charm Spring Fashion has
Spring styles from our local boutiques REDUCE STRESS
Local yoga teacher offers tipsto de-stress WEDDINGS & MORE!
Our special section will get you wEDding-ready YO U ’ R E WORTH IT
Life insurance and why you need some
2 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
TheNewTeam • Auto • Home • Commercial • Life • Group • Individual Health Insurance OfferINg cOverage fOr emergeNcy ServIceS/ Code3
Come check out our new location at 3219 Sunset Avenue!
(252) 210-2201 • CHARM - Spring 2019 | 3
2 0 1 9
Spring Hair Trends
Health & Wellness
B r i d a l Fe a t u r e Women & Life Insurance
Get schooled on wedding terminology
How to create a wedding schedule
What does it all mean? Here is a crash course in wedding terminology to get you started.
Tips to make it to the altar on time!
7 Wedding Tips make the big day easier!
4 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Making Fast-Food HEALTHY
Winde Jackson finds a way to make “fast-food” healthy and delicious
Fa s h i o n Beauty: Spa Day
Publisher Kyle Stephens Editorial Content Jenny White Photography Alan Campbell Sarah Louya Les Atkins Advertising Kelly Ayscue Natasha Daniel Lewis Smith Chris Taylor Bryan Wilson Design & Layout Becky Wetherington
HELLO FRIENDS Spring is just around the corner and the season of renewal is here. New blooms, baby birds and green shoots from new plants dot the landscape. As the weather warms, we shake off our hibernation-worthy fuzzy blankets, knee-high boots and thick sweaters, stretch our arms toward the sunshine – and into our closets to dig out our sandals and short-sleeved dresses. I love our cover look, modeled by Georgia Lawson. She goes to school and works for Ginger Crisp at Ginger’s Boutique in Tarboro; and she totally rocked that long floral dress. The women that own and operate the local boutiques in our area are Superwomen in our book, especially Diana Alford of The Yellow Tulip, Ginger, and Debbie Outlaw who manages Kendall’s Hallmark and Alyana’s Boutique. I hope you treat yourself to some kind of renewal this season. Whether it’s getting a facial, a new fitness regimen (yoga?), eating healthier, a new style or a new start to something that’s important to you – do something new, something for you. J E N N Y W H I T E EDITORIAL CONTENT PRODUCER FOR CHARM
Georgia Lawson added a bit of extra gorgeousness to downtown Tarboro in mid-March. Photo by Sarah Louya.
Charm Magazine is published by APG Media Eastern NC, and is a subsidiary of the Rocky Mount Telegram. Contents may not be reproduced without the consent of the publisher.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 5
Cathy is ready for a spring garden tour at the Nash County Arboretum in these snazzy teal ankle pants from Multiples and a vibrant print tunic. We love her earrings from Brighton and the Uno De 50 cuff bracelet. Dansko shoes are from their new spring collection. All from Kendall’s Hallmark and Alayna’s Boutique in Westridge Shopping Center in Rocky Mount.
It’s time to put up the wool coats, plaid scarf wraps, funnelneck fuzzy sweaters and insulated Ugg boots, and get ready to welcome the warmth of spring weather with some pretty spring fashion. This season you’ll be seeing pinks, men’s style blazers, black and white gingham checks, bright yellows, flowy-shin-length pants, fanny-packs, rose gold accents and accessories, tiedye prints, longish or midi skirts, lavender hues and rainbow prints. Classics like skinny pants, trench coats, bold prints, maxi dresses and jumpsuits are still in style – so mix and match from last season’s stash of spring styles. Special thanks to Gingers Boutique in Tarboro, The Yellow Tulip and Alayna’s Boutique for helping us put together such beautiful illustrations of this spring’s most fabulous styles.
Spring Forward with Spring Fashion Trends 6 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
NASH COUNTY ARBORETUM Looking for a dress to live in this spring? The yellow and mauve maxi dress is the Spring into Action Maxi from The Yellow Tulip. It’s $38 and the perfect dress for Spring – throw a short cardigan over it for cooler evenings or enjoy its figure-friendly shape for warmer days.
Georgia is showing off one of her favorite spring trends with this top featuring black and white stripes and gingham check sleeves. She paired the top with her favorite staple, no matter the season, a pair of skinny ankle jeans. These are by Coco and Carmen. Add a pop of color like this coral necklace and smart clutch, and you’re ready to go. All from Ginger’s Boutique in Tarboro.
The Nash County Arboretum is located at the Nash Ag Center in Nashville. Planned, created and maintained by Nash County Extension Master Gardeners, the self-tour gardens are open to the public 24/7. There are a variety of botanical collections throughout the arboretum, from rose gardens to pollinator gardens to rock gardens. You can take a selfguided tour through the gardens, all around the Nash Ag building. The gardens offer many places to sit, take in the beauty and appreciate the outdoors. As you can see in our fashion shots, the gardens make beautiful backdrops for photos. A great time to walk through the gardens is during the annual Plant Sale the Master Gardeners will be holding from 8 a.m. to noon April 27 at the Ag Center. Master Gardeners provide many of the plants for sale --- and their advice for planting and maintaining your purchases is free! It’s a great event for anyone looking to add to their gardens or landscaping at home, and support the master gardeners in their local programs, which includes maintaining the arboretum. For more information call 459-9810. The Nash County Arboretum is located at 1006 Eastern Ave., in Nashville. CHARM - Spring 2019 | 7
Here Georgia has the perfect dress to add a pop of spring, no matter where she’s going. The dress is by Mahila. We’ve added a pair of necklaces to complete the look, all available at Ginger’s Boutique in Tarboro.
Denim styles, for this spring, run the gamut of wide-leg to super skinny. Georgia shows off one of the trends for spring, jeans with a fringed hem. These are by Coco and Carmen and offer a flattering look that goes great with flats, heels, flip-flops, wedges or your favorite tennis shoes. We’ve paired these with a pretty Etro top and another hot trend you’ll see this season – a wristlet bag. It’s small, but totally meant to be about the fashion, not utility! All available from Ginger’s Boutique in Tarboro. Visit boutique owner Ginger Crisp and one of our favorite models, Georgia, at the boutique’s new location at 409 Main Street in Tarboro.
8 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Brandy Kannan is wearing one of spring’s hottest colors – lavender. This maxi dress from The Yellow Tulip is a great style that can be dressed up or down for spring and summer. Available in S-XL, if you like this dress, ask for the “Feel the Breeze Dress.” The Yellow Tulip owner Diana Alford offers her store’s products online or in store. You can visit the store at 1061 N. Winstead Avenue or online at
Love, love the Brandy Dress from The Yellow Tulip for spring. It’s a maxi-dress version of the little black dress you should have
closet as a go-to staple for casual or dressy events. It’s $28 and comes in S-XL. Brandy dresses
version with bold red earrings, also from The Yellow Tulip. CHARM - Spring 2019 | 9
You’ll see multiple versions of pink in stores for this spring and Brandy’s pink cardigan is perfect for wearing over a white cami and dark wash skinny jeans. All from The Yellow Tulip. Cardigan is $24, Cami is $15, dark skinny jeans are $38.
A little white eyelet adds a classic twist to a trendy top by Tribal. Lisa shows how a white T-shirt can take it up a notch with a pretty eyelet fabric creating an eye-catching bell sleeve. Paired with a pair of jeans, like these from Tribal with lace cutouts, you’re ready to go from weekend errands to a nice dinner out. The rose gold jewelry from Pandora is the icing on the cake for this outfit. Look for many rose gold accessories in stores this spring. All from Kendall’s Hallmark and Alayna’s Boutique. 10 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
1100 N Wesleyan Blvd, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 • (252) 977-6464 •
Couturier (co-tor-ee-ay) : someone who sells clothes that have been tailored to fit a client's specific measurements.
139 North Winstead Avenue, Rocky Mount 252.904.8320 Open M W F 9-6; T TH 10-7; Sat 10-2 and by appointment.
The Classy Couturier is a custom bra fitting boutique.
We carry sports bras, bridal lingerie, daily wear bras, and matching sets.
Each customer gets an individualized fitting experience.
We carry bra band sizes 30-50 and cups C-O
Statistically, 80% of women are wearing the wrong sized bra, The Classy Couturier is here to change that.
Our bras are affordable and competitively priced starting at $46.
We offer a variety of colors, styles, and sizes in our bras.
We offer customization if needed.
Bring in this ad and
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Follow our social media platforms to stay up to date on special discounts and offers. We are currently focusing on bras and matching bra and panty sets. We plan to expand to include swim wear and shape wear.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 11
Jessica Ratliff Hicks is the owner of Willow Tree Yoga studio in Rocky Mount.
12 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
by Jessica Ratliff Hicks
What is yoga? I get asked this question a lot -- a whole lot. Followed by: I can’t touch my toes, I don’t have time, I’m too big, I’m too weak, I’m not flexible, I don’t know how to do it right, I can’t stay focused. The list goes on and honestly, none of these “reasons” are legitimate reasons. These all are fear-based excuses, stemming from a fear of trying something new. Maybe you just need to learn a little bit more about yoga and meditation. I understand this fear of something unknown. However, if you can BREATHE you can “do” or “practice” yoga and meditation.
What is Yoga? First off, yoga is a lot of things, which is why people have been writing, studying and practicing it for over 5,000 years. I will try to answer this age-old question in the easiest, most concise way possible. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The ultimate goal of practicing yoga is to attain tranquility in the mind and spirit. One meets this goal of tranquility through yoga poses and meditation. Yoga has a holistic orientation in that yoga is practiced physically, but its benefits extend to the mental and spiritual being. If you want to learn what yoga is and what its benefits are, practicing it yourself is the best way to learn. If you need help getting started, finding a beginner-friendly yoga class or a studio that offers beginner or gentle classes lead by a certified, trained yoga practitioner will be the safest and best way to keep yourself accountable. YouTube is a great way to find yoga videos. I recommend “Yoga with Adriene.” Try some moves out! In the next couple of pages, I’ve put together a simple yoga sequence you can practice at home. As you practice this 5-ish minute routine, concentrate on your breathing. Practice this routine morning or night, one or one hundred times, just listen to your body and do what you need.
What is Meditation?
What are the Benefits of Yoga?
Meditation goes hand in hand with yoga. Actually, yoga came about because of
Benefits of yoga includes stress
meditation. Back in the day, yoga teachers
reduction, improved focus, reduced
(called ‘swami’) would prepare their bodies
anxiety, a more positive outlook,
to be able to sit and meditate for hours upon
improved self-awareness, improved
hours. This “preparation” included light,
memory, better pain control, helps
simple stretches. Students of the swami would observe, copy what the teacher did, pass it down to their students, so on and so forth, and BOOM, here we are! Meditation is a technique for resting the mind and achieving a state of consciousness that is totally different from our normal waking state. In meditation, the mind is clear, relaxed and inwardly focused. When you meditate, you are fully awake and alert, but your mind isn’t focused on the external
fighting addiction, better sleep habits, decreased blood pressure and better coping with PTSD. If
practicing yoga, search YouTube for “meditation for beginners.” Some of my favorite types are iRest or Yoga Nidra (guided meditation), focusedattention meditation and mindfulness meditation.
welcomes beginners, as do most other yoga outlets in the area. Read the class
world or on any events taking place around
descriptions or check with the instructor
you. By focusing on something like your
about whether a class is appropriate for
breath, your mind becomes silent. When
your practice level.
your mind becomes silent and no longer distracts you, meditation deepens.
Yoga and meditation are a way of life. Once you start and find a healthy
Thousands of scientific studies have
routine, you’ll gently start to notice how
been conducted since the beginning of
it positively influences other aspects
recorded history, proving the effectiveness
of your life -- in the end resulting in a
of meditation. Many of these studies
healthier, well-rounded lifestyle.
elaborate on the health and wellness benefits of meditation.
Just slow down, be present and BREATHE… Namaste
Jessica Ratliff Hicks is the owner of Willow Tree Yoga studio in Rocky Mount.Jessica has been practicing yoga for more than 10 years. She is a 200-RYT (registered yoga teacher) and an iRest Level 1 Yoga Nidra teacher. Currently Jessica is working on obtaining her 500-RYT from Asheville Yoga Center. You can pick up a class schedule or register for a class at the studio, located at 115 S. Church Street in Rocky Mount, or visit the website at www.wellnessliving. com/yoga/rockymount/willowtreeyoga/about/
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 13
Cow Pose: (Inhale) head and sitting bones up, dropping your belly
Plank Pose: (Inhale) belly button to spine, ankles, hips, shoulders form a straight line (you can lower to your knees if having them up is too much)
Cat Pose: (Exhale) head and sitting bones down, chin to chest, going back and forth moving with your breath.
Downward Facing Dog Pose: (Exhale) reach to the sky with your hips, head between arms, legs have a slight bend in them, flat back, belly button to spine.
Chataronga: (Exhale) lower down, keeping your elbows in tight by your side, coming onto your belly.
Flat Back/Half Lift Pose: (Inhale) placing your palms either on your thighs or on your shins reaching back with your hip bones and forward with the very top (crown) of your head, creating a “flat back,� belly button to spine. (Exhale) Forward Fold by touching the floor with your hands.
Mountain Pose: (Inhale) stand feet hip distance apart, slight bend in knees, tailbone down, belly button to spine, palms facing forward, shoulders relaxed away from ears and down the back, reaching towards the sky with the top (crown) of your head, if you feel comfortable close your eyes and just be. After about five breath cycles, (Inhale) arms up, (Exhale) fold forward, plant your palms on the floor. Step back into plank pose (fig. 7). Lower knees if needed and lift into plank.
14 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Upward Facing Dog: (Inhale) keeping hips low and tops of feet on the floor, push upper body up, keep lower belly in to protect the lower back.
Childs Pose: (Exhale) pushing yourself back, bottom is above or touching heels, arms extended out in front of the body, relaxed, rest forehead on the mat or on a book, block or blanket if you need a little more support.
Savasana: (BREATHE) relax fully, preferably on your back, arms by your side, you may place a pillow under your knees to make your lower back more comfy, cover up with a blanket, grab something to place over your eyes. Take a few minutes to just breathe.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 15
Weddings & More! BRIDAL EDITION
We’ve gathered together today, to share some of our best bridal tips and information. Whether you’re saying “I Do,” under a canopy, in a church, or in a candle-lit barn, preperationi is key, and our Wedding & More! section can help make your day perfect. We’ve got checklists, wedding dress tips, music ideas and more. Cheeres to a wonderful wedding!
16 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
les atkins Photography
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 17
18 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
les atkins Photography
Couples about to embark on
• Escort (seating) cards: Printed
their wedding journeys will likely
cards that direct reception guests
learn a thing or two about party
to their seats.
planning once their engagements
• Fondant: A sweet, plyable
are over and they are newly
product used to decoratively
married. Wedding planning can
cover layered cakes. It can be used
seem overwhelming and a tad
in lieu of straight buttercream.
confusing at times, but a crash
• Handle wrap: Ribbon or fabric
course in wedding terminology
that wraps around the stems of
can help couples make more
a bouquet the bride and wedding
informed choices along the way.
party carries.
• Blusher: A short, single-layer veil
• Maid/matron of honor: The title
that covers the bride’s face before
given to the woman who assists
the ceremony.
the bride and stands closest
• Boutonnière: A single flower
to her at the altar. “Maids” are
bud worn by the men in the bridal
those who are unmarried, while
“matrons” are women who are.
• Canapés: Bite-sized appetizers
• Master of ceremonies: An
served during the cocktail hour of
individual who will work with
a reception.
the DJ or band to announce
• Civil ceremony: A marriage
the various components of the
ceremony conducted by a council
wedding reception.
official or justice of the peace at a
• Nosegay: A small bouquet or
municipal location rather than in
a house of worship.
given to the mothers of the bride
• Cocktail hour: Typically an
and groom before the ceremony.
hour-long interlude between the
•Pro ce ssio na l/ Recession al:
wedding ceremony and the main
Musical pieces that mark the
dinner of the reception. Guests
entrance and exit from the
have time to arrive and mingle
wedding ceremony.
before being seated.
• Receiving line: A line of the
• Corkage fee: A fee some
key people in the wedding who
establishments charge to allow
welcome and greet guests.
guests to bring their own wine.
• Stationery: All of the paper
• Dais: A podium or platform
products used at the wedding,
raised from the floor where the
including invitations, programs
bride and groom are seated.
and enclosures.
• Deposit: A percentage of the
total cost of service given to a
vendor to secure a date for their
• Dragées: Round, small edible
Learning some basic wedding
balls of sugar that appear on
wedding cakes.
wedding planning.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 19
How to create a
wedding day schedule
Couples tend to have lots of things to do before saying “I do,” and organizing everything so ceremonies begin on time can seem as puzzling as a brain teaser. But certain scheduling strategies can help couples ensure they look their best and make it to the altar on time.
edding days can be hectic. In fact, many
note after tying the knot that their wedding days were so busy that the ceremonies and receptions were over before they knew it. Creating
schedule can seem like a daunting task. Couples tend to have lots of things to do before saying “I do,” and organizing everything so ceremonies begin on time can seem as puzzling as a brain teaser. But certain scheduling strategies can help couples ensure they look their best and make it to the altar on time. • Start with the ceremony. Couples can establish a framework for their wedding day schedule by working back from the ceremony.
20 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Once the ceremony time is set,
party. If it does not, then brides
done on time. Wedding hair and
couples who plan to take photos
must account for transportation
makeup sessions can last several
• Distribute your schedule to
before their ceremonies can then
hours for large bridal parties,
one another and the bridal party.
work with their photographers
when making their wedding day
so brides should schedule their
to determine how much time
sessions early if their parties are
Once the wedding day schedule
has been devised, couples should
they will need for photos and
• Determine how much time
where they want to take the
is needed for hair and makeup.
• Make lunch arrangements.
photos. Bridal parties may need
Weddings that feature large bridal
Some couples choose to tie the
parties will require more time for
knot and host their receptions
session, so determining when and
hair and makeup than ceremonies
at the same venue. In such
not be as extensive as brides’,
where to take photos before the
with small bridal parties. Grooms
instances, if brides are getting
but grooms should still be kept in
ceremony gives couples an idea
and groomsmen often take care
their hair and makeup done
the loop regarding the schedule
of when to arrange for pickup.
of their own hair, though some
at the venue, ask the venue
so they can help if anyone has
• Confirm when the wedding
grooms might want to schedule
representative if lunch can be
questions or if something goes
venue is open to the wedding
hot shaves for themselves and
provided to the bridal party.
awry. Sharing the schedule with
party. Before booking hair and
their groomsmen. Grooms should
Some venues may include small
makeup appointments, couples
ask groomsmen if they want a
lunch buffets in their reception
should confirm when they will
hot shave and then work with
costs, while others might charge
be able to access their wedding
their barbers to determine how
extra. Confirm the availability
venue. Brides may want to get
much time it will take to tend to
and costs, and if it’s unavailable or
their hair and makeup done at
all participants. Brides with large
too expensive, then arrange for
of scheduling their wedding days
the ceremony sight, but that may
bridal parties may need to book
lunch to be delivered. Either way,
by working backwards and asking
only be possible if the venue
more than two hair and makeup
couples should not skip lunch, as
their vendors to cooperate in
opens early for the wedding
artists so everyone can get
it may be their only chance to eat
laying out the day’s events.
until after the ceremony.
share it with each other and their wedding parties. Grooms’ wedding day to-do lists might
the wedding party decreases the chances of someone being late or missing an appointment. Couples can solve the riddle
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 21
A magnificent, 130-mile string of barrier islands, the Outer Banks is a place of breathtaking natural beauty, charming seaside towns and endless possibilities. Steeped in history, infused with romance, and defined by authenticity, an Outer Banks wedding is a true reflection of your relationship. What better way to begin your life together? Let us take care of the details.
Extraordinary awaits.
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Ryan & Rach Photography
22 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
on precise fits, ready-to-wear clothing really did not become widely available until the early 20th century. Such attire is now available in just about any retail store. Because ready-to-wear clothing is so readily available, the average person may be unfamiliar with custom-made or tailored items. In fact, a couples’ wedding may be the only instance in their lives when they require the services of a seamstress or tailor. Fittings are a part of wedding planning, and here’s how brides-
les atkins Photography
Because fashion preferences were once ornate and dependent
to-be can navigate the process of finding and being fitted for a dress. · Try on sample gowns. The first step is to make your rounds to various gown shops and try on the samples they have available. Most sample sizes will not be the size you wear every day, so expect them to be ill-fitting. Do not be discouraged. Once a gown is chosen, the dress shop will take your measurements and order the gown according to the manufacturer’s sizing guide. Again, this can be shocking, since the size will likely be larger than what you wear in street clothes. Some shops will also order a little larger to allow for adequate tailoring. · Schedule the first fitting. The first fitting should be anywhere from eight to 12 weeks before the wedding date, according to experts at WeddingWire, an online wedding information provider. This is the time it takes to complete most standard alterations. Complex customizations can take even longer. Brides should also budget a minimum of $500 for alterations, which may or may not be included in the price of the dress. · Bring shoes and undergarments. Remember to bring along the exact shoes and undergarments you will wear with your gown. A change in shoes or bra/corset can result in the alterations fitting poorly the next time. Bring these items along to all subsequent fittings. · Speak up. Martha Stewart Weddings suggests speaking up at fittings if anything is uncomfortable or needs tweaking. Seamstresses are masters at their crafts, but only if they understand the desires of the bride. · Check the details. The second fitting is designed to check that all issues from the first fitting have been addressed, the gown is comfortable and you can move freely. At the last fitting, ask the maid of honor to come along so that she understands how to bustle or help you handle complicated straps or closures.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 23
DID YOU KNOW? A first dance song at the wedding reception often sets the tone for the upcoming festivities and can exemplify just how newlyweds feel about each other. Couples may agonize over which song to choose, but there are many different resources available that can help couples narrow down their options. Spotify, the popular streaming music service, has compiled a list of the most popular wedding songs for 2018, based on global respondents. Their top pick was “Perfect,” by Ed Sheeran, a song that many might suspect was composed with wedding dances in mind. Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud,” Etta James’ “At Last,” John Legend’s “All of Me,” and Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” filled out the remaining top five spots on Spotify’s list.
les atkins Photography
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wedding tricks
to make the big day easier
Wedding planning is no small task. From sending out engagement announcements to gifting guests with take-home favors, a couple will pour over scores of details as they plan their weddings. As if selecting a photographer or choosing the right passed appetizers isn’t challenging enough, some unknown variables are sure to pop up on the big day as well. Couples can take their cues from others who have walked the aisle before them with these tricks of the trade, which may help couples’ wedding days go smoothly. 1. Host everything at a single location. Couples who want to simplify their wedding day can select a site that can host the ceremony and reception and also house guests. The cost of such facilities may be more affordable than couples think, as transportation costs will be minimal and the venue may offer discounts on group packages. 2. Think about a day coordinator. Couples who cannot afford a wedding planner to handle all of the details often find that a day-of-service provider is within their budget. This person can handle all of the details of the wedding day so brides and grooms can fully immerse themselves in the festivities. 3. Bring extra cash. Unexpected expenses may pop up. Couples may have to feed an extra member of the band
or a guest who was able to get a babysitter at the last minute. Brides and grooms may want to offer a bigger tip than anticipated to the waitstaff or deejay who went above and beyond. 4. Learn how to bustle. Walking around with a free-flowing train all day can become tiring for brides. Brides should make sure that one person practices how to bustle the train and will step in to do so for the reception. Also, it may not be the height of fashion, but having a garbage bag on hand can keep the train clean during inclement weather, or if the bride has to trek across grass or soil for photo opportunities. 5. Give an outgoing person a job. Enlist a boisterous friend or family member to wrangle guests for photo opportunities. He or she can be the photographer’s helper and give the happy couple one less thing to do. 6. Stock the bathroom. Some venues will have courtesy items for their guests, but couples also should bring their own necessities, such as breath mints, toothpaste, extra pantyhose, hairspray, lip gloss, and/or sanitary pads. 7. Be all smiles. Couples can’t predict everything that will happen on their wedding day, but they can help create the mood. Smiling couples can make things better for everyone, even when zippers break or someone gets the chicken instead of the salmon.
26 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Let Us Help You Shine Bright Like A Diamond On Your Wedding Day. Order your Custom Bling Bouquet, Bling Broom and Money Box today.
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Osborne Jewelers - Gene OsbOrne 3659 Sunset Ave. • Westridge Shopping Center • 443-1985 Mon - Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 10am-5pm
Serving eAStern nC For over 38 YeArS CHARM - Spring 2019 | 27
Beauty By Lynette Gonzalez, esthetician and makeup artist at Garden Day Spa and Salon
y a D Spa The most important thing for beautiful healthy skin is to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Finding the best products for you and using them regularly will give you your best skin! Determining the right routine and products can be tricky, but regardless of your skin type, cleansing
and moisturizing morning and night is a must. Also protecting your skin
CLEANSE. Again, cleansing will depend
daily with an SPF product is extremely important. If you are not sure what
on skin type. I love the cleanser from
your skin type is or what kinds of products you should be using, find an
GloTherapeutic. They have a wide variety
esthetician near you to get you set up with a proper regimen! Now as
for all skin types and really do a great job
important as your daily skincare routine is, taking a day to really spoil your
at cleansing, but not stripping the skin of
skin, and yourself, can help your skin look and feel even better. Although
essential oils. Steaming your face is great
we would all love to visit a spa every week, it can be much more realistic
place to get started. It opens up the pores
and cost efficient to create your own spa day at home. Pick a day of the
so that you can get a deep clean and
week where you have at least 1 free hour. Again, it is important to know
everything you do in your regimen can
your skin when choosing your products for your pamper day!
penetrate deeper into skin. However, don’t
For your pamper day I would suggest adding exfoliation, a mask, spot
use extremely hot water directly on your
treatment (if needed) serum, eye cream, and lip treatment. I know it seems
face. This can strip essential oils and
like a lot, but this is a pamper day right? You can pick and choose which steps you want to do in your day. Here is the proper order:
28 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
cause your skin to become sensitive.
2 When
exfoliant, go for something gentle. Look for
MOISTURE. Moisturizer is
one containing ingredients like scrubbing
TONER. Just like every other
something that you should
beads or a chemical exfoliant. This will buff
step, the type of toner you use
apply every day, morning and
away dead skin without harshly scraping
will vary depending on skin type.
night. However, when you’re
skin raw. Stay away from exfoliants that
The primary purpose of toner is to
adding it into your routine on
use things like crushed nut shells or salt/
tighten the pores back up. There
your spa day, you can go a
sugar. These are great for the body but
are many types that also have
little heavier. At this point you
not for the face. My go-to exfoliant is
additional benefits so be
have deep cleansed and re-
Aveda’s Botanical Kinetics exfoliant. It is
sure to choose one that will
surfaced the skin so adding
a chemical exfoliator that is gentle for all
work for you and your skin
high moisture is important.
skin types, but affective in removing
type. My current favorite is
It will nourish the skin and
dead skin cells. It works quickly and is
the Mario Badescu toner. I
leave it feeling smooth and
easy to use.
use the cucumber and green
balanced. My favorite spa
tea variant.
day/night time moisturizer
is IT Cosmetics’ Confidence In A Cream.
important to find the right type of mask for your skin type and
SERUM. Serums have
for the issues your skin may have.
EYE CREAM. In my opinion it is never
Don’t be afraid to use multiple
too early or too late to start using an eye
masks. What that means is using
ingredients to heal, repair
cream. This is an extra step you could do
different types of masks on
on a nightly basis, but most definitely add
skin. A little goes a long way.
it to your Spa Day. An eye cream is very
different areas of your face. For example, I am a combination skin type. So I like to use masks that are good at absorbing oils in certain areas and masks that are hydrating in other areas. My favorite masks right now are the GlamGlow Super Mud Mask
There are many serums to treat different skin issues. My go-to serums are products that help with breakouts/ acne. If you’re dealing with breakouts, an acid based serum will help to continue cleansing the skin and
important because one of the places that we tend to age the quickest is around the eyes. So adding a very hydrating eye cream is important to avoid dark circles, puffiness and those pesky crows feet that love to just pop up out of nowhere. My current favorite eye cream is the BareMinerals Skinlongevity
(best for oily/congested skin), and the
break through blemishes. My
GlowTherapeutic Restorative Mask (best for
favorite is the Renew Serum by
Power Eye Gel Cream.
dry skin).
I reguarlarly use a jade roller around the eyes to help with puffiness and to help push the eye cream deeper into the skin. You can also roll the jade roller around the entire face for the same benefits all over.
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 29
Women and
Life Insurance
Takyla W. Smith Trends show that more families are relying on
to the lifestyle of your FAMILY, whether
GoFundMe accounts and other crowd sourcing
that family involves kids you’re raising,
resources when a loved one passes away, is
aging parents or a sibling you’re caring
traumatically injured or is diagnosed with a long-
for, you need life insurance. If you’re a
term disease or illness. Trends also show that
working mother, your income can
many women are uninsured or underinsured. The
have a significant impact on
loss of a loved one, specifically, “the woman,” can
the quality of your family’s
catastrophically affect the finances of many families
lifestyle. Your income helps
in today’s economy. Because of the changing roles of women
cover of
over the past years, females have become
expenses such as food,
more financially responsible for families.
clothing, and utilities,
Whether married, single, stay-at-home moms
or employed, we likely need life insurance.
provides for
As a growing number of these families face tight
children’s college education
financial constraints BEFORE tragedy strikes (weak
and for your retirement.
employment options, medical expenses, rising cost
of living), many do not invest in life insurance. The
parent or family member can
good news for women: Women have an advantage
include paying for the costs
because our rates are less since we typically live
of adult day care, uninsured
medical expenses and extra
Whether you’re earning more than your partner or
transportation. Adding these expenses to the costs
you don’t have a partner, if your income contributes
of maintaining a household, child care and college
30 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
tuition can be financially overwhelming if
you suddenly lose a large chunk of income.
payroll or operating costs
Life insurance provides a source of funds that
while your estate is being settled.
can be used to help pay for these expenses. It protects your family by providing proceeds that can be used to replace your lost income if you die prematurely. If you’re a single working mom, this is even more critical. Often, women, like men, think that it’s not necessary to buy life insurance because they have no dependents. What’s often overlooked is that life insurance can provide necessary funds to pay off car loans, education loans, debts, a mortgage, taxes and funeral expenses that might otherwise be the responsibility
Buying a life insurance
Also, life insurance can be a useful tool for
policy can be one of the
benefits to key employees.
smartest decisions you
away, life insurance provides financial relief
funding buy-sell arrangements or providing The bottom line is that when you pass for the people who depended on you. Life
make for your family,
insurance policies can be less expensive than
and one of the most
public perception, especially term policies
loving actions you can
application processes have become more
offer your loved ones.
requiring paramedical exams and physicals.
and especially for WOMEN. The quoting and streamlined, with some policies not even
of family members. Also, the cash value of
Buying a life insurance policy can be one of
permanent life insurance may be used to
for your children and housekeeping – just
the smartest decisions you make for your
supplement retirement income.
to name a few. Taking over these added
family, and one of the most loving actions you
responsibilities could cause your surviving
can offer your loved ones.
You may not get a W2 or 1099 at the end of the year for being a stay-at-home mom, but it is definitely a job! The cost of the services performed by a stay-at-home mom would be quite significant, if someone had to be hired
partner to shorten work hours, resulting in a reduction in income. Also worth considering: What happens to
Takyla W. Smith, the owner of Key Insurance Solutions ( is a medical insurance, Medicare Supplement and life insurance expert. She has worked for over 18 years
to do those services. If you die, your surviving
your business upon your death? If you die
partner may have to pay for services such as
while owning your business, life insurance
their insurance products, specializing in life and
child care, meal preparations, transportation
can be used to provide cash for company
health insurance. She lives in Rocky Mount.
in the Twin Counties, helping residents choose
Because We Care...
4100 Raleigh Road Pkwy | Wilson, NC
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 31
32 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
! r e v o s i
Hair hibernation time As the weather warms and spring blooms all around – it’s the perfect time to change up your “do” or add a new pop of color and style to your nails. We checked in with Nash Community College Cosmetology students and instructors to see what hair and nail trends we should spring forward to try out. The program has about 70 students that work toward an Associate’s degree in cosmetology, diplomas or
certificates in cosmetology. Their course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multicultural practices, business/ computer principles and product. Ernestine H. Stephenson, program director of cosmetology said cosmetology services are available to the public. “Walk-ins are welcome at
never go out of style. Cosmetology student Traishaun Farmer shows off the versatile and classic look, styled by cosmetology instructor trainee Lillian Barnes. Farmer says she can wear the style for casual looks or for more fancy events. Barnes said this style should hold up for a week or more if it’s securely wrapped at night.
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NCC cosmetology student Danielle Bass shows off a trendy look for spring: Babylights. Styled by cosmetology instructor trainee Lakesha Lucas, the look requires applying highlights, permanent color and then toned highlights with an ash blonde hue. Lucas says the process takes a couple hours and is best done by a professional stylist.
the new on-campus salon and we have discounted prices for seniors age 62+ and disabled citizens or veterans,” Stephenson said.
For more information, call 451-8284. Stephenson said registration for the program’s next round of
classes begins on April 8 and anyone interested is invited to stop by the new cosmetology building for more information. “You’re never too old to learn and the art of hair styling will never die,” Stephenson said. Renee Pittman, cosmetology instructor at Nash Community College and hair stylist at Garden Day Spa and Salon, says her students are always interested in the latest trends and styles. “This spring, trends include your short pixie cuts for women on the go and traditional bob cuts, short or long, for your
A rainbow of colors is found on the nails of NCC cosmetology student Joanne Moore. Moore’s nails, designed and applied by another NCC student, Alma Scott, feature acrylic overlays with gel polish. Scott used Makartt Jelly polish.
NCC cosmetology student Celeste Powell shows off her pink and orange acrylic nails with a gold heart encapsule. Also designed and applied by Joanne Moore, she used Mia Secrets acrylic nails in Ice Cream Pink and Orange Orange.
34 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
low maintenance styles,” Pittman said. “And let’s not forget bangs,“ Pittman added, “They’re the perfect option for changing the face frame of your haircut without the high maintenance that comes with a blunt fringe.” Pittman also says braids will continue to be a hot hair trend this spring. “What we thought we knew about braids, we really have yet to discover,” Pittman said. “Braids are a way to tame the hair. However, we can still tame the hair AND create numerous classy, sophisticated and trendy styles. This protective style
allows us to play softball
spring include:
or exercise, but still could
• Babylights color can be
easily become a pin-up for a
easily be weaved throughout
wedding or prom.”
As spring is the season of
creating highlights with an
renewal, Pittman said a new
ash blonde color. Depending
cut, a little color or a new style
on how brave you’re feeling,
is a great way to refresh and
you could add in some nice
renew your look for spring.
pastel colors like Easter
“As spring is getting close
Violet or your baby pinks.
and hats and hoodies are
• Finger waves may have
being packed away, women
originated from the 1920s,
winter months hands and
“You can’t change what’s
are ready for a brand new
but the technique is still
feet become very dry. A
going on around you,” said
look. As stylists, we know
manicure and pedicure is a
that the basics never go out
moving and directing hair.
great way to soften those
change your hair anytime!”
of style. However, creativity
• Nail colors are traditional
hands and feet – especially if
and style is what makes it
this season, but one can add
you want to wear those cute
pop,” added Pittman.
a dash of creativity. Whether
sandals. One color on the
Cosmetology students for
A few versatile trends
you enjoy natural, extended,
nails is a traditional look, but
the hands-on help to create
Pittman is excited to see
Gel or acrylic nails, everyone
for spring, you’ll see mulitple
the spring looks on our three
walk out of salons this
enjoys a nice long pedicure
colors on one set of hands.
and manicure. Over the
Very trendy!
“But to
can Nash
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36 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
Best of both worlds Local bakery owner also offers busy families healthy food meal prep service
Busy mom and entrepreneur Winde Jackson knows how hard it is to prepare healthy meals for a busy family. Jackson has been serving customers at her business, Winde Jackson Cakes and Catering since November and has expanded services to include serving lunches and offering meal prep services. Jackson said she has always wanted to have a bakery and cafe and do catering. “The bakery was No. 1,” Jackson said. “But I had also waited to be able to have a place where people could come in and get healthy meals — and show the community that just because it’s healthy, it doesn’t mean it has to taste bad. It actually could be flavorful and taste good, too.” Jackson said the meal prep business is for people who need healthy meals for a period of time, people trying to become more healthy or people trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She said the idea is to sit down with a client, discuss his or her diet and his or her needs and prepare meals for a certain number of days or for the week. “And then all they have to do is just pop it in the microwave and heat it up. The cooking is already done,” she said. “It’s hard
to always work a full-time job and come home and cook, so we like to be able to offer that service to them.” Winde Jackson Cakes and Catering is open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. The business is located at 1272 Independence Drive and can be reached by phone at 252-446-2253. The business also has a page on Facebook and a website at A version of this story, by William F. West, appeared in the Rocky Mount Telegram
CHARM - Spring 2019 | 37
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38 | CHARM - Spring 2019 | Special Bridal Edition
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CHARM - Spring 2019 | 39
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