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SeniorL ife

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of florida

Volume 15 Number 6

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october 2012 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Senior life Linda Wiggins

Teachers Sandra McKee and Penny King, with students Mark Christian and Lily Rebadow, model their class’ Angry Birds schoolcrow, to be autioned off at the Oct. 13 Scarecrow Stroll & Harvest Festival for their school.

My grandparents rock page 31

Angry Birds give students something to crow about By linda WigginS

When co-classroom moms Aran Hissam and April McCoy asked their sons, Braden Hissam and Landon McCoy, what theme they wanted for their “schoolcrow,” to be entered in the Scarecrow Stroll & Harvest Festival Oct. 13, they both shouted “Angry Birds!” Their classmates in Sandra McKee and Penny King’s tandem-teaching class at Suntree Elementary School confirmed it with a resounding, “Yeah!” “We wanted to do something they could all get excited about, because they are all crazy about that game,”

No land too far for faith page 21


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Aran Hissam said about the smart phone app where birds are slung at pigs to knock them down. Braden’s grandfather, Norman Cote, led the crow creation team. Hissan added, “It’s also great that thousands of people, including family and friends, will be coming by to marvel at their idea and creation. That’s always so encouraging and influential to children.” Plus, all of the money from the auction of the schoolcrows at the Harvest Festival will go back to the schools that created them. Money from the auction of scarecrows made by businesses and nonprofit agencies

See scarecrow

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Š2012 Bluewater Creative Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Volume 15, Number 5 Senior Life of Florida 7630 N. Wickham rd., #105 Viera, FL 32940 321-757-9205


Senior ife

Harpist Helps


Publisher Jill Blue-Gaines Editor mary Brotherton !

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Brevards’s 6th annual resource magazine Boomer/Senior Guide can be found at Chambers of Commerce, senior centers, select CVS and local libraries.

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Call for more information 757-9205





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We encourage organizations to contact Senior Life with information and dates regarding upcoming community-oriented events by email and mail. 2012 Edition






Director of Marketing Katherine Sonn Designer Cindy mcKee Feature Writers ed Baranowski Sammy haddad Linda S. humphrey Lucy Kline Frank Kneiser Jeff Navin martha masiello Lynne meagher John trieste George White Angela Smith maria Sonnenberg Linda Wiggins

From the ublisher


A friend once said, “october is the month in Florida that pays you back for the summer.� the hot weather breaks, the relatively cool air is clear, the colors burst with clarity and you can see for miles. the water surfaces that are so plentiful across Brevard sparkle and beckon to be explored. In the North, we see a cornucopia of colors in orange, red and yellows crowning the treetops. In Brevard, you can enjoy all these colors and more at the Scarecrow Stroll & Senior life Linda Wiggins harvest Festival. the Scarecrow Stroll takes place oct. 1-11, where you can enjoy hilarious, hand- Viera Voice’s Nosey Newsy Crow will get the scoop on the winning designed scarecrows scattered across the Viera/ Suntree area and beyond. take the ballot from this issue of Senior Life, travel in a loop across the area crow. and vote on your favorites in order to be entered for great prize drawings. Afterward, the Scarecrow Stroll is moved to the harvest Festival, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, oct. 13 at harvest Field, behind the Church at Viera on Wickham road. It is just west of Viera hospital, west off Interstate 95, exit 191. Walk around to see if yours is a winner, and bid on the scarecrows and also the Schoolcrows made by local students, teachers and parents. Proceeds from the Scarecrows go to rolling readers to help volunteers teach at-risk students to read. All proceeds from Schoolcrow sales go back to the schools that created them. the theme of the month is harvest, and that means there is a special holiday at the end of the month that is the delight of children and candy-wielding adults alike. Please take extra care if you are in either category to have fun, safe festivities. If you prefer alternative events to the horror of halloween, many churches host trunk-or-treat events, where congregation members decorate their vehicles, dress in non-gory harvest costumes and hand out candy from their trunks. Some of these events are quite elaborate, and offer a great time to show the grandchildren. then, fasten your seatbelts, because before you know it the Jill Blue-Gaines holiday season will be in full swing. Until next month. BREVA RD’S AW ARD-W INNING SENIOR NEWS PAPER

Senior ife


Photographers/Video Walter Kiely, Darrell Woehler


Senior Life of Florida Years

2012 Boomer Senior Guide is here! Helpful resources 24 hours a day at Call 321-757-9205

Senior Life of Florida is published on the first of each month. The entire contents of this newspaper are copyrighted by Senior Life of Florida with all rights reserved. Senior Life of Florida is not liable for errors or omissions in editorial, advertorial or advertising materials. Distribution of this newspaper does not constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited.


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Harpis t Help s


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Brevards’s resourc 6th annual e magaz ine Boomer/Senio r Guide be found at Chamb can Commerce, ers of select CVS senior centers , libraries. and local

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World’s Fair quilt from 1904 still looks sharp By george White

Noted textile designer ruth Funk recently visited a prize family quilt — the winner of first place in the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis — now being housed in the ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts located on the campus of Florida Institute of Technology. Funk hopes the quilt can be put on display soon. “I think it’s actually in fairly good condition, considering how old it is and that it was used daily. It clearly was well constructed,’’ said Sarah Smith, the new collections manager at the facility. The story goes that Funk’s great-greatgrandmother had started the quilt in the 1860s. “She worked on it a long time, but nobody knows for sure,’’ Funk said. There are signs of wear, but the double size quilt overall is intact, showing extremely small and consistent stitching throughout. “When I got it, I did use it as a coverlet on the bed. It was somewhat worn already and why not enjoy it? It doesn’t go with the current exhibition, but eventually it will be displayed. The thing about textiles is you have to be so careful with light. Sometimes it can change the dye color,’’ Funk said. Things like this have no specific value on them, but this quilt is not only historic but has sentimental value from a long family history associated with it, she said. “I think you just have to recognize the fact that things like this, there is no value on them. You really can’t put a monetary value on them,’’ Funk said. Her family was from the South, but the quilt won the competition in St. Louis, a longtime family mystery, she said. “How it got to St. Louis or how she knew about the quilts there, we don’t know. Nobody knows the story of how it traveled there or why,’’ she said. Funk is considered a designer-adventurer, “collecting handmade ethnic textiles gathered from her extensive international travels scouring antique shops for vintage pieces,’’ to add to the jackets, according to the flap of her book “Cloth and Couture, Couture Creations of ruth E. Funk.” Funk is most known for using a basic square-cut

Senior life George White

Ruth Funk, left, and Sarah Smith, the new collections manager at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts on the FIT campus, admire a family quilt that won first place in the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

ESTATE PLANNING BOOKLET How To: Maintain Control, Avoid Probate, Conflicts, Taxes Plan for Health & Financial Needs

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jacket and the free-flowing Othello coat style. And she traces it all back to her childhood. “I’ve sewn all my life, starting when I was a little girl. I can’t really say when it started but I’ve always liked textiles and fibers. It’s putting things together; that’s what I do,’’ she said. Funk’s relationship with FIT goes back several years to when she was asked to participate in a weekend program. The result was her co-sponsoring the facility, which also will help house her collection of jackets she designed. SL

Salt water powers new charger

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City of Melbourne ‘Orchestra in residence’ seeks string and percussion players Special to Senior life

The Melbourne Community Orchestra is seeking string and percussion players who wish to join the all-volunteer group. The dynamic orchestra is comprised of age 50-and-older musicians ranging from student players to adult hobbyists and full-time professionals. Named Orchestra in residence for the City of Melbourne in 2008, the group performs seven sets of free concerts each season in the Melbourne Auditorium at 625 Hibiscus Boulevard. Call 321-952-9949 for a rehearsal schedule or visit for more information. SL

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What is your favorite Item InfraTech’s Allan Riggs and Denny Guignard preparesto of clothing from the 1950 ? use a salt-water powered battery in Rockledge, Fla.

SENIOR LIFE George White

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Scarecrow continued from page 1

will go to the rolling readers charity to help volunteers strengthen at-risk students’ reading skills. Poker Pete crow a way to honor beloved poker player

One Senior Place’s Poker Pete Crow is a way to honor popular client Pete DiMaria, who frequented the center’s activities club playing his favorite penny ante poker. The Scarecrow Stroll takes place Oct. 1 through 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. across the Viera and Suntree area and beyond, with businesses creating and hosting a scarecrow, and community members coming by to judge for popular vote and vie for prizes. A map of sites is provided in this newspaper. Stores will then move the crows to the Harvest Festival to be displayed with schoolcrows from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fun family event will be at Harvest Field, behind the Church at Viera, 9005. N. Wickham rd. in Viera, just west of Viera Hospital.

“He lived a great life and was loved by so many people, so this is a good way to keep having fun together,” said renee rader, Pete’s granddaughter who became a receptionist at One Senior Place after bringing him there for comprehensive senior services. She was snapped up by management at the first staff opening. “We saw how attentive she was to him and what a hit she was with all the seniors,” said Audrey Chow-Jones. The two joked with other passing staff members, clients and family members who offered helpful hints as they put together Poker Pete, using the original Poker Pete’s jacket and tie. “This was the place I came when I needed to cry or wanted to laugh, and they had everything we needed to make a full life for my grandpa,” rader said. “It feels good to be able to offer that to others.” There’s no business like crow business

Senior life Linda Wiggins

Ana Nesbitt watched other businesses take part in last year’s Scarecrow Stroll



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Audrey Chow-Jones and Renee Rader of the One Senior Place team help create Poker Pete Crow to fondly remember poker-playing client Pete DiMaria, Rader’s grandfather.

& Harvest Festival and made a solemn vow. Never again would she ignore an opportunity to bring foot traffic and fun to her storefront. “We saw it last year and saw the overwhelming participation from the community,” said Nesbitt, manager of Visual Dynamics Apple and Mac store at The Avenue Viera. “We wanted to be sure to be a part of it this year.” The Mac store crew is creating Mac Crow, and having a bit of fun with the big boss in the process. Jay Wooten, owner of stores in both Viera and Indian Harbour Beach, is a caricature of himself, with a big bushy mustache, big eyes open to half-mast, and bushy eyebrows. It’s his face that will be further caricatured onto an old Mac flat screen, with a motion activated mustache for when viewers come to visit. “It’s also been a fun way to bring the staff together,” Nesbitt said. Anyone coming by to view the crow will get a chance to show they have “Liked” the store on Facebook with their mobile device get an apple-themed candy treat. For more information on the Scarecrow Stroll & Harvest Festival, call 321-242-1235, “Like” the event on Facebook or go to Scarecrow SL

Senior life Linda Wiggins

Visual Dynamics team member Ryan Springer models Mac Crow during the design phase of scarecrow construction, which will include a caricature of business owner Jay Wooten’s face.




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Red Lobster

100 Sheriff Dr Melbourne, FL 32940 (321)757-5014 October 17th, 31st November 14th and 28th 2pm

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Kay’ss Real Pit Bar-B-Q Kay’

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Titusville Titusville


Denny’s Restaurant

Red Rooster Café

3500 Cheney Hwy Titusville, FL 32780 (321)268-4527 October 18th November 1st,15th,29th 2pm

5675 Micco Road Micco, FL, 32976 772)664-4065 October 26th November 2nd,16th,30th 2pm

A Health Plan with a Medicare contract. The benefit information provided herein is a brief summary, not a comprehensive description of benefit. For more information please contact the plan. Benefits, Formulary, Pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1st 2014. You must continue to pay your Part B premium. You may be able to get extra help to pay for your prescription drug premiums and costs. TToo see if you qualify for getting extra help, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) (TTY/TDD 1-877-486-2048) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; The Social Security Office at 1-800772-1213 between 7 am and 7 pm Monday through Friday TTY user should call 1-800-325-0778; or Your State Medicaid Office. You can also contact Florida Healthcare Plus Customer Service Department at 1-866-988-2210, we are open 7 days a week 8am to 8pm October 15, 2012 until February 14, 2013 then Monday through Friday 8am to 8pm. (TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-955-8770). This info is available for free in other languages, contact Florida Healthcare Plus for additional information. *Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. A sales person will be present with information and applications. Free Gifts is available with no obligation to enroll on the plan. Please note the Publix gift card can only be used for the purchase of products at participating publix supermarkets and cannot be exchanged or converted to cash. An agent will be present with information and enrollment applications when available. H4199_MKT_NPAD_201_FILE&USE_09242012




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Health & Wellness" events " % !

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Ravine Gardens, Florida State Park

interpretive exhibit. ravine Gardens Touring State Park is at 1600 the Town Twigg St. in Palatka and is open 365 days a year. Call 386-329John 3721 for details. Trieste There is much more to see in Palatka. Make your first stop the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce at 1100 reid St. for material about Palatka. I often start at the century-old home of Judge Isaac Bronson located at 100 Madison St. There is no admission charge. Call 386-329-0140 for open days and times. Palatka showcases more than 30 murals across historic buildings. The Palatka historic area encompasses 12 blocks south and north of State road 17 (reid Street). The historic area fronts the St. Johns river and river Street. All the buildings in this area were built in the 1800s and early 1900s. The city hosts the annual Florida Azalea Festival and is near the well-known Log Cabin Winery south of Palatka. Travel from Brevard to Palatka on I-95 north to exit 284. Go west on route 100/20, then go 30 miles to Palatka. route 100/20 turns into reid Street in Palatka. Take South 9th Street to Mosely Avenue. Make a left on Mosely Avenue then a left on Twigg Street The park entrance is on your right. SL

Take an educational one-day visit to the outstanding ravine Gardens State Park located in Palatka, Fla. Thousands of years ago, the ravine was created by swift water flowing from the sandy ridges on the shore of the St. Johns river. Today, this 60-acre park is a combination of formal and natural gardens. Drive your car or walk around the trail on the top of the ravine and view the extensive gardens. The peak flowering period is from late January to April. Under the administration of President Franklin roosevelt, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was started as a public work relief program for unemployed, unmarried men. It operated from 1933 to 1942. The program constructed a number of cypress buildings, picnic sites and a large covered pavilion at the park and transformed the ravine into a formal garden with an extensive trail system. There are also extensive fieldstone terraces and rock gardens. In addition to the gardens, enjoy the amphitheater, which hosts a spring concert series on weekends in March and April. There are also hiking and nature trails, picnic areas, private park ranger-led wagon tours and an



Medicare Open




Serving ing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Elders Florida Depa Department rtment of Elder Af Affair Affairs fairs


We all know people with a short fuse, a quick temper, and ugly responses to problems. Very seldom will you count among them people who live a long life.The burden of the emotion of anger, the ire and indignation from behavior of others is most often consuming. People screaming, pounding a table, or throwing things are often depicted in movies and our television news stories. Domestic abuse, temper while driving called “road rage,” and irritation of waiting to launch a boat called “ramp rage” creates situations that bring harm to others. The people who live long lives learned early in life about the consequences of such behaviors. They value patience and calm to cope and move forward. Visit with people of any age and they express their anger beyond minor irritations about government policies, political campaigns, broken promises, deteriorating organizations, morality, and economic conditions. They want to find someone to blame. People want something to happen. Even St. James, who was angry about the reception they received, asked Jesus if they should call down a rain of fire upon an unwelcoming Samaritan town (Luke 9:54). In the process, he earned the nickname “Son of Thunder,” while learning about the benefit of patience and calm. After her grandparents learned they

were victims of

Challenges identity theft and of Living to lost $38,000, Brin, age 15, asked her Age 100

grandfather if he was angry. After some discussion, Ed Brin wrote on her Baranowski facebook page: “My grandfather is such an insightful man. He told me this while we were talking at the dining room table: ‘You see angry is not a very good thing to be. I know and understand that life is too short to have little things make you upset.’” She continued: “He still has a bright shining face even if something huge and unexpected happens. Thank you so much for the life lessons grandpa.” After sharing this message, cousin Kate commented on Facebook: “We are very lucky grandkids aren’t we?” Grandpa developed a plan of action. He became part of the solution rather than part of the problem. He dealt with the police and others over time. He remained positive and calm in dealing with layers of red tape. Yes, the money was returned and more lessons were learned. Anger is a learned response. It’s never too late to switch gears, stop the upsets, and move forward with lifegiving energy in solving problems creatively. Baranowski is president of Topics Unlimited, a Melbourne-based education, seminar and consulting company. He can be reached at SL

SHINE shines in service

SHINE – it is a word we often see in a column in this newspaper every month, but what does it mean to you? Technically, the word is made up of the initials that stand for “Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders” and comes under the jurisdiction of the Florida Dept. of Elder Affairs. SHINE is a free program with specially trained volunteers to assist you with your medical and health care questions. As a person who has recently made use of their services, I can tell you that they are dedicated, offering one-on-one counseling. The volunteer who helped me asked for my permission as I sat opposite him at his desk when he called Medicare to discuss certain things with them, so I could give input as he was questioning them. He made several phone calls while I was there and then advised me of follow-ups to make later. The number of hours he spent on “my little problem,” which to me was not little, was many. Actually, he was working on trying to solve my problems for quite a few weeks, keeping in touch with me as things went along. Everything discussed during the counseling is confidential, unbiased and definitely no cost to you. One such SHINE fact sheet I’ve been looking at goes into detail about services covered under Medicare: who is covered; the frequency of services offered; and what to expect in costs. For example, an annual wellness visit

My Point of View

Lucy Kline

under Medicare is allowed once every 12 months at no cost to you. On the other hand, diabetes screening can offer two tests per year, but you do pay the 20 percent copay for the visit to the

doctor. There are locations throughout Brevard County where you can meet with a volunteer by appointment, ask questions about your coverage from Medicare, get advice on what additional supplementary coverage of the many plans around might be best for you, and review the information that covers medications. There are so many plans, it can be quite confusing, but the counselor can gather the information on the computer and show you the pros and cons of each offer so you can decide what’s best for you. In order to get more information and learn about the services that can be very helpful to you, or to locate the nearest place and time to meet with a volunteer, call the Elder Helpline at 321-504-2038. Your request for information will be passed on to our Brevard County area coordinator for SHINE, Lynne Meagher. She helped 7,200 clients in Brevard last year. Don’t miss out on knowing about this source of great help if you are a Medicare recipient. Comments are always welcome, at SL


Senior Life USA building reborn for space commerce use


ross Perot’s autobiography, “ross PeroT: MY LIFe,” scheduled to publish January 2013 Simon & Schuster has acquired world rights to the autobiography of iconic businessman, politician, and philanthropist H. ross Perot. The book is entitled “ross Perot: My Life.” Mr. Perot helped launch the nation’s high tech industry, twice building multi-billion dollar companies. Focused on the country’s fiscal crises, he ran the most successful third party presidential candidacy in modern American history, and thereafter helped launch the reform Party. The legacy of his lifelong support of education reform and the men and women of the armed forces is profound. Kevin costner’s book project, an illustrated adventure series to debut in 2014 Academy Award-winning director, producer and actor Kevin Costner has signed with Atria Books for a thrilling and innovative new serialized illustrated adventure called “The Explorers Guild”—reminiscent of Conrad and Kipling, with the epic sweep of raiders of the Lost Ark. The first book in the series, “The Explorers Guild, Volume One: A Passage to

Shambhala” will be published in 2014. In the tradition of great books like Arabian Nights, the book will combine captivating storytelling with lush visuals to deliver a literate, wholly entertaining multi-book adventure. The series will appeal to readers from young adult to more mature mystery and adventure enthusiasts. Threshold editions to publish “Immigration wars” by Jeb Bush and clint Bolick There is perhaps no public policy issue that divides Americans more stridently than immigration. “Immigration Wars” is an effort to bring coherence to a disastrous immigration policy that at once makes it difficult for newcomers to lawfully enter our country, but on the other hand fails to consistently enforce the law. Drawing upon history and American ideals, Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick outline a courageous and comprehensive strategy to bridge the partisan divide and set our nation’s immigration policy on a just and rational course. The book will present a comprehensive solution based on two core principles: immigration is vital to America’s future, fueling its growth, vibrancy and creativity; yet any true and enduring solution must adhere to the rule of the law. SL

Craig Technologies announced Sept. 26 that the company is consolidating its corporate headquarters and manufacturing division to occupy the former NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot (NSLD) building in Cape Canaveral, effective Oct. 1. The 161,000-square-foot facility will house the company’s administrative offices and more than 2,000 pieces of specialized avionics manufacturing and test equipment, some once used to process orbiters and payloads during NASA’s Shuttle Program. The service-disabled veteran-owned firm purchased capital equipment and assets from United Space Alliance and will reopen the building as the Craig Technologies Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing Center (ADMC) Jan. 1, 2013. The company will sublease a portion of office and manufacturing space to United Space Alliance through the end of 2012. SL

IrC Methodist provides safe place for treats By linda WigginS

The Kids Place at Indian river City United Methodist Church will host a pumpkin patch starting October 18 and will host story time for preschool and elementary school children, capped off by a Trunk-or-Treat fest at 6 p.m. on Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 31. The Kids Place is the school on the church campus, which provides day care for children as young as 1 year old, through voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK), with before and after care. More than 1,000 school children are already signed up for story hour, which is free and includes a tiny pumpkin to decorate and take home. Youth and adults are needed to help unload the truck on Oct. 17 at 4:30 p.m. and volunteers are needed as well to sell pumpkins through October while supplies last. The church’s Trunk-or-Treat has grown every year, according to church administrator Terry Koon. “We have it on Halloween to give the little ones a safe, secure place to trick or treat,” Koon said. “We start it early so it is still light out when it starts for the really little ones who might be afraid of the dark.” There will be refreshments, candy, toys and games. The church is located at 1355 Cheney Hwy. For more information or to register for story time, call 321-267-7308. SL

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Senior Life



Service at West Point truly in the blood for rogers and family By maria Sonnenberg

Military service is all in the family for Jeff rogers and family. Having a child graduate from West Point is a great honor. Having three is amazing. In the family of retired Army Col. Jeff rogers, a West Point education is the norm. For in this family, the military ethos thrives, nourished by a family tradition of service to country. rogers’ three sons all graduated from West Point, as did rogers himself and his father. rogers’ wife, Carlie, is another “Army brat” whose dad knew rogers’ father when the two men attended West Point. “It’s been a family tradition to never push joining the military, but it just happens,” rogers said. “I made the decision to serve when I was a junior in high school, but my father didn’t push me at all. My sons made their own decisions. I emphasized that they do well in school, but I never pushed them to join the Army.” Members of the rogers family have served their country since the Civil War. rogers’ great-great grandfather, Lt. Joseph Sumner rogers, was wounded during the Civil War. “A Union soldier saved his life, so he named his son after him,” said Jeff rogers. Joseph’s son, Harry Lovejoy rogers, became quartermaster general of the Army during World War I. His son, Harry Lovejoy rogers, Jr. graduated from the

Col. Harry Lovejoy Rogers, Jr. USMA 1918 Jeff Rogers USMA 1968

Carter Rogers USMA 1991

Harry Lovejoy Rogers III USMA 1944

Jeff Rogers’ three sons also attended West Point.

Bryant Rogers USMA 1994

United States Military Academy at West Point in November of 1918. “The day he graduated, the war was almost over,” said his grandson. He may have missed the first World War, but Harry rogers Jr., did not miss the second, and his son, III, was part of West Point’s 1944’s “D Day” class and served as an infantry combat leader in World War II and Korea. Jeff

Spencer Rogers USMA 2001

rogers followed his father’s footsteps to West Point, graduating in 1968. The three younger West Pointers, rogers’ sons Carter, Bryant and Spencer, served combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeff met wife-to-be Carlie when they were all of 5 years old in Fort Benning. “We were in kindergarten together,” said Jeff.

Fast forward 15 years, when the then 20-year-old rogers decided to renew Carlie’s acquaintance. Using the Army’s informal “telegraph system,” rogers connected with Carlie’s parents, who in turn gave the West Point cadet their daughter’s phone number at the University of Alabama. This time, Jeff didn’t let Carlie get away. The couple married in 1968, right after graduation. For rogers’ father, Korea was the crucible for military action. For the son, it was Vietnam. rogers served with heavy and light infantry and ranger units and was a light infantry combat leader in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Now, close to four decades later, he prefers not to dwell on discussing that time of war. rogers later served as Commandant of the U.S. Army Finance School and retired from active duty in 1994. He then entered the corporate world, becoming a vice president for program management with Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC. In his current consulting position with SAIC, rogers travels on assignments around the country and overseas. Carlie rogers is not sitting still, either. recently re-elected for another four-year term as Brevard County’s republican State Committeewoman, Carlie—with Jeff in tow—participated in the republican National Convention in Tampa. Like her husband, her father and her sons, she, too, is serving her country. “There is no higher honor,” said Jeff rogers. SL

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Federal, state, and locally funded services provided. Eligibility requirements may apply. Private pay services available. Aging Matters in Brevard is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization recognized by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Area Agency on Aging as the Lead Agency for senior services in Brevard County.


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Legislation to help U.S. stay tops in space


Senior ife

Harpist Helps

By linda WigginS

Senior life Photo INSIDE THIS ISSUE


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Brevards’s 6th annual resource magazine Boomer/Senior Guide can be found at Chambers of Commerce, senior centers, select CVS and local libraries.



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Brevard’s District 15 U.S. Congressman Bill Posey, right, introduces the Space Leadership Act with bill co-author, Rep. John Culberson, Texas District 7, on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012. It is legislation to help the U.S. remain tops in space.

Brevard’s District 15 U.S. Congressman Bill Posey and five other influential legislators introduced a bill on Sept. 20 that would revamp U.S. space program leadership. “What the Space Leadership Act means is that our

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space program will no longer be at the whim of whatever Administration is in place. Plans must fulfill a 10-year plan with no cancellations allowed unless it is by the official new NASA leadership board,� said Posey spokesman George Cecala. Many leaders and residents in Brevard and beyond were angered by the shortening of the shuttle program and tandem cancellation of the Constellation program after previous promises by incoming President Barack Obama to do otherwise. To see the bill in full and track this legislation, go to Posey.House.Gov.

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Noteworthy events The fourth program in the Brevard Naturalist Program will be held at the Cocoa Beach Public Library on Saturday, Oct. 27. “Learn about the Thousand Islands and More� will feature speakers in the morning, followed by an afternoon paddling trip through the Thousand Islands. Cost is $50 if a kayak is needed or $35 if you bring a kayak or canoe. register at For questions, contact program coordinator Vince Lamb at 321-258-5168 or The 28th annual Indian Harbour Beach City Art & Crafts Show will be held in Gleason Park from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov.17 (Nov. 18 as a rain date). Many vendors will display their work, which includes custom woodworking; handcrafted jewelry; photography; mixed media; acrylics; and mosaics; floral arrangements and wreaths. Vendor spaces are still available. Please email for more information.





Senior Life

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Collecting fees Associations of all types are finding it increasingly difficult to collect past-due fees. Whether you live in a condominium, cooperative, mobile home community or homeowners association, the stressed economy has dramatically increased delinquencies. This month’s column will discuss various ways to step up the collection process. In 2010, the Florida Legislature amended some of the association laws in favor of the association. Associations are now allowed to collect rent from tenants of delinquent owners. This stays in effect until the delinquent owner’s fees are paid in full. Included in the new amendments are strong penalties to the owner. If your association is attempting to collect fines, you are now allowed to place a lien on the owner once the fine amount goes over $1,000. Associations are no longer allowed to file their own liens, however, so I strongly recommend you contact your association attorney for details on these procedures. Consider enhancing your association’s collection procedures. The association I manage has added an additional written reminder. We also began phoning delinquent owners with positive results. We aggressively send delinquents to a collection attorney. Some attorneys do not charge the association upfront fees. The majority of

their fee is usually

Association collected from the owner. Again, contact Living your association attorney for details. Most attorneys will negotiate their fees. Over the last several years, I have noticed more and more associations adding a line item in their budget for bad debt or nonpayment of assessments. That exacerbates the consequence of the delinquent owner. The addition of the bad debt line item creates a situation whereby the upstanding owners are paying the assessment of delinquent owners. Deciding the amount to set aside may be a judgment call. Each association may have different factors to consider. A suggestion is to set aside at least the amount of bad debt written off the prior year. A more conservative approach would be to track your threeyear history for an average and add a reasonable arbitrary amount. By Frank Kneiser, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

As you may have noticed, this topic requires legal knowledge. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act also plays a role. I recommend finding an attorney that specializes in “Association Law� to help your association sort through these issues. It’s important to point out that Mr. Kneiser is not an attorney and legal questions should be referred to your attorney. However, a requirement of his Community Association Manager’s license is to stay abreast of the Florida Association laws. Contact him with any questions at SL

Boo-Bash Halloween Party Bringing Pain Relief to The Viera Community

Courtenay Springs Village, the 55 + apartments rentals, will be hosting a “Boo-Bash� Halloween Party! It’s time to get in the spirit of Halloween with your Halloween costume. Enter for your chance to win prizes for the best costume. This takes place on Oct. 31 from 2 to 5 p.m. Enjoy music by professional DJ, Will Bryan. Enjoy spooktacular goodies and caldron potions. Courtenay Springs Village is located at 1200 S. Courtenay Parkway in Merritt Island. It is recommended to rSVP to: 321-4521233 by Oct. 29.


DĞůÄ?ŽƾĆŒĹśÄž KĸÄ?Äž ϹϹϰϹ E tĹ?Ä?ŏŚĂž ZĚ͘ DĞůÄ?ŽƾĆŒĹśÄžÍ• &> ϯώϾϰϏ


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Bunco Bash


The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, a faith-based community outreach organization, will hold its semiannual Bunco Bash on Monday, Oct. 15 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 3435 South Fiske Blvd., rockledge. Doors will open at 6:15. Bunco starts promptly at 7 p.m. Bunco prizes and raffles will be part of the evening’s fun. Light refreshments will be served. You must be 18 years or older to attend. Tickets are $12 per person. Tickets for this fun evening sell out quickly. Call rachel at 632-4382 or Kathy O’Conor at 254-8413 for tickets.


Littering of our beaches endangers sea turtles By martha maSiello

Welcome Home to Paradise! R esort-Style Living a evar ard d County ’s Resort-Style att Br Brevard County’s Premier Pr emiere Active Active Adult Comm unity Premiere Community 7KUHH &OXE +RXVHV +HDWHG 3RRO 6SD )LWQHVV &HQWHU %LOOLDUGV 5RRP &RPSXWHU &HQWHU &UDIWV &HUDPLFV 5RRP 6KXI IOH %RDUG &RXUWV 6FKHGXOHG (QWHUWDLQPHQW 3URIHVVLRQDOO\ 0DQDJHG 6WDI IHG &RPPXQLW\ 3DWURO )RXU /DNHV 7HQQLV &RXUWV +ROH 0LQLDWXUH *ROI &RXUVH )LVKLQJ 59 %RDW 6WRUDJH

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May 1 through Oct. 31 is turtle nesting season. Female sea turtles may nest up to seven times during a nesting season. Eggs hatch in approximately 60 days, with the hatchlings averaging two inches long. Turtles reach sexual maturity between 15 and 30 years of life. Unfortunately, most will not survive to maturity. Three out of five of the world’s seven sea turtle species are found in Florida, on Brevard County beaches. The loggerhead, named because of their massive heads, weigh between 185 to 350 pounds at maturity with shells 35 to 40 inches. They feed on crustaceans and mollusks. The green turtle, may grow to the size of a loggerhead. However, their heads are much smaller. Adult turtles feed on sea grasses and algae. The leatherback, weigh an average of 800 to 1,000 pounds as adults. Jellyfish are their main food sources. During hatching season, lights out are mandatory on beaches, including flash cameras and flash lights. It is recommended that ocean-front residents turn off or shield outdoor lights, close drapes or blinds and turn off any indoor lights to prevent shining onto the beach. Lights may disturb and confuse the nesting turtles and hatchlings. It is unlawful to harass or take sea turtles or any part of sea turtles or their eggs, or to disturb their nests in any way. Do not approach an adult turtle coming out of the water to nest. This action will startle her, and she may return to the water while laying her eggs. Be careful when digging on the beach. You may disturb or destroy a turtle nest. Do not leave any holes in the

Senior life Photo

Sea turtle nesting ends Oct. 31. sand that may trap either an adult or hatchling. They may not be able to make it back to the sea. Human threats to sea turtles include: destroying nesting habitat; exploiting for food, skin, oil and shells; disorienting with lighting; shrimping and fishing gear; polluting with oil, plastic and other debris. During the National Night Out event in Cocoa Beach on Aug. 7, Linda Archer, a sea turtle preservation volunteer, distributed literature to children and adults. She also exhibited a mock turtle nest and explained the nesting process. For sea turtle emergencies, call the Sea Turtle Emergency response Hotline at 321-206-0646, or for general information, call 321-676-1701. For further information click on:, Sea Turtle Preservation Society;, Sea Turtle Conservancy;, Florida State Parks. SL

New turtle tracking technique may aid efforts to save loggerheads Sea turtle conServancy

The old adage “you are what you eat” is helping scientists better understand the threatened loggerhead turtle, which is the primary nester on Central Florida's beaches. A study published today in the journal PLOS ONE describes how scientists at the University of Central Florida used a technique that links chemical signatures of the turtles' diets and their watery environments to their migratory routes. They found the technique just as effective as expensive satellite tracking. Little is known about the turtles, which spend 99 percent of their time in the water and return to the Archie Carr National Wildlife refuge’s beach to nest once every two to three years. The 13-mile-long beach is home to the second-largest population of loggerheads in the world and to about one of every four nests those turtles lay in the United States. While other turtles’ nests are increasing along the refuge’s shores, the loggerheads’ have been declining since 2000. The technique validated by the UCF scientists could help managers preserve the turtles’ nesting grounds, migration routes and foraging grounds, all of which are critical to their survival. “We need good information so policy makers can focus the limited

Senior life Martha Masiello

Sea Turtle Preservation Society volunteer Linda Archer provides informtion at National Night Out in Cocoa Beach on Aug. 7, 2012. conservation funds available where they can make the greatest impact,” said Simona Ceriani, the UCF graduate student who led the study. “We all want our children to see these beautiful Continued to page 29



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VITAS Memory VITAS Bear Workshop

9:30 a.m. 321-930-1230

10 - 10:45 a.m. 321-434-5665 One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd. Viera



Columbus Day Ball

St. Francis of Assisi Blessing of the Animals

Oktoberf oberfes est Picnic PAFB 12 - 4 p.m., PAFB 321-784-8943

6 p.m. $20 Members, $22 non-members Italian-American Club 1471 Cypress Ave. 321-728-9442

8 - 9 a.m. Golf Club House 861 Marina Rd. PAFB 321-784-8934

Sit & Be Fit with Watersong

MOAA- Picnic

6 p.m. Shelter ’s Rainbow Bridge 1020 Cox Road, Cocoa

Italian Night

5:30 p.m. $20 Knights of Columbus 7408 Babcock St., Palm Palm Bay 321-984-3763

Cocoa Beach Woman’s Club 9:30 a.m.



UNO Chicago GrillLunch & Leads Group


Stamping Club

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Free Bring your fav favorite stamps and a table cover Palm Bay Library 321-952-4519

11:30 - 12:30 p.m. 8260 N. Wickham Rd. Viera

Space Coast Peggers


Riverside Presbyterian Church Fall Concert


Dance with Community Band of Brevard

History of the Windover Dig Archaeological Project

7:30 - 10:30 p.m. $6 Members $7 Non-Members North Brevard Senior Center 305-335-5723

Veterans Open House

12 - 3 p.m. American Legion Post #1 1281 N US Hwy 1 Titusville 321-225-8142

6:30 p.m. DŝŵƐͬ^ĐŽƩƐŵŽŽƌ >ŝďƌĂƌLJ 321-264-5080

The Avenues Viera


Barbara’s Book Chats

Medicare Annual ŶƌŽůůŵĞŶƚ YƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ

“Wild: From From Lost to Found Found ŽŶ ƚŚĞ WĂĐŝĮĐ ƌĞƐƚ dƌĂŝů͟ 1 p.m. Satellite Beach Library 751 Jamaica Blvd. 321-779-4004

Yoga with Gloria Bella (Every W Wednesday) ednesday) 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. $5 Bring a mat Palm Bay Library 321-952-4519

10:30 am. - 12: 30 p.m. and/or and/ or 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. $12 per class The Art Gallery of Viera The Avenues Viera 321-773-0095



Line Dance Party in the Pumpkin Patch

7 - 10 p.m. $10 North Brevard Senior Center 321-267-0195

Halloween H alllowe oween owe


Trunks and treats Classic Car Show

6 p.m. West Melbourne Library 2755 Wingate Blvd. 321-952-4508


1 - 4 p.m. dŚĞ WůĂĐĞ Ăƚ DĞƌƌŝƩ Island Assisted Living ϱϯϱ ƌŽĐŬĞƩ ůǀĚ͘ DĞƌƌŝƩ /ƐůĂŶĚ 321-454-2363

8 - 9 a.m. IRCC Colony Hall 1936 Freedom Freedom Dr Dr.. Viera 321-784-8934

Noon Tides, P PAFB AFB 321-453-2947




/ŶĚŝĂůĂŶƟĐ ŚĂŵďĞƌ Singers Fall Concert



3:30 p.m. ϯϰϬϬ E͘ ƚůĂŶƟĐ ǀĞ͘ ; ϭ Ϳ Cocoa Beach Call to reserve your ƟĐŬĞƚ Ăƚ ϯϮϭͲϱϮϱͲϳϴϮϱ

8 - 9 p.m. Sam’ss House at Pine Island Sam’ 6195 North Tropic Tropical dƌĂŝů͕ DĞƌƌŝƩ /ƐůĂŶĚ 321-432-3231

9:30 a.m. 123 Barton Blvd. Rockledge 321-631-7776


Owl Prowl

7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Viera 321-960-5000

Grandparents Raising Children Support Group

3 p.m. Eastminster Presbyterian Church /ŶĚŝĂůĂŶƟĐ 321-960-5000

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Free Palm Bay Libray 321-952-4519


/ŶĚŝĂůĂŶƟĐ ŚĂŵďĞƌ Singers Fall Concert

Mystery in the Morning Book Club

(Every Monday) 6 p.m. 585 N. Courtenay Parkway Suite 101-102 DĞƌƌŝƩ /ƐůĂŶĚ 321-459-9379


Sit & Be Fit with Watersong

(Every Tuesday) Tuesday) 10 - 10:45 a.m. One Senior place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd. Viera 321-751-6771

“By the Light of the Moon” Hike

The Brevard Chapter of Central Florida Accordion Club

7 p.m. Juan Ponce De Leon Beach Park Park Melbourne Beach 321-723-3556

2 - 5 p.m. Free Elkss Lodge #1532 Elk Cocoa

Email your event bef efo ore the 15th of each month to: info@m info@m o@mys yseniorlif Please include the name of the event, time(s), address and a contact phone number. Please remember that this is a monthly publication and all events must be fo for the up upcoming month. If email is not an option, please call 321-242-1235, also by the 15th of each month, or mail your info information to:

7630 N. Wi Wick ckha ham Rd., Suite 105, Vi Viera, FL 32940




Barbershop Harmony Society seeks holiday singers

BOOK rEVIEW Coming Soon

The Greater Canaveral Chapter of The Barbershop Harmony Society invites all men who like to sing to join them as they prepare to present a program of holiday music at several venues throughout the month of December. The program will include such holiday favorites as “Silent Night,� “O Come All Ye Faithful,� “Away in a Manger,� and “Jingle Bells.� rehearsals are from 7 to 8:15 p.m. every Tuesday in the Choral room in the Fine Arts Building ( # 4) on the Cocoa Campus of Brevard Community College, 1519 Clearlake road. For information, call Arlan ropp at 321-636-0900.

“Being George Washington—The Indispensable Man, As You’ve Never Seen Him� By Glenn Beck Trade Paperback, 304 pages Ships around Oct. 2, 2012 This is the amazing true story of a reallife superhero who wore no cape and possessed no special powers—yet changed the world forever. His life reads as if it were torn from the pages of an action novel: Bullet holes through his clothing. Horses shot out from under him. Unimaginable hardship. Disease. Spies and double-agents. And while we celebrate his great heroism and character, we discover he was also a flawed man. It’s those flaws that should give us hope for today. Understanding the very human way he turned himself from an uneducated farmer into the Indispensable (yet imperfect) Man is the only way to build a new generation of George Washingtons who can take on the extraordinary challenges that America is once again facing. SL

Celebrate Italian night

The Knights of Columbus Council 7408 located on Babcock St., Palm Bay (next to Callagy Tires) will host an Italian Night on Saturday, Oct. 6. The social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6 p.m. a show and dancing will follow. The evening is catered by Sopranos Mediterranean Grill & Pasta. Donation is $20 per person. For tickets or more information, please call Frank Ferrante at 321-984-3763. SL

VENDORS WANTED Harvest Festival Sat., Oct. 13, at Harvest Field in Viera. Business and Food Vendors tables available.

Ask for the VNA! If you’re planning

“Heisman, The Man Behind the Trophy� By John M Heisman and Mark Schlabach Ships on or around Oct. 2, 2012

to have surgery, your doctor may recommend that you receive post-surgery care at home. If so, the VNA may be able to help.

While the Heisman Trophy is the most famous individual award in sports, very little is known about John W. Heisman, the man the Downtown Athletic Club of New York chose to honor in 1936 by naming its national player of the year award for him. In “Heisman: The Man Behind the Trophy,� John M. Heisman, the legendary coach’s great-nephew, and New York Times bestselling author Mark Schlabach offer football fans the first authorized biography of the man whose life has been memorialized by the Heisman Trophy. After combing through thousands of pages of Heisman’s personal documents, the authors have chronicled Heisman’s life from a young boy growing up on the oil fields of northwest Pennsylvania to eventually becoming one of the sport’s most innovative and successful coaches.

Our nurses, wound care specialists, and therapists are dedicated to making your transition back to your home as simple and stress-free as possible. When you need post-surgery care, ask your physician for the VNA.


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Senior Life Swingtime Jazz Band’s October concert asks ‘Number, Please?’ Popular vocalists Sally Hart and Len Fallen to perform Senior life Photo

Tom and Nancy Short are hoping shoppers buy their ready-to-mail gifts at the SUMC Christmas Bazaar on Nov. 3.

Trinkets turn cash into help for those in need By linda WigginS

When Nancy and Tom Short took the Disciple class at Suntree United Methodist Church on Wednesday nights, they shared their hearts with others and went from church members to a church family. As the 34-week class on living life as God in Christ would have them, they looked for a way to stay together. The couple enlisted class members on their team and took over the popular annual Christmas Bazaar, which this year marks its 25th year, featuring special events and bargain opportunities to mark the milestone. It will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3. A traditional barbecue lunch will be served, plus kid’s corner

face painting, photos with Santa, a bake sale and more. “The Silver Anniversary bazaar gives the community a wonderful chance to start their holiday shopping with the funds going to several good causes,” Tom Short said. Silent auction items include four one-day “park-hopper” tickets donated by Disney World, a $480 value. More than 50 local businesses have donated their products or services as well. The event will be from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., with live entertainment starting at 11:30 a.m. The church is located at 7400 N. Wickham rd. For more information, email or call the church office at 321-242-2585. SL

Attendees at the Swingtime Jazz Band’s Oct. 17 and 18 concerts will be treated to a program of special “numbers”—that is, the selections all will have numbers in their titles. The concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Avenue. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge and tickets are not required. Well-known favorites such as “Pennsylvania 6-5000,”

“12th Street rag,” “route 66,” “920 Special” and “Cocktails for Two” are among the musical selections. Vocalists Sally Hart, who performed with Lawrence Welk, and Len Fallen, also a favorite on the Space Coast, will be featured. The Swingtime band is under the direction of Art Martin, tenor and baritone saxophonist, who has performed with Warren Covington, the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, Clark Terry, Dizzy Gillespie and The Platters, to name a few. Call 724-0555 or visit for more information. SL

Calling all photographers All That Art is a juried photo-art competition and exhibition held at the King Center for the Performing Arts, sponsored by the nonprofit Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard. The exhibition, gala and final judging will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 4. The deadline to enter is Oct. 14. Prints are to be delivered to the King Center rotunda by Oct. 29 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. for preliminary judging. Sixty-two photos will be selected. After the Nov. 5 event, prints will be on exhibit for one month in the Harris Gallery of the King Center. Prizes are $500; $250; $200; and 10 prizes of $50 for honorable mention. Artists may submit up to five photos. Entry fee for the first photo is $25, with $10 for each addition photo. For an application call Suzanne Frank at 321-254-3398. SL







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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints enjoy community service Jim and Ese Housman I remember Keeping serve in the Titusville Ward the fervor— the Faith with their three sons. Jim and the Housman has served as the fear—when Linda S. bishop (pastor) of his ward John F. and many other callings. Kennedy was Humphrey Ese has been the women’s elected to the president of the relief presidency. Most of the hoopla was because he was a roman Catholic and never before had Americans elected a Catholic to the highest office in the land. Now, 50 years later, those emotions have resurfaced with Mitt romney, a devout Mormon, on the ballot. In Brevard County, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has seven local congregations, referred to as wards, with a recorded membership of about 4,000. The meetinghouses are located from Palm Bay to Titusville. What I know about Mormons is that they are very service oriented and work as unpaid volunteers within the church. John Dalley is a member of the Senior life Photo rockledge Ward who works for a private Mike Rees, friend of John Dalley, shares LDS church contractor in Oman, a country near Saudi services and experiences while working in Oman. Arabia. When Dalley arrived at the Oman Senior life Photo Air Force Base earlier this year, he took great Becky and Eric Beausoleil and Ese and Jim Housman Currently, they coach their son’s soccer team, The pains to locate other LDS members. Currently, make it a family affair as they conduct soccer practice Exterminators. Ese finds time to make quilts for the there are about six who meet on Sundays for an twice a week as coaches in Titusville. The LDS families needy. hour of worship together. say they enjoy volunteering within the church and the “I also love working with the Boy Scouts program,” “These meetings are very special and community. said Jim Housman. “I am known for hauling around spiritual,” said Dalley, who has been a member Society organization. The couple finds time to work, my portable smoker and cooking for fundraisers and of the LDS church all his life, coming from a small hold church callings and volunteer in the community. church functions. We love to serve.” SL town in Utah. Dalley’s wife Brenda is happy that he is able to have this connection with other members. “Knowing my husband’s love for the church, missing his family and not having a meeting to attend would be extremely hard on him. I was very grateful when I learned he had others to meet with. I knew he would be OK.”

NOW - December 1st

Navigator’s Club CALENDAR Please call for a detailed flyer. For more information call 321-727-0946.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, october 2, 2012 at 10 a.m. at the Front street civic center in Melbourne. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 Gaylord Palms’ “ICE” in Orlando $93 per person (Waitlist) Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013 “Funny Girl” at the riverside Theatre in Vero Beach $119 per person Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013 Capone’s Dinner & Show in Kissimmee $79 per person Thursday, March 14, 2013 “The Kids Left, The Dog Died, Now What?” Winter Park Playhouse $110 per person Monday, March 18 – Thursday, March 21, 2013 Springtime in Charleston $825 per person


TOYS 4 OUR MILITARY BRATS Please drop off New unwrapped toys, gift cards for our local Military brats ages: Babies - Teenagers Did you know our local National Guard is 40% unemployed? Please help our military family. Drop off location for TOYS 4 Military Brats: Edward Jones 7025 N. Wickham Rd Melbourne FL 32940

WMEL Radio Station 2335 Pluckebaum Rd Cocoa, FL, 32926

Senior Life Viera Voice 7630 N. WickhamRd #105 Viera, FL 32940

Salon Lotus 639 Brevard Ave Cocoa, FL 32926

Veteran Owned Bus 240nMinton Rd Melbourne, FL 32940

ĂŝůĞLJ͛Ɛ dƌĞĂƐƵƌĞƐ 2275 N Courtney Merritt Island, FL

Party House 3158 Lk Washington Melbourne, FL

Looking Good Hair 325 E Merritt Island Merritt Island, FL

Corner Tattoo 112 Dixie Lane Cocoa Beach, FL Armstrong Chiropractor 1401 N A1A Cocoa Beach, FL Comfort Inn & Suites 3901 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

hEK͛Ɛ 8260 N. Wickham Rd Melbourne, FL

Church at the Cross 50 S. Wimbrow Dr. Sebastian, FL 32958

ALL: American Legion Post, VFW, DAV, Elks Lodge

Want to be a DROP off LOCATION? Email

YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE A DONATION at and (NOTE) Toys 4 Military Brats AVET Project Inc. P O BOX 254555 PATRICK AFB, FL 32925 321-373-7046 ͞ KWz K& d, K&&/ > Z '/^dZ d/KE E &/E E / > /E&KZD d/KE D z K d /E &ZKD d, /s/^/KE K& KE^hD Z ^ Zs/ ^ z >>/NG TOLL ʹFREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION Bz d, ^d d ͘͟ &ůŽƌŝĚĂ ZĞŐη ,ϯϭϬϬ6; Oregon Reg#40263; CA Reg#t0155981; TX Reg#810419552



Merritt Island squadron serves country in the sky By angela Smith

Earlier this year when a small aircraft crashed in Vero Beach, the plane sent out a beacon signal indicating across local aviation boards that something was wrong. There to respond to the aircraft’s distress calls were members of the Merritt Island Senior Squadron, a local aviation group headquartered in Brevard County. The group, nationally a part of the The Civil Air Patrol, is a civilian auxiliary nonprofit, volunteer organization of the U.S. Air Force which searches for downed aircraft, often in pieces, and reports the coordinates to rescue crews on the ground. “It’s a hard task,” said senior member Lt. Col. Ken Manfra, chief pilot and standards and evaluations officer. “It’s a good feeling that you’ve accomplished something and somebody is healthy because you were there to find the plane. In some cases, like the Vero Beach crash, it’s depressing because I knew when the wreckage was found no one would be alive.” Despite this, the 21 members of the squadron, ranging in age from their 40s, well into their 70s, still volunteer for the job. Nestled between the Brevard County’s sheriff’s helicopter hangar and open air strips at the Merritt Island Airport, you will find the group of civilians. retired military and others still in the workforce came together

Senior life Angela Smith

Members of the Civil Air Patrol Merritt Island Squadron pose for a photo beside the group’s aircraft in a hangar at the Merritt Island Airport. L-R: Lt. Col. Ken Manfra, chief pilot and standards and evaluations officer; Major John Booher, squadron commander; Capt. Alan Kolos, logistics officer; Lt. Col. Terry Pricer, deputy commander and maintenance officer; Capt. Deborah Kolos, aerospace education officer; Lt. Col. Chuck Rikli, emergency services officer; Capt. John Herba, personnel officer and 2nd Lt. Brian Leger, safety officer. twice a month to meet and discuss aircraft safety issues and aircraft maintenance. They also are there for the love of aviation and helping others. “We’re flying with a purpose,” said member Lt. Col. Chuck rikli, emergency services officer. “We’re helping to find people. It makes a

difference.” The group is a mix of pilots and non-pilots; both important jobs when it comes to search and rescue missions. From between 500 to 1,000 feet in the air, the pilot keeps the plane steady, while other members who are often non-pilots look for aircraft pieces.

Senior life Angela Smith

Inside the cockpit of the Civil Air Patrol Merritt Island Senior Squadron aircraft, the group uses high-tech instruments to find downed planes.

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Hundreds, maybe thousands, of twisted and broken metal scattered over acres of terrain. “It’s half art, half science,” said member Capt. Alan Kolos, logistics officer. “There are patterns that are searched, dissection of the geography and debris patterns and tree lines that might help quicken and narrow the search; that’s the art to it from the experience.” Although it is a sometimes treacherous job with pressure, excitement and sadness, the members of the group feel that Civil Air Patrol is also something that bonds them together no matter how old they are or what experience may have. “Some of the camaraderie you find in the military, you can find here in the squadron,” said John Booher. “It’s important. We’re coming together and serving a purpose of giving back.” The group has three primary missions: Cadet Programs, Aerospace Education and Emergency Services. For more information, email or visit 908 Airport rd. on Merritt Island. SL





SpaceCoast boomers Boomer’s mission is to help children take to the skies By linda WigginS

Dwight Bell loves God and flying, and loves to bring young people to both in that order of importance. The boomer founded a Christian nonprofit mission called Wings of Grace to teach at-risk and economically challenged young people to fly. “Our main goal is to get them their private pilot license so they can get jobs. It’s a really rare, wonderful opportunity for these teens,� said Bell, who shares his mission with wife, Angelia, licensed pilot and pastor Michael Duffy, and his wife, Maria. All are volunteers who reach into their own pockets conduct fundraisers to pay all the costs for simulator time, flights and fuel. “It would be almost impossible for them to do it without going into the military or having rich parents,� Bell added. Duffy seconded that emotion. “Our program is giving hope to these teens in a time where there is not much hope. Families are suffering with unemployment and foreclosures and these teens are thinking, ‘If my parents can’t make it, what hope is there for me?’ This program is designed to give them that hope: ‘I can do this, I can actually become a pilot!’� Simulator time is logged on multiple stations at Christ Church of Hope on State road A1A in Indialantic. Helicopter and airplane flights are co-piloted by Bell and Duffy in their respective aircrafts. Additional instructors and airplanes are provided by ministry partner Servant Air Ministries, the Florida chapter of the Pilots for Christ organization. According to Bell, once the teens are bitten by the flying bug, his second but more important goal is to lead them to the Gospel. “They learn they can do anything as long as they have God behind them,� Bell said. Teaching them God’s ways is reflected in the aeronautical decisionmaking ability that Bell teaches, which includes when to fly, when not to fly, what is a safe route and what is too dangerous. The same decision-making process can work for them in every area of their lives.

Senior life Linda Wiggins

Wings of Grace founder Dwight Bell, right, and his wife, Angelia, second from right, offer teens Dillon Noonan, left, and Jasmine Espinosa free flight training at the program open house on Monday, Sept. 17, 2012. “For example, should a teen walk into a party and see alcohol and drugs, they already know what they are going to do. They are going to leave,� Bell said. “They are not going to stay there and hang out to see what happens, because they know the chain of events that will come.� Without the program, the training would be about $9,000. It includes all the instructional materials, flight uniforms, simulator time and flight time. However, the teens don’t get it for free. They must maintain good grades, do community service, show respect for authority ― beginning with their parents ― and make mature decisions in general. All of this must be done before ultimately taking to the air. Dillon Noonan’s goal in the program is to become an Air Force pilot and hopes the training and experience will give him the edge to earn his airman wings. “I am so excited about this,� Dillon

said. “I know it will change my life in the ways that matter most.� For more information, contact Bell

at 321-288-7209 or go to Wingsof SL

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Senior Life

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'&+%#. 6'#/ 6#-'5 # .11- 70&'4 6*' *11& Medical team takes a look under the hood

)+8'5 6*' %#08#5 # 5706#0 @ 5#+& 4+#0 #.&9+0 # 07%.'#4 /'&+%+0' 6'%*01.1)+56 9*1 12'4#6'5 #0& 5 +6 /'/14; .155 14 564'55 9*'0 9' gives the canvas a suntan,” said Brian By linda WigginS /#0#)'5 '741 1( .14+&# %#0A6 (+0& 174 -';5 %#0A6 4'/'/$'4 # Baldwin, a nuclear medicine 2418+&'5 6*' +/#)'5 (14 %1..'#)7'A5 0#/' 14 (14)'6 # &#6' 9+6* 9*+%* who operates and Is it memory loss or stress when we technologist #+4%*+.&A5 %.+'065 # .18'& 10' 1 9' 5'' # 0'741.1)+56 manages NeuroSPECT of Florida, can’t find our keys, can’t remember a *' 5%#0 +5 6*'0 5'06 61 4 +%*#'. (14 # /'&+%#. %74' 14 # 25;%*1.1)+56 61 which provides the images for colleague’s name, or forget a date with 5<.'4 # /'&+%#. 52'%+#.+56 9*1 *'.2 %12' ( 10.; 9' %17.& 5'' +05+&' Fairchild’s clients. a loved one? Do we see a neurologist +06'424'65 6*' &#6# 9*+%* 5*19 6*15' 6*' $4#+0 The scan is then sent to Dr. Michael for a medical cure, or a psychologist to 2#465 1( 6*' $4#+0 6*#6 #4' '+6*'4 70&'4 19 9' %#0 M.D., a medical specialist who Uszler, help cope? If only we could see inside 14 18'4 (70%6+10+0) #0& 6*'4'$; *'.25 !+'4# 25;%*1.1)+56 *#5 %1/$+0'& interprets the data, which show those the brain. 6*' 6'#/ 61 (14/ # &+#)015+5 #0& 6*' .#6'56 6'%*01.1); +0 /'&+%#. $4#+0 parts of the brain that are either underNow we can. 64'#6/'06 #2241#%* >> ' 6*'0 4'#&5 6*' 5%#00+0) +/#)+0) #0& /#22+0) 61 or over-functioning and thereby helps A Viera psychologist has combined (1..19 72 5%#0 61 %10(+4/ 6*#6 6*' *'.2 &'6'4/+0' 6*' %#75' 1( +/2412'4 the team to form a diagnosis and the latest technology in medical brain 64'#6/'06 *#5 $''0 '(('%6+8' $4#+0 (70%6+10 treatment approach. He then reads the scanning, imaging and mapping to ? 4 #+4%*+.& +5 # 8+5+10#4; ? 6 75'& 61 $' 6*#6 /'&+%#. &1%6145 follow-up scan to confirm that the help determine the cause of improper $8+175.; 9*'0 ;17 *#8' #.. 6*' &+& 6*'+4 190 6*+0) #0& 25;%*1.1)+565 treatment has been effective. brain function. ':2'465 914-+0) 61)'6*'4 10 10' 2#)' &+& 6*'+4 190 6*+0) #0& 0'8'4 &+& 6*' “Dr. Fairchild is a visionary. “It used to be that medical doctors ;17 #4' )1+0) 61 )'6 6*' $'56 4'57.65 @ 69#+0 /''6 @ 5#+& 4 %166 #+4%*+.& Obviously, when you have all the did their own thing, and psychologists 5<.'4 5#+& 25;%*1.1)+56 #0& 190'4 1( #;64'' experts working together on one page, did their own thing and never did the #510 '4- # 572'48+5'& '*#8+14#. '#.6* +0 !+'4# ? 6*17)*6 you are going to get the best results,” twain meet,” said Dr. Scott Fairchild, 0'741(''&$#%- 6'%*0+%+#0 75'5 #0 +6 917.& $' )4'#6 61 /#44; 6*' 691 6*#6 Uszler said. psychologist and owner of Baytree .'%641 0%'2*#.1 4#/ #0& +6 917.& $' # 9#; 61 /14' 6*#0 &17$.' Jason Berk, a supervised Behavioral Health in Viera. “I thought ?37#06+6#6+8'@> 4'57.65 61 64#%- *19 Senior life Linda Wiggins 6*' '(('%6+8'0'55 1( 64'#6/'06 (14 $16* neurofeedback technician, uses an it would be great to marry the two, that 6*' $4#+0A5 '.'%64+%#. 5;56'/ 914-5 Dr. Scott Fairchild, left, and nuclear medicine technologist Brian Baldwin, right, show /'&+%#. #0& $'*#8+14#. *'#.6* &1%6145 @ 9'.. ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) and it would be a way to more than double ? *' -+&5 .18' +6 $'%#75' 9' %#0 how brain scans are displayed on a computer screen, with biofeedback technician *' ,70%674' +5 %4+6+%#. 61 “quantitative” EEG results to track how the effectiveness of treatment for both #%67#..; 6'#%* 6*'/ 61 %10641. #52'%65 Jason Berk, rear, adding input on the brain’s EEG-mapped electrical currents. &'6'4/+0+0) 6*' %#75' 1( /'/14; .155 well the brain’s electrical system works. medical and behavioral health doctors.” 1( *19 6*'+4 $4#+0 914-5 #0& 5+0%' 52'%+(+% /'&+%+0'5 64'#6 10.; “The kids love it because we can The juncture is critical to +6 .+-' # /75%.' @ %#75'5 1( &'/'06+# 0; 6+/' 52'06 10 564'0)6*'0 actually teach them to control aspects determining the cause of memory loss '4- 5#+& > 64+#. #0& '4414 4'57.65 +0 (#+.74' 61 5.19 of how their brain works, and since specific medicines treat only #6+'065 9'#4+0) 6*' %#2 (+66'& 9+6* # &'%.+0' +0 (70%6+10 strengthen it like a muscle,” causes of dementia. Any time spent on 5'05+0) 2#&5 %#0 #%67#..; /#-' # 0 6*' 16*'4 *#0& 9*'0 &1%6145 Berk said. trial and error results in failure to slow 8+&'1 )#/' 914- $; &+4'%6+0) 6*'+4 #557/' /'/14; .155 +5 &7' 61 Patients wearing the cap fitted with a decline in function. 6*17)*65 2418+&+0) (''&$#%- 10 *19 0'741.1)+%#. (#%6145 4#6*'4 6*#0 #0 sensing pads can actually make a On the other hand, when doctors 9'.. 6*'; #4' +0 %10641. 1( 6*'+4 190 '#5+.; /'&+%#6'& /'06#. +..0'55 6*#6 video game work by directing their assume memory loss is due to /+0& %17.& #.51 $'0'(+6 (41/ 6#.- 6*'4#2; thoughts, providing feedback on how neurological factors rather than an *' %1/24'*'05+8' &+#)0156+% #0& 6*' 2#6+'06 .15'5 611 well they are in control of their own easily medicated mental illness that 64'#6/'06 #2241#%* *'.25 9+6* #+4%*+.&A5 6'%*0+%+#05 )#6*'4 6*' mind. could also benefit from talk therapy, &'/'06+# 1( #.. 6;2'5 5641-' %*+.&4'0 $4#+0 &#6# 6*417)* 5%#05 #6 *+5 1((+%'5 The comprehensive diagnostic and the patient loses, too. 9+6* #76+5/ %'4'$4#. 2#.5; 14 6*' $4#+0 +/#)+0) 2#6+'065 treatment approach helps with Fairchild’s technicians gather the #&7.65 9+6* 521465 +0,74+'5 61:+% 2#46+%+2#6' +0 # 07%.'#4 /'&+%+0' 567&; ;170) all types, stroke, children brain data through scans at his offices. dementia of ':21574' +..')#. &47)5 #0& 6*#6 /#-'5 #%6+8+6; +0 &+(('4'06 #4'#5 1( 57$56#0%' with autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, For the brain imaging, patients #0& $4#+0 +0,74+'5 57(('4'& $; 6*' $4#+0 8+5+$.' 2*1615'05+6+8' young adults with sports injuries, toxic participate in a nuclear medicine study %1/$#6 8'6'4#05 %#08#5 416#6'5 5.19.; #4170& 6*' *'#& substance exposure/illegal drugs and that makes activity in different areas of 14 /14' +0(14/#6+10 %#.. 9*+.' 6*' +/#)'5 (14/ PTSD and brain injuries suffered by the brain visible. A photosensitive SL Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum, Titusville ? 6A5 .+-' 6*' $4#+0 +5 6*' 570 #0& +6 combat veterans. canvas rotates slowly around the head For more information, call while the images form. SL 321-253-8887. “It’s like the brain is the sun and it Sponsorships and Vendor space available

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Growboxes and worms help gardeners maximize yield Worms wiggle into Beach Gardeners’ agenda By maria Sonnenberg

astards is simple, cheap The Beach Gardeners of Melbourne Beach dig into the fall season with a series of speakers, projects and trips that begin with an October presentation by Suzanne richmond of West Melbourne’s Funky Chicken Farm. richmond will discuss using growboxes and worm composting to get the most from a garden. Her program begins at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16, at Melbourne Beach Community Center, 509 Ocean Ave. The event is free and open to the public. For more information on the program, call 321-723-4180.

and water when growing organically. Her book-on-CD will be available for sale at the Beach Gardeners meeting. The subject of week, worm but composting the Palm Bay Old Bastards Senior life Maria Sonnenberg with to growboxes andSunday goes hand-in-handprefer meet the last of are ideal for growing plants in Florida. Growboxes organic gardeningthe since for the hardmonth. large farms are gone, but Funky goats, pigs, honeybees and the working worms can “We produce keepcompost bookwork torabbits, a minimum,” Chicken carries on with the tradition. worms for composting. aforementioned in weeks. said Bill Hinkel, Archbastard for the Tours of the farm run at 2 p.m. on “The red Wiggler worms eat all the Homegrown or homemade and sold at group. Patrick groups do charitable projects, Sundays. The two-hour tour costs $6 the farm stand are skin balms from kitchen scraps from Some vegetables you and honey, eggs, heirloom seeds while others per person. beeswax, would otherwise throw away,”prefer to sit back of the Funky Chicken Farm is at 3510 beeswax candles, among other richmond said. enjoy life. Although manyand are retired Old Hield rd., West Melbourne. For more items. helps complete the military, “raising them members Bastards hail from any profession, details, call 321-505-4066 or visit richmond’s Hungarian grandfather circle of life necessary for can becoming grocery storefor ownerspurchased to chemists. the property in 1943. Not far SL sustainable. Goodfrom money was paid YouIt’s canideal never too old to be an the suburban sprawl of Palm Bay from to be keep those veggie scraps. Old Bastard, According to and Minton them on the homestead, whereeither. they can headquarters’ data,soil the youngest Oldarea, Although Funky Chicken Farm is roads, the be put to good use, such as making a memberperhaps best known for its free-range in the for the garden.” Bastard was a baby issuedknown day of hisland birth. shipa card chickens and its eggs, it is also the plat as the richmond knows thingonorthe two whole idea is not toPoultry take home to a variety of agricultural Colony, about homesteading The since the 10-acre life—too seriously. yourself—or pursuits. clings to its rural farm she runs with Andrew Malone “It’s allchickens, about laughter,roots. gettingFrom the richmond, author of “Growbox: raises and sells ducklings, Specializing in: together and having a good time,” Guide to Making and Using Self- SENIOR LIFE 1950s to the geese, guinea, and even quail. By Bob Olsen turkeys *UDQLWH 4XDUW] &RULDQ /DPLQDWHV said Olson. Containers,” will discuss the Base, Fla. “raising has become 70s, large poulorWatering lunch at The Tides at Patrick Air Force on backyardTohens join a chapter, contact the Patrick advantages self-watering containers try houses protrend in many neighborhoods around Clockwise are of Mickey Wolff, Felix Andruk, Bill aDunham, Chapter at 321-779-3336 or the when growing vegetables beachside duced thousands the country,” she said. Simple Kitchen Makeover in Only Onl y 2-3 Days! Days! Day ys! Bob Barton, Fram Butz, Ray Mulbery, Don Clair, Palm Bay Chapter at 321-724-8375. SL and the importance of soil organisms of eggs. The Also at Funky Chicken Farm are n, John Abber and Joe Romanoski.

Chicken farming legacy lives on

spend a lot of time ng, which I think the ld needs more of.”

“I can do anything I stard. CAREGIVERS FOR SENIORS, INC. want,” joked Hutchin,” said Olson. Keeping Seniors Independent e laughing, which son. “We have lots of fun.” more of.” While jokes are a rce Base chapter given, structure is not. his fellow memSPECIAL TO SENIOr LIFE and There is no website nch to shoot the Over 38 Years Experience fewMethodist rules. Chapters tell Georgianna jokes. Like United Church on meet according to conthe Patrick Merritt Island will hold its fourth annual Non Medical andOct. do not vinistic andBazaar a Holiday on sensus Saturday, 27. have The In Home Care to report to Old event hosts 22 quality vendors withBasa large Hourly or 24 Hour Care tards’ world headquarby Palmof handcrafted Bay Wee are a W variety items. This family Licensed, Bonded and Insured /LFHQVHG ,QVXUHG ters in Sebring. apter 4683, the proud member of event will feature something for everyone Proud member of the Angie’s List The Patrick chapter comed, they, too, Cocoa Beach Chamber and something for all the holidays. of Commerce. gets together every rd-carrying Old There will be a Chinese auction and m Bay chapter, hourly door prizes, as well as Italian ice, stard Lloyd gourmet teas. Also inen fining coffee and organic Friend ENTERTAINMENT “THE MUSIC THAT WILL LIVE FOREVER” cluded will be the popular display of prelling bad jokes. cherished jewelry in one of our church-run booths. Items include stained glass, hand-poured soy candles, beaded jewelry, primitive art, machine-embroidered items, aprons, tea towels, quilted purses, tote bags, wall hangings, pot holders/hot pads, American DollNEW YORK CITY OLDIES / DOO-WOP clothes, tree skirts, baby blankets, girls dresses, placemats/napkins, carved and painted gourds, Santa items, pet collars/stockfor us d e k • Licensed Nurse on staff 24/7 s a ings, recycled art, limited-edition k! Youartwork, c a b e m co cookbooks, multimedia photos and to cards, • Scheduled transportation for e are! plus much more for Halloween,So here w medical appointments and errands Thanksgiving and Christmas. • Restaurant-style dining Yum Yum Foods will include dip, soup, One N ight & 1551 Highland Ave, Melbourne cookie and pie mixes, as well as home-made On • Social activities osalsa. Baskets explain. are available for gift giving for e Night Recession Priced l.all of the holiday season, with many wrapped ONLY! TICKETS endship, and ready to give. The United Methodist by Preserve at Longleaf Sponsored Not $50 or $45 Women made the Yum Yum Bakery and Apartments - Melbourne, FLA Candy Store-style items. Starring tarrin NYC Y FAVORITIES ITIE The Bazaar will be held in the main Sanctuary at 3925 South •Tropical Vito itoTrail, Picone & the Elegants Ele ant COUPON UP Merritt Island from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds “Little Little Star” tar” ESTORE! will support need-based missions supported Mention ent on tthis s • Cleveland leveland Still til & The Dubs 6by DF,BD#=?A the church. For more information on the TheDub Place at Merritt Island, 535 Crockett Blvd., Merritt Island, FL a ad & receive rece ve hapel o of Dreams” “Could ould This Be Magic” Ma ic” event, call 321-452-7523“Chapel and for more about %?the church, go to • Barbara Harri Harris and The Toys

Georgianna Bazaar the toast of Merritt Island



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Senior Life

Book Your Holiday Holiday Outin Outings gs Now Now The Christmas Music Steamroller of Mannheim Steamr oller

Funny thing is… VOTE AND DON’T GLOAT By Sammy haddad

They say it’s our civic duty to vote. Every year we march like obedient little ants in a parade to the polling booths to decide who will lead us. Every four years we elect someone to be the most powerful person in the world. This is a privilege granted to us for being citizens in the greatest country in the world. WOW, that sounds so exceptional, is so here is my question: “Why do some people look like they’re waiting in line for hemorrhoid surgery?” Come on, get excited! Seriously, have you ever looked around when you’re waiting to vote? Some look pale, depressed and like they have pain in the area that would require this type of surgery. Can’t we get these folks some coffee or something? I can’t wait to get in there and vote. People look at me and think “Oh great, a morning

person.” No. I’m not. If I’m up before 10 a.m. there’s probably a rocket launch shaking my house. For an election, though, I’ll get up. Consider the following. If you want to see where the U.S. President lives, you have to make reservations months in advance unless you have congressional connections, and you NEVEr get to see him. In an election cycle, he comes to your house to shake your hand. When you want to see your congressional rep because he’s about to vote on something really important, you can’t get in. He won’t see you or take your call but will sick some staffer on you to show you the exit. When the election cycle is going on, he comes to your office or home and promises you everything short of the next winning lottery numbers. Hey this process must be pretty important. So go vote. It’s your right whether you vote to the right or the left, it’s still your right, so don’t be left out. —Dr. Sammy SL

A Christmas Survival Guide Musical

Tuesday, T uesday,, Nov 20th - $114 per person uesday Come out and enjoy the world famous Steamroller Mannheim Steamr oller 27th annual e the show before Christmas tour. tour. Dinner befor chestra seating at the Peabody and or orchestra Auditorium. This is a one perfor mance performance only show at each city and will sell out quickly. Deadline to sign up is Oct. 30th quickly. and need a minimum of 35 passengers. Million Dollar Quartet Broadway Musical Broadway Saturday, November 3rd 3rd Saturday, $130 per person

Satur Saturday, day,, Dec. 8th - $65 per person day ‘A Christmas Survival Guide' is a musical rrevue evue designed to lessen the tension in your life, make the holidays a bit more more fun and help audience members find a way to laugh at their own seasonal silliness... This is a Christmas tr eat treat family. Dinner at al Fr esco for everyone in the family. Fresco orchestra seating. prior to show and orchestra Deadline to sign up is November 8th and need a minimum of 30 passengers.

Merry Madagascar Christmas Pageant at 1st Baptist Ice Experience Chur ch of Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale Church Wednesday, November 28th Satur day, December 1st Wednesday, Saturday, $65 per person. $94 per person.





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Free community event for all ages. Classic Car Show with People’s Choice Awards, DJ, pony rides, tractor hayride, face painting, balloon artist, costume parade and contest, childrens games, pumpkin painting, dance exhibition, food, 50/50 raffle to benefit Brevard Senior Meals on Wheels and more! The Place at Merritt island assisted Living, 535 crockett blvd., Merritt island




health & wellness Patients granted time to find new plan Dear Lynne, I recently received my annual Notice of change from my Medicare drug plan. The notice stated that my drug plan will end this year and that I have to choose a new plan to continue having a Medicare drug plan in 2013. How do I choose a new plan? can I do this now, or do I have to wait for the open enrollment Period which starts soon? —confused carol

Events in October Events sometimes change. Please call the numbers provided to verify times and locations.

Ask Lynne Lynne Meagher SHINE

Dear Confused Carol: Yearly, some Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare drug plans end their contracts with Medicare. If a plan does terminate, members must actively enroll in a new plan to maintain coverage. Anyone in this situation has a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to choose their new plan. This year, the SEP lasts until Feb. 28, 2013. It is, however, recommended that Medicare beneficiaries enroll in a new plan during the Annual Election Period (AEP), which runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. This way, their new coverage will begin Jan. 1, 2013, and there will be no gap in coverage. If you enroll in January or February, the new plan will begin the first day of the month following your enrollment. If you receive Extra Help or the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS), you are automatically reassigned to a new benchmark plan if your present plan is terminating. However, a counselor of the SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program can search all available plans to determine which ones would include all of your medications on the plan formulary at $0 premium or for a few dollars a month. Medicare recommends that all Medicare beneficiaries review their health plan options during the Annual Election Period (AEP). SHINE counselors have received in-depth training and are prepared to assist you as you search for a plan that covers all your needs, including medications. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan with built-in prescription drug coverage, counselors will help you to find a plan that allows you to remain with your present providers and covers your prescriptions. The counselor will also review various co-payments you would be responsible for if you should enter a hospital or need outpatient physical therapy. For more information about Accountable Care Organizations, you can talk with your doctor, visit, or contact a SHINE counselor. To contact a SHINE counselor for assistance with your questions, call the Elder Helpline toll-free at 1-800-963-5337 or locally at 321-504-2038. SHINE is a program of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, and it is administered in partnership with the state’s 11 Area Agencies on Aging. For Brevard County, the Area Agency on Aging is the Senior resource Alliance, located in both Cocoa and Orlando. If you have a question you would like the Ask Lynne column to answer, write or email Lynne Meagher at Senior Life and look for a response in one of the next issues. Lynne can be reached by writing Senior Life at 7630 N. Wickham road, Ste. 105, Viera, FL 32940, by emailing info@mysenior or by calling 321-242-1235. SL

Preventive Health Screenings Parrish Medical Center is pleased to present the Life Line Screening preventive health program. We encourage you to attend this community event which brings affordable wellness screenings to your neighborhood. Monday, oct. 1 David r. Schechter Community Center in Satellite Beach wednesday, oct. 3 Indian river City United Methodist Church in Titusville wednesday, oct. 24 American Legion Post #17 in New Smyrna Beach available screenings: • Stroke/Carotid Artery Screening $60 • Heart rhythm Screening (Atrial Fibrillation) $60 • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening $60 • Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening $60

• Osteoporosis risk Assessment $35 • Get any vascular screening for

just $60 • Get all five screenings for $149 Pre-registration is required. To register, go to or call 1-800-690-6313.

Remember Life Without Hip or Knee Pain? Thursday, Oct. 25 5:30 – 7 p.m. Wuesthoff Medical Center 250 N. Wickham rd., Melbourne 321-752-1200. Blood Drive at Health First Pro-Health & Fitness Center (Viera) Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 321-632-2052

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october caLeNDar Thursday, Oct. 4 • 8 to 9 a.m., Military Officers Assoc. meeting Golf Club House, 861 Marina rd., Patrick AFB. Frank Dunagan 321-784-8934 Saturday, Oct. 6 • Noon to 4 p.m., Military Officers Oktoberfest Picnic Chevron Park, Patrick AFB. Frank Dunagan 321-784-8934 Thursday, Oct. 11 • 8 to 9 a.m., Military Officers Assoc. meeting Golf Club House, 861 Marina rd., Patrick AFB. Frank Dunagan 321-784-8934 Tuesday, Oct. 16 • Noon, Military Officers Assoc. luncheon Speaker Ben Dubose “Last Naval Battle of Revolutionary War” The Tides, 1001 N. A1A, Patrick AFB. Joe Oblack 321-453-2947 Thursday, Oct. 18 • 8 to 9 a.m., Military Officers Assoc. meeting IrCC Colony Hall, 1936 Freedom Dr., Viera. Frank Dunagan 321-784-8934 Thursday, Oct. 25 • 8 to 9 a.m., Military Officers Assoc. meeting Golf Club House, 861 Marina rd., Patrick AFB Frank Dunagan, 321-784-8934 Meetings are for active, retired and former officers. Meetings are coordinated by retired Army Lt. Col. Frank Dunagan, 321-784-8934. Luncheons are coordinated by retired USAF Major Joe Oblack, 321-453-2947. SL

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cape canaveral chapter, Military officers association of america (Moaa)




There’s something to read for everyone at Nu2u Books By Jeff navin

Valerie O’Coin likes to read books by Debbie Macomber and Nora roberts. Her husband of 29 years, David O’Coin, devours any book that centers on the Civil War. Their store—Nu2u Books—is filled with shelves of books covering almost any subject. And don’t forget about the collectibles. That’s how it all started. “We fell into this by accident,’’ said David O’Coin, a native of Massachusetts, who has lived in Melbourne since 1968. “We sold collectible toys out of the back of our station wagon at the flea market (in Melbourne). We had old Fisher-Price toys, Care Bears, Star Wars, Star Trek, collectible glasses and sports stuff. By accident, we bought some books and put them on a table. People got excited since we weren’t charging a whole lot. Then, the books started to sell more than the toys.’’ . In December, Nu2u Books will mark its second anniversary at its present store at 2624 Aurora rd. Suite A in Melbourne. “We’ve moved four times—each time into a bigger spot,’’ David O’Coin Wednesday, November 5, 2008 said. “We advertise on Craig’s List and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shopping News, but word of mouth is Hilton Rialto probably the best way. Happy people 200 Rialto Place, Melbourne, FL 32935 will tell other people.’’ Free Admission to Seniors Paperback books cost $1, the store Free Health Screenings gives $2 in credit for trade-in books and Free Flu Shots with Medicare Card Door Prizes most hardcover books sell for $3, with a Free Senior Box Lunch (while supplies last) few $5 hardcover books mixed in. Nu2u For more information, please call 866-368-8050 Books does not accept credit cards or checks. Sponsored by: “We don’t make a living on one book, but we enjoy what we do,’’ David

Hospice of St. Francis provides Compassionate, Professional Care for our patients... and Support for Loved Ones. Hospice of St. Francis offers these programs and services at no cost to loved ones and all Brevard County residents. • Adult Bereavement Program • North Star, Children’s Grief Support Program • Caregiver Education and Resource Program • Pet Therapy Program • Volunteer Training and Assignment Program Please call or visit our website to learn more about the programs and services we offer.

Senior life Jeff Navin

David O’Coin and his wife, Valerie O’Coin, are the owners of Nu2u Books in Melbourne. O’Coin said. “The prices are what people are most excited about. People will come in and go, ‘Wow. We didn’t realize you had this many books.’ We don’t go crazy. We need to be patient and take it one step at a time.’’ David O’Coin also is the president of the Central Florida Civil War roundtable. The group meets once a month in Cocoa to discuss almost anything involving the war between the states. “We get some lively discussions,’’ said O’Coin, who is an ordained minister. “There are some diehard Southerners and Northerners who are still fighting the war. I’m sort of middle of the road and I like to provide historical views.’’ O’Coin’s great-grandfather served in the Hot Air Balloon Corps during the Civil War. “He was present when they demonstrated the balloons for (President Abe) Lincoln during the first six months of the Civil War,’’ O’Coin said. “My great-grandfather was wounded four or five times. All of that made me real interested in the Civil War. A lot of people don’t know that both the North and the South had hot air balloons.’’ If it’s not too busy in the store—or even if it is—O’Coin will talk about the many inventions of the Civil War, Abe Lincoln’s plans for the reconstruction, the Holocaust or the rivalry between his beloved Boston red Sox and the New York Yankees. “I’m a people person,’’ O’Coin said. “In this businesss, you can’t be someone who doesn’t like to be around people. Some book sellers aren’t overly friendly. Half the battle is being a good listener.’’ Valerie O’Coin, who was born at Patrick Air Force Base and raised in the Eau Gallie section of Melbourne, doesn’t take her reading as seriously as

her husband. “I like my comfort books,’’ she said. “I’ve worked at the courthouse, and I’ve seen the unhappiness there. For me, Titusville is the North. Sometimes, I wonder where all these books came from. We’ve got good-hearted people who come in here; They’re not pretentious. They come from every facet of life. They’ll come on a regular basis and talk about their family. That’s nice.’’ The couple have four children, five grandchildren and one great-grandson. Another granddaughter is scheduled to be born next month. David O’Coin praises his uncle, Harold Watts, and a sixth-grade teacher, Mrs. Wallace, for encouraging him to read. “Mrs. Wallace was strict, but she showed compassion,’’ he said. “She worked with us as individuals; there’s nothing like a good teacher. She later became the principal of the elementary school and that wasn’t common in those days.’’ Books can come from unexpected places. “We got 1,400 books from one lady on the beach,’’ David O’Coin said. “The variety was just amazing.’’ As is O’Coin’s quest for more knowledge. “I read about seven or eight books at a time,’’ he said. “Currently, I’m reading about the French resistance during World War II. I’ve learned a lot about the politics of World World II. (Franklin) roosevelt, (Winston) Churchill and (Josef) Stalin—I’m interested in the games they played with each other. We tend to forget that not all was wonderful at the end. The russians had their genocide‌ We can’t afford to forget history; There’s a lot of lessons to learn from it.’’ SL

Channel C hannel 49 OCTOBER 2012 PROGRAMMING SCHEDULE .POEBZ QN r 8F EOFT EBZ QN r 5IVST EBZ QN Oct. 1, 3, 4, 2012 ................ Art Blatch, Art Marketing Oct. 8, 10, 11, 2012 ..............................Vernon Mattioli Avocado Pit Restaurant, The Art of Hydroponics Oct. 15, 17, 18, 2012 .......... Scott Hatch, Disney Artist ......................................... Larry Lawton, Reality Check



Oct. 22, 24, 25, 2012 ................................. Eve Newsom Reborn Baby Artist - DEMO Oct. 29, 31, Nov. 1, 2012 ........................ Diana Gessler Art of Illustrated Tra Travel Journaling - DEMO *First run shows broadcast Mo Mondays at 8 pm


Loggerhead tracking continued from page 15

creatures and not just read about them in a book.” In addition to validating the tracking technique, the study found that the foraging area for the Florida turtles is much broader than previously thought. “Think of these turtles as Florida tourists and snowbirds,” Ceriani said. “They come and nest and then go back to lots of different places. And while we knew some went back north, we had no idea that this was a popular destination.” Based on her tracking, some turtles head for the water off the shores of Virginia and Delaware while others go to the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico. Some stay off the coast of Central Florida’s beaches. Previously, scientists believed the majority of the loggerheads headed south. While there are efforts to protect the turtle nests on the beaches, protecting their foraging grounds is equally important, biologists say. Many turtles die because they accidently get caught in fishing nets or encounter other dangers while out at sea. The technique Ceriani validated should aid those efforts. She took small blood samples from turtles at the refuge and completed a chemical analysis, which measured distinct markers known as stable isotopes. She also attached transmitters to the turtles so she could follow them using the more expensive but proven satellite tracking technique. The isotope approach proved to be equally useful,

and it is much less expensive. “By combining isotope research with satellite tracking technology, we are learning exciting information about loggerhead sea turtles,” said Daniel r. Evans, a research specialist at the Sea Turtle Conservancy and co-author of the research paper. “This research helps scientists and conservation managers identify key feeding areas for loggerhead turtles and helps direct policy and regulations that protect sea turtles in these specific areas.” Ceriani said she will continue to research the migratory routes by adding more loggerheads to the study. Ceriani earned her bachelor’s degree at the University of Milan in Italy and was a research fellow at Florida Atlantic University before joining UCF's Ph.D. program in conservation biology in 2007. Others who contributed to the study include: UCF Biologist John Weishampel, James D. roth from the University of Manitoba in Canada and Llewellyn M. Ehrhart from the Marine Turtle research Group at UCF. Sea turtle monitoring at the Archie Carr National Wildlife refuge was coordinated through the University of Central Florida Marine Turtle research Group, with funding from Brevard County, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the United States National Marine Fisheries Service. SL


Save time and money with tips for cleaning green By martha maSiello

There are numerous products on the market that claim to be the best agents to clean and protect delicate surfaces while killing. Unfortunately, they may also leave chemical residue and cause allergic reactions to the skin. Most households have the ingredients below on hand that can not only save you money, but help the environment. Try these tips: Furniture ring—Add a pinch of salt to a teaspoon of mayonnaise, work into any water ring on wood surface in a circular motion and leave on from 15 minutes to overnight, depending upon ring. Wipe off. Furniture polish—Pour one cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup white vinegar into a spray bottle and spray mixture onto a soft cotton cloth. Polish furniture, rubbing with the grain of the wood. Try a small area first to ensure safety and success. Glass cleaner—Add two teaspoons of white vinegar to one quart of warm water in a bowl. Stir. Use crumpled newspaper to wipe window or mirror clean. Hint: To avoid streaks, don't

clean windows in direct sunlight, or if windows are hot. Use only regular newsprint, as circulars may scratch glass. Mildew and mold cleaner—Apply white vinegar or lemon juice to kitchen or bath surfaces with a sponge. Wipe off. To prevent mold, also add two caps full of bleach to a 16-ounce bottle of water and spray on tile/grout after every shower. Dry with soft towel. Toilet—Turn off water in toilet tank and flush. Spray on white vinegar, and sprinkle Borax or baking soda on waterline ring. Scrub with a brush, turn on water and flush. Glass Shower Doors—To remove soap residue, rub undiluted fabric softener on surface and rub with soft scrubbing sponge. rinse with liquid dish soap and water and buff to shine. Laundry and pots—Along with your detergent, add a cup of baking soda to a load of laundry to make colored clothes brighter and white clothes whiter. Soak pots and pans in hot water with baking soda to wipe away baked-on messes. In no time, you’ll be hooked on these tips that will make you the king or queen of green clean. SL Brevard’s Boomer Senior Newspaper — News & Events

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Taboo word gains acceptance through charity By linda WigginS

As an executive in the women’s services sector, Beth Gitlin thought it was heartbreaking as she learned friends were battling breast cancer. When it happened to her, it was something else entirely. The fear of radical changes to her body, loss of health, hair and possibly life, and depression made her feel alone in her sorrow. That is, until her friends at Indialantic rotary Club rallied to her side and threw a bra decorating party, organized a fashion show and walked with her last year in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk, which takes place this year on Saturday, Oct. 20, with registration at 7 a.m., survivor ceremony at 8 a.m., walk starting at 9 a.m. and refreshments at 10:30 a.m. “The support of friends and family near and far helped to uplift my spirits so tremendously,” said Gitlin, director of the Women’s Business Center at Florida Institute of Technology, and then-incoming rotary president. She is now celebrating her one-year anniversary cancer-free. “In addition, it is my husband, Scott Hoffman, my truly awesome caregiver, who should receive the recognition and praise he deserves for doing everything from cooking and cleaning to rubbing

my back and holding me tight and nursing me back to good health through a very difficult time.” Her Indialantic rotary-based group was among the top fund-raising teams. This year, “Courage, Heart and Soul” will host a fashion show to jump-start fundraising called “Boobies in Disguise with Diamonds” at the Eau Gallie Yacht Club, home of the Indialantic rotary’s luncheon meetings, on Wednesday, Oct. 10. Cost is $20 for the noon luncheon, including an all-you-can-eat cold, hot and dessert buffet with coffee/tea. registration starts at 11 a.m. rather than selling fashions, the 17member roster of area rotary who’s who in Brevard County will be wearing outrageous pink bras as outerwear decorated in wild themes. Men’s bras will have noisemakers that will cost a dollar to honk. “You can also stuff bills anywhere else you want,” said Suzanne Frank, event co-coordinator. “But the women, we’ll have them hold baskets for collection.” Senior life Linda Wiggins Good natured personalities include: Rotary members surround Beth Gitlin with love and support as she battled cancer, • Ed Baranowski, writer/marketing last year’s fashion show to raise money to battle breast cancer. at consultant, as emcee • Glen Krasney, professional guardian, as show • Stan Helm, professor/publisher, • Glen Krasney commentator, coordinating music • Julia Babbitt, insurance agent • George Becker, photographer Bra models include: • Gerald Nelms, communication engineer • Sherry Sowers, retired flight attendant, event co-organizer • Ernest Sutton, financial planner • Sharon & John Haralson, retired military • James Atkinson, executive director of the American Cancer Society • Jamie Hill, marketing/insurance agent • Lynda Workman, mortgage broker • Suzie DeBusk, software designer • Suzanne Frank, sculpture artist • Dianna Steele, registered nurse • Beth Gitlin For more information or to register for the Oct. 20 Strides walk in the team name, go to For information on the Oct. 10 fashion show luncheon, call Suzanne Frank at 321-254 3398.

Dr. Valerie Allen to discuss her new book at DeGroodt Library SPECIAL TO SENIOr LIFE Local author, psychologist and speaker Dr. Valerie Allen will discuss her latest book to Franklin T. DeGroodt Memorial Library on Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012 at 2 p.m. “Beyond the Inkblots: Confusion to Harmony” provides insight into how we have arrived at our place in life and offers the reader an opportunity to assess the choices we made to bring us where we are today. Dr. Allen will discuss how this book of simple truths will help readers reduce anxiety and move toward personal growth, understanding and emotional strength. Dr. Allen is a licensed school psychologist and is in private practice in Melbourne. Contact Nancy Garmer at Franklin T. DeGroodt Memorial Library for more information at 321-952-6318.




Senior Life

grandparents ROCK !

Halloween is grand family day

Grandparents raising Grandchildren support Group Oct. 11- 10 a.m. Grant Street Community Center Gym Grant Street in Melbourne

By linda WigginS

Halloween is one of the best times of the year for grandparents Tony and Debbie Vandette (pronounced vanDET-ee), their daughter Andrea Vandette, their granddaughter Makenzie Ellison, and the forever child that it brings out in all of them. “She brings out the best in us, that’s for sure. Going into our 60s, Makenzie is our life, the best part of life for all of us,� said Tony Vandette. “We are very fortunate.� The Vandettes go all out decorating their home for Halloween. “My wife literally has bins and bins and totes and totes full of decorations. She’ll be starting to drag them out right about now,� Vandette said. Grandpa typically stays home to give out candy and put on a show for the neighborhood children, while grandma takes Makenzie around trick-or-treating. “Since Makenzie came along, we returned to the days when one of us stayed home and the other goes out with the little one, just like most families with young children who must be in two places at one time,� Tony Vandette said. Cheerful hands-on help with her daughter is a blessing, according to Andrea Vandette. She is busy with children who are her own in a different way as a teacher at Lewis Carroll Elementary School on Merritt Island. Since she must be at school in the early hours and afternoons each day of the week, that means she needs a hand getting Makenzie to school at Suntree Elementary School. Enter Super Grandpa. “I love taking her to school every day,� said Vanedette, who is not content to drop off Makenzie across the road from the front parking lot, as is the norm for most parents. He walks her in early so she can socialize with her peers in the commons before the bell that allows students to enter their classrooms, and then he walks her to her classroom door. “I guess I want just those extra minutes to be with her and watch her be her

Oct. 16 - 9:30 a.m. GrG of Brevard County office 123 Barton Blvd., rockledge Oct. 25 - 9:30 a.m. Memaw’s restaurant 600 E. Eau Gallie Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach For information, call 321-631-7776 for more information. SL

Fun Stuff BrEVArD THEATrICAL ENSEMBLE, INC. presents “ErIE TALES at TUrKEY CrEEK� Senior life LiNdA WiGGiNS

Tony Vandette, “part-time parent� to granddaughter Makenzie, takes her to and from school and to after-school activities like soccer. adorable self,� Vandette said. Walking her to school, other parents often comment on her cuteness, praising the young-looking Vandette for such a lovely daughter. He just smiles and doesn’t bother to correct them. “Well, technically you could say I get to be a parent again part of the time,� so it’s really not a fib, right,� he said with a smile. SL

TUrKEY CrEEK SANCTUArY 1502 Port Malabar Blvd., Palm Bay Tickets: $3 for Adults $1 for children under 12 with parents. (tickets are only sold at the entrance) In the shadows and paths of Turkey Creek you will follow the guides to the stage where MASTEr TELLErS will take you into the world of “Ancient Storytelling.� Following the program the rANGEr will take you down paths to experience NATUrE without interference of modern lighting. Seating is limited. Arrive early

Dear Gramma: I’m 14 years old and concerned about what’s happening in my life. My twin 10-year-old brothers, dad and I will be moving into my Grandmother’s home because dad lost his job and can’t afford to stay where we are. Grandmother’s really sweet but her house is little so I won’t have any privacy. I’m afraid it’s going to be uncomfortable with so many people in that small space. Dad says its just until he gets work. —Worried Lizzie Lizzie: How kind of Grandmother to share her home with you. Always be respectful of her and help with chores and assist with your brothers as much as you can. Your dad needs your support and cooperation because finding another job may be difficult, so try not to complain. Instead, stay positive and remember this is only temporary. This will be a valuable learning experience for you. Gramma Holly Fox Vellekoop, MSN, is the author of “How to Help When Parents Grieve� and “STONE HAVEN: Murder Along the River.� A retired Penn State University clinical instructor with six grandchildren, Vellekoop has a Master of Science degree in nursing. Send your letters to Gramma to SL

Senior life LiNdA WiGGiNS

The Brevard Zoo is high on the list of fun things Makenzie Ellison enjoys with her grandmother, Debbie Vandette.

In-Home Service for SENIORS by SENIORS

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Oct. 20, 2012 At the bewitching hour of 7 p.m. when night has wrapped around us. (One performance only)

Dear Gramma

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BOOMER/SENIOR SENTIMENTS Who is your favorite entertainer or celebrity from the 1950s era?? Senior Life Walter Kiely Darrell Woehler

hank Williams, Sr. i grew up on his music. my mother and father had a country-type restaurant that had a juke box. Whenever i hear that type of music, it sure brings back memories of that time. — Phyllis hopkins

elvis Presley. i saw many if not most all of his movies and loved his music. — bobby bryant

frankie avalon. i went from liking his music, to movies on the big screen, and then television. it was a possible typical teenage attraction at the time. — barbara Petrillo

it would have to be elvis Presley. loved his music, but his looks didn’t hurt anything either. — vicki hahn

my favorite celebrity entertainer from the 1950s was frank Sinatra. i used to live around the corner from him in new Jersey, but this was all before frank became famous. — marie gerbino

my favorite celebrity entertainer from the 1950s was frank Sinatra. — chris coble (mother of linda beckwith)

my favorite celebrity entertainer from the 1950s was elvis Presley. — marilyn gudgel

Low-calorie cranberry juice lowers blood pressure in healthy people American Heart Association News Tip regularly drinking low-calorie cranberry juice may help get your blood pressure under control, according to new findings presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure research 2012 Scientific Sessions. In a study that measured the effects of drinking low-calorie cranberry juice, participants drank either low-calorie juice or a placebo drink every day for eight weeks as part of a controlled diet.


Blood pressure was measured at the beginning, mid-point and end of the study. After eight weeks, blood pressure values had significantly dropped from an average of 121/73 mmHg to 118/70 mmHg for those drinking the low-calorie cranberry juice. The placebo group showed no change. researchers note that cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants— naturally occurring molecules in fruit, tea, wine and other foods— which have been associated with lower blood pressure in other studies.



Senior Life News for Titusville, Mims, Port St. John

North Brevard Candlelight Memorial honors caregivers, loved ones For the past six years, the Pilot Club of Titusville and the Space Coast Pilot Club have sponsored a Candlelight Memorial to honor the caregivers and remember their loved ones. This event will be hosted by Joe’s Club North (Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation) on Oct. 20 at 6 p.m.. and is held at 830 S. Park Ave., Titusville. The Pilot Club’s members prepare and serve a delicious home-cooked dinner, with an array of scrumptious desserts. This is a wonderful opportunity to recall pleasant memories of loved ones passed, listen to inspiring messages and walk the candlelit garden path. Joe’s Club, an interactive program for elders, is one of the programs of the Brevard Alzheimer’s’ Foundation. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization designed to meet the needs of our community through various programs and support. The trained staff have the ability to care for clients with specific needs due to dementia-related illnesses and other frailties where day-to-day tasks become obstacles. Gentle and caring staff members strive to meet those needs with care, compassion and commitment. For information, call 321-268-9144.


909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333 Friday, oct. 26 • 7 - 10 p.m. Line Dance Party in the Pumpkin Patch Tickets $10 Contact Ferrel at 267-0195 saturday, oct. 20 • 7:30-10:30 pm Dance with Community Band of Brevard $6 members / $7 non-members Contact Fred Phillips at 305-335-5723

Port St. John Public Library 6500 Carole Ave., Port St. John 321-633-1867 Basic computer classes Beginning classes are available. Please call reference for details. registration is required due to limited space. Cost is $20 for the series of four classes. Mondays • 1 - 3 p.m. Master Gardener: Having a problem? Please bring plant samples. Tuesdays • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Senior Games: Join other seniors for a variety of card games, rummikub, dominoes, etc.

Food vendors sought for 19th annual Fox Lake Christmas Festival of Crafts Brevard County Parks and recreation, North Area, is accepting applications for food vendors for the 19th annual Fox Lake Christmas Festival of Crafts. Vendors can obtain applications at the North Area Parks Operations Office, 475 North Williams Ave., in Titusville, or by email at Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 19. Selected vendors will be notified by Friday, Oct. 26. Vendor selection is based on, but not limited to, application submittal date, price of product(s) to the public, proper licensing, and appropriateness of the product(s) to the nature of the event. Special consideration is given to nonprofit service organizations. The county reserves the right to limit vendors to one or two vendors per product. A $50 plus tax, non-refundable, special event fee, is due from selected vendors by Friday, Nov. 9. The festival will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 17 at Fox Lake Park, 4400 Fox Lake road, Titusville. Call 321-264-5105 for additional information.

North Brevard Senior Center

Fridays • 2 - 4 p.m. Yarn club: Knitting, crochet, needle arts. Sit, talk and create.

Mims-Scottsmoor Public Library 3615 Lionel road, Mims, FL 32754 321-264-5080


Help is Here.

321-610-3986 321-610-3986 3986 preparation meal prepara pr tion and light housekeeping housek companionship ease the transition tr om a rehab from fr r b facility to home Lic. #232237

no minimum hours h urs required

Thursday, oct. 18 • 6:30 p.m. History of the Windover Archaeological Project Karen Smith from the Brevard Museum of History & Natural Science will present a free program about the Windover Dig. Learn how a local peat bog was discovered to be a mortuary pond which holds some truly amazing archaeological finds that are older than the Great Pyramids.

Sandrift Park 101 N. Washington, Titusville oct. 22, 6 - 8 p.m. Every fourth Monday

Downtown Titusville Oct. 20 • 5 to 9 p.m. Food Trucks, Farmers Market, Artist Village 321-607-6848 Every third Saturday www.FirstChoiceSeniorSer stChoiceSeniorServices 321-757-9205



55+ Retirement, Apartments & Assisted Living Senior Life Newspaper

Senior Living Map Let us introduce our featured listing


a b

Cedar Creek Assisted Living 4279 Judith ave., Merritt island 321-454-7768

The Place at Merritt Island 535 crockett blvd., Merritt island 321-454-2363

Lamplighter Village 500 Lantern boulevard, Melbourne 321-254-0303



Heydays Senior Day Program 210 n. grove st., Merritt island 321-474-8289

La Casa Assisted Living & Memory Care 220 n. grove street, Merritt island 321-426-5505









b D c

g F


Senior Care of Brevard 234 Willard street, cocoa FL 32922 321-631-9014

Courtenay Springs Village 1200 s. courtenay Pkwy., Merritt island 321-452-1233

Palm Cottages 3821 sunnyside ct., Rockledge 321-633-1819

g H









Indian River Colony Club 1936 Freedom Drive, Viera 1-877-503-7353

Lamplighter Village 500 Lantern boulevard, Melbourne 321-254-0303

Century Oaks 4001 stack blvd., Melbourne 321-722-4440



For Senior Living Map information, call 321-757-9205




Southlake Towers 5501 Pinewood Dr. nE, Palm bay 321-725-2386

Glenbrooke at Palm Bay 815 briar creek blvd nE, Palm bay 888-699-7695



business directory

Let us preserve your precious VHS, Beta Tapes, 8mm, 16mm film, 35mm slides, reel-to-reel, 8-Track, Phonograph records and Cassettes over to DVDs or CDs. Quick and reasonable Service. Ken (321-750-1414) Merritt Island

For Sale • Wanted • Senior Services • Employment • Real Estate • Rentals call today 321-757-9205. Deadline for Senior Life’s November 2012 issue is Oct. 16, 2012.

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May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. Saint Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say the prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. And, on the 8th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. —ASF

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Reserve your seat today! Space is limited. Titusville—Fest Haus 2855 S. Hopkins Ave. Monday, October 8 at 1 pm Friday, October 19 at 9:30 am Suntree—Amici’s 7720 N. Wickham Rd. Monday, October 8 at 4 pm Viera—One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd. Thursday, October 11 at 1:30 pm Saturday, October 20 at 9:30 am

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Y0089_EL3075 CMS Accepted 09242012 Health First Health Plans is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information, contact the plan. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Part B premium. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings, call toll free 1.877.904.4909 (TDD/TTY relay 1.800.955.8771).

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