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Expressway Q and A

Expressway Q and A

Five copies of The Secrets of Ageless Ageing to be won!

Senior Times, in association with the publishers, Beehive Books, are offering five copies The Secret of Ageless Ageing in this issue’s crossword competition. Author Karen Ward takes her reader by the hand on a voyage of self-discovery and a celebration of middle age and beyond. Rather than be daunted by this experience, she gives sound, practical advice and a common-sense and holistic approach to the inevitability that is growing older. Karen’s wise and witty style is backed by interviews with those older and wiser, who share their regrets and joys, and give sage advice. The Secrets of Ageless Ageing is full of tips on how best to manage our physicality, time, mental health and relationships as we age, how to ease our adjustment to retirement and a slower pace of life, and, most importantly, how to embrace with enthusiasm the many opportunities that the latter stages of our lives offer. Dr Karen Ward, holistic therapist, appears on RTÉ’s Health Squad.

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Senior Times Crossword Competition, Senior Times, PO Box 13215, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The first four entries drawn are the winners. Deadline for receipt of entries is 20th August 2022.

History Crossword Number 118 by Zoë DevlinCrossword


1 Football game (6) 4 Game played with racquets on a court (6) 8 Team sport played by Irish women (7) 11 Violent weather condition (5) 15 Accumulate or gather (5) 16 Fencing sword found in a teepee? (4) 17 Large silver plate for serving food (6) 18 Game played with shuttlecock (9) 20 Young horse (4) 21 Central area of a church (4) 22 Located within or close to centre (5) 23 Familiar name of Dwight D Eisenhower (3) 24 Consistent with fact or reality (4) 26 Team game resembling basketball (7) 28 Hard durable wood (4) 29 Lower house of the Oireachtas, ___ Eireann (4) 30 Game or type of fruit drink (6) 35 Revolve or turn around (6) 37 German composer, Ludwig van ___ (9) 38 Game more properly called table tennis (4-4) 42 Beyond normal limits, unrestrained (9) 44 Traditional Irish game (7) 46 Fish or Co Mayo peninsula (6) 48 Move - depart - proceed (2) 50 Broadcast that has episodes (6) 52 Sharp pointed implement with eye (6) 53 Asian river, sacred to Hindus (6) 54 Something that is a threat or danger (6) 55 Very sad - involving grief (6) 56 Encouraging or prodding (6) 58 Gatherings where Irish dancing takes place (6) 59 Morning prayers (6) 63 Extra-terrestrial! (1.1.) 64 Robin Hood’s lady love, Maid ___ (6) 65 Provide commentary or tell story (7) 66 Cardinal number and sum of 21+1 (6-3) 68 Can a listener live in this province? (8) 70 Set free this edible rat? (9) 73 You get nil for this 2/- coin (6) 78 Sweet liquid attractive to pollinators (6) 80 AKA Paul Hewson of U2 fame (4) 81 Fury, anger, madness (4) 82 Stolen Irish-bred racehorse (7) 86 Brown coating on iron caused by moisture (4) 88 Inferior dog (3) 89 Not asleep (5) 90 Stately white aquatic bird (4) 91 Cord in a candle (4) 95 Unaccompanied form of sacred chant (9) 96 Destroyed (6) 97 Wets the seashore twice daily (4) 98 Bertie ___, former Taoiseach (5) 100 Game in which pointed missiles are thrown (5) 101 Medical procedure involving an incision (7) 102 I can relate to this Co Kerry town (6) 103 Dough such as puff, shortcrust or flaky (6)


1 Garment worn around the neck (5) 2 A care chart for a fictitious person? (9) 3 Compass point (4) 5 This hour can be the last possible minute (8) 6 Certainly not ‘Yes’ (2) 7 Discolourations and unclean marks (6) 8 Large dark enclosed space (6) 9 Preserve beloved of Paddington (9) 10 Eternal .. infinite (7) 11 Travel through water like a fish (4) 12 Freshwater mammal with webbed feet (5) 13 Long-tailed primate (6) 14 Remember or recollect (6) 18 Headgear for a horse (6) 19 Closing section of a musical composition (6) 25 Respiratory organ in the chest (4) 26 Sons of your brother or sister (7) 27 Product of human creativity (3) 31 Not fast (4) 32 Deprive of food (6) 33 Acting in a funny or teasing way (6) 34 Bar from attention or disregard (6) 36 Either of two offspring born at the same time (4) 39 Unengaged or not working (4) 40 Postponing or putting on a red finger? (9) 41 At once .. straightaway (9) 43 Breakfast foodstuff .. sounds like a TV soap (6) 44 Roman Emperor of Wall fame - he had rain! (7) 45 Not fake or counterfeit (7) 47 Swelling from excessive water in tissues (5) 49 One who loves to be cruel (6) 51 Actress ___Ekberg or author ___Brookner (5) 55 Increase threefold (6) 57 Loft or attic or ___ Fitzgerald? (6) 58 Belfast-born actor, ___ Hinds (6) 60 Ken Doherty won at this cue sport in 1997 (7) 61 Having wisdom, like one half of Eric & Ernie? (4) 62 Make tight and secure against leakage (4) 67 Divine type of plant for growing grapes (4) 69 Piece of land for building on (4) 71 Lake Isle that WB Yeats would go to .. (9) 72 Rubbed out, removed from memory (6) 74 Fish eggs with grainy texture (3) 75 Careless, inattentive, lax (9) 76 King of the fairies who had no robe (6) 77 Sweat (8) 79 Chief mountain range of western N. America (7) 82 Frightened of cedars or perhaps sacred! (6) 83 Saint whose day is on first of February (6) 84 Soft decayed area in a tooth (6) 85 Song or hymn of mourning (6) 87 Long pointed rod used as a weapon (5) 92 Broadcaster with daily show on Newstalk. Pat ___ (5) 93 Love interest of Superman ___ Lane (4) 94 Indonesian island south of Borneo (4) 99 In short, it means Thank You (2)

Adults return to the Gaeltacht for a unique holiday experience

Irish summer colleges are often associated with teenagers, but for almost 40 years participants aged 18 to 88 have travelled to Oideas Gael, in the Gaeltacht of southwest Co. Donegal, for a unique holiday learning experience.

Since its foundation in 1984, Oideas Gael has attracted thousands of participants to its highly-acclaimed language courses and cultural programmes. Many people come to learn or improve their spoken Irish and Oideas Gael courses cater to all levels from beginners to advanced speakers.

Those who would prefer to avoid the classroom, or who would like to try a different kind of holiday, can choose from a wide selection of week-long cultural activity courses, including Irish traditional music, hill walking, exploring the environment, archaeology, geology, painting, tapestry weaving, and more. These courses are delivered bilingually, and language ability is no barrier to taking part. What’s more, you might leave with a cúpla focal more than you came with.

While the COVID-19 pandemic meant that much of Oideas Gael’s activities since 2020 moved online, this year the organisation’s staff are enjoying welcoming people in person once more: weekend and the Easter holidays,” says Oideas Gael Language Director Rónán Ó Dochartaigh.

“It’s fantastic to have people back in person and it really is the best and most enjoyable way to engage with our living language and culture.”

At Oideas Gael, there is a strong emphasis on the spoken language and enjoying the learning process. All participants can take part in the evening cultural sessions—which range from traditional song to Irish dancing to mindfulness classes—which add an additional cultural element to week’s experience, not to mention some good craic!

To learn more visit www.oideasgael.ie or call +353 (0)74 97 30 248.


Maintaining a healthy mind

Magnesium 500:

Get eight hours sleep, meditate, get a hobby, get enough exercise…

These are just some of the things we are told to do to maintain a healthy mind and body. Reducing and preventing high stress levels is vital for our mental health, however it can be difficult for some of us to find the time to prioritise relaxation.

Something which is often overlooked when reducing stress levels is creating a healthier and more balanced diet. Consuming three healthy balanced meals per day, ensuring to include enough protein and fibre, and reducing caffeine intake is one way to manage our blood sugar levels which in turn, helps us maintain a balanced mood throughout the day.

However, certain nutrients are often low or deficient in our diet due to food processing. Magnesium is an example of one of these nutrients which nearly fifty percent of the population may be low or deficient in, largely due to poor diet but also due to the use of fruit and vegetable processing which depletes the natural levels of magnesium in our soil.

Deficiency in Magnesium can cause a range of issues such as tiredness, cramping, fatigue, poor sleep and can even affect our bone health. While consuming more fruit and vegetables can help replenish our magnesium levels, supplementation can help to boost magnesium in our body quickly and will ensure that you are receiving a standardised amount each time.

Sona Magnesium 500mg contains elemental magnesium for optimal absorption, helping to promote normal muscle function, reduce tiredness, and fatigue and maintain excellent bone health. Supplementation of Sona Magnesium 500mg means that you can choose when is optimal for you to take the supplement. For example, some people like to take it before bed to increase their sleep quality, while others prefer to take it in the morning to balance their nervous system and reduce tiredness.

CoQ10 200mg

You don’t have to recover from COVID-19 alone…

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that your body produces naturally. Your cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance.

Levels of CoQ10 in your body decrease as you age. CoQ10 levels have also been found to be lower in people with certain conditions, such as heart disease, and in those who take cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins such as Lipitor and Atorvastatin.

CoQ10 is found in meat, fish and nuts. The amount of CoQ10 found in these dietary sources, however, isn't enough to significantly increase CoQ10 levels in your body.

CoQ10 dietary supplements might help prevent or treat certain heart conditions, as well as migraine headaches.

CoQ10 may also help you recover faster from ‘long Covid’. Recent evidence has suggested that supplementing with 200mg of CoQ10 each day such as Sona CoQ10 MAX, while recovering from Covid-19 may help to speed up the healing process and reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue. While evidence is still in the early stages, medical practitioners are introducing the supplement to patients with long covid since medication for the illness is yet to be introduced to the market.

In addition to Covid-19 recovery, CoQ10 supplements also host a plethora of other benefits for heart health. It is specifically recommended for those who take statins (Lipitor or Atorvastatin), as this medication can deplete natural levels of CoQ10 in the body, leaving patients feeling fatigued.

Sona CoQ10 MAX provides 200mg of concentrated coenzyme Q10 per capsule, including a small amount of oil for optimal absorption into the bloodstream and Vitamin E.

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