The 6 Things You Should Know Buying Insurance can be a real About Insurance pain in the behind. This is primarily due to fact that it isn’t something you do very much. Maybe once a year you shop for auto or health insurance and with the constant changes it is difficult for a consumer to stay current let alone be able to compare the options.
This is insurance speak for – they don’t want you to know. Ask questions, lots of them until you understand what you are getting.
ead the policy. Very very few R people ever actually read their Insurance policy and then when they have a problem it becomes a real problem. Be sure to check your name, address, coverage amounts. Guaranteed that when you file a claim the Insurance company will check on you..
With this in mind I came up with 6 things that every consumer needs to know about Insurance.
ho is the person W you are dealing with for the Insurance? If you are going online to buy insurance then you have problems that this brief article does not have time to address. Just know that are no online “deals”. Your best option is to find someone that is local and knowledgeable. The fact that your sisters mechanics cousins neighbor has an Insurance license does not make them a good choice. They may be wonderful people but on the day you need help they may not be available.
ho is the Insurance company W you are dealing with? Not all Insurance companies are the same. Those big fancy ads cost lots of money and the consumer is the one who really pays for them. There is no FREE.
here is no such thing as full T coverage or a standard policy.
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ever cancel your current policy N until you have a new one, in writing. Never ever. Just a one day lapse can turn into the worst day of your life.
ll Insurance is Risk ManageA ment. You pay a small amount so that in the event of a problem someone else gets stuck paying the big money. You don’t want that big problem but if it happens you don’t want to be the one who pays. ~
Editor’s Note: This article was submitted by Donald C. Kirkendall. Don is the Managing Partner of KIRKENDALL Insurance. KIRKENDALL Insurance is an Integrated Independent Insurance Agency located in Winter Park FL. Real people, real office. He can be reached at 407-35-5904 or by email at: insuranceman@ kirkendallinsurance. com. See ad on page 1. Indicates website link on