Toowoomba seniors newspaper july 2015

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Your Award Winning Seniors' Newspaper – Written for Seniors by Seniors Vol 3. - Issue 6

July 2015

1300 880 265


QCWA takes a drive west to help our drought-stricken families by Jim Bowden “CLEAR blue skies, I’m afraid,” said QCWA chief Robyn McFarlane as she hurried a quick breakfast at Longreach, 1180 km northwest of Brisbane, before boarding the ‘drought-aid bus’ for the next stopover – Winton, 180 km up the

track. Seniors Newspaper was speaking to Robyn – who “grew up in this wonderful town” – about the QCWA mission to drought-ravaged western Queensland to meet, talk with and comfort communities. Some of them are battling

their worst dry season in decades. Robyn and 35 members of the QCWA state executive from all parts of the state were on the road and returned from the seven-day tour on July 4 after travelling from Brisbane to Toowoomba, Miles, Roma,

Rolleston, Emerald, Alpha, Barcaldine, Ilfracombe, Longreach, Winton, Blackall, Charleville, Mitchell, Morven, Chinchilla and Dalby, with many other stops on the way. “The country looks shocking, I have to say, particularly in the regions around

Ilfracombe and Mitchell. The paddocks are like brown cardboard, and the few cows and sheep, if you can find them, are wandering around searching for pickings,” Robyn said. “Any feed left is eaten off by the kangaroos. And then there’s the grasshop-

pers that are stripping the sorghum.” Ilfracombe in the central west is also facing a serious water shortage and may only have months of water supply left. Robyn said the QCWA was always 'just there' in times of crisis, rallying on the CONTINUED PAGE 2

A bus-load of good cheer and help - members of the QCWA state executive gather in Roma for the next leg of a seven-day tour of drought-stricken towns and communities.

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community news

QCWA providing financial help to support rural families

ground and helping out, this time offering financial assistance to support women and their families through the association’s public rural crisis fund which has been built from donations and some amazing fund-raising efforts by members. “The key to the mission is to provide funds, real money – rather than ‘just stuff’ – which goes to provide store credit and grocery gift vouchers, pays bills like te-

lephones and vehicle registration and, well, puts food on the table.” QCWA in the past 12 months has provided more than $300,000 from the crisis fund, helping western communities and easing the burden. Last year the fund helped 330 families and another 398 families so far this year. Robyn and her helpers have distributed application forms to allow families to access the rural crisis fund. “There’s no cream ta-

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By Margaret Johannson YOU never forget your first car - and mine was a Hillman Minx. Unlike today when most teenagers regard it as their right to have their own car, I was in my 40s with four children before I got my first car and even then it came as a great surprise. My husband and the kids woke me early on my birthday, handing me the end of a string and telling me my present was on the other end. Still in my PJs, I followed the string (kids all giggling at the rear) all over the house, around the backyard and into the nextdoor neighbours’ driveway where ... there was a Hillman Minx and it was mine. I could hardly believe it. It was black and certainly not new but it opened worlds for me and my children. The year was 1962. At the time we lived in South Australia, at a place called Christies Beach, which is heavily built-up now but then it was regarded as country. The Minx was manufactured from 1932 to 1969 as

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they generally walked – and importantly, I soon got a job at a nearby chook farm. I drove all their friends home after post-school visits, during which they scoffed up huge quantities of fried scones with syrup, and the Hillman was usually grossly and illegally overloaded with passengers. It didn’t even have seat belts. Or indicators. School holidays were the best. With a car we could go for picnics on the beach or in the hills, we caught yabbies in the creek, went fishing, went sliding down

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a middle-sized family saloon by the Rootes Group - an English family-owned company headed by brothers William and Reginald. Production ceased in 1969 and now the Hillman Minx has become something of a cult object. But mine was a workhorse. It ran on fumes – my daughter swears she remembers me buying 18c worth of petrol – and I don’t remember too many services either. But I drove my kids to school in hot or wet weather – although

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Page 2 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

as station manager. I worked at the Commonwealth Bank, met my husband and have lived on the cane farm for 42 years,” she said. “I love the country life. I worked three days in the paddock planting cane before I headed to Brisbane for the start of the bus tour.” Robyn made special mention of Fun Over 50 Travel and Tours which kindly donated a Gold Class coach for the special QCWA tour.

My first car was a Minx, similar to this one.

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the country to the city had been a part of the ‘bush telegraph’ ever since Lady Ruth Fairfax founded the QCWA 93 years ago. “By 1928, Ruth had built 283 QCWA branches with more than 13,000 members.” Robyn, who grew up in Longreach where her father worked on the railroad, headed back to her cane farm near Mackay after the bus tour. “The family moved from Longreach to Mackay when dad was posted there

the Noarlunga sand hills, swimming – the days were never long enough. And on the first day of term I severely embarrassed my children by tying balloons and streamers to the Hillman to drive them to school, in mock celebration of the return. As the kids grew I taught the three eldest to drive in the Hillman Minx. It had gears of course. Just for the record, they are all good drivers. At last my well-worn Hillman was traded in for a Mini Minor – but that is another story.

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firmed her faith in proud country folk. Wonderful people, beautiful people. And the town councils were champions. “We hear stories about young people leaving the bush to settle in the cities. But we met many mothers who tell us their sons and daughters want to stay and live on the land. One woman with four wonderful boys was just one example of a family prepared to stay put.” Robyn said the drift from

My first car was a Minx



ken off the top of this; the money goes directly to those who need it and this is monitored by town councillors who know the people and those that are suffering,” Robyn said. “The QCWA is one of the few charities where 100 percent of monies raised is donated back into regional, rural and remote communities. “The bus tour, fund raising and other activities are all performed by QCWA volunteers.” Robyn said the bus reaf-

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Melda Bradney, Marg Lister (birthday lady), Shirley Thallon and Rosemary Morley at the Wish Club meeting.

Birthday celebrations at Wish Club meeting celebrate, the group indulges in a special cake. Each Friday we come together and have fun and share information. We have a guest speaker from time to time. The club’s full name is Women with a Wish Club because at the time of its inception Rosemary felt that women wished their life

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away instead of going out and embracing it. We do not fundraise because most of the members have already done a lot in the community or they are still doing work in other clubs. Our meetings are every Friday at 10am to midday. For enquiries phone Rosemary on 4635 4078.

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your notices of Seniors Week events and activities by Wednesday, July 29th to

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We would like to be able to publish details of as many activities as possible and all community groups are asked to email

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Seniors Week – publicise your event OUR next edition of the newspaper will feature activities during Seniors Week in Queensland, from August 15–23.

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THE Wish Club celebrated the birthday of one of their members at their meeting on Friday morning with a cuppa and cake. The meeting also involved a good laugh from a joke or two. The friendship group was formed by Rosemary Morley 19 ½ years ago. When there is a birthday to

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 3

community news War remains found in France THE remains of two soldiers, likely to be Australians who fought in the First World War were recently located at Bullecourt in France. Minister for Veteran Affairs, Senator Michael Ronaldson said the remains were discovered by a French fossicker in an area known to locals as the Australian line. They were then recovered by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission “After efforts to identify the soldiers, the remains will be interred in a nearby war cemetery with full military honours,” Mr Ronaldson said. “During the initial examination of the remains, CWGC personnel discovered a button with a map of Australia on it, supporting the likelihood that they are Australian soldiers. “The first and second battles at Bullecourt saw some of the most intensive trench fighting of World War I. “Australians achieved amazing feats and sadly also suffered significant losses. Hundreds of Australians who died at Bullecourt remain missing.

International award winning over 50s’ resort comes to Toowoomba

GEMSTONE Rise over 50s’ lifestyle resort in Toowoomba is now selling off the plan. The resort at 500 South Street Glenvale is the first by international award winning Living Gems in the Toowoomba region. Queensland family owned and operated, Living Gems currently owns and manages resorts on the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast and in Brisbane. An independent international committee recently voted Living Gems the Best over 50s’ Housing in Australasia. The same group has nominated Living Gems for a Best in the World Award to be announced at a gala

event in London later this year. The international group monitors over 50s’ housing in the UK, the USA, Canada and Australasia. Spokesperson Esmonde Crawley has 30 years industry experience and is recognised as an international authority on the subject. He says Living Gems is at the pinnacle of the rapidly growing international over 50s’ housing market. “The award rewards excellence in enhancing the lifestyle of people aged 50 plus. I am free of commercial links and able to make considered and impartial judgments,” he says. “My judgements are based on effort, honesty and the

rewards for shareholders. The award criteria is based on performance, innovation and positive initiatives.” Living Gems Gemstone Rise Resort will feature a range of architect designed homes on acres of landscaped grounds. The secure pet friendly resort offers homebuyers all the famous five star Living Gems Resort facilities plus an industry best no hidden fee guarantee. Gemstone Rise sales manager Karen Duffy says people who want to downsize and live it up are keen to see what an international award winning company has to offer. “Living Gems has a well established repu-

tation for quality and value,” she says. “The new resort will have the most marvellous facilities and beautifully designed homes in an active community based on fun and friendship. There are no entry fees, exit fees or council rates. People can sell at any time and retain all of their capital gain. “Living Gems makes it possible to live the dream without breaking the bank. Most people can comfortably afford to buy a brand new home that is designed to capture maximum light and airflow. “This reduces the ongoing cost of living but the biggest feature is the list of standard inclusions.

“Everything you need, everything you want and a number of luxurious extras are included in the standard price. Homes are fitted with top quality tiles, carpets and cabinets. “The kitchen has all the latest appliances including a dishwasher but this only a small section of the huge list of inclusions. “The location is lovely and convenient for shops, services and medical services. Public transport is at the gate and we will soon have a resort bus in operation. Anyone who wants to know more about Living Gems Gemstone Rise can give me a call on 0439 330 622,” Karen says.

Trivia with Allan Blackburn 1. In what city are Australia’s coins minted? 2. Port of Spain is the capital of what Caribbean country? 3. In what musical were the songs, Bali Hai and This Nearly Was Mine? 4. What prime number is between 13 and 19? 5. In Australian retailing, for what does DFO stand

for? 6. What is the celebration that occurs when a Jewish boy reaches 13 years of age? 7. Who did Maxine McKew defeat in the 2007 Federal Election? 8. What are the key ingredients in a BLT burger? 9. Which is the only US state that has four i’s in its

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name? 10. In a calendar year, which is first out of Wimbledon and the French Open tennis? 11. Painted lady and monarch are types of what? 12. The embassy of which country has provided sanctuary for Julian Assange? 13. Which comic book character is known as The Man

of Steel? 14. On which part of a horse is the fetlock? 15. What kind of manmade thing is chambray? 16. In what city were the last Summer Olympics held? 17. In what general part of the human body is the smallest muscle? 18. What theme park

claims to be “the happiest place on Earth?” 19. What means of transportation does a mahout control? 20. What does a digital clock in 24-hour mode display at 11 minutes past 11pm? Answers on page 12

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community news

Warwick Combined Probus members enjoy island trip WARWICK Combined Probus Club members and friends escaped the Warwick chill to bask in the warmer climate of Stradbroke Island during a three day tour. After a three hour coach journey and a trip across the bay by barge, the group enjoyed lunch at the Amity Point Community Club. Kevin Townsend (Centre manager) conducted the group on a tour of the Moreton Bay Research and Study Centre which is operated on behalf of the Science Faculty of the University of Queensland. The centre is the base for local and international scientists who currently focus on sustainable fishing - and the quality of the waters of Moreton Bay. Research is undertaken “in the wild” and within the centre in

purpose-built aquariums. The centre also hosts seminars and provides facilities for focused training of future researchers and practitioners. John Becker introduced the group to a number of PhD students from Australia and overseas who were undertaking intensive studies and experiments in the field of Neuroscience. A visit to the perched Brown Lake provided an opportunity for members to wet their feet and enjoy afternoon tea before they adjourned to their accommodation at the Islander and the Stradbroke Island Beach Resorts. The itinerary for day two included visits to Cylinder and Flinders Beaches, Myora Springs, memorials to the hospital ship “Centaur” and explorer Mat-

thew Flinders, Point lookout and the gorge walk, the Gelati shop and Amity Point for morning tea and after dark to view the night lights of Brisbane. As members boarded the coach for the final day of touring, the skies opened. The visit to the cemetery will have to wait for another day. The extra time was used in visits to the Museum and the Art Gallery where everyone received a traditional welcome. Lunch was served at the historic Grandview Hotel, Cleveland after the return ferry ride from the island. This tour was organised by staff of Crisps Coaches Warwick in response to enquiries by members of the Warwick Combined Probus Club and introduced members to the attractions of the island.

NSA Toowoomba Branch

Arthur Maynard and Jan Corcut at Myora Springs.

National Servicemen who turn 80 years of age this year are invited to a special luncheon on Sunday August 9th. The luncheon will be held at the Irish Club Hotel, Russell Street, Toowoomba at 12 noon. Contact Joan for more details phone 4633 2564. Social lunches are held on the 3rd Friday of each month at the City Golf Club and all Nasho, wives and widows of Nasho are most welcome. Our next lunch will be July 17th so come along and enjoy the company of your fellow Nashos. Copies of the book ‘Nasho the National Service Experience 1951-1972’ are available from the Secretary, phone 4633 2564. This would make an ideal present for birthdays or Father’s day.

Seniors welcome Labor’s stance to protect mid to-low income retirees a quick budget fix. “Parliament should reject the proposals to allow a comprehensive review that considers all components of the retirement income system...” The Coalition’s changes to the pension taper rate and assets test would have seen 325,000 retirees lose some or all of their pension in 2017. Based on current interest rates, a single person earning $16,500 p.a. (3%) from $550,000 in assets would no longer qualify for a part pension. Yet a single person with few savings, and therefore entitled to the full Age Pension, would receive about $22,365 a year (2015 Age Pension amount) plus state concessions on rates, utilities and registrations.

A couple earning $24,750 a year (3%) from $825,000 in assets would no longer qualify for a part pension. Yet a couple with few savings on the full Age Pension will receive about $33,717 a year (2015 rates) plus state concessions on rates, utilities and registrations. Pensioner comments: ■ “We have been planning on using the superannuation… to fund my partner’s entry into aged care as he has dementia. We have never thought of ourselves as wealthy… we are very disheartened and worried about our future.” – JH ■ “If the rate of decrease doubles to $3 we will lose $720/FN and find it extremely difficult to live.” – PK Source: National Seniors

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OLDER Australians have welcomed Labor’s announcement it will oppose the Coalition’s $2.4 billion cut to pensions announced in the 2015 budget. “The changes as announced in the budget were poorly thought through, and, subsequently, unfair,” according to National Seniors chief executive Michael O’Neill. “The public talk was about wealthy retirees. But, in fact, the sums show middleto-low income pensioners with little capacity to adjust, would have been seriously impacted. “National Seniors isn’t opposed to reform, but changes that significantly affect the lives of ordinary Australians must be done in a considered way, not as

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 5

community news Don’t get shocked by high electricity costs this winter WITH the colder weather now on our doorstep, Energy and Water Ombudsman Forbes Smith is reminding Queenslanders to watch their energy consumption during the cooler months. “Many people contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) for assistance with high energy bills, especially after a cold winter,” Mr Smith said. Mr Smith said the increased use of heaters or gas for heating hot water during these months could significantly increase energy bills which could bring an unwelcome surprise at the end of the billing cycle. “The last thing you want is a nasty shock at the end of the season when you open your electricity or gas bill,” he said. “Ensure you check your appliances for damage as faulty, old and inefficient appliances can cause a significant increase in the total amount of energy used in your home or business. “A licensed electrical contractor can check your appliances for faults if you believe there is a problem. “Other ways to help reduce

your energy bills include replacing worn or damaged fridge seals, using energyefficient light bulbs, turning appliances you are not using off at the wall, insulating walls and ceilings and only using washing machines, dryers and dishwashers at full capacity. “Also, remember to set your air conditioner to an energy-efficient 18°C in winter and seal gaps and close doors, windows and curtains to heat rooms quicker and keep them at a comfortable temperature for longer.” Mr Smith said people often underestimated how much energy they used at home. “On average, one family could save over $170 on their energy bill per year if they use a clothes line to dry their clothes rather than the dryer for five loads a week.* “People also forget that household appliances use significant amounts of electricity in standby mode. *According to the online energy savings calculator with the following factors: Clothes dryer unit size: 5 kg 2400 watts, Minutes per load: 60, Loads per week: 5 Days, per year: 365 days

Aged care takes leap into future A MILESTONE has been achieved with Beauaraba Living, based at Pittsworth, launching the new aged care wing. The launch saw the facility grow by 25% - growing from 80 to 106 beds. The project cost 5.7 million dollars, with 4.1 million dollars provided by the federal Government as a zero real interest loan in 2014. Alex Metcalf, general manager said, the opening was a huge success. “We completed the building, just in time and celebrated with over 100 people from the local and broader community,” he said. Feedback on the day reflected on the light airy spaces in the new building. With high technology but hidden features, such as soap dispensers at sinks, no compromise has been made on the warmth and friendliness that Beauaraba Living is famous for. “We designed our new wing to some very detailed specifications to ensure they are dementia-friendly and absolutely allow our residents to remain as independent as possible,” Alex said. “Even our bathrooms fo-

Mayor Paul Antonio and Cr Ros Scotney cutting the celebration cake.

cus on our residents’ dignity and respect.” The new building will have 11 secure dementia and 15 high care beds, including one respite bed managed

through Commonwealth Respite and Care Link Centre. Beauaraba Living is currently seeking funding to build 32 Supported Living

Units and a new community centre to meet the critical need for aged care accommodation in rural Queensland.

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Page 6 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

community news

More man-friendly services needed to stem suicide flow SUICIDE continues to be one of the top 10 causes of death among men. Suicide prevention campaigners are using a Canberra conference to call for more “male friendly” health services to encourage men to seek help. Suicide is a leading cause of

male death, according to the most recent ABS data, which found three-quarters of people who died by suicide were male. Of the 2535 suicides in Australia in 2012, 1901 were men and 634 were women. Men are three times more likely than women to com-

mit suicide, and three times less likely to seek help, the 2014 Men’s Health and Suicide Prevention Conference in Canberra was told. Keynote speaker Professor John MacDonald, director of Men’s Health Information and Resource Centre at the University of West-

ern Sydney, said figures showed five men and one woman a day took their own life. He said there needed to be more of a focus on prevention and “what keeps people alive” and what society was doing to value people. Professor MacDonald said

there was still much work to be done to de-stigmatise mental health and illness among men. If you or someone you know needs support, phone Lifeline on 131 114. MensLine also offers 24-hour confidential support to men on 1300 789 978.

NSA Garden City

GARDEN City National Seniors had many questions for guest speaker Patrick Pickett at the June meeting. He spoke of his career spanning 37 years from apprentice musician to Commandant of the Australian Army School of Music. His present passions are as owner/director of the Queensland Pops Orchestra and providing performance opportunities for professional musicians. His orchestra will give a matinee performance at the Empire Theatre on October 11. Members agreed that the Peacehaven Botanic Park had been aptly named as they relaxed among the peaceful surrounds, took in

the view and enjoyed a hot cuppa and pastries on the June outing. The park situated at Highfields is a tribute to the foresight of Stan Kuhl who donated the 4.7 hectares of land and $100,000 for the development of a park to promote world peace. The old gumtrees, the new plantings, the several species of birds and the open picnic areas with views through to the Bunya Mountains led many members to remark on the feeling of peace. The Queensland Motor Museum at Hampton was the main focus of the day and members were almost overwhelmed by the collection of more than 140 old cars of seemingly every

make and model on display. FJ Holdens, Ford Zephyrs, Volvos and many others, including Joe Bjelke-Petersen’s official Jag, Slim Dusty’s caravan and some Peter Brock cars and many more were there. The collection didn’t stop at cars as there were numerous household items (that we were all familiar with) old wirelesses and a juke box or two. We had a satisfying end to the outing, lunching by the fire in Cabarlah’s Farmers Arms Hotel, reputed to have held a continuous licence since 1863. This proved to be a great venue for a hot roast meal and to engage in animated conversation.

Ernie and Betty Bool enjoy lunch at the Farmers Arms Hotel.

Next month’s guest speaker, Celeste Sutton, is an accredited aged care specialist with Retireinvest and will speak about changes to aged care. It is expected there will be many questions from the audience as this is an area of great concern to many seniors.

No bus will be required for the July 29 outing as everyone will meet at Downs Steam Railway, Drayton, for lunch. Cost $25. For further information about Garden City National Seniors, phone Hazel on 4635 4519.

Women now working longer MORE older people are staying in the workforce for longer, particularly women over 60, a new report shows. In 2013, 45% of women aged 60–64 were in paid work – a rise from just 15.2% in 1993, according to a 20-year analysis of data by Mark Wooden and Roger Wilkins of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research. They also found the proportion of women aged 55–59 still in the workforce jumped to 65.3% from 36.8% in the same period. There was also an increase in women over 65 and still working. Wooden and Wilkins said the trends were similar for men. By 2013, 17% of men older than 65 were working or looking for work, double the number from 20 years earlier. For men aged 60–64, participation rates had jumped from 48.3% to 62.5%. Prof Wooden said the increases reflected a range of financial, social and career profile changes, and hopefully were a sign of a shift in favour of older workers. Source: National Seniors

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 7

community news Home Support Program FROM July 1, the Australian Government launched the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) which provides entry level support services designed to keep frail older people living independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Services currently provided through Home and Community Care (HACC) such as domestic assistance, personal care, social support etc, are being transitioned across to the new CHSP. However, there will be changes to fees as per a national Fees Policy still to be finalised. Anyone requiring new or additional services will need to call the My Aged Care Contact Centre on 1800 200 422 for eligibility, assessment and referral. You can choose your preferred service provider.

Having a support network 24/7 can provide peace of mind to you, your family and friends

EMERGENCY Medical Services is committed to finding solutions to keep people in their homes safely for longer. The safeTcare model offers monitoring 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 365 days a year. The devices they supply use the latest technology and more importantly are simple to use. Everyone deserves the freedom to take charge of their independence and stay in their own home for as long as they safely can. Paul Joseph, the heart and soul behind the business, spoke with us and answered some questions about the service. Q: Paul, was it your background in security that prompted you to start EMS or were there other contributing factors? A: My 18 years in security were definitely a factor in growing the business in this direction. But truthfully, it was the number of horror stories I kept hearing from elderly clients and the fact that I could see a way to very clearly prevent the majority of them.

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Obviously in the security game we focus on home security and personal safety, which for someone living on their own particularly, is pretty important. So already we were helping people protect themselves. By providing the safeTcare model we just increase our ability to offer assistance to when accidents occur as well. Q: So, why would someone need to use Emergency Medical Services? A: It still breaks my heart to think about an elderly friend of mine who spent 48 hours on the floor of her home after a fall, thinking she would die before someone found her, or the fellow who slipped in his shower and suffered excruciating pain for hours before he was discovered. We can’t stop accidents happening but we sure can reduce the amount of suffering following the event and hopefully save lives in the process. Because it’s not just the fall or accident that does damage, it’s the long-term psychological effects these events cause as well. I’ve known people who

have moved to nursing homes because they were so afraid of having another accident. We help minimise that fear by being there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Q: Tell me about the system. Is it really as simple to use as you say? A: It is literally, the press of a button. The system uses the latest technology but the user only has to push a button. There’s no dialling a phone or complicated setup, nothing to try and read or work out. It’s been designed with the end user in mind and our customers love how easy it is. Q: What does it look like? Is it big and bulky? My experience with these things is they aren’t always the most attractive accessory. A: Well, I’m no Ralph Lauren, but they are small light, weighing only 34g, and come in your choice of discreet black or bright colours if you prefer. The point is you have a choice. That’s important to us because a lot of medical-type

equipment comes as a one size fits all approach. We’re not like that. Q: What does monitored mean exactly? A: It means we’re there when you need us. The safeTcare team member taking the call assesses the situation, will contact the ambulance if needed, sharing with them all the necessary health history, conditions, medications, allergies etc which automatically shows on our computer screens when the button is pushed and is customised to every client. We also provide registered key safes to allow the ambulance immediate entry. Without this they may need to call the fire brigade as they don’t carry equipment to break in. This saves precious time and possibly lives. Generally we will get the client to safety, we stay on the phone until help arrives and then contact their family/friends, so their family/friends face less stress. We are more than a dial 000 service, we are a support network available at all times. In some cases we may just

send an after-hours doctor or a close neighbour, depending on the circumstances. It’s personal and we always ensure all party’s’ peace of mind. Q: And, of course, the allimportant question – how much is it going to cost me? A: Right now, we are running a great Seniors subsidy program. We supply the equipment for free, which is over $500 in value and it’s the customer’s to keep. For the monitoring, we do prepaid packages and loyalty reward subsidies. A customer who has been with us for a couple of years can prepay as little as what calculates out to around 65–85 cents/day. Another benefit of prepaid, is our systems are always under same-day replacement warranty for the life of the customer being monitored by safeTcare. This is all best explained with an obligation-free in home demonstration, which will be done personally in the months of July and August, corresponding with the free system offer (135 units only). Simply call 1300 784 438.

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-2"-7:-8"/2387=3"@ Page 8 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

community news

New treatment trialled for rheumatoid arthritis

Margaret Mckinnon, Florence Slatterly, Don McKecknie and Ann Poole.

Warwick Rose City Probus Club Florence first moved to Warwick in 1941 and worked as a teacher at what is now Scotts PGC College. Club President Don McKechnie presented her with a loyalty badge and honorary membership and commented "She's been so loyal to the club and has come to so many meetings always immaculately

dressed." In reply, Florence commented about all the “wonderful friends” that she had made over the years and that she appreciated them all so much – they always made her feel so welcome. In more recent times, she has missed coming to the meetings but wished everyone all the best.

thritis genes and specific rheumatoid arthritis antibodies, called anti-CCP,” Prof Thomas said. “This type of rheumatoid arthritis is called CCP-positive and accounts for the majority of cases.” In a sample of the patients’ blood, cells were taken and immune cells extracted and then challenged with the foreign peptide and an immune system modulator before being injected back into the patient. Prof Thomas said a single injection of the patient’s own immune-modified dendritic cells was found to be safe and to help suppress

the immune response in rheumatoid arthritis and was also associated with reduced inflammation. “At this stage, the technique would not be ideal for widespread treatment or prevention of rheumatoid arthritis because it’s costly and time-consuming,” Prof Thomas said. “However, the promising results of this trial lay the foundations for the development of a more cost-effective, clinically-practical vaccine technology that could deliver similar outcomes for patients.” Source: National Seniors

Asbestos Disease Support Group Meeting THE Asbestos Disease Support Group meet on the third Friday of each month at the UNARA Conference Rooms at Toowoomba Base Hospital. The next meeting will be on Friday, July 17July from 10am until noon. Morning tea is provided. At the June meeting, the

presentation by clinical nurse Jo Hiscock of the Palliative Care Outreach Program made everyone aware of the high degree of care taken by palliative care staff. Palliative care is also an important part of the recovery program of patients of life saving surgery or critical

injury as a result of an accident. David Abrahams, volunteer for the Palliative Care Queensland State Council, also gave a very informative presentation. For more information, phone Ted on 4633 1490 or Mobile 0407 699 228.


RECENTLY, the Warwick Rose City Probus Club honoured retiring member Florence Slattery with a special morning tea. Florence has been a Probus member for many years but is now unable to attend regular meetings. She resides in a nursing home and turned 99 on June 22.

A NEW treatment for the underlying cause of rheumatoid arthritis may become available thanks to the development of a vaccine-style treatment by researchers at the University of Queensland. Immunologist Professor Ranjeny Thomas of UQ’s Diamantina Institute said initial clinical trial results showed the treatment was safe and effective in suppressing the body’s immune response. “We have designed a vaccine-style treatment or immunotherapy specifically for individuals carrying high-risk rheumatoid ar-

July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 9

community news Seize the season – 10 jobs for your garden

RSPCA Pet of the month - Missy the cat

RSPCA Pet of the Month THIS is Missy - a 4 year, 2 month-old short-haired domestic mixed breed. Missy is de-sexed, micro-

chipped, wormed and defleaed and is looking for a good home. Missy prefers a quieter

Page 10 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

household and readily accepts cuddles. Animal ID : 859365 Phone 07 4634 1304.

IT IS hard to believe we are nearly halfway through winter already. Before you know it, you will be bundling up the warm blankets and packing away the slippers for another year. Before we get ahead of ourselves there is still plenty to do in the garden this month to keep your place neat, tidy and looking its beautiful best. Why not make a start with these 10 tips? 1. Have you got a pile of rubbish or unused material that keeps growing or looks unsightly? Bite the bullet and send it packing for good. You’ll wish you had done it sooner! 2. Pull out, smother or poison woody weeds in your lawn and around garden beds before they bolt at the first sign of warmer weather. Keeping on top of weeds now will make your life easier in the long run. 3. Spread bags of organic fertiliser around, such as compost and aged animal manure, to nourish the soil so it’s full of goodness to support spring growth. Follow this with a warm blanket of mulch. 4. Top up mulch in all your garden beds to help control

weeds, protect the soil and conserve moisture later on. There are many different types of mulch to choose from to suit your budget, site and preference. Lucerne hay, sugar cane and bark are all good choices. If you don’t have a trailer or ute don’t dismay – most local garden suppliers will deliver for a reasonable fee. 5. It’s time to cut down clumps of tree dahlias. As the foliage dies off, prune the canes to ground level and share them with friends. Cut some of the canes into 30-50cms lengths, including two horizontal nodes, then bury them horizontally, like a dog bone. Each node will shoot, giving you new plants. 6. Give your herbs some tender loving care. Now is a good time to trim your marjoram and thyme, and divide the chives. 7. Continue planting winter-flowering annuals such as viola, pansy and polyanthus for plenty of colour. You could also plant hippeastrum bulbs or add a winter-flowering grevillea if you like natives. 8. Deciduous trees have lost their leaves by now so do a check of your gutters

to remove any build up of leaf litter before the next downpour. Instead of putting the leaves in the bin, add them to your compost bin to use on your garden later. 9. Prune repeat-flowering roses by removing stems that cross or grow inwards. Cut off dead, diseased or broken wood and trim healthy stems back by twothirds. For established climbing roses, remove a third of the stems, choosing the oldest ones first. Cut back the remaining canes by a third and tie down horizontally. Feed after pruning to promote spring displays. 10. When all that is done, brew yourself a nice cup of tea and find a warm, comfy corner to put your feet up and enjoy the rewards of your hard work. You deserve it! These tips are brought to you by the Garden Maintenance Team from ASSERT Services, a local notfor-profit organisation that provides housing, home care and disability support services in the Toowoomba region. Ask them about their special Winter yard service by phoning 4632 3233.

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 11

community news Trivia Answers from page 4 1. Canberra 2. Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 3. South Pacific 4. 17 5. Direct Factory Outlet 6. Bar Mitzvah 7. John Howard 8. Bacon, lettuce, tomato 9. Mississippi 10. French Open 11. Butterflies 12. Ecuador 13. Superman 14. Leg 15. Material made from cotton, linen or similar 16. London, 2012

Active, happy community at friendly Caloundra Gardens

17. Ear 18. Disneyland 19. Elephant 20. 2311 Disclaimer for Trivia quiz Answers are correct to the best knowledge of our quizmaster Allan Blackburn. Sometimes people may have different views and some answers considered correct by Allan may be considered incorrect by others. All care and attention is taken with these answers, mistakes can happen. If you find one, please live with it. No correspondence will be entered into regarding Trivia Quiz answers.

“A LITTLE bit of heaven among the beaches” is how manager Phyllis Hart describes the friendly community at Caloundra Gardens Retirement Village. Established on the site 20 years ago, the village has changed its image and its name (from Little Mountain Home Park) to reflect the bright new social and environmental path it has

taken. “I’d have to say it’s one of the most friendly and socially-active retirement facilities I have experienced,” Phyllis says. “Working here is as pleasurable as living here” The village enjoys a range of facilities including a bowling green (with its own greenkeeper), a croquet club, table tennis, gym and health activities, and special women’s in-

terests such as craftwork, quilting, art, painting and dancing. The village’s active social club runs a happy hour every Thursday, dinnerdance each month and a sausage sizzle once a month. In the warmer months, there’s aerobics every morning in the swimming pool. Residents have a bus ser-

vice to the centre of Caloundra twice a week – Monday and Thursday – with trips to Maroochydore every second month. Caloundra Gardens are also pet friendly. Contact Phyllis on 5492 5600 or both the email and the website ( will be active from July 1.

Register your intention to attend anniversary

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AUSSIES have a chance to attend the 100th anniversary commemoration of the Battle of Lone Pine at Gallipoli in August. Veterans’ Affairs Minister Michael Ronaldson has announced arrangements for the 100th anniversary commemoration for the battle in in Turkey on August 6. The 100th anniversary of the Battle of Lone Pine will be a significant event and provide Australians with a further opportunity to visit the Gallipoli Peninsula and Turkey this year. Australians are encouraged to register their intention to attend the service at

www.gallipoli2015.dva. Senator Ronaldson said the Lone Pine service would commemorate the contribution of more than 50,000 Australians who served at Gallipoli during the eight-month campaign, and the 8700 who died there. “The Battle of Lone Pine saw some of the fiercest fighting of the Gallipoli campaign, with more than 2000 Australian casualties over four days and seven Victoria Crosses awarded for bravery,” Senator Ronaldson said. The maximum capacity for the Lone

Pine ceremony will be 5000 people and the commemorative service will start at 5pm local time. “Just as there was on Anzac Day and due to the nature of the site there will be limited space available for attendees,” Sen Ronaldson said. “While registering will not guarantee a place, it will ensure visitors receive important information and updates regarding the commemoration. “It is important that those who are planning to attend the August 6 service register their intentions so that they can be kept up to date

with important information about the event. “The Australian Government is grateful to the Turkish Government for supporting our request to hold this special commemorative service, and we are working together to ensure a dignified and respectful commemorative service.” The Lone Pine service will be the second 100th anniversary service on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 2015. To register for Lone Pine commemorations, or for further information, visit www.gallipoli2015.dva.

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Page 12 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

community news Support to sister city Wanganui TOOWOOMBA is offering support to its sister city Wanganui in New Zealand as they begin a massive clean-up after the biggest flood in their history. The Wanganui River broke its banks after more than 100mm of rain fell in 24 hours, causing damage to homes and businesses, significant loss of livestock and widespread soil erosion. Toowoomba and Wanganui have shared a Sister Ci-

Rise of the ‘GranTechie’ closes the generation gap MOVE over Millennials and watch out GenZ -Aussie grandparents are some of the fastest-growing tech users in the country. Latest research, commissioned by the company building Australia’s broadband network, NBN, identifies a new wave of “GranTechies” – grandparents embracing fast broadband and smart devices to form deeper

connections with their family and loved ones. The majority of Aussie grandparents surveyed use the internet to connect with their children (76%), grandchildren (59%) and other family members (72%). Grandparents are increasingly using high-bandwidth video calling applications such as FaceTime or Skype to stay in touch with their grandchildren,

while more than half are using Facebook and email to connect with children. Smartphone users aged 55 and over are the fastestgrowing segment in Australia, increasing by 28% in the last year. Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association president Nan Bosler said the group was seeing more Aussie grandparents embrace social media and video calling applications to

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be present for special family milestones, such as a grandchild’s first steps or a distant relative’s birthday. “I have no doubt that with the ability to access fast and reliable internet services via the NBN network, this new wave of ‘GranTechies’ will only continue to increase their adoption of technology to connect more often and more deeply with family and friends.”

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Aussie grandparents are embracing new technology to stay in touch with loved ones.

ty relationship for more than 30 years. Mayor Antonio said, ‘I have spoken with the Deputy Mayor, Hamish McDouall and offered our support as well as the use of water decontamination equipment, if required. ‘Knowing the practical and emotional toll of our flood in 2010-11, the people of Wanganui are no doubt feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead, if we can help in any way, we certainly will.

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 13

community news NSA Toowoomba Branch riage breakdown, remarriage or death may result in unintended consequences. Assets distributed to your child may become part of a divorce settlement and end up with an "ex" and their offspring rather than going on to your own grandchildren. If a child or their spouse becomes bankrupt, your assets may be lost to creditors. Providing for a testamentary trust is one way of ensuring that your assets are not caught up in subsequent legal proceedings, but will pass on to direct descendants only. So if you care what happens to your estate after you die, see your solicitor about making a Will. Das Neumann Haus Annie Schermuly was born in London in 1859, her mother was a daughter of the English aristocracy and her father a gifted German musician. As a young woman she was well travelled and fluent in German and French as well as English. Annie came to Australia as a ship's interpreter and on a visit to Ipswich in 1885, she met and married a German furniture maker and violinist called Hermann Neumann. In 1893, Hermann and Annie moved to Laidley to set up a branch of the family furniture business and Hermann built Das Neumann Haus. A furniture showroom was attached to the house with folding doors to the living room so Annie could keep an eye on the business while looking after her growing family. Hermann also built a large two-storey workshop at the back where he made household and church furniture

Merv and Di Hensler, Laurie Murkin, Yvonne Beale and Vicki Hyland enjoy a delicious Devonshire tea on the verandah at Annie's Place, Das Neumann Haus.

as well as pursuing his hobbies of making violins and grandfather clocks. All the family was involved in music and taught piano and violin to local children. Annie loved entertaining, and persuaded Hermann to add an upper storey to the house which included a "Tiffin" room and two balconies. On special occasions, the family played concerts for the community from the balcony overlooking the street In 1980, the house was donated to the Laidley Shire Council. After temporary use as office space and meeting rooms, the house was restored in 1998 and opened to the public as a museum and coffee house. The cafĂŠ on the ground floor has been named An-

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National Seniors Toowoomba guest speaker Kym Briese enjoys morning tea with President Neville Fry.

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nie's Place to continue the tradition of dropping in for a cuppa, some home style cooking and a bit of a chat. We could almost feel Annie's presence as we enjoyed our morning tea at Das Neumann Haus on our recent bus trip to the Lockyer Valley. Coming Up: Our next bus trip on Thursday July 18 is a winter Mystery Trip. All we can say is a great time will be had by all! Departure time is 8am and the cost is $55. On Thursday, August 6 we will be holding our Annual General Meeting at Regents on the Lake commencing at 9.30am and including morning tea. The cost will be $12. For enquiries or bookings, phone June on 4635 9796 or Yvonne on 4638 5252.

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LAW for Seniors - Retirement and older age don't mean we can settle down and put our feet up without a care in the world. At the morning tea meeting on June 4, lawyer Kym Briese went over some of the legal issues we may have to grapple with before we can take our ease. If we are thinking of moving to a retirement village, residential aged care accommodation or manufactured home park, or sharing property with family, we need to look at what our financial and legal situation will be. Retirement villages have a wide range of occupancy conditions from freehold ownership to leasehold, licence or loan arrangements which must be set out in a Public Information Document and a Residence Agreement. Similarly, residential aged care accommodation may involve a bond or an accommodation charge. These are quite separate from daily living and care fees for services such as utilities, meals, cleaning and recreation. If you are planning a move, get financial and legal advice before signing anything. Another legal minefield for seniors is the question of estate planning and the making of a will. If you die without a valid will, legislation determines how your estate will be distributed - the costs will be higher and the distribution may not be in accordance with your wishes. Even with a Will, the possibility remains of a legal challenge by disgruntled relatives, and a child's mar-

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30th year work celebration ROBERT Morley was an apprentice to train for house painting and decorating with his mum and dad’s painting contracting business, on July 1, 1985. After he completed his training, he started his own business and worked with his dad for quite a number of those years. Rob now runs the business with his wife Michelle.

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Rob Morley Snr and Rob Morley Jnr celebrating the younger Rob's 30 years at the same job.

Community Notices JulEYE EACH July the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) promotes eye health awareness, particularly the need for regular eye testing. The nature of vision loss is that it can happen gradually and many times, individuals leave it too late to get an eye test. As RANZCO’s website states, “75% of vision loss is preventable or treatable if detected early enough.” To find an optometrist in your area visit or call 03 9668 8500.

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Men's Shed THE Australian Men’s Shed Association was established as an initiative to promote the physical, mental and emotional well-being of Australian men. The various Sheds around Australia provide venues for men to get together, have a yarn, find a few mates and get involved in some positive, hands-on projects. Members come from all walks of life and all age groups. Toowoomba currently has two Men’s Sheds – 127A James Street (Tues and Thurs 9am-12noon) and 100 Glenvale Road (Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am-12 noon) 0404 351 334; Warwick has Shed meet-

ings on Mon, Wed and Saturday (9am-12 noon) at Cnr Glen Rd. & Tooth St 0490 170 569; Dalby’s Shed is open on Tues and Thurs (8am-12 noon), 17 Black St, 0429 466 226. Visitors are always welcome to come along and try things out.

Laidley Women’s Group DEDICATED to all matters related to women’s health and well-being, this active group meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Laidley Cultural Centre (LaidleyPlainland Road), 9.30am-12 noon. Guest speakers are a regular feature of such gatherings and the next meeting, scheduled for July 6, offers information on Parkinson’s disease. Visitors are welcome and encouraged to bring along a plate. For further information, please contact Tanya Milligan on 0402 241 760.

Remedies prove they bred them tough in the old days

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HIGH Altitude Harmony is a Toowoomba-based barbershop chorus and they are on the lookout for new members. Their repertoire includes everything from traditional barbershop style to The Beatles and Queen, and features male singers of all ages. Re-

hearsals are every Thursday night from 7.15pm at the Toowoomba Choral Society Hall on the corner of Bridge and Raff Streets, Toowoomba. Website:

THESE household remedies were taken from the 1901 edition of The Housewife’s Friend - a recipe book compiled by the Grafton Cathedral, NSW to pay off the debt on their hall. ■ Hair restorer: Into an earthenware jar, put quarter of a pint of fresh oil of sweet almonds. Set it into a vessel of boiling water. Gradually melt it by that heat.

Add a quarter of an ounce of spermaceti and 1 ounce of purified beef marrow. When cold, fry up gradually with as much tincture of cantharides as it will absorb. Add whatever perfume is desired when it is cold. ■ Rheumatism: Rub the part affected with raw chillies. Another cure: Hot fomentations, then gently rub in warm castor oil (every hou-

sehold had that evil brew in its distinctive blue bottle). ■ Indigestion cure: 1 egg, 1 tablespoon chilli vinegar, a little pepper and salt. Break the egg out of shell, taking care to keep yolk whole, then add other ingredients and swallow altogether. If not successful with one dose, repeat in two hours. Bet nobody admitted to lack of success. Either people were tougher then or more desperate.

community news Transport Assistance ARE you 65 or over, living independently, but need transport assistance to attend medical appointments, shopping or social activities? Diversicare is a Toowoomba-based, culturally and linguistically diverse service that caters for such a scenario. Volunteer drivers are on hand to assist, with fees ranging from $5 for a single trip to $10 for a return trip. For further information contact Sylvie Hayere on 0448 220 281 or U3A Seniors Expo

Harlaxton RSL Women’s Auxiliary

U3A Toowoomba Inc IN ASSOCIATION with Toowoomba Regional Council, U3A Toowoomba will present a seniors information expo. This Senior’s Week event is in its sixth year – a fun and informative day. Once again, it will be held at the Hume Ridge Church of Christ complex, 461 Hume Street, Toowoomba on

Wednesday, August 19, 8.30am-2.30pm. Free public entry. This is an indoor event, wheelchair friendly and has plenty of parking. Morning teas and light lunches available. Expect to see all things connected with Seniors. Booths will cover Government Departments – Local

& State, Service Clubs; Aids to Ageing; Entertainment; Social Clubs; Information on fitness and health, travel, legal support, financial advisors and plenty of general interest groups. For further information phone Irene on 4636 3316 or Rhonda on 4613 6559. Courtesy vehicle available in car park.

U3A Seniors Expo

HOY Party and Mini Cent Sale at Corner Lemnos and Elworthy Streets at 9.30am on Monday, July 13. Morning Tea provided. Admission $2 and All Welcome. For more information, contact Grace on 4615 4783.

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 17

Wills and estate planning – the value of good advice ALTHOUGH having a current Will and enduring power of attorney are the basis of good estate planning, there are other important issues that need to be taken into consideration. When deciding how best to protect yourself and your estate, it is wise to look carefully at how your property and superannuation affairs are structured.

One effective tool for dealing with superannuation entitlements is to consider making a binding death benefit nomination. In general terms, this form of nomination will ensure that superannuation trustees clearly know how you wish to have your entitlement divided. There are strict rules around how nominations are prepared, worded and

signed so getting sound legal and financial advice to ensure your wishes are respected is vital. If you have a self-managed superannuation fund, it is important to ensure that it is clear who will control that fund when you die. A properly drawn Will can avoid the pitfalls that can sometimes occur in this increasingly important area

so that it is clear who will manage your fund. When it comes to real property, many clients also need to consider how to ensure it can be effectively transferred under their estate. For example, the situation may be very different for a husband and wife who have owned their home for a long time against those who own pro-

perty in a blended family. There may also be issues relating to a loved one continuing to live in the family home before it is gifted to other beneficiaries. An enormous amount of stress and expense can be avoided if your Will correctly reflects your wishes well in advance. For more information about your will, enduring

power of attorney and other affairs phone Kennedy Spanner Lawyers 4639 2944.

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Page 18 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015


Advice on what to do after a disaster SOUTH-east Queensland is an area prone to natural disasters so home and contents insurance is essential. In the event of such a happening, the insurer will help pay for repairs and other expenses. What to do if your home has been damaged in a bushfire, storm, flood or cyclone: ■ Contact your insurer to lodge a claim. ■ Ask them to explain their claims process. ■ Take photos before cleaning up and make a list of everything that has been damaged to assist your claim. Also, note the serial numbers of electronics.

What should you do if your home has been damaged by a storm?

■ Start clearing up. Consider removing damaged possessions. For example, carpet and soft furnishings can be removed from the building as part of the clean up. ■ Check with your insurer

before authorising repairs or employing tradespeople. Phone ASIC’s infoline on 1300 300 630. Courtesy: Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Justice of the Peace recognized for service MEMBER for Toowoomba North, Trevor Watts recently presented a special certificate to Mr Noel Baker in recognition of his 25 plus years of service as a Justice of the Peace for Queensland. Noel first became appointed as a JP for Queensland on November 6, 1975. Without a doubt, 2015 will be a big year for Noel, as he is also due to receive his 40 years of service certificate

later this year. Noel has devoted almost four decades of service towards this role, signing thousands of documents, statutory declarations and affidavits. “I have thoroughly enjoyed this role which has connected me with the community and I look forward to continuing to serve as a Justice of the Peace for Queensland for many years to come.” Noel Baker said.

“The importance of these volunteers’ working within Queensland’s legal system cannot be underestimated and I would like to once again pay tribute to Noel for his outstanding efforts in this role on behalf of the thousands of people that he has assisted over almost 40 years,” Mr Watts said. For further information about becoming a Justice of the Peace, please visit

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Member for Toowoomba Trevor Watts with Noel and Gwen Baker and (Front) James, Andrew and Thomas Warner.

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July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 19

IT IS that time of year again. If you are 65 or older or are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander over 50, you are at high risk of catching flu and pneumococcal disease and all their nasty complications this winter season. People aged over 65 are also advised to have their dTpa (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough) booster

shots if they haven’t had one in the last 10 years. However, be aware the dTpa booster is not a free vaccination. See your doctor or healthcare provider to discuss getting the free flu and pneumonia vaccination. Remember, flu shots are needed every year as the types of virus circulation varies with seasons.

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OSTEOARTHRITIS sufferers are urged to keep moving through the winter months - the best remedy for symptoms could be just a step away. Healthcare professionals are urging people with osteoarthritis to do away with plans for hibernation this winter, after new research from Voltaren® has revealed more than two thirds (68 per cent) of sufferers of chronic joint pain related to ageing or osteoarthritis are exercising less than they used to – despite exercise being a core pain management strategy. In fact, the Voltaren® Osteo Gel Keep Moving Report found the majority (76 per cent) of respondents experiencing chronic joint pain related to ageing or osteoarthritis are not using exercise and weight training to help manage their symptoms. Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint disease, affecting 1.8 million Australians nationwide. Symptoms may include pain with joint movement, joint stiffness or swelling, or reduced mobility of the joint.

Keeping active during winter months is important for osteoarthritis sufferers.

Alex Bongers, Melbourne pharmacist, said, “As the temperature begins to drop, people have a tendency to slow down. “As healthcare professionals we recognise that motivation is reduced which in turn impacts exercise routines. “Exercise is key in the management of OA, which means it is more important than ever to keep moving this winter.” Osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage that protects the end of the bones is no longer efficiently repaired. As cartilage is degraded,

BreastScreen mobile at new North Toowoomba location

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BREASTSCREEN Queensland’s state-of-theart digital mobile service visited a new location in Toowoomba for the first time in June. Jessica Hobbs, Health Promotion Officer for BreastScreen’s Toowoomba Service said “We are very excited to be taking the mobile service to a new location and making free breast screening available to more local women”. All women aged 40 and ov-

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Page 20 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

National Diabetes Week 2015

Keep moving through the winter months

er are eligible for a free breast screen every two years. Call 132 050 for an appointment. A doctor’s referral is not required. The BreastScreen Mobile Digital Service will be at a variety of locations in and around Toowoomba over the coming months including Oakey Hospital July 13-24 July and Gatton Hospital July 27-August 28.

the bone previously protected by cartilage gradually loses its normal shape and bony spurs may develop on the edges of the joint. The rough, uneven surfaces rub together causing pain. Osteoarthritis guidelines recommend a combination of medication, exercise, weight loss and education to manage symptoms. Your doctor or pharmacist will be able to help you reduce the impact osteoarthritis has on your lifestyle, as well as providing up-to date advice on pain management recommendations.

Do you know what reflexology is? REFLEXOLOGY is a manipulative body-based therapy performed on the hands, feet, face and ears. Reflexologists’ trained hands are experienced and qualified, achieving consistent positive results in clinical trials as an effective therapy for cancer care, diabetes, pregnancy and fertility, anxiety and stress, both post operatively or as part of day to day life. To find a reflexologist in your area, phone 1300 733 711 or visit

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DESPITE diabetes increasing at a faster rate than other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, research conducted by Diabetes Australia shows people find the numbers hard to believe. Participants in a recent qualitative research study were shocked to learn about 280 people developed diabetes every day and diabetes would become our number one burden of disease within the next five years. Diabetes Australia has developed a campaign to launch in National Diabetes Week (July 12–18) to raise awareness of the seriousness of the disease. The national television advertisement features 280 images of people with diabetes. The images represent the 280 people who develop diabetes every day in Australia. The aim of the campaign is to increase knowledge and understanding about diabetes. For information about diabetes go to www.diabetes

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Have you had your flu shot?


Where: Stanthorpe, Qld What: The ‘chilly, but charming’ heart of the Granite Belt region Why: Wineries, dining, olive orchards, strawberry farms, nation al parks Bonus: Comfortable two-hour drive from Toowoomba, very well-resourced Tourist Information Centre



EAT In keeping with the Italian heritage of many of Stanthorpe’s residents, Anna’s Restaurant features an extensive buffet of Italian cuisine ($29.90 per person on Friday nights, including tea and coffee); Many local vineyards offer free tastings of their boutique wines. SLEEP Stanthorpe Top of Town Tourist Park has caravan sites from $30 per night; Glenlyon Dam Tourist Park’s standard cabins are available from $75 per night DO Enjoy the dramatic boulder scenery of Girraween National Park. Walking trails to suit a variety of fitness levels, helpful and friendly ranger staff on-site, great day-use areas with barbecue and picnic facilities. Free entry, open seven days.

EAT Whiskey Gully Wines and Beverly Vineyard Restaurant offers fine dining within a colonial homestead setting. Meals are teamed with their selection of award-winning wines. SLEEP Alure Stanthorpe has self-contained, insulated luxury villas and tents complete with outdoor spas from $440 per night. The price includes a Taste-ofthe-Granite Belt continental breakfast basket featuring an array of local produce. DO Be a winemaker for a weekend. The Queensland College of Wine Tourism holds courses on selected weekends throughout the year. Priced at $320 per person, the courses offer the opportunity to handpick grapes, a masterclass in berry assessment, experience with the crushing and fermentation processes. July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 21

Hi, to all from Australian Getaway Tours

WE HAVE been quite busy with long and short tours since our last article in Seniors Toowoomba. Our Longreach Winton tour in August has a few seats left. However, these are travelling by road both ways as the time to book onto the train has expired. The fire at the Waltzing Matilda centre is a massive blow to locals and tourists

but there are many other points of interest at Winton that we have turned our attention to. We are advertising our last Lightning Ridge Tour for this year. This is a jammed pack tour that keeps you busy all day, with good times between attractions. At Lightning Ridge we are still the only Tour Company to have a tour of the

town’s Olympic standard swimming pool. To hear the story of five girls, (by one of the girls, slightly older 25 years on) how they raised the money to build the pool is a reason enough to go to Lightning Ridge. The chambers of the Black Hand is another world class attraction that we visit, also at Lightning Ridge. We have introduced a new

tour to our inventory, Carnarvon George, this tour includes a Helicopter ride over the gorge, guided bush walk and a sunset afternoon at a nearby station. Like all of our tours when we say we are going we go, no last minute disappointments with cancellations due to a lack of numbers. All meals, accommodation and entry to advertised

events is included in your ticket, and you order what you want to eat off the restaurant menus. Australian Getaway Tours do not cold call offering holidays and cheap air fares. There is an organisation doing this and they are not honouring their commitment. Remember if they phone you and it is sold over the phone and sounds

too good to be true, you will usually end in tears and lose your money. It is time to say Yes please, and “Lets’ Go.” Contact us and we will make it happen for you. Our Contacts are: 07 4696 1857 or 1800 009 092 or Thank you Captain Ken and crew

Knowledgeable and Passionate Latin American experts

All Aboard!

I took this photo at a railway station in India. Cows were sacred there and are allowed to roam unharmed anywhere, among traffic, in shops, markets, gardens and on railway tracks. Shirley Krome

IS MONEY important when you are planning a trip? Of course it is. We make sure that we make your dollar go further when you book an escorted tour or you create your own itinerary. We know the places, where to eat, where to buy that special present, and where to have fun in a safe environment. We pride ourselves not only to be knowledgeable and passionate about Latin America but also aware of what we Australians love and how we like to travel. This is what some of our passengers have to say:

■ This was a tour packed with the “WOW” factor! Definitely the best land tour we have done. Having one’s own personal travel agents accompany us for the entire time was the crown on this ‘Trip of Nature’s & Ancient man’s Wonders’. A busy trip, not for the faint-hearted, although it can be self paced. Highly recommended. – Mike & Karen, Coolum Beach ■ My first day with the Latin American Tour group was in Buenos Aires starting off with a blast of a night at the Tango dance hall. I fulfilled my long-

Latin America. Her local knowledge, eye for detail, a touch of difference and individual care made the tour a breeze and incredibly enjoyable. The bonus is that I have also made lifelong friends with other members of the tour, which made for one of the most exciting and fun trips I have experienced. – Felix, Melbourne Contact us for your next adventure and find it for yourself at Phone: 5492 5274, Stella 0400 193 040, Horacio 0466 721 446.

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Page 22 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

time dream of being at Machu Pichu. Shared my Oz lollies at Cuzco Plaza. Stella was our very special and very knowledgeable leader. A most memorable trip and will certainly encourage anyone who is interested to follow this path. Another tick off my “bucket list”…Mexico next here I come! Many thanks to Stella and Horacio. – Lily, Mooloolaba ■ …having always resisted the temptation to travel with group tours at any level, any such resistance soon proved to be of no concern once we arrived with Stella and her team in

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The town that refuses to die hot shower before bedding down for the night. While you yarn with your fellow travellers you can enjoy the local birdlife – brolgas, emus, butcherbirds, and, when the creek is flowing as it is just now, cormorants and ducks. All of this is at no charge but the good folk of Bollon ask that you make a donation to keep their Bush Nursing Centre operating. Last time I checked, they were saving hard for a defibrillator. Hopefully they’ve achieved their goal and have moved on to the next life-saving device. And where is this big-hearted town, you may ask? It lies between St George and Cunnamulla. If you like an easy stroll before lunch,

Wallam Creek campsite.

there is a concrete path along the creek that leads into the town and the handy pub just across the road. The path is lined with colourful plaques describing

Penny Gate

local history and nature. Another ‘must-visit’ place is the local heritage centre, where enthusiastic locals can regale you with interesting snippets of history.

The locals are friendly, love a chat and are always ready with advice on road conditions for the traveller. Grey nomads, like everyone else, are always on

the lookout for great bargains when it comes to travel and Bollon’s Wallam Creek Campsite is hard to beat.

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WE TOOK a ferry tour of the islands off Oban but unfortunately the fog rolled in and although the guide kept up his commentary, “And if you look out the port – that’s the left hand side for you landlubbers – you will see the house once owned by Oswald Mosley, leader of the English Fascist Party”. On Mull we saw the Penny Gate through which passengers once had to pass. If they could fit through with their bags they paid landing tax of 1d., but if they couldn’t fit thought they had to pay 2d.! – Kenn Rogers


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by Colleen Povall LIKE all outback towns, Bollon is doing it tough. There’s no longer a servo. Even the pub had to close its doors temporarily earlier this year and if a pub shuts down, you know a place is in trouble. There’s no grocery store as such. The café and the feed stock store sell basic necessities and for the rest, locals face the 120km drive to St George. But Bollon is not going down without a fight. In an attempt to attract the tourist dollar, they have created a beautiful campsite on Wallam Creek, free for travellers to pull up, have a drink by an open fire and, best of all, wash the dust off with a wonderful

Free library access as you travel (RLQ), a network of libraries in regions with populations less than 15,000. The RLQ Tourist Card is available to anyone travelling through outback and regional Queensland, and provides free access to more than 250,000 audio-

books, eBooks, books, music, movies and more for six months. Tourist members can borrow items at any rural library and return them to another. To request a free RLQ Tourist Card, visit

FAST FACTS: CAMBODIA UNTIL recently, Cambodia was considered part of the ‘hippy trail’ – off-thetrack and certainly lesser known than Asian ‘hotspots’ such as Hong Kong or Bali. However, Cambodia offers the visitor the chance to walk among ancient relics and gain an insight into a rapidly developing Asian nation. It was formerly known as Kampuchea. Australian passport hol-

ders require an entry visa – available on-line. Capital City: Phnom Penh Language: Khmer (English spoken in tourist areas) Religion: Majority are Theravada Buddhist Major attractions and things to do: Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple, Landmine museum, Royal Palace, Tonle Sap (giant inland lake), shopping in local markets, sampling local cuisine, taking a tuk-tuk ride

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THE State Library of Queensland has collaborated with local governments to provide free public library services to people travelling through rural areas. The Tourist Card is an initiative of Rural Libraries Queensland

July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 23

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Toowoomba’s biggest orchid show TOOWOOMBA Orchid Society turns 60 this year and is celebrating their Diamond Jubilee by holding a spectacular orchid show and conference – the likes of which hasn’t been seen before in the garden city. With 12 Orchid clubs from South East Queensland staging displays and the host club bursting with beautiful blooms, the event will be breathtaking. There will also be art, floral art and photography - all with orchids as the theme on display with some items for sale.

Toowoomba Orchid Society.

Also in attendance will be 11 orchid vendors from throughout Australia and one international - the show will be providing access to some of the best plants available nationally and internationally. To further compliment the orchid, vendors will be stalls selling everything from wine, cheese, soaps, jewellery, ferns and foliage and gardening implements. The show kicks off at 8.30am on Friday, July 24 until 3pm on July 25 at the Berghofer Recreation Centre, Baker Street, Toowoomba. Admission $5.

Come Swing Again with the Qld Pops Orchestra birthplace of traditional jazz with a roving ‘streetstyle’ presentation that will set the pace for this carnival of concerts. Comprising staff and students of the Jazz Music Institute in Brisbane’s Bowen Hills, this ebullient ensemble values the importance of early jazz and they’re sure to have audiences smiling, tapping their feet and even dancing in the ais-

ON AUGUST 29, the Queensland Pops Orchestra is back – bigger and brighter than ever – with its next stunning season concert Come Swing Again, presenting an all-time greats swing music showcase. The highly entertaining JMI New Orleans Street Band will open this unforgettable event, transporting the listener back to the

les to their cheerful and lively music throughout the concert – encapsulating the very best of traditional melodies and rhythms of the streets of New Orleans. . Come Swing Again with the Queensland Pops Orchestra and special guest artists, is on at QPAC Concert Hall, Saturday, August 29, 2.30pm and 7.30pm.

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What’s on in July

Dalby Cancer Council fundraising concert THE Dalby Cancer Council will be holding a fundraising concert on Saturday, July 11 at 2pm at the Presbyterian Church in Condamine Street. The concert will feature local artists and Female Vocal Trio, Terzetto with pro-


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ceeds going towards cancer research, education, prevention and support. Tickets are available from Schrecks Shoe Store. (Adults $15, Concession $12) and Afternoon Tea will be available. Phone 0423 060 848.

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Page 26 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors - July 2015

Play Reading Club – Toowoomba Repertory Theatre

Open to theatre, literature and drama enthusiasts of all ages, the Play Reading Club offers a venue for likeminded individuals. The next play to be discussed on Saturday, July 4, is August Osage Country, by Tracy Letts. Based upon an American, Midwestern family, the play explores the fallout caused when a family member disappears and longheld secrets are revealed. Thee reading starts at 7.30pm and tickets are $10. There will be a complimentary cheese and fruit plate. Additional information available at or by phoning The Empire Theatre 07 4698 9900

Markets in the Mountains – Stanthorpe Civic Centre With the slogan, “Make it, Bake it, Sew it or Grow it”, you know these markets have something for everyone. Showcasing everything from local produce through to arts and crafts, leather and wood work and gourmet food and wine, the markets offer a very pleasant, Winter-friendly way to fill in a morning. The next market is Sunday July 12 at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre (1 Marsh St), 8am-12 noon. Disabled access and facilities. 0417 760 529

Piano at TwilightToowoomba USQ Artworx plays host to London-based pianist,

Piers Lane for a one-night performance on 15 July. Born in Australia and educated at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Mr Lane has enjoyed an impressive international career, performing alongside the American Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic, the ABC and BBC orchestras, as well as being a five time soloist at the BBC Proms in London’s Royal Albert Hall. For his Toowoomba performance, he will perform a collection of classical works. Tickets are $25 and additional information can be obtained via 07 4631 1111

celebrate everything that is wonderful about the Winter season in a celebration of wool, fine food and great music. Come and learn more about ‘Yarn bombing’ (wool graffiti for the uninitiated), kick back and relax to the sounds of over 15 featured musical artists or take part in one of the various workshops, including tips on making warm winter slippers. A full festival program is available at The event is coordinated by Warwick Tourism and Events (07 4661 9073) and Warwick Art Gallery (07 4661 0434).

Christmas in July Progressive Lunch Ride This year’s Gatton Show (16-18 July) promises three - Stanthorpe Gatton Show

bumper days of ring events, cattle displays, goats, sheep, poultry, dogs, sideshow rides and nightly entertainment. The always- popular pavilion displays showcasing the skills of local residents will again be present. A special ‘100 Years of ANZAC’ ANZAC biscuit category in the cookery section is a highlight this year. Entry for pensioners is $6. For more information Gatton Show Society on 07 5462 2577,

Jumpers and Jazz in July – Warwick From 16-26 July, Warwick will burst into a quirky and colourful sight when its street trees don their own woolly jumpers as part of the annual Jumpers and Jazz festival. Embracing the cooler Winter temperatures, the city goes all out to

An event that enables you to indulge your love of fine food with the added bonus of being able to exercise off the additional calories!! Departing the Stanthorpe Visitor Information Centre (Leslie Parade) on Saturday, 25 July, 10am, this social ride enables riders to enjoy appetisers, a Christmas-inspired lunch, desert and wine tasting whilst taking in the beautiful scenery of the Granite Belt. The total distance cycled is 38 kms (or only the parts you choose), with support vehicles available. $120 per person, including bike hire. 0405 604 926 Limited places.

Athol Guy : The Seekers Story – Warwick and Toowoomba Bassist and founding member of The Seekers, Athol Guy, presents the story of

one of Australia’s most successful musical acts. Supported by the talented Rod Hulls (keyboards and vocal), Jenny Blake (vocals) and Michael Cristiano (guitar and vocals), Athol guides the audience through his musical beginnings and performs some of the groups greatest hits. The live show also features historical footage of The Seekers. Warwick RSL – Sat July 25, 8pm (07 4661 1229); Toowoomba City Golf Club – Sun 26 July, 3pm (07 4636 9000

Opera @ Jimbour – Dalby Area Heritage-listed Jimbour House (86 Jimbour Station Road) provides a fabulous backdrop for an afternoon of opera. This year, Johann Strauss’s Fledermaus is the featured operetta, performed by Opera Q’s soloists, Opera Queensland Toowoomba Community Chorus and the Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra. Organisers of the event, Queensland Music Festival (QMF), are offering audience members a unique opportunity to be part of the performance by inviting them to waltz during the famous ballroom scene. If this is not enough, luscious food and market stalls will be on the sidelines and celebrity chef, Alastair McLeod, will be cooking up a treat prior to the commencement of the opera. The performance starts a 2pm with market stalls open from 10am. For more information, please contact Queensland Music Festival on 07 3010 6600 or via email at

Indiana Jones Meets Mozart In The Magic Flute Crossword Answers from Page ## 26

provides morning tea and lunch. A talented and passionate group of gardeners will speak. Barb Wicks from Buderim is an expert on salvia and old roses. Lois Roberts grows many Alister Clark roses, old roses and Harold Swim roses at her Drillham property. Charles Shan from Warwick is a salvia guru but he is also great with roses. Leonie

Opposites: 1. Hamper/help 2. Current/past 3. Conflict/harmony 4. Bumpkin/sophisticate 5. Magnanimous/mean Mini Fit: Ear Soundalikes: 1. Ate/eight 2. Chews/choose 3. Peeked/piqued 4. Wheeled/wield

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The Magic Flute by Opera Australia.

Kearney owns a rose nursery at Samford with a wide range of polyantha and old roses, many grown by cutting. Dawn Eldridge is the niece of the very wellknown Australian rose breeder Frank Riethmuller. She grows all of his roses in Crows Nest including Carabella, Esmerelda and Spring Song. Gay Kearey of Pittsworth loves her roses passionately and is an

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years the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers has been an exciting tourist drawcard as well as a key promotional vehicle for the wider region and our other tourist locations and events.’ Minister for Tourism, Kate Jones, said the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers had been added to Queensland’s major events calendar, proving a greater opportunity to grow visitation. “The event certainly attracts more than 100,000 visitors to the destination each year,” she said. Cr McDonald said the upgrade was backed by recent tourist industry plaudits. ‘Earlier this year, Carnival won the Event and Festival section at the Australian Tourism Awards in Adelaide. This followed last

year’s honour when Carnival won a gold award in the Festivals and Events category at the 2014 Queensland Tourism Awards. “All of these accolades are a tribute to organisers and the many community groups and volunteers who contribute to Carnival’s ongoing evolution and success. “Almost 37,000 visitors from outside the Toowoomba region visited various Carnival events, generating around $10 million in direct and incremental spending. “Plans are well advanced for this 66th annual Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers for September 18-27.” Patrons will be treated to a fabulous 10 days of festivities that celebrate flowers, food, wine and music in some of our most dazzling parks and gardens.

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expert in the care and fertilising of them. The forum is a fund raiser for the recently formed Gardens of the Downs committee which plans to stage open garden days on the Darling Downs to replace the now defunct Open Gardens Australia. To book your forum tickets please email or ring Belinda on 0427 932 033.

Toowoomba’s Carnival of Flowers scores again THE Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers has capped a run of awards in the past year by adding another the events award category at the 2015 Parks and Leisure Australia Queensland’s Awards for Excellence. Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) has also elevated the festival to major event status. Toowoomba Regional Mayor Paul Antonio welcomed the move. He said Council was committed to staging a truly spectacular festival and the additional TEQ recognition was a welcome boost for organisers. “This is a significant boost and will ensure the Carnival will continue to flourish as Australia’s longest running horticultural event,’ he said. “Over the past 65


Brain Training Answers From page 27

Rose forum planned for Pittsworth in August ROSE enthusiasts are in for a treat in Pittsworth. Local nursery owner Penny McKinlay has organised a Rose Forum for Wednesday, August 19, 9am-4pm at the Pittsworth Function Centre. Six rose experts will share their knowledge as well as demonstrating useful techniques. Participants will have the chance to ask advice and there will be plants on sale. Cost of $30



with his own ego. So much of this opera is about letting go of what you want, and finding a way to meet people halfway.” The Magic Flute is performed in English and while it retains the music and storyline of Mozart’s original, Gow and Kemp have transformed The Magic Flute to make it fresh and fun – full of references to movies like The Mummy and Indiana Jones. Selected members of the Toowoomba Youth Choral Society make up the Children’s Chorus who have been working hard towards their performance with Opera Australia. The Opera Australia Regional Tour production (formerly known as Oz Opera) is designed to entertain people of all ages, during its tour across 17 regional centres in Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia in 2015. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact the Box Office on 1300 655 299 or visit



THE Indiana Jones-inspired tale of adventure is heading to the Empire Theatre on July 16 for Opera Australia’s brand new production of The Magic Flute. A spirited Egyptian adventure will see twelve Opera Australia singers join a local children’s choir under the baton of conductors Simon Kenway and Paul Fitzsimon. The Magic Flute follows the journey of two young couples, where new strengths are forged and true love and friendship are tested. As the tale unfolds, hero Prince Tamino receives a magic flute from the Queen of the Night and sets out to rescue her daughter Pamina from an evil priest. Adventure, drama, comedy and love ensue! Director Michael Gow and designer Robert Kemp describe The Magic Flute as a timeless story of a hero in search of adventure. “It’s a sort of classic quest, really,” says Gow. “We have a young man who wants to find true love. But he’s got it all the wrong way around, and has to deal


July 2015 - Toowoomba & Darling Downs Seniors- Page 27

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