1 minute read
Is Home Care Right for Me?
Choosing to get additional in-home support for yourself or a loved one is an important decision.
In some cases, a physician may recommend certain services that can be received at home following a fall, surgery, or an illness. But in other cases, the need for in-home care may not be as clear. How do you know if the time is right to get some additional support in your home? 1. Is family support or a support network readily available? If not, this is one clue for the need for additional care. 2. Does you or your loved one have freedom of mobility being able to ambulate indoors and outdoors without falling?
Is getting into/out of bed, climbing stairs, or negotiating the shower/tub a concern? 3. Is the person able to drive safely? Do they drive at all? 4. Does the loved one still have a capable memory and is able to perform tasks such as remembering to take medication, turn off a stove burner, and lock doors? 5. Is this person able to follow complex medical directions such as taking vital signs, or following a prescription regimen without supervision? 6. Can the loved one shop for themselves, stocking the home with healthy groceries, and then able to prepare these consistently? 7. Is this person able to pay attention to personal hygiene as well as do their own laundry including clothes, towels, and bedlinens? 8. Does the loved one’s home offer a safe environment for living and socializing? Do they keep it clean, well heated and cooled, and free from pests. Is the home free from clutter and hazards (loose rugs, exposed wiring, slippery tile, uneven surfaces, etc.), and would they know what to do in the case of an emergency? 9. Are the levels of social interaction what they were 5 years ago?
The points mentioned above should give you a starting point to think about in-home care and then have an appropriate conversation with your loved one. It might be urgent if the points above are not being accomplished, or it might be beneficial if the points are not consistently being accomplished.
Editor’s Note: This article was submitted by Jeff Kosor, owner of Senior Helpers of Southwest Pittsburgh. Jeff can be reached at jkosor@seniorhelpers.com or 412.851.3223. See their ad on page 125.