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Historical Nuggets

The Birth of Shweshwe

Shweshwe fabric is a proudly South African creation.


When German and French missionaries started arriving in South Africa in the 1840s, they were wearing indigo cloth. Xhosa women then started adding a blue print to their red blankets and integrated Shweshwe into traditional Xhosa weddings and culture.

Shweshwe is still manufactured traditionally whereby fabric is fed through copper rollers.

Da Gama Textiles in the Eastern Cape was founded in 1948. They purchased the rights to own and print the Three Cats range of Shweshwe.

Shweshwe is still manufactured traditionally whereby fabric is fed through copper rollers. Patterns are etched on the surface, allowing a weak acid solution to be fed into the fabric. The acid solution then bleaches out the distinctive white designs, for which the fabric is known.

Shweshwe fabrics have traditional characteristics of touch and smell – this way you can tell they are original Shweshwe fabrics.

Proudly Local!

Source: Alison Chadwick


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