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Meeting Place

Meeting Place

Four copies of much-praised historical novel to be won!

Senior Times,in association with the publisher Poolbeg Press are offering four copies of Lives Apart by Anne M. McLoughlin in this issue’s crossword competition. Lives Apart is a tale of emigration from Ireland to America after the famine. Set in County Clare, Boston, San Francisco, and Nova Scotia it explores sibling relationships and how a disastrous action can reverberate through the lives of the extended family. It also looks at the experience of emigration, both for those who had the courage to venture across the Atlantic and those they left behind.

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History Crossword Number 116 by Zoë DevlinCrossword


1 Season of Easter and daffodils (6) 5 Is this girl’s name an issue? (5) 8 Break into pieces or former Fine Gael politician? (7) 12 Essayist, Charles ___ or young sheep? (4) 6 Prank played on day after 31st March! (5,4) 17 A mad retort for this large Netherlands city? (9) 18 Pungent sauce made of red hot peppers (7) 19 Jonathan or small bird noted for rapid flight (5) 20 More than is needed or late edition of newspaper (5) 21 Motorway in German-speaking country (8) 23 I also like this midland county (5) 24 Outer covering of seed (4) 25 Alter or cause to change (6) 26 Season when the leaves turn brown (6) 27 Does Pa dish out pesticide to kill these bugs? (6) 32 Person such as Neil Armstrong (8) 34 Publication such as ‘The Irish Examiner’ (9) 36 Rays of light from the sky (8) 40 Consume food (3) 41 Don’t debase the floor of the ocean! (6) 42 Easter Rising leader, ___ Connolly (5) 43 Tomato juice cocktail for the army, Old Boy! (6,4) 47 Disdain, contempt .. for your corns? (5) 48 Promote, upgrade or raise up (7) 49 Damascus is the capital of this country (5) 50 Surmise or believe to be guilty (7) 52 Relating to European country or Pa’s shin? (7) 54 Play such as ‘Juno & the Paycock’ (5) 56 Ship’s officer in charge of dining arrangements (7) 58 Limbless scaly reptile (5) 60 Sailing boats with two hulls (10) 62 Compulsory contributions to state revenue (5) 63 Former Taoiseach, familiarly known as ___ (6) 64 Soluble substance for colouring fabric or hair (3) 67 Unknown individual (8) 69 Relating to the sky (9) 70 Conserve or maintain, or even jam? (8) 73 Our upper house, ___ Éireann (6) 74 Coldest season of the year (6) 75 Narrator or person who works in a bank (6) 76 Thaw or unfreeze (4) 79 Author ___ Lessing or movie star, ___ Day (5) 81 Aromatic shrub with mauve/blue flowers (8) 83 Latin-American ballroom dance (5) 84 Deep opening in the earth’s surface (5) 87 Musical composition for voices & orchestra (7) 88 Chemical used to kill rodents or insects (9) 90 Position or job in an organisation (9) 91 The Occident (4) 92 Day connected to pancakes! (7) 93 Item written into a record or diary (5) 94 Unit of money in Israel (6) DOWN

2 Allows or tolerates (7) 3 I let in water into this small cove (5) 4 Retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (6) 5 Answer to a problem (8) 6 Arranged in many parts, as in TV dramas (10) 7 Where the river widens into the sea (7) 8 Rain containing ice (5) 9 Assistance or help (3) 10 The Brothers Grimm’s small hero (3,5) 11 Old Testament’s great-grandmother of King David (4) 12 Print slanderous statements against someone (5) 13 Italian fascist dictator, Benito ___ (9) 14 Small rolls of soft bread (4) 15 Equine creatures (6) 22 Manservant in charge of the table (6) 24 Female steward on a plane (7) 26 Born Salzburg, 1756, Wolfgang ___ Mozart (7) 28 Aggressively ambitious and forceful (5) 29 Capital of Finland (8) 30 Ceremonial procession of marching people (6) 31 They serve on juries (6) 33 Person trained to travel as 32 Across (9) 35 Lanes lead to this Boyne valley castle (5) 37 Republic in northeastern Africa (5) 38 One who relies on another for financial support (9) 39 Is there an alarm team at your old school? (4,5) 44 Could be ___ the Great or ___ Graham Bell? (9) 45 Coming or going, it’s a Co Meath town! (5) 46 One who might dwell in Athens (5) 51 Excited anticipation of approaching climax (8) 52 For keeping the feet warm (5) 53 Wooden stick used in camogie or hurling (6) 55 One who pursues a sport as a pastime (7) 56 Aroma .. fragrance (5) 57 Discourages or dissuades (6) 59 Highest mountain peak at 8,849 metres (7) 61 Food from heaven? (5) 65 Plant with stinging hairs (6) 66 New York Stock Exchange lives here (4,6) 68 Reshuffle or put into a new order (9) 71 Nickname of New York city (3,5) 72 Largest producer of cognac (8) 73 Persuade, lure or entice away from duty (6) 75 Pate or meatloaf baked in earthenware casserole (7) 77 Deliberately vague or ambiguous (7) 78 Young lads (6) 80 Astute, intelligent, chic (5) 82 Common flower that grows in lawns (5) 84 Let’s be clear! This is the banner county! (5) 85 Tailless cat from the Isle of Man (4) 86 Creator of ‘Bambi’ and ‘Pinnochio’___ Disney (4) 89 Divot or piece of turf (3)

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