Viera Voice August 2011

Page 1



Widening Wickham Page 14

School supply drive beneďŹ ts Devereux Page 10




Foursquare & Smart Phones Page 4B

Where’s Waldo? On page 22

c ce Viera Voice

T H E N E W S PA P E R O F V I E R A & S U N T R E E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A B L U E W AT E R C R E AT I V E G R O U P P U B L I C AT I O N AUGUST 2011



Road plan opens old wounds

Young families sway vote for Suntree pass-through

Brevard’s ďŹ rst Scarecrow Stroll seeks sponsors Page 8B

Local resident is the voice of Manatees Page 12


july ad_Layout 1 7/21/11 12:53 PM Page 1

VIERA VOICE Linda Wiggins

Bill Higgins, left, and Donald Fleming stand at the barricade built to prevent through-traďŹƒc in their Suntree neighborhood. Story on page 11

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Anthony Edwin Chan, M.D. Dickerson, PA-C Board CertifiedFamily Medicine Capt. USAF (Ret.) 

Scan this QR code with your smart phone to take a video tour of Brevard Zoo’s new outdoor adventure Tree Top Trek.

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Centre at Suntree

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903 Jordan Blass Dr. Ste. 102, Melbourne

(Across from the new Suntree/Viera Library)

(across from the Suntree/Viera Library) Ĺ—Ĺ?ÄœÄŞĹ?Ă‘ÄŽÄŞÄŽĂ‘ĆƒĆƒ

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Viera Voice Volume 4, Number 7 ©2011 Bluewater Creative Group, Inc. All rights reserved


7331 Office Park Place #300 Viera, Florida 32940 Publisher Bluewater Creative Group, Inc. Managing Editor Jill Blue-Gaines Senior Writer Mary Brotherton Marketing Media Special Events Linda Wiggins Designer Jennifer East Writers/Reporters Frank Kneiser Carl Kotala Angela Smith Maria Sonnenberg George White Darrell Woehler Video Production Kyle Post Karen Ragucci

2,639 Harry Potter fans sell out 10 BY SOHUM PATEL

July 15, 2011 was a historic day for many, as it marked the end of a 10-year era of wizards, witches and dark magic. The second part to the �inal installment of the very popular Harry Potter series, The Deathly Hallows, expected to yield recordbreaking numbers, began its �irst showings at 12:01 a.m. The Rave movie theater was packed with a stupendous 2,639 people in its 11 theaters with 10 soldout shows. In honor of the

premier, many of the most dedicated Potter fans arrived wearing their �inest, and in some cases, most outrageous wizarding wardrobe. The followers, ranging from elementary school children to senior citizens, were all emotional about the end of a legend. In terms of the movie itself, mixed reviews from a diverse fan base were received. A large portion of followers, who would rather watch the movie than read the books, found it absolutely astounding, and many claimed it to be one of the best movies


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Contributing Photographer Charlie Corbeil Sales JLynn Dana King Office Assistant Sohum Patel

Viera Voice digital issue is online Forward to friends! The entire contents of this newspaper are copyrighted by Viera Voice with all rights reserved. Viera Voice is not liable for errors or omissions in editorial, advertorial or advertising materials. Distribution of this newspaper does not constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. Reproduction or use without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited.

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“they’ve ever seen.” On the other hand, other fans were disappointed in the lack of loyalty to the storyline of the �inal book. “Many things were inaccurate and out of place,” an unidenti�ied viewer told us. “Nevertheless, the special effects, and cinematography were exceptional.” “This isn’t the �irst movie to get criticized for not following the book, but most viewers understand the dif�iculty of accuracy while ful�illing all the requirements necessary in �ilming movies. Many teenagers, who have grown up with the young wizards

of Hogwarts, are calling the �inale of a large portion of their childhood a bittersweet ending. The plethora of Facebook statuses about the movie convey the feelings of the Harry Potter generation. “My childhood, described in two words, is Harry Potter,” one teen tweets, “It just means we’re growing up, and who wants to do that?” was another status. Though some fans believe, it was the perfect timing for the series to end, “10 years is just long enough. Any longer and it would have ruined the magic.” VV


Mark Sargent, MD, MBA FACOG

Obstetrics & Gynecology Call 321-242-1235 • Contact us with tips at • Organizations are encouraged to contact VIERA VOICE with information and dates regarding upcoming community-oriented events by e-mail or mail. • For advertising information call 321-242-1235.


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Viera Voice • August 2011




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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice



Last shuttle launch brings joy, sadness and hope By Linda Wiggins

Viera, Suntree and Rockledge have become a favored home community for workers at Kennedy Space Center, migrating to the mainland from the Satellite Beach bedroom community of the Apollo program era. Civil and military employees of Patrick Air Force Base, which plays a key role in space, also make their homes here in large numbers. Space shuttle Atlantis launched July 8 on the final flight of the shuttle program, STS-135, transporting Commander Chris Ferguson, Pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim on a 12-day mission to the International Space Station. Atlantis will eventually make its way back to Brevard for

Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

Carol DeMaggio of Viera expressed joy and sadness after viewing the last launch of the space shuttle at her workplace, Courtenay Springs Village, on July 8, 2011. display at KSC, capping off a succession of launches dating to 1981. “The launch was beautiful and exciting as always. But this time it was also sad,” said Carol DeMaggio of Viera.

“You wonder how much of what makes this a special place to live was wrapped up in the shuttle program and what the future will look like without it.” Eau Gallie High School 11th grader Erika

Yesowitch was not even born when the first shuttle, Columbia, launched. It had already flown for 14 years by the time she came along. She said she does not know what life is like without it. To see a launch, she merely walks out her front door and looks to the northeast, but not this last time. “We wanted to do something special, with this being the last one,” she said, while waiting for the launch with her family and friends. A student of the Cambridge magnet program, Yesowitch may find herself a candidate one day for the future of space on the Space Coast. “It’s scary, but with all of the exciting things that have come out of the space program – inventions, solutions to problems, products, advancements in science – there is every reason to believe the best is yet to come,” Yesowitch said.VV

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ven shuttle, It had years by ong. She ow what To see walks nd looks not this

somehis being d, while h with ds. mbridge sowitch ndidate e of oast. ith hings t of the nvenprobvancethere believe ome,” V

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Viera Voice • August 2011


VHS names new principal BY LINDA WIGGINS

Viera High School’s new principal will be Jim Hickey, formerly principal at Jackson Middle School in Titusville. He replaces Mark Tormoen, who recently retired after being placed on administrative leave for improper conduct. He was punished for allegedly allowing then football coach Paul Frazier to be paid a coaching supplement through another employee. Frazier had been declared ineligible due to an expired temporary coaching certi�icate. Frazier resigned as Hawks players planned to band together and refuse to play on the football team should the school district not allow him to coach. “Tormoen was a great principal who was loved by Jim Hickey staff, teachers and students alike. The kids absolutely adored Frazier and the feeling was mutual,” said Shelly Hartmann, VHS custodian and school employee of the year. “We look forward to working with a new leader who can keep everyone together moving in a positive direction.”VV

VIERA VOICE Darrell Woehler

Sarah Goebel, 4, gives a big hug to a stuffed hippo as she and her parents, Randy and Trang Goebel, attempt to cool off in the Brevard Zoo gift shop after a morning on the zoo grounds on Saturday, July 9, 20ll.

Moms invited to give second go-round for kids’ clothes, toys Vendors are invited to rent a booth at the Mom to Mom Toy/Clothing Sale Saturday, Sept. 17, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Viera Regional Community Center, 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way in Viera. Child care will be provided to moms participating in the sale for $2 per hour per child. Vendor registrations are due by Sept. 14. Cost is $15.90 for a six-foot-long vendor space. “We thought this would be a great way for our moms to make some extra money on items they don’t need any more, and it would be a plus for other moms so they don’t have to spend money on new things,” said Kristen Swenson, center director. For more information, call 321-433-4891. VV


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Viera Voice • August 2011

Community Development District keeps Viera east looking green By Maria SonnenBerg

government entities. Viera East CDD, for example, is Next time you admire the able to borrow money at luscious greens at Viera East the same rates given to Golf Course, you can thank cities and counties. Bob Johnson for tirelessly Part of Viera East CDD’s working as general manager duties include the manageof the Viera East Community ment of the Viera East Golf Development District. Course, as well as Woodside Established under Chapter Park and the planned com190 of the Florida Statutes, munity’s drainage system. To Viera East CDD is a local govkeep the community lookernment entity tasked with ing its best, the CDD is also planning, acquiring, operating in the business of landscape and maintaining improvemanagement, maintenance ments in the majority of of conservation areas and Viera East. recreational facilities, street CDDs, created as a paving and maintenance, solution to effectively street lights and sewer and managing growth, offer wastewater management. “concentrated governAs most CDD general ment” that provides managers in Florida do, community infrastructure Johnson reports to a without overburdening five-person board of other governments and taxpayers. By being highly supervisors composed of community residents. focused on a specific The CDD obtained funds community, CDDs offer for the original infrastrucconsistency of service ture through the sale of while retaining the economic benefits of other road and water manage-

Viera rec Center needs volunteers Teens are invited to serve as volunteers at Viera Regional Community Center, 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way in Viera. “Our teens need to earn community service hours as a requirement for school graduation and to qualify for scholarships,” said center director Kristen Swenson. “Working with our youth is a great way for them to make a difference.” Teens are asked to sign up in person. For more information, call 321-433-4891. VV

ment and recreation fund bonds, which were used to build the community drainage system, Murrell and Spyglass Hill roads, Viera

Boulevard and Viera East Golf Course. Property owners pay for the bond debt and maintenance department expenses through

an annual non-ad valorem assessment on their real estate tax bill. For more information, call 321-639-2355. VV

Offering classes in ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip hop, contemporary, musical theater, acrobatics and the Powerhouse Dance Team. Ultimate Dance Florida is proud to include the American Ballet Theater® National Training Curriculum, a breakthrough 8 level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development. Primary through level 3 will be taught by ABT® Certified Teacher, Annette Alvarez Gutches, who has successfully completed the ABT® Teacher Training intensive in Primary through Level 3 of the ABT® National Training Curriculum.


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Viera VoiCe Mary Brotherton

Rachel Pittman jumps rope at summer camp on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at the Viera Recreational Center.

Viera Voice • August 2011


It’s Pandamanium! BY LINDA WIGGINS

While many local churches offered this year’s popular Vacation Bible School theme, PandaMania: Where God is Wild About You, Prince of Peace Anglican Church in Viera totally transformed itself into a cartoon Asian habitat throughout its hallways, sanctuary and grounds, even buying a panda suit for a mascot. Churches typically charge a nominal fee compared to traditional summer camps but POP offered the program to the community for free. “There is tremendous support for this program and others like it because we understand, as a church, we are called to bring the joy and

love of Christ to a world that desperately needs it. VBS is just one way we are able to do it,” said Bo Bartlett, POP lay pastoral assistant. Ninety children attended VBS, with the assistance of nearly 50 church volunteers. The children collected coins all week and made a combined $843.50 donation to the charity, Pregnancy Resources. The church is known for a number of other free events offered to the community, such as the Easter egg hunt and spring festival, a harvest pumpkin patch and other events marking special dates on the calendar. “Whether it is a free snow cone, lunch, music from our worship band, or a rock climbing wall, etc., our goal is to

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Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

Children’s ministry coordinator Michelle Bartlett shows off one of hundreds of decorations that Prince of Peace used to turn the entire church and grounds into PandaMania: Where God is Wild About You, the theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School.


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show that we are here for one purpose, to love God and our neighbors. I think we do that well,” Bartlett said. The church will roll out a new contemporary service on August 14 with high-energy music, relevant Bible-based, yet practical messages and Communion each week. Existing worship opportunities include a more traditional service and a blended traditional-contemporary service. For more information, call 321-253-9102 or go to VV

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Expires Aug. 31, 2011


Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

Erin Ryan, Pandy Monium (aka JT Bartlett) and the Prince of Peace Alive in Him praise and worship band entertain children during Vacation Bible School offered to the community for free, on June 29, 2011.

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Viera Voice • August 2011


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Viera Voice • August 2011


Filling backpacks


By JudIth A. GEndROn

Revolving Guest Columnist One online dating website proclaims it has more successful matches, dates, relationships and marriages than other sites. But, what is the ratio of non successes for its membership? I joined in hopes of meeting someone my own age, but it became apparent not all the profiles are on the up and up. I was pleased to be

noticed, but seriously, why is my profile being viewed by men who are non-members? Non-members can post a picture and send a cryptic message indicating how you can reach them at personal email addresses, something that is frowned upon but apparently not monitored. How is it that a picture of a nice looking man is utilized in four different profiles, where his age, height and city of residence are all different, yet all four profiles are up on the dating website? I recently had an online encounter with someone I thought to be a nice man. He had a nice picture and was well spoken, so our on-line chat lasted for almost three weeks. It didn’t take long for him to tell me that had a financial issue and he had to ask his sister for money, bor-

row funds from friends and sold his Rolex, as he needed to raise $ 4,500, and then he hinted for me to help. I was all over this one, especially since he had written to me that he had to, (get this), porn off his Rolex. What? How can this person, who supposedly is college-educated, mistake the words “porn” for “pawn”? I reported him to the website and since I had his home email as well, I reported it to the local FBI office with their internet fraud unit. They directed me to the Internet Crime Complaint website,, that provides a step by step process to alert their Internet fraud investigative unit and local authorities, if needed. Some websites inform all users of the possibility of potential scams, but continue to allow non-members access to the sites where fraudulent users are more apt to pop up. They should catch four different profiles that utilize the same picture. It’s time for dating websites to scrutinize and validate online users more closely, perhaps insisting on legal identification, such as a valid state driver’s license or even possible computerized facial recognition. Things need to change to protect the otherwise honest membership. This is long overdue! This column expresses the opinions of the writer and does not reflect the opinions of the publisher.


VIERA VOICE Linda Wiggins

At the Viera Means Business networking meeting on July 14, 2011, Patricia Hurst of Devereux in Viera received a donation of supplies for the school’s children from Janice Fox of the Melbourne Regional Chamber of Commerce Viera/Suntree office. By LIndA WIGGInS

A Viera Means Business networking group member arranged a below-cost purchase of 1,000 backpacks for Devereux’s residential school for challenged children in Viera. “These are really highquality backpacks that are really going to be an asset for our kids,” said Patricia Hurst, who helps bring in resources from the community to help children at Devereux. “Now all we need are school supplies to go in them.” Jerry Olguin’s side business is not a moneymaker, but it’s handy when he needs to “pull a rabbit out of the hat to help the community.”

Special Event

Viera residents can leave school supplies for Devereux children on their doorsteps for collection Saturday, Aug. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If not picked up, supplies can be dropped off at the free ice cream social Sunday, August 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Viera Home Discover Center, 7350 Shoppes Drive in front of Viera Walmart.





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Viera Voice • August 2011

The company, Contigo Marketing, was able to refer Hurst to Robert Jordan of Genesis VII, who piggybacked onto the large volume purchase of another client for a deep discount. Olguin is marketing director for Creative Impact Solutions. “It’s the next best thing to having items donated. With donations, however, you can’t be choosy about quality because you never know what you are going to get. It’s nice to have an option of where to get really great things for next to nothing,” Olguin said. Devereux Florida’s residential campus in Viera provides behavioral health care for children with emotional problems, learning disabilities, intellectual deficits and autism spectrum disorders. “Many of these children have been abruptly removed from their homes, often for their own protection, or they may not have a home of their own,” Hurst said. “They may have one or many emotional challenges that can really lead to them seeing themselves in an inferior light that can stick for life. Think about your own first day of the school, even if you have two parents and enough money. It really affects how you see yourself for the rest of the school year,” she said. Back to school is one of those times Devereux strives to get brand new, high-quality clothes, backpacks and supplies for the children to start the year off on the right foot. “Christmas is the other very emotional time of year when getting great gifts donated for the children goes a long way toward making them feel normal,” Hurst said. Bring school supplies to the VIERA VOICE office or Devereux Resale Thrift Shop. For more information, call 321-752-3256 or email VV


Pineda gap pits long-time residents against new By Linda Wiggins

bers and not a corporation. The move made them an A June 28 community instant political action commeeting to discuss a conmittee. They were able to get necting road from the south what they wanted over the end of Suntree to Pineda years: a library, an elementaCauseway seems to lean tory school, parks. More imporward opening this tantly, they didn’t get what long-closed enclave to they didn’t want: annexathrough traffic. tion, higher taxes, and — so The issue is a sore spot far — a connecting throughfor Bill Higgins and his road to a once-future Pineda neighbors. Causeway extension to When they moved into Interstate 95. this golf-course community Their power became 27 years ago, little did they legend. Residents south know events to follow would of Suntree, in the Lake turn them into the most Washington/Post Road area, powerful residential group approached them for help on the Space Coast. in diffusing a county plan to The developer of the build a four-lane highway former wetlands and cow through their quiet ranch pastures along a then rutcommunity. filled, two-lane dirt Wickham “It suddenly dawned on Road went bankrupt. us that the road through our Suntree residents surround- community was called Turtle ing the golf course were Mound Road, just like theirs,” offered the opportunity of a Higgins said. The plan was to lifetime. Rather than simply siphon traffic from Wickham pay a five-figure fee for a Road through to Post and membership to the country Lake Washington roads as an club, they could pony up a alternate to I-95. few thousand more and Suntree residents changed become owners. They are the name of the road from one of the few in the country Turtle Mound to Interlachen, to be truly owned by memdug a lake at the end of Project3_Layout 1 7/20/11 1:59 PM Page 1

the road and declared the area south of it a wildlife preserve. This allowed new neighborhoods to be developed in the area that was once slated for a four-lane road. Today, if you look north from the end of Interlachen it is obvious that a super fat easement along the west side of the road could host another two lanes. And at the north end of the road across Wickham, the street sign at the corner of Walgreens still reads Turtle Mound Road. A future plan to sixlane Wickham from I-95 to Interlachen will now end well shy of it at Murrell Road. Ironically, this power play resulted in an end to Suntree residents’ unbeaten streak. New neighborhoods to the south filled in with young families who value convenience over serenity. They voted at the meeting by 70 percent majority to ask District Four County Commissioner Mary Bolin to connect St. Andrews Boulevard with Brisbane Boulevard through to Pineda. The issue will come before

the County Commission for a vote by early August. For more information, call Bolin’s office at 321-633-2044. VV For more on Viera traffic see page 14 and 1B.

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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice

Wrap up


The voice of the Manatees is a veteran broadcaster

Stadium picnic, fireworks blow lid off attendance record BY LINDA WIGGINS

VIERA VOICE George White

JC Meyerholz is the Voice of the Manatees. ing soon. BY GEORGE WHITE “I keep pretty busy,’’ he said. If you hear a voice ring out Meyerholz, born in Long over the public address sysIsland and growing up in tem at Space Coast Stadium Dobb’s Ferry, New York, in Viera, chances are that learned to love sports early voice belongs to JC Meyerholz on, often going to games in of Indian Harbour Beach. New York or otherwise lisAfter every hit and defentening and watching game sive play, you can hear his broadcasts. baritone voice describing the “I’m a huge Mets and Jets play and perfectly pronouncfan,’’ he said. ing the names from informaThroughout his career, tion supplied by the teams. Meyerholz has had dreams of He works in the announcer’s announcing for professional booth located next to the baseball, or any professional press area slightly to the sport, but so far it remains a third base side of home plate, dream. perched above the last row of “There have been times I’ve bleacher seats. had the opportunity to move When not announcing up but it’s so competitive up for the Brevard County at that level,’’ he said. Manatees and softball games, Of the sports he broadMeyerholz announces for a casts, he likes the “rapid �ire” variety of sports for Florida nature of basketball best and Tech in Melbourne. believes it translates well to “I’ve done Florida Tech radio coverage. sports for nine years now, in“Baseball is tougher becluding doing play by play for cause you have to �ill a lot of men’s and women’s basketdead air. I also do some play ball home games and doing by play of high school football, road games for the Internet. but that’s also pretty tough,’’ They treat me really well, so he said. it’s a joy to work for them,’’ Broadcasting has given he said. Meyerholz many opporHe also does men’s and tunities, including jobs in women’s soccer and volleyCalifornia and New Mexico, ball and he’s reading up on before he moved to Brevard the game of lacrosse for a in 2003 to be close to family. new Florida Tech team comVV

The Fourth of July �ireworks celebration at Space Coast Stadium broke attendance records for regular season Manatee games. “As far as all of our records show, this July Fourth was the largest regular season crowd in Manatees history, at 6,767 tickets sold,” said Kyle Smith, manager of the Brevard County Manatees and Space Coast Stadium. The stadium holds 8,000, with another 300 on the berm. The largest attendance for a Manatees game was the 1996 Florida State League All-Star Game, with 6,904 tickets sold. “We’re really pleased, and we know there are a lot of factors that added up to a great turnout,” Smith said, acknowledging community partners for promoting the event. Each of the past 17 years, The Viera Company has hosted a community picnic on the berm. This year it was full. “We had great weather. No rain. Clouds in the sky kept it cool, and a breeze kept the mosquitoes away. The �ireworks were incredible, exploding at just the right height in the sky so you could see them whether you were high in the stands under the roof, or sitting on the �ield,” said Judi John, community relations manager for The Viera Company, the community development arm of A. Duda & Sons’ ranching and farming operations. “I really think it was our best Fourth of July event of all time.” The event was subsidized by the Viera Future Foundation, a charity set up to offset costs for communiWWW.PLANETSMOOTHIE.COM

VIERA VOICE Linda Wiggins

Marlene and Keith Winsten and their children, George, Molly and Lily, enjoy a picnic on the berm and a Brevard Manatees game followed followed by fireworks, at Space Coast Stadium on July 4, 2011. ty events. The Duda philosophy is that a community that plays together, stays together, according to John. “It’s really important to building that intangible sense of community that we enjoy in Viera. You know your neighbors because you watched a ball game together, or took your kids to the annual Easter egg hunt and saw your child’s classmates’ parents, and discovered they

live on your street,” she said. Local businesses such as VEIRA VOICE and SENIOR LIFE newspapers sponsored the picnic and promoted ticket sales, and in return, were thanked at the game by announcer JC Meyerholz and company names printed on the annual keepsake T-shirt. “It’s a valuable commodity for residents to know you care about building our community,” John said. VV

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Captain Eric Ciocher’s fishing forecast for August 2011

About the Captain If you would like to book a guided �ishing trip with Captain Eric contact him at 321-253-6463 or visit his website spacecoast� Capt. Eric is also the host of the television show Ultimate Catch which airs starting in September on Bright House Sports Network, channel 47. Days and times are to be announced. VV

Inshore In the Banana and Indian River lagoons, watch for the glass minnow small bait schools. I recommend using a 3.5 inch Fishbelly Hawg Shad with a 1/4 ounce jig head scented with Bioedge 6300 N. Wickham Rd., #124B shrimp scent to �ish around Melbourne, FL 32940 • 321-752-0078 these small bait attractors to catch sea trout, lady �ish and Summer Sales ALL Summer Long! red�ish plus many other speIn Store Demo Day with Callaway Golf August 15th! cies. The snook and tarpon should remain active around the inlets mostly in the early morning or towards the evening. Be sure to get out early VIERA VOICE Photo because the bite slows as the Erik Hoffman and Capt. Eric Ciocher with a giant summer time snook caught in Estero, Fla. sun gets high around noon and try to avoid the afternoon lightning storms. patrolling the surface looking for a quick snack or hanging Surf around sea turtles. These �ish In August, anglers should are called “Brown Bruisers” see good catches of sumbecause they will bruise your mer time �lounder, whiting, tackle and sometimes your Financial Needs Analysis • Variable Life Insurance • Variable Annuities • Long Term Care Insurance nda Wiggins Pompano, and mangrove ego trying to catch them. Look Molly Retirement Strategies • Investments • Fixed Annuities • Long Term Insurance snapper along the Brevard for tarpon to stay strong along atees County beaches and Inlets. the Space Coast in August as adium on The top baits to use in the Call me today for a well. surf are live shrimp and cut See you on the water! clams. Another alternative Capt Eric review of your options. would be to cast a small jig with an imitation shrimp to Florida Regulations Experience + Compassion + Patience = Your Success KEVIN SMITHWICK catch these �ish. For Florida State �ishing Registered Representative license information visit the 14 Suntree Place, Suite 103 Offshore Florida Fish and Wildlife Email: In the Atlantic Ocean along Conservation Commission the Brevard coast, look for the website or call 321-757-3305 • king�ish to continue to bite. 850-488-3641. Also, you may �ind some cobia

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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera traffic to be aided by Wickham widening By GeorGe White

It may not be perfect, or entirely complete, but the traffic situation in the Viera area is showing signs of improvement, according to Bob Kamm, executive director of the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization. “I was here at the very beginning of Viera and we did all kinds of computer analysis to project future traffic and they are all coming into place now. Our forecasts in general have come about spot on,’’ he said. One key area still to be widened to six lanes is Wickham



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VierA VoiCe George White

Traffic on Wickham Road at I-95 often slows to a crawl during rush hour. Road, from the Viera Roundabout east to its intersection with Murrell Road, a project that is the responsibility of the Viera Company with plans approved by the county, according to Kamm. “It’s in the process and

Selling or buying a home in Viera?

under production. It couldn’t be done until the I-95 bridge was reconstructed to give it more room underneath. It‘s needed it for a long time,’’ he said, adding that the Viera Company is in the process of acquiring right-of-way on the segment to complete the work. Kamm described I-95 as like “The Great Wall of China” when it comes to allowing east-west access along Brevard County. “I-95 runs the entire length of the county, but you can only get access across in a few areas. These become choke

points for traffic,’’ he said. Helping out the situation is the intersection for the Pineda Extension as well as the new overpass in Viera which is planned as an intersection to I-95 in the future. Kamm said that the Pineda intersection has been success-

ful in easing traffic along North Wickham Road. It was delayed due to protests from residents who did not want its original path through Windsor Estates. “Pineda (intersection) is doing exactly what we expected: it’s pulling about 20,000 vehicles off north Wickham Road,’’ he said. Other, longer-range plans have included discussions about extending Turtle Mound Road to the west as an additional access to the Orlando area, but those plans may not become real for many years because of the widening of U.S. 192 to the south and SR 528 to the north, Kamm said. “Sometimes in transportation planning it seems like we measure progress in geologic time, but things are getting done,’’ Kamm said. For more information about local transportation projects, visit VV

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Viera Voice

Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice



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aug_Layout 1 7/20/11 1:51 PM Page 1

Photos by Darrell Woehler

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Joe Bloom:

Jane Sandy:

It would have to be delivering a baby for the first time (while in medical school), but now I am an anesthesiologist.

It would have to be watching my first Space Shuttle launch I can remember, on television when I was in the fifth grade.

Steve Schilling:

Tricia Ada ms:

I ran track and cross country in high school, and I came in 2nd in the 800 meter run in the State Track Meet in Indiana.

The most memorable, by far, was when a “friend” came up from behind and “depants” me in front of the school assembly at Titusville High School.

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Viera Voice • August 2011


April Bishop: That would be when I was in seventh grade science class, getting ready for the frog project. My partner had gotten there early, cut open the frog and took its guts and put them in my “tool box.” Of course, when I reached into the box for my knife, what a surprise--Yuck!!

Karen Johnson: After graduating from high school, I entered a cooking school. During one of my projects, I put too many hot peppers in the spaghetti sauce. Nobody could eat it. I heard about this event for a long, long time.

lookout for land crabs Eco-Art for Everyone

Create an eco-friendly work of crazy crab art Saturday, Aug. 7 at 1 p.m. and learn all about the giant land crab’s spawning migration, from their burrows near the lagoon, across the barrier island (and Highway A1A), to the ocean to release their eggs. There is no cost to participate. 8385 S. Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, 321-723-3556 and VV

Com la

rday, ab’s goon, ocean to

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Pastor’s second coming thrills flock of faithful

Community Foundation launches charity site

By Linda Wiggins

Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

LEAD Brevard CEO Kristin Bakke is one of many partners in Community Foundation for Brevard CEO Sandi Scanneli’s Connect Brevard project to put screened charities on a website for donors to peruse. By Linda Wiggins

When Sonia Fakatselis wanted to reach out and help young people get jobs in a tough economy, she didn’t know where to turn. Who provides this service? Who would use her donation wisely? Soon, the answers will be as close as her keyboard. The Community Foundation for Brevard is designing a website called Connect Brevard to collect information on local charities – what services they provide and in what areas of the county, what populations they serve, and how financially fit and efficient they are. Brevard will be the first county in the nation to team up with The Urban Institute’s National Center for Charitable Statistics on the project. “There are so many organizations out there, and until now there was no simple way to screen them,” said Sandi Scanelli, president/ CEO of CFB, which acts as a community savings account

whose proceeds are directed to charities. The foundation also seeks to strengthen resource-seeking skills of all charities. The next step is to encourage charities to register at the website and include as much information as possible about services provided, the amount of money raised each year, the outcomes of their programs, the difference made in people’s lives and other details. “This is really needed. When someone comes to me asking for money, I am too busy to research whether they are on the up-and-up,” said Fakatselis, who dreams of turning teens into successful entrepreneurs and is a contributor to a CFB-funded charity. The website is for use by donors rather than people looking for help. Should someone in need go to the site, they will be directed to the project partner, 211 Brevard, which directs people to needed services. For more information, visit VV

Ulrike Gonzalez was broken and alone, suffering through a painful breakup when Rev. Hoyt Byrum reached out to her during a divorce recovery workshop at Suntree United Methodist Church. “He made me feel like I was OK just the way I was. He gave me the tools to love again in a healthy way,” said Gonzalez, who met and married fellow workshop attendee Ruben Gonzalez. Such stories flow in the wake of the return of beloved associate pastor Hoyt Byrum to SUMC. He will take over duties of visiting sick and shut-in members for equally-loved associate pastor Clarence Van Ens, who retired last year at age 90. “He has some big shoes to fill,” said Pat Hendrickson, a member of the Gonzalez’s small group. Always the one to laugh at himself first, Byrum smiled at the tongue-in-cheek reference. Van Ens is 6 feet 8 inches tall, and Byrum is closer to 5 feet than 6. In addition to his duties as visitation pastor, Byrum is expected to resume his work in community outreach. “We worked very closely together on Resurrection Ranch,” said Kristina Petrik, immediate past president of the Suntree/Viera Area Association of Churches. Byrum outlined his planned approach to pastoring in his first sermon in July, entitled “What’s it all about, Alfie?” Like the song urges, he will place emphasis on what matters in life, focusing on practical messages that will help members in their daily lives. He

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Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

Suntree United Methodist Church members Ruben and Ulrike Gonzales welcomes Rev. Hoyt Byrum back as associate pastor, who will replace retiring pastor Clarence van Ens in visiting the sick and shut-ins, and will increase the church’s community outreach efforts. will continue to urge members to form small groups and meet in each other’s homes so that they may better minister each other’s needs. “That is especially important for a vibrant church that may have thousands of members overall,” he said. As a former associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Satellite Beach, Byrum was instrumental in launching the Brevard Interfaith Coalition, bringing together all faiths to reach out to those less fortunate. SVAAC links with it to better

serve the entire community. “I will continue to encourage members to reach out as volunteers in their community, as it is more beneficial to the one helping than the one getting help,” Byrum said. He retired due to a rule in the Presbytery that a pastor cannot work or volunteer after age 65. Co-senior SUMC pastors Terri and John Hill made Trinity Presbyterian’s loss their gain by holding open Van Ens’ job for a year so Byrum could fill it. VV

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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice SUNDAY






Help a Good Cause 5 - 9 p.m. Five Guys Burgers and Fries 10% of sales will go toward Second Harvest Food Bank of Central



Temple Israel Golf Tournament




Homework Helpers (Tutors Needed) 4 – 5 p.m. Viera Regional Community Center 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way


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Rockledge Farmer’s Market

12 p.m. 6:30 to 8 p.m. 8 to 9 a.m. Tee o 8 a.m. Ribbon Cutting/ The Pizza Gallery Golf Club House Deuk featuring Dr. Li Indian River Colony Club Dr. Open House At Deuk Spine Institute 2250 Town Center Ave. 861 Marina Rd. 1936 Freedom Drive Space Coast Cancer Center 321-775-1299 Viera Patrick AFB Viera 5 to 7 p.m. Tropical Daze 321- 243-7543 321-784-8934 321-631-9494 8725 N. Wickham Rd., #103 Opening Exhibit 855-894-4673, X 3500 Art Gallery of Viera for Pizza Two Scoops for I Run Ladies Night Sit & Stitch The Music Club 5K 5 to 8:30 p.m. School Football Kickoff Suntree/Viera Library Supplies Thursdays, 6 p.m. Bring 7:15 902 Jordan Blass DR a.m. Ideal Image Piano, guitar or school supplies for Devereux kids The Avenue Viera The Avenue Viera Suntree singing lessons 2 to 4 p.m. 321-751-8890 2221 Town Center Dr. 321-255-4404 Viera Regional Park Viera Viera Realty Community Center, 7350 Shoppes Dr. #103 321-456-5665 Huestonmusic@c Viera 321-254-4800 Viera/Suntree Together in Partnership Bloodmobile Kiwanis Club Toastmasters Club 9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. a.m. of Rockledge 8Calvary 7 to 8:30 p.m. Government Center Chapel 6:30 p.m. Stadium Wuestho Reference 2725 Judge Fran Parkway Jimmie’s Restaurant Laboratories Building Jamieson Way, C, 1st Floor Viera Turtle Creek Golf Club 6800 Spyglass Court Viera 321-952-9673 Viera Rockledge 321-633-2069 321- 208-7642 321-637-1424 Thursdays Brevard Manatees Vs. YMCA Clearwater Threshers Adventure Guides 7:05 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. Space Coast Stadium Wickham Park Youth Parkway 5800 Stadium Campgrounds Viera 2500 Parkway Dr. 321-576-0184 Melbourne 321-427-2606



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Viera Voice • August 2011

By Darrell Woehler

According to some, a trip to the zoo is always an exciting adventure for the photographers. They find unique and colorful animals, an abundance of ecological and floral subjects as well as people to shoot. The Camera Club of Brevard meets monthly on the first Tuesday at the Eau Gallie Civic Center at 6:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend. For more information call Richard Thomson at 321-848-1110 or visit VV

VIera VoICe Darrell Woehler

Members of the Camera Club of Brevard prepare to enter the Brevard Zoo on a Field Trip, Saturday, July 9, 2011.




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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice


Zoo offers an alternative for homeschoolers By AngelA Smith

For most home-school families in Brevard County, education isn’t confined to a specific time or location. It’s a lifestyle woven into everyday activities, such as a trip to the grocery store, a walk along the beach, or an outing at a local attraction. Every experience becomes a self contained classroom, which is why the Brevard Zoo created a program that spotlights the heart of this educational lifestyle and offers cross-curriculum education at a low cost for parents overwhelmed with choices. “We had been getting a lot of homeschool parents asking about home school classes and they had been going to other places,” says Janelle Cummins, the zoo’s education manager. “We then realized that other zoos in Florida were doing home-school programs, so we watched and decided to develop a similar program here.” A year later, the series of four-week module classes, the Jr. Zoo Crew, became a favorite course of study among local homeschoolers. “Originally, I like doing anything with animals and I had some time and really


just wanted to help,” said 15-yearold homeschooler Sidney Galtern, a program volunteer. “I think the kids that do come definitely enjoy it, they always love to see the animals, learn about them and enjoy coming back every week.” Each month, the module changes themes and transforms the zoo into a world of possibilities; whether it’s hiking through a trail looking for remnants of the prehistoric era during the zoo’s extreme dinosaur exhibit, or at the Indian River Lagoon learning about mammals. More home-school families are now joining co-ops offering weekly field trips, science labs or use of the local public school for sports or band. This makes it more mainstream for attractions like museums and zoos to offer such programs. “There are tons of things you can get involved with as a homeschooler,” said Ashley Gonyea, 16. “I try spending most of my time at the zoo, just because I love it so much. But there are things like plays and ice cream socials where I can get together with my friends who are also homeschoolers.” VV

VIERA VOICE Darrell Woehler

Aria LaBarca, daughter of Alycen and David LaBarca, learns the correct way to grab a monitor lizard is from the side on Saturday, July 9, 2011, when her family visits the Brevard Zoo.

AUGUST 10, 2011

I-95 to Exit

191 (Wickham Road West) 1/2 mile on Lake Andrew Drive

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AV Viera Voice Green Market_June 2011.indd 1


Viera Voice • August 2011

5/11/11 11:01 AM

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Viera Voice • August 2011


Viera Voice



Kellie Bobango Words to live by: Give 100% with everything you do, even if you don’t feel 100% that day. One of the things people notice about Kellie Bobango is her maturity and respectfulness. According to her mother, with a perseverance and tenacity many adults don’t display, she inspired her parents to travel and even planned some of their trips. Kellie, her mother and other 8th graders from Kennedy Middle School accompanied teacher Barbara Sweeney to the United Kingdom this summer for a fun and educational trip. Kellie, a Girl Scout since kindergarten,

recently received her Silver Award, the highest award in Cadettes. She worked at Brevard Zoo and on a spoil island in the Indian River Lagoon to help restore the shoreline by planting mangroves, and her softball team, the Thundering Herd with Viera Majors is the 2011 District 2 Champions. In addition, she was awarded the VSLL League Sportsmanship Award for 2011. How do you eat oreos?

I take two Oreos, remove one cookie piece from each cookie and put the remainder of the Oreos together to create one doublestuffed Oreo.

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What’s the last thing you purchased? A souvenir keychain from London. What is your

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Kellie Bobango, left, and Danielle Deatherage joined more than a dozen other 8th graders, all dressed as “Waldo” during their trip to Ireland during the summer of 2011. biggest pet peeve? People who look down on others. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Sometimes, especially when going up stairs.

What one word would friends use to describe you?

Probably myself. I’m a Girl Scout so I’m pretty likely to over prepare!

Do you believe in ghosts?

Ice cream...preferably in sandwich form.

Crepes, and chocolate milk. VV

What is the one thing your parents keep in the refrigerator just for you?

Not really, unless the story is pretty convincing. What do you think is the best thing to eat for breakfast?


Have you ever played a didgeridoo? No, and I don’t think that I could.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ketchup

How do most people spell your name? Kelly (even teachers).

If you were going on a trip with your friends, who would be most likely to over-pack? VIERA VOICE Photo

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Viera Voice • August 2011

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45 48 50 51 52 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Constituent Handle, of sorts Birdlike Minuscule ìShow Boatî composer Bosnian resident Significant times “I, Claudius” matriarch Three-spot Leash for a hawk Useless King’s ens. Slug or gab follower Harmonize

Experience the excitement of walking on water while touring the Mullet Creek Preserve! This sport is great for beginners as boards are stable and can be paddled while standing or kneeling. Launch from Honest John’s Fish Camp, 750 Mullet Creek Road in Melbourne Beach. Please wear water shoes, sunscreen and bring your water bottle and a snack. Cost is $38. Enrollment is limited to six per tour (Must be at least 12 years old). Call 321-723-3556 by Thursday, August 4 to make your reservation. No refunds after this date, unless minimum is not met. VV

CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Pigtail 6 Cicatrix 10 Request fervently 13 Greek peninsula 14 Glass sheet 15 Helen of Troy’s mom 16 North African capital 17 “Them” menace 18 Fruitless 19 Check the flow 20 Expansive 21 Mature 22 Kate Nelligan role 24 Food service 25 Smoothed 28 Type of newspaper 30 Thursday NBC staple, of yore 31 Fissures 32 Procedure 36 Muscatís land 37 Light wood 38 Singer Guthrie 39 Make one’s way 40 Hoarfrost 41 Blotch 42 Prince Valiant’s lady 44 Weakened


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Paddle Boarding Wildlife Adventure Saturday, August 6 at 9 or 11 a.m.

Solution on page 12B

15 Heston/Gardner historical Italian thriller? 20 United 21 Everything 23 Actor Ayres 24 Leaning tower city 25 Till the soil 26 Shiny fabric 27 Thicke, of “Hope & Gloria” 29 Church niche 31 Stride 33 Pitfall 34 Nobelist Wiesel 35 Frog digs 37 Monicker, from J.C. Harris DOWN 41 Erie mule, of song 1 Scraps 43 Broadway Cariou 2 Win decisively 44 Piggery 3 Ben Stiller’s mom 45 Tall spars 4 Danson/Selleck Italian 46 7-time French Open champ comedy smash? 47 Trapped in goo 5 Chars. on 30 Across 49 Map surrounded by another 6 Iberian component 7 Disney animated talian classic? 51 Verifiable 53 At any time 8 Poker admission 54 Pickable 9 Legal matter 55 Hawthorne, familiarly 10 Doozy 57 Pixie 11 Ancient official 12 ‘Look Homeward, Angel’ clan 58 Anagram for Ali

OICE Photo

Viera Voice • August 2011



& Harvest


w o r S c


Viera Voice proudly introduces the first annual Scarecrow Stroll October 1-15, 2011 Attract traffic to your business by designing and building a scarecrow entry for the contest. After two weeks, scarecrows will be moved to Brevard’s Harvest Festival for final judging and charity auction. Participants will be limited, call today 321-242-1235.

Scarecrow Sponsor Application

SponSor $99

• Application should be submitted as soon as possible by fax or dropped off at Viera Voice office. Call 321-242-1235 Fax: 321-248-0733 • Businesses may be paired with a school classroom or nonprofit community agency to create one specific to your business. • Weather durable Scarecrow is to be displayed in front of participating business. Name of Business: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Short description of your business purpose: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you wish to be paired with a classroom or charity for design and creation: YES / NO

VieraViera Voice Voice 24

Viera Voice • August 2011

ier era ra Voi oic ice ce Vie

File B





Economy puts hold on building



In 2006, Holly Wesche unveiled her handsome new jewelry store on Wickham Road, and knew the one thing she wanted to do with the remaining vacant land on her 3-acre property. “I didn’t have a timetable or a concrete idea of what was going to go there, but I knew I did not want to build it myself,” she said. Five years later, the land and its enviable location still tempt many prospects, but the economy has nixed any deals. “We’ve had people who wanted to lease the land, and others wanted to buy it,” Wesche said. “Another group was ready to buy it a year and a half ago, but could not get financing. These are very challenging times, but I expect something will happen in the next couple of years, because I’ve already seen a change with the jewelry. Sales are picking up.” Wesche had permitting for two building phases, so the infrastructure is in place for its future resident, whether retail or office. “It is ready to go,” said Wesche. Although Wesche’s 15,000-square-foot jewelry store occupies approximately 60 percent of the property, the remaining land can accommodate up to a three-story, 22,000-square-foot structure. Since Wesche is in the business of making people look good, she says it is no wonder that whatever eventually goes up next to the store will have to complement the jewelry store. “I get to have a strong say in the building,” said Wesche. “The two buildings would be close to each other and it would be foolish to put something like a modern chrome structure next to the jewelry store.”

According to Wesche, the property has dodged the bullet of the Wickham Rd. widening. “My understanding is that it will happen just up from our property,” she said. “In either case, we sit back quite far from the road, so it would not make a difference.” VV


The Wesche Jewelers building is one of the architectural gems in Viera.

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Viera Voice • August 2011

1B 25


Thursday, Aug. 11, at 6 p.m., GetSocialBrevard will hold it’s next Tweet-up at Beachside Doubles. The

keynote speaker will be Beachside Doubles is loBob Rall, who will discuss cated at 1896 South Patrick LinkedIn 101. Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. The Go Giving Charity for For more information, visit August is schools supplies for VV Devereux Florida children.

Group harnesses power of social networking for community good


CLEANING BEFORE Viera Voice Linda Wiggins

Ritch Workman received a donation of $201 from GetSocial Brevard chairperson Nora McFarland, contributed by members of the social networking group for the charity Sentinels of Freedom Space Coast at River Rocks restaurant July 14, 2011. BY LINDA WIGGINS

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Organizers discovered that advance event preparation is Social networking has necessary. exploded into a powerful “We held an event at Space tool to bring people together Coast Stadium and did sort virtually and in person, and a of a reverse wave where new group is harnessing this everybody met in the middle power for community good. like a �lash mob,” Rall said. GetSocialBrevard launched “We forgot to tell the of�icers six months ago to give people doing security, and until they on social networking sites a understood what was happlace to converge face-to-face pening, they were nervous once a month, provide marand didn’t really know how keting miles for businesses to react.” that host the meetings and With donations increasing encourage participants to each month, this social and give to a selected charity. philanthropic group has pro“Our goal is to promote vided funds to The Women’s social media and how it can Center, Promise in Brevard turn into dollars, both as and Sentinels of Freedom. a marketing tool for busiThe group is in the process nesses and a fund-raising tool of forming as a nonpro�it. For more information, visit for charities,” said Bob Rall, VV board member.

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Viera Voice • August 2011




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We Welcome new Patients Suntree Blvd.

HESS 7-11


Indian River

What one word would your friends say describes you? I hope the word would be “kind.” VV


One On One Attention by W Cosmetic Whitening, All White Fillings Dentures & Partials Each ofCleanings us has the ability "Gentle, Thorough to make a difference. Implant Restorations Placed Complete Mouth Reconstruction Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment Sterilization Monitored For Your Safety We Cater to Cowards Natural Feeling Cosmetic Crowns & Bridges Emergency & New Patients Welcome Special Care For Anxious Patients Suntree e Financing Ater oWArDs Care Credit vailable o


Suntree one-on-one attention by warm, caring, friendly staff DEL AL Station Suite 105 TRI-CARE * Cosmetic Whitening, All White Fillings * dentures & Partials CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 7025 N. W Wickham ickham Road, Suite 105 * Gentle, thorough Cleanings At Suntree Blvd. in Suntree Station * implant Restorations Placed www * Complete Mouth Reconstruction * Non-Surgical Periodontal treatment * Sterilization Monitored For Your Safety * Natural-Feeling Cosmetic Crowns & Bridges U.S. 1

What is the riskiest thing you have ever done? In 2007, I vacationed along the Amazon River and swam among piranhas. Locals assured me that piranhas are almost completely vegetarian, and that their sharp teeth were for cracking palm fruits. Nevertheless, I was scared to death every time I ventured into the water.

S. W William illiam Sayre, D.D.S., P P.A. .A.


What can always be found in your refrigerator? There is always Diet Coke in my refrigerator as well as mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. I am an emptynester, so the chances of �inding anything else in my

What do your friends do that makes you take pause? What talent or skill would I have close you most like to have withfriends who out the need to practice? help those who I wish I could sing. I absolute- are less fortuly cannot carry a tune. nate, on a daily Tell us something about you basis. Their goodness never that might surprise your makes the casual acquaintances news, and they The summer after my senior do not want year in college, I hitch-hiked recognition through Europe alone. for their work. What kind of car did you I often pause and think how learn to drive in? fortunate I am to have these My dad drove a Volkswagen friends. bug. One Sunday afternoon, What is your greatest pet after I got my learner’s perpeeve? mit, he tried to teach me to Waiting in line for a long time drive his car. The lesson did at the grocery store, only to not go well at all. I kept forhave a cashier open a new getting to put my foot on the clutch when I shifted. He loved lane and invite the shoppers at the back of the line to his or his car, so after that �irst her register. lesson he taught me to drive in my mother’s Buick. What do you consider the refrigerator are slim unless I know I am going to have company.

Since she was 16, in her Meridian, Miss. home, Lisa Davidson had her eye set on the law. Once in law school, she knew she wanted to be a judge because she believed a judge would have endless opportunities to make a difference and impact the community in positive ways. Starting as a county court judge in 1994, she has been a circuit court judge since 1998. The two-time recipient of the Outstanding Jurist Award and 2004 William E. Gladstone Award for judicial leadership and service to Florida’s Children recipient also is the 1999 Florida Law Related Education Association, Inc.’s Judge of the Year. In addition, she was recognized by the Florida Supreme Court for her dedication to the Florida Guardian Ad Litem program. One of her passions is helping young women achieve their potentials by mentoring students.


In Office Ultrasounds (with ins. approval)

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Viera Voice • August 2011 I need a couple of things removed from ad. Please remove:

3B 27

Vitas sponsors Brevard Remembers Customers can make or break businesses with smart phones

VIERA VOICE Linda Wiggins

VIERA VOICE Darrell Woehler

Matt Barringer, community liaison with VITAS, visits with disabled veteran Valinda Behrens. BY LINDA WIGGINS

VITAS Innovative Hospice Care has backed the Brevard Remembers 9/11 community event at Space Coast Stadium in Viera with a $5,000 sponsorship. The event calls the community together on the decade milestone of the 9/11 terror attacks to remember loved ones lost, honor �irst responders and appreciate members of the U.S. military who have been responding since. The event is hosted by the Suntree/Viera Area Association of Churches. Event partners include the retired New York police of�icers’ 10-13 Club of Brevard

and Vietnam Veterans of America. Sponsors include VIERA VOICE and SENIOR LIFE newspapers, Viera Means Business networking group, Clear Channel communications, The Viera Company and many others. Proceeds from the 9/11 stadium memorial will go toward a Viera retreat free to veterans returning from deployment and their spouses. They will learn skills to keep their families together, resolve post-traumatic stress and reconnect with the community, reducing high rates of divorce and suicide. The VITAS investment will

bring Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus author Dr. John Gray to lead the retreat, called Coming Home to Earth: Reconnecting with Life and Loves Ones After Trauma. “We really feel this is where our resources can do the most good for our community and our country,” said Matthew Barringer, VITAS community liaison. “Our veterans have done so much to protect us from further horror witnessed and experienced on 9/11. Now it’s our turn to repay the favor.” For more information, go to or call 321-684-1420. VV

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At the Viera Means Business networking meeting at Regions Bank on Thursday, July 14, 2011, Suzanne Rankin of NetForceMedia and Robert Wieseneck of Applied-InfoSystems taught business owners how they can use new smart-phone marketing technology like Foursquare and QR Codes to get more customers. BY LINDA WIGGINS

Shoppers can go into a restaurant, enjoy a meal – or not – and instantly share it with Customers are increasingly followers. Businesses can lure making or breaking businesses shoppers in with free items or by word of mouth – or rather discounts when they “check by text of smart phone. And in” with their phone, instantly whether businesses like it or broadcasting their location. not, they must take part or be While the technology can left behind. damage a business with a poor “We moved from a time when comment, it can also turn into there was one downtown area a positive, according to Rankin. and everybody shopped there, “If you address the comand everyone knew everyone, plaint and �ix it, then comso word of mouth drove sales,” ment on it, you show you are Internet consultant Suzanne pro-active, and this new era of Rankin of NetForceMedia said. customers loves that,” Rankin “Then we went to a time when said. you could drive sales with adFoursquare will soon merge vertising alone. Smart phones with the popular consumer are bringing us back to town feature Groupon, which issquare where you can share sues discounts on products your experience with people and services based on a instantly, and they listen and consumer’s actual spending shop accordingly.” habits. Data from consumer Foursquare is a smart phone spending and traf�ic habits is application that is free to analyzed to target advertising consumers and businesses. by Google. VV

Seacoast National Bank announces new mortgage loan officers

With a move re�lecting continued controlled growth in residential lending within Brevard County, Seacoast National Bank announced that Margaret Ann Thomas,

Kala Bruss, and B.J. Garner will each work with builders, realtors and potential home buyers in originating residential loans in the area. VV


Pulmonary Services Critical Care Services • Wound Care • Central Line Placement • Endotracheal Tube Mangaement • Pulse Oximetry • Passy-Muir Valve for Speech

28 4B

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Viera Voice • August 2011 • Renal Dialysis • TPN • Sophisticated Ventilators • Cardiac Telemetry

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Join us for our Summertime open House - We’re having an Ice Cream Social and you’re invited! Come out and visit us on Sunday, August 14th, 2011 at the Home Discovery Center from 2 to 4 p.m. and allow your Viera Specialists to serve you up a scoop of your favorite ice cream ... and add all kinds of fun toppings! We will also be collecting school supplies to benefit the boys and girls at the Viera Devereux campus. Backpacks, Crayons, pocket Folders, 3-Ring Binders ... they need it all! this event is for you ~ It’s all FRee and open to the public ~ so see you there!


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VV 08.2011.indd 1

As you pass the staffed Guard House at the entrance to Wyndham at Duran and proceed through the lion-graced gates, you will immediately note the dramatic and breathtaking architecture of the homes lining the streets in this prestigious and unique community. Soaring roofs and turrets, expansive second-story terraces, awe-inspiring pools with waterfalls and vanishing edges is but a taste of what exists and what is possible in Wyndham. As Viera’s “crown jewel”, this is the spot for those looking to create a custom retreat that satisfies their every whim and desire. Whether it’s a golf front lot, lake to golf or simply a calm and lovely lakefront, this is the place to put your signature on a home that truly reflects you. Lots average 1/3 acre.


7/11/11 11:42 AM

Viera Voice • August 2011

29 5B

A piece of Hawaii along the Space Coast VIERA VOICE Angela Smith


Members of the Rockledge Space Coast Ukulele Club gather for a silly photo at their meeting on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at the Cocoa Recreation Center.

The charm, spirit and Aloha for the culture of Hawaii shines locally once a month as members of an online group gather for a common interest - the ukulele. If all goes as planned, the sounds of the four-stringed miniature guitars and the feel of grass skirts will transport a group of tropical buffs to the islands of the West. “It’s a passion for the Hawaiian music and the playing of the ukulele instrument,” said Roland Galindo, co-organizer of the Rockledge meet up group, the Space Coast Ukulele Club. “It’s all about the Hawaiian atmosphere, the music, the food and to just kick back.”



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Not combinable with any other in-house promotions or published coupons. Limit one per table. Melbourne location only. Expires 8-31-11

• Skylights/Windows • Screen Enclosures • Paint • Stucco • Gutters • Pools

Many members of the 45-member club once lived in Hawaii and missed the islands, its language, music, and dance and began searching for others with the same interest. In July 2010, breaking off from a larger ukulele group, a tighter-knit club formed, quickly drawing in experienced ukulele players and beginners from across the county gathering at member’s homes in the Rockledge and Viera area. “When I tell people I’m a part of this club, they are surprised and they don’t think these groups exist,” Treat yourself said member John Silva. “But once they listen to it, they get pretty hooked.” Recently, family members have gotten hooked as well as wives, girlfriends and daughters of members began hula dancing at meet Lunch ups to soothing tunes of Mon.-Sat. 11aM-3pM the ukuleles playing in the Dinner background. Mon.-Sun. 4:30-10pM “It’s full circle. If you go to our meet up, you’ll see new 7720 N. Wickham Road, #101 Melbourne (Boardwalk at Suntree) people not only learning the ukulele, but Hawaiian words. 321-254-8838 It’s a little bit about the entire culture,” said member All major credit Darryl Birch. “It’s not just a cards accepted. meet up about stamps and coin collections. It’s really about the lifestyle and love we have for each other and the ukulele.” MLS# R568519A: 801 MISTY CREEK MLS# C577714A: 5445 MURRELL RD DR, MELBOURNE, $189,900 Unit# 103, ROCKLEDGE, $17MVisit for more information. VV


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30 6B

Viera Voice • August 2011

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Area Beach opportunities

Oyster Mat Making

Help The Nature Conservancy with their community project to restore oyster reefs in the Mosquito Lagoon of North Brevard County on Thursday, Aug. 11 at 10 a.m.

BaytreeClean-Up house. 922 Balmoral. Pr Beach

$575,000 Helpreduced keep ourtobeaches and oceans clean for the nesting and hatching sea turtles as well as spawning great land crabs on Saturday, Aug. 20 at 9 a.m. Volunteering is fun, rewarding and best of all free! Call: 321-723-3556 or visit VV

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e I’m a y are don’t xist,” lva. “But , they get

emoked as ends mbers at meet s of in the

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Viera Voice • August 2011

31 7B

Florida Wildlife goes digital

Executive Director Nick Wiley announced that the May/June 2011 issue is the final paper-and-ink version of the magazine, due to agency budget cuts. The magazine will continue with an online presence at Charlie Corbeil’s story, “The Woodpecker Tree” appears in the final print version and you can expect to see his brilliant photography and informative articles in the digital editions as well.

Parting Shot by Charlie Corbeil Lubber Grasshopper (Romalea guttata)

The most distinctive grasshopper species in the southeastern United States is the lubber. It is easily identifiable by its size (sometimes reaching three inches in length) and by the black spots and markings adorning its yellow body. This colorful pest is vulnerable to predators since it is slow and clumsy, neither adept at walking or hopping. It is additionally flawed by wings that are too small and too short to generate flight. Yet, unique defenses provide protection. Besides its bright coloration which depicts toxicity, it sprays irritating foam accompanied by a hiss and sometimes regurgitates a staining substance. The lubber frequents open pinewoods, damp or wet habitats, and weedy areas. It feeds on vegetation. It can inflict damage to Florida citrus, vegetable crops, and ornamental plants. Means

Charlie Corbeil Florida Master Naturalist

of control are parasites, insecticides, or just plain squashing. July and August encounter the highest adult population of lubbers. VV

young Scholar attends Scarecrow Stroll to provide family interlochen arts Camp fun, spotlight for local businesses SPeCiaL to VieRa VoiCe

Suntree resident and and West Shore Junior/Senior High School’s Lev Freeman is attending Interlochen Arts Camp, the world’s premier summer arts program for aspiring artists in grades 3 through 12. The son of Dr. Neal and Shelley Freeman, he is studying Piano and Music Theory at the camp, which marks its 84th season at the forefront of arts education this summer. Interlochen Arts Camp attracts students, faculty and staff from all 50 of the United States and more than 40 VieRa VoiCe Photo countries. These 3,000 artists Lev Freeman will attend Infill Interlochen’s northwoods terlochen Arts Camp again in campus with an explosion 2011. of creativity. Student-artists are singers Norah Jones and learn from world-class inJosh Groban, opera and constructors and produce huncert soprano Jessye Norman, dreds of presentations each and many others. summer in dance, theatre, Freeman started playcreative writing, visual arts, ing the piano at the age of music and film. 8. His innate musicianship Approximately 10 percent and eagerness to progress of the nation’s professional quickly resulted in early orchestra musicians have competition and performance roots at Interlochen and opportunities. the alumni community has For information about been awarded more than 90 Interlochen visit the website Grammy Awards. Among the VV distinguished camp alumni

by Linda WiGGinS

VIERA VOICE newspaper is launching the 2011 Scarecrow Stroll and Harvest Festival. Businesses and neighborhood communities are invited to host and decorate a scarecrow at their locations. Scarecrows will be relocated to the Harvest Festival on a Saturday in October at a location to be announced next month for judging and auction. “This is a fun activity for families and an opportunity to generate support and foot traffic for our local businesses,” said Jill Gaines, publisher at Bluewater Creative Group. For a fee, businesses will

be included in advertisements and sponsorship acknowledgment at the Harvest Festival. Businesses may link with a local charity or school to create their finished product. Once the judging is complete, and prizes awarded, scarecrows will be auctioned to the highest bidders at the festival. Proceeds will enhance art programming at Viera’s five area public schools. Any remaining scarecrows will be donated to a loca charity with 100 percent of the proceeds going to enhance education programs for children in grades kindergarten through sixth. At the festival, pie bakers will vie for blue ribbons for

their creations, with winning pies offered for sale. Families will enjoy fresh roasted corn in the husk and other fall fare. The event is expected to attract crafters looking to help those do their Christmas shopping early. “The Scarecrow Stroll and Harvest Festival will become a signature Viera event, an opportunity for neighbors to bond with neighbors and have fun, but also generate a buzz to talk about over coffee and while standing in line together at the grocery store,” Gaines said. “That’s a quality that makes life in Viera special.” For more information, go to or call 321-242-1235.” VV

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8B 32

Viera Voice • August 2011

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Intraoral Complete Series  *Must ad present adof atappt. time of Reg $304 *Must Digital present at time Regappt. $304 Code 0330, 0210, 0350, 0150 ADA CodeADA 0330, 0210, 0350, 0150



Bone Grafting/Sinus Augmentations • Bone•Grafting/Sinus Augmentations U S

• Periodontal Cleaning/Surgery/Crown • Periodontal Cleaning/Surgery/Crown Lengthening D0120 D0350 Lengthening D0330   




Convenient Convenient Hours: Hours:




   8am-5pm M/WM/W 8am-5pm of the artcosmetic equipment, procedures, Dr. Roppa and Dr.• Marshall perform all and general dentistry procedures. State•ofState the art equipment, procedures,  8am-8pm T/Th T/Th 8am-8pm Both doctors possess advanced training certificates.  and sterilization techniques and sterilization techniques Fridays 8am-5pm Fridays 8am-5pm Corner of Murrell and Viera Blvd. • Doctors highly skilled, educated, professional • Doctors highly skilled, educated, professional  Behind Walgreens Pharmacy Drive Thru Sat: 8am-3pm EveryEvery otherother Sat: 8am-3pm P rofessional  M eMbershiPs  and  C ertifiCations 

Barnes Blvd. 

Beef  o’Brady’s  GAS 

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 MURRELL ROAD

VIERA BLVD. 

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SunBay  Fitness 

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“Viera’s Trusted Dentistry” 

MAILMAn  JoEy’S 

winning Families ed corn r fall ected king to hristmas

The Dental Health  Professionals at Viera 

BAnK 

Wickham Road 

american dental association  florida dental association  fellow of the international Congress and  oral implantologists   the academy of Cosmetic dentistry  academy of General dentistry  iV sedation for dentistry  advanced Cardiovascular life support   basic life support,   CPr  and aed 

Convenient  Hours: 

M-W 7:20am-5pm   Thurs. 9:20am-7pm  Fridays —  by appointment 

Viera Voice • August 2011

9B 33

Association Living Administrative Hurricane Preparation By FrAnk kneiser

This column recently addressed the physical preparation of common areas for a hurricane. This month we address internal or administrative preparation. The board or manager should hold a planning meeting with key personnel, volunteers, and vendors such as landscaping, lake maintenance, irrigation, etc. Establish their respective

point out areas of the association that may be at risk, allowing time to responsibilities perform preventabefore, during and tive maintenance. after the emerPrepare a comgency. Depending puter backup of on the size of your all important files Frank Kneiser association, you and contracts that may want to consider hiring can be kept off site and proa disaster recovery company tected from catastrophe. The and include them in the plan- backup should also include ning meeting. a roster of all board memContact your insurance bers, committee chairs, key agent to ensure all policies personnel, vendors, attorare up to date and approney and insurance contact. priate. Once a hurricane Include an asset inventory warning is issued, insurance list of all items over $1,000. policies may not be added The inventory will be used or changed. Ask your agent for insurance purposes after to bring in a loss prevention the emergency. A video tour of the entire association will specialist. The specialist will

document the conditions before the storm and will also be used for insurance purposes. The association should also consider a contract with an independent insurance claims adjuster. Insurance company adjusters are working to protect their company, not the association. An independent adjuster will be very helpful after the storm in assessing the damage, cost of repairs, and filing claims. Depending on your type of association, decide what assistance, if any, you may want to provide for elderly or infirm owners. It is not unusual for condominium associations to reserve a block of hotel rooms that are out of

harm’s way. Be sure your residents are aware of your planning. Their minds will be at ease, knowing that your proper planning will facilitate getting through the storm and assist in protecting their investment in the association. It’s important to point out that Mr. Kneiser is not an attorney and legal questions should be referred to your attorney. However, a requirement of his Community Association Manager’s license is to stay abreast of the Florida Association laws. Contact him with any questions at VV

Storage facilities collect food and clothes for homeless vets Storage facilities in Suntree and Viera are collecting nonperishable food and clothing for homeless veterans now through Labor Day. The effort is in partnership with the Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic in Viera. Donations may be dropped off at Suntree Self Storate at 7165 N. Wickham Rd. in Melbourne, and Space Station Self Storage at 3100 Murrell Rd. in Rockledge. For more information, call Christina Little-Bosley at 321-253-8300.

HOA’s Apartments High Rise Condos Maintenance Plans & More! EXTERIOR: Power washing Stucco Repairs Window cleaning Pool deck resurfacing Painting/Waterproofing Licensed & Insured INTERIOR: FREE ESTIMATES Water damage/drywall repairs Call TODAY! Knockdown/orange peel textures Popcorn ceiling removal Custom woodwork/crown moulding Color consultations/faux finishes License # PT 608

VierA VOiCe Darrell Woehler

It’s a family affair on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at the Brevard Zoo for Chris Noel, 7; Josh Noel, 10; cousin, Noel Fleig, 12, and Grace Noel, 15, all of Suntree, as they cool off in the zoo gift shop after enduring the heat out with the zoo animals.

Tune Up Time! Summer Is Upon Us! Donʼt forget to check your cooling system!



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34 10B

Viera Voice • August 2011

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Viera Voice


AIR CONDITIONING M & M Air & Heat ......................................... 321-544-0953 ANIMAL Animal Emergency ........................................... 321-724-5365 AUTO 2000AUTO ............................................................ 321-259-2000 BANKING/FINANCE Atlantic Financial ..............Scott Olson 321-751-5599 Kevin Smithwick ................................................ 321-757-3305 LPL Financial................................Rob Dale 321-254-6404

INDOOR/OUTDOOR CLEANING SERVICE Brevard Commercial Cleaning ................. 321-507-4851 Clear Outlook..................................................... 321-253-8992 Mobile Maid ......................................................... 321-745-8067 ell Woehler Space Coast Cleaning .................................. 321-433-3133

l, 10; hop after

Kim & Scott Tie the Knot


CHURCH/WORSHIP Saint John the Evangelist .......................... 321-637-9650


HEALTH & EXERCISE Pilates Center of Viera ........................................321-305-6950 Control Results...........................................................321-610-4534 Protandim/TrueScience .......................................858-233-9403

HOTEL Holiday Inn Viera ............................................. 321-255-0077 HOME/SAFETY Ace Hardware Suntree ................................. 321-253-3000 Consign & Design ........................................... 321-504-4133 Sunstate Pest Management ...................... 321-632-9262 The Blind Spot .................................................. 321-752-7288 INSURANCE State Farm .......................Dan Adovasio


PHYSICAL THERAPY Free Motion/Physical Therapy ...............321-242-7575

DENTISTS Dental Health Professionals at Viera.......321-631-9395 Dr. Cedric Chenet............................................ 321-622-3895 Dr. S. William Sayre ....................................... 321-253-1616 Dr. Scott Reader .............................................. 321-253-9588 Periu Family Dentistry................................... 321-622-8960 Viera Dental ........................................................ 321-433-1022

PHYSICIANS & MEDICAL Deuk Spine Institute....................................... 321-775-1299 Dr. Frederick Ho, Ophthalmologist .... 321-757-7272 Health First /Viera Hospital ..................... 321-434-9000 Heart & Sol, OB/GYN ................................ 321-242-4515 Ideal Image .......................................................... 321-456-5665 Kindred Hospital ............................................... 321-733-5725 Reflections OB/GYN....................................... 321-610-8955 Premier Urgent Care ..................................... 321-242-7425 Suntree Internal Medicine .......................... 321-259-9500 Suntree Medical Centre............................... 321-253-2169 University Imaging ........................................... 321-726-3800

EDUCATION, MUSIC, ART Creative Music, Art & Learning Center ..321-255-0116

POWER WASHING Beacon Roof Exterior .................................... 321-507-4851

GOLF & EQUIPMENT Duran Golf Club................................................ 321-504-7776 GOLF USA............................................................. 321-752-0078

PLUMBING CDS Plumbing..................................................... 321-433-3140 Michael Angelo Plumbing ........................... 321-775-4626 Suntree/Viera Plumbing .............................. 321-751-9516

HAIR SALONS Sport Clips ........................................................... 321-637-1553 Uptown Salon ..................................................... 321-254-4050

STONE & GRAVEL Aurora Stone & Gravel ................................ 321-253-4808

DANCE Ultimate Dance ................................................. 321-636-8966

REALTORS/REAL ESTATE RE/MAX Elite.........................John Haley 321-427-6500 RE/MAX Elite........................Joy Frankel 321-446-5826 Viera Realty ......................................................... 321-254-4800 Ellingson Properties ........................................ 321-752-1950 Real Estate Brevard.. ..............Tim Kirk 321-698-1947 The Michael Gaich Company......x260 .. 321-453-4200 RESTAURANTS Amici’s Italian Restaurant ............................. 321255-5377 Alamo Mexican Kitchen..................................321-632-2549 Bizzarro’s Pizza....................................................321-255-5852 Crossroads Kitchen............................................321-632-0100 Niki’s Restaurant .........................................................321-255-0817 Planet Smoothie ..........................................................321-872-0226 RendezVous Restaurant & Lounge.........321-255-0077 Thai Fuji....................................................................321-433-2388 Toyo Sushi & Asian Grill..............................321-254-8838 Viera Pizza..............................................................321-636-7696

55+ Living/RETIREMENT Joe’s Club............................................................. 321-253-4430 Cedar Creek Assisted Living .................... 321-454-7768 Heritage Isle in Viera/Lennar.................. 800-308-4199 The Retreat at Watersong......................... 321-253-7450 SHOPPING The Avenue Viera ............................................ 321-634-5390 STORAGE Viera Storage ..................................................... 321-752-0022 TRANSPORTATION Comfort Ride LLC............................................ 321-543-7433 TRAVEL AGENCIES All About You Travel..................................... 321-631-8080 CruiseOne ............................................................. 321-735-0202 Travel by Ginny................................................. 321-632-5610 WEIGHT LOSS Physicians Weight Loss Center .............. 321-215-9076

Viera Voice • August 2011

11B 35

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Don't be Blind Sided..


Hollywood Star impersonators: Natalie Wood, Lena Horne, Ava Gardner, Vera Allen, Lana Turner, Gene Tierney and Carol Channing walked around and danced with Watersong members on Friday, July 10, 2011.

SUMMER IS HERE! Are you ready?

Viera’s Only Window Treatment Showroom!

VIERA VOICE Mary Brotherton

On Tuesday, July 19, 2011, Brevard County Deputy Jason Knepp demonstrates to Viera Regional Recreation Center campers how obedient Ivan, his K9 companion is, while his own son looks on.

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Crossword & Spot the Differences puzzle solutions Puzzle in Section A, page 23

Puzzle in Section A, page 23

Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later. ~Dana Stewart Scott


Barbers for new barbershop in Viera. Murrell and Barnes. Full or part time. Call Paul. 321-255-2130.


Dining room table, light color, 6 chairs, hutch. Ethan Allen, darker color, 2 corner hutches, will sell separately. Table and 4 chairs excellent condition. Call for prices. 321-783-2015 (Cocoa Beach area). SMALL OFFICE SUITES AVAILABLE Reservations being accepted—Small Viera-based business wanted? Call to find out how we can fill your needs. Call for details 321-693-1989.

36 12B

Viera Voice • August 2011

Training pays off for Viera rescue team National story broadcast internationally

By LIndA WIggIns

Viera Fire Rescue Stations 48 and 47 responded to an unusual distress call and put recent training to work hoisting a retired race horse from a north Melbourne swimming pool. “It’s great to have all kinds of training in place, because you never know when it will be useful, and it is indispensable when you do need it,” said Lt. Jeff Taylor of Brevard County Fire Rescue. On July 19, a horse wandered into a swimming pool and resisted all attempts to remove it. Viera and other responding Brevard County firefighters removed part of the pool enclosure and used a crane to OICE Photo lift out the horse with a makeshift a Turner, sling. on Friday, Fire rescue personnel from the Special Operations Team, housed at the new Station 48 on Stadium Parkway, received the special trainVIERA VOICE Jeff Taylor/BCFR ing from Disney’s Animal Kingdom Firefighter paramedics Fergus Kelly, Will Lilienthal and others from Viera Fire Station’s Special Operations Team at Station trainers at Brevard Zoo. VV 48 and surrounding units employ special training to rescue a horse from a swimming pool July 19, 2011.

Art of sand moves to Viera By LIndA WIggIns

The popular worldwide festival Art of Sand is relocating to Viera at the Space Coast Stadium, October 14-23 for its second year. “We are thrilled to have this now be a Viera event, the jewel in the crown of so many exciting cultural events that now call Viera their home,” said Kathy Engerran, interim executive director of Brevard Cultural Alliance. The event will feature artists from all over the world who create sculptures out of special sand, the elaborate creations resisting the elements for the duration of the 10-day event. The event’s anchor sponsor is The Viera Company, which is celebrating the 85th anniversa-



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Art of Sand launched in 2010 in Cape Canaveral and the popular festival will now call Viera home, beginning October 14-23 at Space Coast Stadium.

ry of A. Duda & Sons’ ranching and farming operations in Brevard. “We figured this was a great event that the whole family can enjoy,” said Judi John, community relations manager for The Viera Company, which is the community development arm of the Duda family business. Arts and cultural organizations will host booths at the Art of Sand as a visual calendar of events that attendees can peruse. “We like to take this opportunity to promote other organizations and events that make Brevard a more rich and stimulating place to live,” Engerran said. For more information, go to ArtofSand. org or call 321-690-6817. VV

Viera Voice • August 2011

37 13B



Viera Voice

"Excluding salmon, shrimp or steak or Daily Specials" to read: "Excluding salmon, shrimp, steak, or Daily Specials"



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38 14B

Viera Voice • August 2011


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