this time? I feel great affection for my stay in the store. I went with great excitement. 25 years go a long way! I had also done several gardening courses. I had always liked plants. I could combine by gardening hobby and my job! It was perfect! And the San Isidro festival ... lots of fun. There are people you are in contact with throughout the year
and you don’t know who they are. See each other and talk face to face makes the relationship human.
Sea or mountain? Mountain. As a younger man I was a member of the Catalonia hiking club A place to get away? Vic and surroundings. If I can I hit the road every Saturday. A Fitó product? The famous Tres Cantos Tomato A Song? I love Andrea Bocelli: Time to say good-bye. Also Enrique Iglesias A book? The Shadow of the Wind, a good mystery yarn A plant? The hibiscus A movie? Under the Tuscan Sun A trip? Christmas in Italy with my wife and son, along with a group of 15 people A hobby? Growing plants A dream? Visit Jerusalem
How have you experienced the company’s growth from a small company to an industry leader? It has changed in the sense that it has grown a lot. The pace is more frantic — many more people. You have to adjust to the situation. Will you miss anything...? My colleagues, no doubt! What will be the first thing you do as a retiree? I won’t stay at home. I have a thousand plans! Visit towns in Catalonia, travel more, I’ll go for walks ... and my neighbourhood’s civic centre organises a great deal of activities. I won’t have time to get bored.
And the Fitó family continues to grow
Álex is the son of Raúl, head of Sales and Marketing for Vegetables for Africa and Asia. He was born on 18 May and is the brother of Julen who is already 4 years old.
Verónica Cano, our colleague working at the Cabrera in-vitro centre has been the mother of twins. Pere and Noa strike the cutest pose!
Sonia Iñiguez, farmhand at Almeria, says she is very happy with the arrival of her son Neizan, the firstborn of the family.
And Oumar Sidibe, head of the Llavaneres production centre was father of his second son, Malick, pictured with his father and brother Sambou.
FITÓ FIGURE YOLANDA CARA RODRÍGUEZ (FITÓ ALMERÍA) We talked to our colleague, Yolanda Cara. She works in the fields of Almería but in her free moments loves to do crafts and personalised gifts. She even arranges the Nativity scene set up annually in the city centre of Almería. We talked to her to hear more ... when I spend a lot more time. Sometimes I think my passion for crafts knows no limits. It makes me disconnect from reality, from the routine of everyday life.
towels, make small theatres for children — I love everything to do with the world of creativity and imagination.
When did you start this activity? When I was a child. At school I looked forward to hands-on time (pre-technology) to learn and make a different craft. When my daughter Tamara was born I went back to making crafts and helping her with her crafts for school. When my little Estela was born 6 years ago, I took the hobby more seriously. Now I do paintings, I make cakes out of sweets, I build animals with
Here, Nastja, daughter of our colleague Igor from Serbia, proudly shows us a Fitó tomato.
Why this hobby and not another? Because it is something I do with my hands and I can put something of myself in my creation. Everything I’ve done until now has been to give away, which is why I put all my affection into it and bring happiness to the person who receives it. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than that. It’s priceless. How much time do you invest in this hobby? Typically, eight to ten hours a week except when when there are birthdays, communions, births, etc.
Any stories you care to share? I have made many gifts for famous people from around here. Recently I went to make a gift to the children of Miguel Sáez (Andalusian singer of ballads, rumba, reggaeton, etc.). I made a towel kitten! He wanted it silver, which was not easy to find, but we made it! And I will never forget the happy face of Victoria, the daughter of musician Mario Mendes, when I gave her a little frog. And this past January my daughter Estela gave a towel puppy to Huelva writer Manuel Jesús Soriano Pinzón whom she loves. My daughter’s look of excitement and happiness when she gave it to him makes all the time and effort worth it and pushes me to go on.
Yolanda, congratulations on this work...
And we wish you much more success!
The new logistics centre of les Cases de Barbens, in Lleida, is already finished. The warehouses are already built and the roads are paved, so everything is ready to start receiving orders for the company’s extensive varieties. In total the facilities offer 250,000 m3 of warehouses with 40,000 m3 of cold storage, which can be expanded to 60,000 m3.