ESMO Patients Guide
What are the treatment options for pancreatic cancer? Your treatment will depend upon the size, location and stage of the tumour, as well as your general health and level of fitness. The choice of treatments will be discussed with you and your preferences will be taken into account. Your treatment may be discussed by a multidisciplinary team, which means that experts in different areas of cancer treatment (e.g. surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists and nurses) come together to share their expertise in order to provide the best patient care. It is important that patients are fully involved in the treatment decision-making – when there are several treatments available, doctors should involve patients in making decisions about their care so that the patients can choose the care that meets their needs and reflects what is important to them. This is called ‘shared decision-making’.
It is important that patients are fully involved in discussions and decisions about their treatment
Your doctor will be happy to answer any questions you have about your treatment. Three simple questions that may be helpful when talking with your doctor or any healthcare professional involved in your care are: • What treatment options do I have? • What are the possible benefits and side effects of these options? • How likely am I to experience these advantages and disadvantages? Your doctor may recommend one or more of the following approaches for managing pancreatic cancer.